Chapter 21

The truth about the HRG plan

Lightning tore through the leaden cloud layer, and the air was filled with the salty tang that heralds the arrival of the rainy season.

The little boy squatted under the tree in the garden, his snow-white face expressionless. His deep black eyes remained still as he silently watched a long line of ants crawling toward a higher point.

“…Six years old and still can’t speak…” “Such a high-IQ family, yet their youngest son is intellectually disabled…”

The whispers of the people reached from afar and then disappeared at the end of the corridor. The little boy seemed deaf to it all until the voice of a young man echoed from above him:

“What are you doing?”

The little boy turned around.

Behind him was a man in his early twenties, tall with black hair. His face exhibited prominent mixed-race features, appearing quite sharp. His eyes, of a rare gray-green color, resembled the sky brewing a storm at this moment. His gaze focused on the small boy’s hands.

In the palm of the little boy’s hand was a melting honey candy. He held the candy, sticking it to the ground near the ant hole. Some ants that had just emerged from the nest changed their course, marching in groups toward his hand.

“…Slow.” The little boy uttered a single word.

His thought processes were too advanced, to the point where the language system at his age couldn’t keep up. After a moment, he turned around and pointed to a nearby slope, struggling to articulate a few words, “Behind… rain… melted, molecular heat, diffusion…”

“Do you mean to say that the worker ants at the back won’t have time to move to higher ground before the rain, so you melted the honey candy to accelerate molecular motion, thereby increasing molecular diffusion rate and attracting more ants to climb onto your hand? And then you transported them to the slope?”

The little boy nodded vigorously, his dark pupils reflecting the man’s condescending face.

“The olfactory sensory nerve cells in the antennae of ants are among the most sensitive in the natural world, and the nerve endings of the odor receptors are in contact with the glomerulus of the antennal lobe. In other words, increasing molecular diffusion rate is not of much use in attracting ants—and besides.”

The man bent down, gripping the little boy’s hand, and swung it, flinging the melted honey into the grass on the slope.

“You gave too much honey to the ants.” He sternly said, “Ants won’t thank you; they’ll just get stuck in the sugar, fool.”

Raindrops the size of beans began to patter down, dispersing the ant colony that hadn’t had time to migrate.

The little boy was at a loss, wanting to scoop up the mud but having no time. Trying to catch the ants, he was immediately bitten on the palm, crushing several ants in the chaos. The man swiftly lifted him up, dragging him back under the shelter of the corridor.

The entire world was engulfed in a curtain of grayish-white rain, and no one knew that an ant colony had just disintegrated, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The little boy widened his eyes, moisture condensing in the fearful depths of his eyes.

“In the world, ants have their own path of evolution. Trying to interfere with natural selection with naive kindness is like hitting a rock with an egg. Don’t you understand such a simple truth?”


The man crossed his arms, looking down at the child with undisguised helplessness and annoyance. After a while, he sighed and muttered, “Forget it.”

Such sentimentality and sensitivity, perhaps, were additional manifestations brought about by low intelligence.

“Go back to the safety zone,” he ordered. “The experiment has reached a critical stage. Don’t come out to disturb others.”


The underground safety zone was spacious and quiet, and the sound of flowing water was particularly clear.

The little boy stood on a stool in the bathroom, washing his hands, as if he had already grown accustomed to the quiet and solitude. Suddenly, he noticed a moving black dot on the inside of his wrist and widened his eyes.

It was a small ant.

A nearly joyful light burst from the depths of the little boy’s eyes. He delicately picked up the ant, placed it in a transparent glass, and hurried into the bedroom to quickly search for a piece of candy. Carefully, he placed the candy in the cup, watching as the ant extended its antennae toward the sweet treat.

A seemingly insignificant miracle of life.

The little boy smiled, his small face in the mirror filled with happiness. He murmured to himself, “All… all of us… it’s… ants…”

He decided to close his mouth, seemingly unwilling to burden himself with the struggles of his language organization function. He hopped off the stool, leaving only a cheerful silhouette as he ran out of the bathroom.

—You and I are both mere ants in this world, with no fundamental difference. How can we be certain that evolution cannot have a path of peace?

The little boy didn’t turn around, so he didn’t see the figure in the mirror behind him, frozen in place and unmoving.

After a while, the figure slowly restrained its smile, stood up straight, and its face gradually became very unfamiliar. The dark eyes stared intently in the direction the little boy had left, and after a long pause, it cracked a smile, revealing gleaming white teeth:

“Shen Zhuo…”

It rasped with interest, as if, after all these years on Earth, it had finally detected something quite unique and intriguing from this young observer.

“Shen, Zhuo—”


Lightning illuminated the hospital room window, followed by a thunderous roar that echoed through the night, shaking the earth.

In the next moment, the monitoring device emitted urgent beeping, and a nurse abruptly stood up, saying, “The patient is conscious. Quickly report to the supervision office!”

On the hospital bed, Shen Zhuo’s face was pale and weary, and he slowly opened his eyes.

“Wait,” a deep male voice came from the corner of the room.

The two nurses unexpectedly halted in their tracks. In a chair against the wall, Bai Sheng was clad in a black T-shirt and training pants with his two long legs casually crossed. He carelessly played with a small metal object in his hand: “You two can take a break. Thanks for your hard work. No need to call anyone. “


“Just go.”

The nurse hesitated, but in this specialized hospital for evolutionists, nobody dared to defy the will of an S-class. The submission of lower-ranked peers was almost instinctive.

The two nurses exchanged a glance and looked at the motionless, pale figure on the bed. Eventually, with unease, they retreated.

With a click, the door closed, leaving only two figures in the dimly lit ward.

The night was like an endless sea, and the rain pounded against the glass windows. Under the faint light at the bedside, the air in the room was quiet and stagnant. Shen Zhuo’s consciousness was hazy, and after a moment, he murmured as if in a dream, “I feel like I had a dream…”

Bai Sheng asked, “What kind of dream?”

“It was raining in the sky, the mud in the garden was wet, and I became very small. There was a person with gray-green eyes…”

Memory was like a fleeting fish, glimpsing through the interplay of light and shadow, revealing itself for a moment, then disappearing without a trace.

“…I don’t remember the rest,” Shen Zhuo murmured. “Many years ago… I’ve forgotten everything.”

He closed his eyes and, after a moment, opened them again, seeming slightly more awake: “Why are you here?”

“Why am I here?” Bai Sheng chuckled, stood up, and stretched lazily.

He was like a lion leisurely rising, his powerful muscle contours completely concealed in the shadows, emanating a casual yet suffocating sense of pressure. With one hand, he effortlessly pressed Shen Zhuo, who was just about to sit up, back onto the hospital bed.

“You’ve been unconscious for six hours. The outside world is about to turn upside down. Chen Miao and the others have been urgently dispatched to various districts for stability. They’ll be back in at least half an hour.”

“Half an hour is enough for a lot to happen, and given your current physical condition, learning to comply and cooperate would be better for you.”

Bai Sheng finally held up the small object he had been playing with in front of Shen Zhuo. It was a syringe picked up from the scene, with the letter ‘S’ engraved on the metal tube.

“The so-called Human Regeneration Plan, abbreviated as HRG Plan, refers to the injection that can temporarily grant ordinary humans abilities. Am I guessing right?”

“…” Shen Zhuo stared at the syringe in a daze, silent.

“Not talking, huh?” Bai Sheng gently looked down at him. “Then let me talk.”

“When you were abducted at the Quanshan County Health Center, you injected an A-class drug. The source of the drug is related to Zhang Wenyong. The evidence is that, after evolution, you temporarily acquired Zhang Wenyong’s ability to control the weather. The lightning that fell when you delt with Shunsuke Noda originated from this.”

“Subsequently, the drug that elevated you to S-class should be related to Fu Chen. Although your body’s constitution is not enough to unleash the full combat power of an S-class, it’s sufficient to use the Upright-Inverted Cross. That’s why there were rumors after Fu Chen’s death that you acquired a portion of his abilities.”

Outside, the storm raged, but the atmosphere inside the room seemed to freeze.

“I had it tested.” Bai Sheng leaned down, closely observing Shen Zhuo. “This drug contains the serum of an evolutionist, right, Inspector Shen?”

The two were very close, with Bai Sheng holding Shen Zhuo’s throat in one hand and his thumb lightly rubbing against the skin of his neck.

Under the dim yellow light, it might even give the impression of a warm and harmless scene.

“…Answer a question of mine.”

Shen Zhuo finally spoke slowly, each syllable resonating in his throat with a slight tremor, pressing directly against Bai Sheng’s grip.

“Do you think there can be peace between humans and evolutionists?”

Bai Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at him. After a moment, he said, “I think true peace has never existed in human history, but it doesn’t prevent us from harboring hope. What exactly are you trying to say?”

A faint smile touched the pale corner of Shen Zhuo’s lips, a subtle detail that lasted only an instant.

“Peace only stands on two conditions: one is built upon piles of flesh and blood, and the other is under extreme deterrence. That’s why we have the HRG Plan.” He looked at the empty syringe in Bai Sheng’s hand and said hoarsely, “You didn’t guess wrong. The so-called HRG refers to the drug that temporarily evolves humans… but it has a flaw.”

“It requires a large amount of evolutionist blood serum as a culture medium.”

“Using someone’s serum, you can gain their ability.”

Thunder rolled through the sky, as if a dark sea were shaking.

“…,” Bai Sheng’s deep eyes sparkled slightly in the shadows. After a short while, he chuckled briefly, “Dear, you really are a poisonous beauty.”

Shen Zhuo said, “Call me whatever you want. Science is not subject to my personal will for now.”

Maintaining the forced supine position, he gave tired yet calm instructions, “Release your hand and step back three meters, or I’ll give you a serious blow.”

Something cold pressed against Bai Sheng.

He glanced down, only to see the barrel of a gun.

It was a specially-made bullet from the supervision office, non-lethal for an S-class, but capable of leaving pain unforgettable for a lifetime by targeting a specific organ.

After three seconds of tense confrontation, Bai Sheng slowly raised his hands and took a half step back:

“Not taking the opportunity to check you out from head to toe while you were unconscious was indeed a high standard of my moral ethics. I promise there won’t be a next time.”

Shen Zhuo said calmly, “We can discuss next time when the next time comes.”

Shen Zhuo raised the gun, sitting up. His body, covered in numerous scars, had been healed by the most top-notch medical abilities at any cost. Faint red scars were visible under his clothing, but the Chief Supervisor showed no sign of vulnerability that one might expect after just waking from unconsciousness. From the barrel of the gun to his voice, everything was remarkably steady: “Step back, sit down. I will satisfy your annoying curiosity, on the condition that you learn… to comply and cooperate.”


Bai Sheng stepped back to the wall, sat back in the armchair, and spread his legs nonchalantly, paying no attention to the gun pointed at a vital part of himself. At the same time, he openly assessed Shen Zhuo from head to toe.


“The Human Regeneration Plan is a research project that has been ongoing for 30 years. Initially, its purpose was to optimize human genes and extend the average lifespan. However, five years ago, a hundred thousand people globally suddenly evolved, causing a significant upheaval in world peace. To protect humanity, which appeared as vulnerable as ants before the evolutionists, HRG, under my leadership, changed its direction, and all research was focused on one goal.”

Shen Zhuo spoke slowly: “To enable ordinary people to gain abilities.”

When those high-level ability users at the research institute heard this, they showed various expressions of mockery, opposition, absurdity, and incredulity. However, Bai Sheng did not.

He leaned on the armrest of the chair, fingers interlaced in front of him, attentively squinting his eyes.

“Three years ago, there was a breakthrough in theoretical simulations. We developed a gene interference factor that allows humans to temporarily gain abilities, also known as Ability Enhancement Drug. However, due to the short duration of the drug’s effects and the need for a large amount of serum as a culture medium, in order to prevent laboratories around the world from capturing evolutionists as blood cows, I strongly advocated keeping it secret until these two shortcomings were addressed.”

“However, there was a traitor within the institute, causing repeated leaks in the experimental progress, especially regarding the serum.”

Bai Sheng’s expression subtly changed, anticipating the next part.

“As expected, the extremist evolutionist protection organization spared no effort to stop the HRG Plan after the leaks, particularly the part about the serum. I encountered several assassination attempts, narrowly escaping death each time, until the last one.”

Shen Zhuo fell silent for a moment and said, “The last one was the explosion at the Qinghai test site.”

Bai Sheng remained silent, slowly rubbing his purlicue with his thumb. After a while, he asked, “Did you catch the traitor afterward?”

“No,” Shen Zhuo said. “The Intelligence Bureau conducted three thorough searches of the institute, but so far, they have found nothing.”


Bai Sheng furrowed his brows, pondering for a moment, and asked, “Have you ever suspected that the traitor might be related to Fu Chen or Su Jiqiao?”

“Under such significant temptations of interest, no one can escape suspicion. Anyone could have wanted to lead me to my demise. The traitor could be anyone, even including those senior researchers who wrote their wills before entering the project,” Shen Zhuo said calmly. “But it doesn’t matter now because their goal has been achieved. After the explosion in Qinghai, I was expelled from HRG. The Institute, as the only neutral and independent institution between humans and evolutionists, completely lost the research authority of HRG.”

He didn’t mention the brutal torture and the gruesome chaos of everything, but Bai Sheng noticed his left hand move subconsciously, subtly tightening in the dim light.

“Later, Nielsen, despite opposition, rescued me and forcefully appointed me as the Chief Supervisor of Shenhai City. He saw the United Nations Security Council’s desire for HRG, knowing that someday I could become a crucial leverage for him against the Security Council, thus securing his position as the General Director.”

“Sure enough, not long ago, the United Nations Security Council recognized the global trend of evolutionists becoming stronger and humans weaker. They secretly restarted HRG, actively trying to secretly persuade the senior researchers from back then, hoping to use this drug to form a special human force and then wage war against the evolutionists.”

Shen Zhuo chuckled, with a hint of undisguised exhaustion and sarcasm.

“…Wait a minute, but is the serum you’re talking about also effective on evolutionists?” Bai Sheng asked keenly, narrowing his eyes. “Otherwise, why would Rong Qi also want the HRG plan?”

Shen Zhuo casually responded, “Yes, congratulations on thinking along the same lines as Rong Qi. Truly fitting for the mindset of an evolutionist.”

Bai Sheng paid no heed to the mockery and only stared intently at him.

“The fundamental principle of HRG is to surpass genetic limits. Since it can exceed the limits of humans, naturally, it can also surpass the limits of evolutionists. So, theoretically speaking, as long as the heavy dependence on the serum can be addressed, it is possible to create a potion that allows evolutionists to undergo a second evolution.”

At this point, Shen Zhuo sarcastically curled his lip and said, “For example, someone like Liu Sanji, a D-class, forcefully elevated to an A-class by Rong Qi, would die a gruesome death due to DNA’s double-strand breakage. But with the serum, there are virtually no side effects. Just imagine if all one hundred thousand Evolutionists worldwide were to upgrade to A-class, or even to S-class…”

One hundred thousand S-classes. 

Bai Sheng’s little finger twitched involuntarily.

“The war would break out immediately. Evolutionists would undoubtedly eliminate humans and become the rulers of the Earth. In another century or two, an Earth ruled by evolutionists might not even leave a trace of the existence of seven billion humans, much like how today we can only see the incomplete skulls of Neanderthals in museums.”


Seated in the armchair, upon closer inspection, one would notice that Bai Sheng’s spine was rigid.

Shen Zhuo stared at him, his voice as piercing and cold as the gleam of a gun barrel.

“Now, do you understand? The so-called HRG plan is actually the nuclear deterrent of the evolutionary era. We can imagine the best scenario, where neither the Security Council nor the evolutionists can get it. The sword of Damocles is forever suspended by a thread; as long as nuclear deterrence exists, peace exists, and seven billion ants coexist with evolutionists in the shadow of the giant sword.”

Outside the window, the storm raged, thunder echoing through the heavens. Yet, in this hospital room, it was like a lone boat navigating through the tempest, heading toward an endless expanse of sea.

Shen Zhuo stood up, his left hand gripping the gun with a terrifying steadiness. Step by step, he approached, towering over Bai Sheng and placing the gun directly over his heart.

“Now, tell me, S-class.”

Leaning down, Shen Zhuo whispered into Bai Sheng’s ear, “Now that you know the true secret of the HRG plan, do you also covet its power?”


“Are you, like the ambitious Rong Qi, fantasizing about grasping the handle of the sword suspended by a thin thread?”

In the dim light, only the intertwined breaths of the two could be heard. Then, the gun barrel against Bai Sheng’s heart made a soft click.

The bullet was loaded.


After a long silence, Bai Sheng chuckled, as if the long-standing suspense had finally received some kind of resolution, giving him a slight sense of relief.

He reached out and grasped the gun barrel with a touch that was neither light nor heavy. “Do you remember what I said earlier, Chief Supervisor?”

The two of them, one standing and one sitting, were just a breath apart and could see their reflections directly in each other’s pupils.

“I’ve always wanted to follow you, ever since I first saw you in the newspaper all those years ago. Because they all say that the Supervisor Shen in Shenhai City not only looks good but is also an exceptionally gentle and friendly person. Under his jurisdiction, there has never been a conflict between evolutionists and humans in Shenhai City, and peace has always been well maintained.”

“When a crisis came, Supervisor Shen was willing to sacrifice himself to protect the civilians within a radius of 3000 meters, and I am willing to protect a Supervisor Shen like that.”

Bai Sheng lifted his other hand, gently caressing Shen Zhuo’s face. However, his gaze seemed as if it could penetrate Shen Zhuo’s entire soul through his pupils.

“—As long as he swears to forever stand between humans and evolutionists, when the storm hits the dam and the crowd surges back after the waves, only he, holding a sword, goes against the tide. I am willing to be the shield in front of him.”

“Can you do that, Supervisor Shen?”

Bai Sheng’s hand, almost large enough to grasp Shen Zhuo’s entire chin, with slightly rough fingertips, daringly swept along the skin, grazing to the edge of his lips.

Under the dim yellow light, the subtle floating dust seemed to solidify in the air. After a while, Shen Zhuo finally stood up, brushing away Bai Sheng’s hand.

“I’m well aware of where I should stand and what role I can play while alive or dead.” Shen Zhuo stared down at Bai Sheng from top to bottom, his voice soft yet warning, “I’ll find a way to kill anyone who attempts to ignite the flames of war. You’d better remember what you said today.”

Knock, knock, knock—cautious knocking sounds came from outside the ward.

“Supervisor, are you awake?” Someone asked in a low voice. “The International Supervision General Administration is on the line again; Director General Nielsen is waiting for you. He wants to have a conversation with you…”

“I’ll settle the score with you for letting Rong Qi go when I have the time,” Shen Zhuo said, lowering his voice coldly.

With force, he pulled the gun barrel out of Bai Sheng’s palm and turned toward the door.

But at that moment, a sudden gust of wind struck from behind. Shen Zhuo didn’t even have time to turn around; his entire body was forcefully pushed back, and then bang! He collided with the door. The surveillance staff outside was startled, taking a half-step back.


In the ward, Shen Zhuo was pressed firmly against the door, his lower back held in the tight grip of Bai Sheng’s arm, and even the inside of his thighs were forced apart by a knee, leaving no room for any struggle in the chaos. He tried to reach for his gun, but he found nothing.

—The gun had already somehow fallen into Bai Sheng’s hands, and with a clean and swift motion, he removed the magazine, tossing it back onto the bed.

“Leaving just like this? You still owe me a debt that hasn’t been settled.” Bai Sheng smiled faintly, lifting Shen Zhuo’s chin with his hand. “Remember the slap you gave me?”

His fingers exerted a force akin to tempered steel, causing Shen Zhuo to frown, unable to produce a sound.

“That was the first time someone slapped me in my life.” Bai Sheng lowered his head slightly, speaking softly. “I thought I’d let you taste it too.”

The next moment, an irresistible breath engulfed his face. It was tender and careful to the extreme, with lips and tongues entwining before parting.

Bai Sheng gently bit the corner of that slightly cool lower lip.

Bang! Shen Zhuo suddenly pushed Bai Sheng away with force, and in his haste, his elbow even hit the door, creating a resounding echo.

In the dim corner, only the rapid breaths echoed, and the two stood face to face. Shen Zhuo’s eyes were indescribable, one hand instinctively covering the corner of his lips, and upon closer inspection, one could see that his fingertips were slightly unsteady.


Bai Sheng seemed like he wanted to pounce forward. For a few seconds, his back muscles, from the scapula to the spine, tensed dangerously to the limit. However, he forcibly suppressed it after a brief moment.

After a while, his Adam’s apple slid noticeably up and down. He reached out and fastened the three buttons on Shen Zhuo’s open collar, handling the task carefully and gently. It was only when he buttoned the topmost button that his fingertip lightly touched Shen Zhuo’s neck.

“Your pulse is racing, Inspector,” he whispered with a smile.

Shen Zhuo grabbed his wrist, forcing him to lift his hand and his fingertips, leaving the skin on the side of his own neck.

“I think you haven’t been beaten enough,” the Shenhai City Supervisor said in his typically cold tone, with a hint of indescribable meaning. He reached out and patted Bai Sheng’s youthful, handsome face, mockingly saying, “If you keep being cheeky, I bet you’ll endure a few more slaps in the future.”

He shook off Bai Sheng’s hand, turned around, and opened the door himself. He took the satellite phone from the surveillance staff outside, then walked briskly into the distance. After a short while, a steady voice came from the end of the corridor:

“Hello, Director General. It’s me. Don’t worry; it’s been taken care of. Just a minor injury…”

The surveillance staff’s expression was completely blank. His gaze wandered back and forth between Shen Zhuo, who was getting farther away, and the innocent-looking Bai Sheng, standing in place. After hesitating for a while, he suddenly jumped up with an “ah” and hurriedly chased after Shen Zhuo, seeming to be questioning the meaning of his life.


Bai Sheng slowly retracted his smile, crossed his arms, and leaned against the door of the ward. He absentmindedly rubbed the artery on his neck with one hand, then touched his burning ear. After a while, he clicked his tongue.

“Why feel embarrassed?” He gazed at the deserted corridor, muttering discontentedly, “…Clearly, mine is racing much faster.”

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