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Chapter 15

“I have something more exciting,” Shen Zhuo said calmly.

Dark and empty.

The dizziness seemed to last for a long time, but it was actually just a few seconds.

Shen Zhuo closed his eyes, and as his vision gradually focused, he realized he was sitting in a wooden chair with his hands tied behind the back. The abandoned warehouse was filled with the damp, salty scent of rusty blood.

A familiar and triumphant voice came from the front: “Hello, Supervisor Shen.”

It was Liu Sanji.

The man with narrow eyes and a square face, not tall in stature, stood in the shadow of the fan, apparently feeling quite pleased with himself for successfully completing Mr. Rong’s assigned task: “I didn’t expect us to meet so soon again. How do you feel about this unexpected meeting?”

“…” Shen Zhuo spoke, his voice a bit hoarse: “I’m more surprised to open my eyes and see you instead of Rong Qi.”

Liu Sanji immediately retorted, “Shut up! You’re just a lowly human. What qualifications do you have to make Mr. Rong come in person?”

Liu Sanji was fierce, but Shen Zhuo just sneered, “That Mr. Rong of yours, if I’m not mistaken, was burned into charcoal three years ago. But because of some special evolution direction, he probably has some residual cell regeneration ability. The reason he’s still in a wheelchair might be that the evolution hasn’t been completed and his body hasn’t reached its peak state, right?”

Liu Sanji was about to scold him for disrespecting Mr. Rong, but Shen Zhuo didn’t give him a chance to speak.

“He seems really eager to kill me, but he hides in the shadows and only dares to send his underlings to block my car and cause trouble. I guess that’s because he’s a coward who doesn’t dare to kill or a cripple who can’t act… I’m just chatting; why’re you so agitated?”

“Shut up! Shut up!” Liu Sanji was both shocked and fearful, “You, a lowly human, dare to disrespect Mr. Rong?!”

“You’re just a genetically inferior D-class evolutionist, not much different from ordinary people.” Shen Zhuo said disdainfully, “Forgive my boldness, but bring out that Mr. Rong of yours. You’re not qualified to talk to me.”

Liu Sanji was obviously driven mad by this continuous provocation. He rolled up his sleeves and pointed to the A-class mark on his left hand: “What did you say? Who’s genetically inferior?! I’m already A-class now!”


Liu Sanji didn’t see Shen Zhuo’s surprised expression as he expected. Instead, he saw him observing the blood-red A-class mark on his hand and sighing with an inexplicable meaning after a while: “As expected… second evolution.”

“What do you mean by as expected?!”

Liu Sanji glared at him, but Shen Zhuo didn’t immediately answer. After a while, he said, “You were probably used as a disposable experiment by Mr. Rong.”

From childhood, Liu Sanji was short, so he was particularly sensitive to being looked down upon. He hated being underestimated the most, especially when others silently ridiculed him. However, Shen Zhuo, with his rare education, background, and appearance, exuded a subtle yet strong sense of mockery even when he sat there without saying or doing anything.

At this moment, Liu Sanji’s feelings were particularly vivid: “Stop spouting nonsense. What experiment? Someone like you who can’t even undergo evolution—”

“You privately obtained Mr. Rong’s evolutionary source, and after being caught and brought back, in order to save your life, you could only obey his orders to assassinate me. The reward was him allowing you to undergo a second evolution to become an A-class. But what you don’t know is… evolution is not without cost. Everyone has a limit to the intensity of evolution they can withstand.”

Liu Sanji angrily pointed at the back of his hand and said, “Stop talking nonsense! Didn’t you see this A?!”

Shen Zhuo interrupted him, “Do you know what the biggest lie in this world is?”

Liu Sanji paused.

“It’s ‘all men are created equal.'”

Shen Zhuo stared directly at the bewildered Liu Sanji, his voice clear, calm, and even somewhat ruthless.

“In the year 1651, Thomas Hobbes proposed that humans collectively created a giant god—Leviathan, and every individual that composed Leviathan was equal. Therefore, maintaining peace was a natural law established by all individuals. After the large-scale evolution five years ago, to uphold this value, we vigorously concealed the connection between evolution and genetics from the public because the truth is too cruel for the vast majority of people.”

“Some can evolve into S, some can only evolve into D, and some cannot evolve at all. Genes are inherently unequal.”

“Forcing an upgrade will make your genes unbearable, just like forcibly elongating a dwarf will cause the entire gene chain to tear and all chromosomes to deactivate. Have you seen the survivors of nuclear radiation? It’s similar to that, even more terrifying than death.”

The spacious warehouse became extremely quiet, with only the rotating fan blades emitting intermittent mechanical sounds.

Liu Sanji’s pupils dilated rapidly. If one looked closely, one would be able to notice a slight trembling at his fingertips, but after a while, he sneered, “Don’t mess around. You can’t even achieve D-class evolution. You’re the one with the lowest genes. Why should I believe this nonsense?”

“Sorry, I come from an academic background. I speak straightforwardly,” Shen Zhuo calmly said. “You’re not only an experiment but also a disposable experimental subject. Accept the reality.”



Liu Sanji almost immediately burst out with curses, but deeper suspicions, fears, and a strong desire to prove himself overwhelmed everything. After a while, he twisted the corners of his mouth into a distorted smirk: “You say I’m a disposable subject? You’re the real disposable subject. Mr. Rong said that as long as you die, I’ll get the highest reward, and I might even gain eternal life…”

He raised his hand and shouted, “Might as well let your corpse be put to good use and become a part of what I devour!”

From the shadow behind him came a rustling sound, as if many sticky and heavy things were sliding on the dusty floor, making one’s scalp tingle.

Then, an extremely deformed monstrous shadow emerged from the darkness—a colossal, bloated… corpse mass!

This corpse mass was incredibly huge, standing at least four or five meters tall. It was pieced together haphazardly from dozens of rotting corpses, with tangled limbs and torsos and countless decayed palms and soles supporting it as it moved on the ground.

Various male, female, young, and old faces were distributed all over its body, each expression twisted and contorted, lifeless and bluish-purple. They were crowded between its randomly swinging limbs, creating a horrifying sight.

“Every time it devours an evolutionist, its strength increases by a bit. So far, it hasn’t devoured an ordinary person.” Liu Sanji stared at Shen Zhuo with a sinister smile on his face. “Today, we’ll make an exception to grant you this honor, Supervisor Shen.”


The floor trembled loudly as the corpse mass “walked” up to Shen Zhuo. All the faces on its body opened their mouths simultaneously, their expressions contorted and grotesque, as if reliving the pain of death.

Immediately afterward, countless decayed arms extended from the mass, reaching for Shen Zhuo’s throat—

“I told you,” Liu Sanji heard the Shenhai City Supervisor’s calm voice, “you’re not qualified to talk to me.”

With a sudden flash of the blade, the decaying hands flew into the air.

Immediately after, the heavy corpse mass was kicked into the air by Shen Zhuo, crashing into Liu Sanji and slamming into the base of the wall!

The wall plaster cascaded like a waterfall, with dust filling the air. Liu Sanji was nearly knocked into vomiting blood by the impact, covering his chest and coughing violently: “You… how, you…”

Then he widened his eyes in astonishment.

Shen Zhuo stood up from a chair not far away, holding a shiny folding knife that appeared out of nowhere. His expression hardly changed as he rubbed the wrists that had been bound behind him.

Dressed in a black suit year-round, Shen Zhuo’s wrists appeared particularly pale, with the red marks from being bound clearly visible. At first glance, this scene might even evoke some vulgar imagination. However, as the Chief Supervisor of Shenhai City approached step by step, his casual coldness and solemnity seemed as if every step of his polished shoe landed on someone’s throat.

With a resounding thud, Shen Zhuo lifted his foot and stepped on Liu Sanji’s forehead. The terrifying force immediately pushed the back of his head into the cracked wall.

“What’re you…?”

“Do you know what this is?”

Under the heavy pressure of Shen Zhuo’s shoe, Liu Sanji struggled to focus his eyes. He saw Shen Zhuo holding a metallic syringe, and inside, an unmistakable letter A was engraved on the metal cap.

“The HRG plan, also known as the Human Regeneration Plan; the Damocles sword hanging over the heads of all humanity and evolutionists in the era of evolution; the last talisman of peace for seven billion people.”

Shen Zhuo pulled out the injection needle, casually tossed away his tie, and nonchalantly unbuttoned two shirt buttons.

“If beings are inherently unequal, I’ll make them equal afterward. If the old Leviathan falls apart, I’ll rebuild a new equal nation on the ruins…”

He slightly tilted his head, injecting the serum into his carotid artery!

“Ultimately achieving peace once again.”

Liu Sanji’s eyes widened to the extreme.

He saw a meteor-like azure light flashing through Shen Zhuo’s blood vessels, and then a powerful force erupted from his body. Immediately after, Shen Zhuo gently took off his black leather gloves. On the back of his left hand, where the usual display of evolution level was, two old scars intertwined into a grim fork.

At this moment, a blood-red imprint was gradually emerging from the scar—a letter A.

Shen Zhuo pinched Liu Sanji’s throat with one hand, lifting him off the ground and pressing him against the wall, his profound pupils reflecting Liu Sanji’s terrified face. “Tell me everything about ‘Mr. Rong.'”

“For every extra word you say, I’ll leave you with one more unbroken bone.”


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Sparks flew and shell casings scattered as several supervisors crazily fired their guns, but they couldn’t stop the approaching coffin walls. Some couldn’t even straighten their legs.

The sound of bone scraping echoed. Bai Sheng supported his head with one hand, but he couldn’t stop the coffin lid from pressing against the top of his head. There was even a clear crunching sound from his elbow joint.

“I told you, it can’t be opened from the inside. That’s why I like to call this ability… the spatial meat grinder.”

Shunsuke Noda looked at Bai Sheng, smiling. “An S-class is nothing special. Go to hell.”

Bai Sheng’s arrogantly raised hair was pressed down, and his usually frivolous expression disappeared. Instead, his sharp and deep facial features were revealed. His tone, contrary to his usual manner, lacked any mockery and even carried a hint of coldness:

“Do you know where you went wrong?”

Despite being in a winning position, for some reason, Shunsuke Noda felt a hint of condescension in Bai Sheng’s eyes. “You—”

“In this world, there’s no absolute power, because…”

With one hand pressed against the approaching coffin lid, Bai Sheng placed the other hand on top too. His ten fingers forcefully pierced into the black barrier, and the unimaginable strength caused all his ten fingertips to burst and bleed simultaneously.

In Shunsuke Noda’s astonished gaze, the muscles and bones of Bai Sheng’s arm surged, and with maximum tension, he tore open a crack in the “absolutely unopenable from the inside” coffin!

“—the only absolute thing is strength.”


The black barrier was torn in half, and the spatial coffin collapsed!

Bai Sheng emerged from the shattered coffin, his palm covered in blood, grasping a long knife that seemed to materialize from the void. His expression was as calm as water, yet his momentum was like a speeding arrow. Clang!!

The two blades collided, and sparks flew heavily.

An A-class with a combat-oriented output was already terrifying in close combat. Coupled with a rare S-class, it was like two humanoid tanks exchanging blows, blades interweaving in a hurricane, shattering bricks everywhere. Yoko was about to rush in to help when a resounding thud echoed. Bai Sheng delivered a powerful kick to Shunsuke Noda’s chest, who was sent flying and crashed through half a wall in an instant.


Bai Sheng impaled Shunsuke Noda through the shoulder with a single stroke, sneering, “Idiot.” Then he swiftly pulled out a knife, turned around, and threw it in mid-air. All the coffins were simultaneously shattered from the outside, and several supervisors, on the verge of being crushed into minced meat, fell to the ground with a thud.

Chen Miao couldn’t even stand up in time. “Bai-ge, be careful…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Shunsuke Noda silently appeared behind Bai Sheng, slashing the katana toward the back of Bai Sheng’s neck!

This strike would undoubtedly result in blood splattering three feet, but the timing was at its peak. Bai Sheng had no time to turn around and kick him to death; he could only raise his hand to block it.

However, at that moment, a dagger from outside the window spun like lightning and struck with a clang!

The metallic collision was deafening, sending the katana flying, and the dagger embedded itself into the brick wall.

Everyone turned their gaze outside the window simultaneously: “Supervisor?” “Senior!”

With a thud, Shen Zhuo stepped onto the windowsill. His figure was lean like a bow, his features stark in black and white, and he forcefully threw a disheveled man into the room—it was Liu Sanji.

“How did you…” Bai Sheng’s words halted as he caught sight of a bright red A-class mark on Shen Zhuo’s left hand, surprising him.

Shen Zhuo didn’t look at anyone; he just said, “Move aside!”

Without needing a second command, Chen Miao had already flown several meters away. Shen Zhuo then made a swift downward motion with his hand, an action so decisive and sharp that it stunned everyone. Immediately outside the building–

A thunderous lightning poured down like a waterfall, piercing through the structure and drenching the Noda siblings thoroughly!

“Damn your ancestors…” Shunsuke Noda rolled on the ground, struggling to stand up, his left shoulder sporting a bloody hole and emitting smoke from head to toe.

The moment Shen Zhuo appeared, he knew that today’s operation had completely failed. Liu Sanji was indeed useless, unable to even keep an eye on a delicate supervisor. Now, thinking of abducting Shen Zhuo again was futile, especially with Bai Sheng present; there was simply no strategy that could be employed, not even a half-second delay.

He could only tear open a spatial tunnel in mid-air, quickly forming a dark passage and pulling Yoko along as he swiftly entered.

Bai Sheng, still in a killing mood, was about to chase, but Shen Zhuo sternly stopped him, “Come back! You don’t know where that leads; it’s too dangerous!”

The spatial tunnel quickly closed, leaving Shunsuke Noda standing in the darkness, his eyes flashing with vivid resentment. He wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared malevolently at Shen Zhuo, and said, “You’re so damn interesting…”

Bai Sheng was infuriated, “I’ll f*ck your dad—”

But before he could leap up to tear him apart, Shen Zhuo acted faster. With his left hand, he pulled Bai Sheng back, and with his right hand, a burst of electric flashes erupted from his palm!

“I have something even more interesting,” Shen Zhuo said indifferently.

The electric whip slashed across the air. Shunsuke Noda only managed to lean back, and the tip of the whip viciously cut across his cheek, splashing a spray of blood!

“Go back and tell that coward named Rong,” the long whip coiled around Shen Zhuo’s hand, casting a beautiful and cold shadow on half of his face, “don’t just send your subordinates to die. Get lost.”

Shunsuke Noda gritted his teeth, covering his bleeding cheek with his hand, and blood overflowed from between his fingers. The spatial tunnel closed in an instant.

The two disappeared without a trace, leaving only a dense cloud of black smoke in mid-air.

The author has something to say (Contain a little spoiler):

The direction of evolution is related to a person’s own obsession. Su Jiqiao’s main ability is psychic, with his obsession of being, ‘I am so outstanding; why can’t you see me in your eyes?’ becoming the only one to achieve A-class evolution in appearance.

Writing from Bai Sheng’s perspective was chosen because: 1. Because of the evolution in appearance, this cannon fodder will become a significant source of competition and motivation for Bai Sheng in later stages. 2. Bai Sheng saw Su Jiqiao for the first time while everyone else had known him before.

For those in the comments criticizing the shou and wanting a replacement: Leave this novel immediately.

For those in the comments criticizing the gong and wanting a replacement: Leave this novel immediately.

I absolutely won’t allow people to take advantage of controversial opportunities to involve other authors in my comment section and label other readers with ‘fandoms.’ Any such comments will be deleted upon discovery.

Additional remarks:

I was already uncomfortable when some lengthy comments in the past emphasized that Bai Sheng is just a local dog, but it was quickly suppressed by normal CP-loving readers, so I didn’t say much. After that, I stopped checking the comments for a while, and today, when I looked again, I was surprised to see that some people couldn’t control their performance.

Bai Sheng is a person, Shen Zhuo’s lover, not Shen Zhuo’s dog. Naturally, Shen Zhuo is also a person, Bai Sheng’s lover.
My XP has always been reversed from common, with stunning beauty only having the gong and the handsome and imposing figure as the gong only having shou. Sometimes, I enjoy seeing the shou personally dealing with cannon fodder, and at other times, I like to witness the gong and shou teaming up to eliminate cannon fodder together.
As a person in their thirties, I find it difficult to accept new things, and my preferences are deeply rooted. Trying to change my views is futile. This text will be V after a few days, and the content may not align with the extreme tastes of some readers.
Bai Sheng will never be a dog for Shen Zhuo. He believes that both in the heavens and the earth, he is the most awesome, and Shen Zhuo must only be his. My CP will stand side by side with each other.
From now on, comments saying that Bai Sheng should kneel down and be Shen Zhuo’s dog, pretending to praise the shou while criticizing the gong, will be deleted. Comments praising the gong while criticizing the shou will also be deleted. If they are not deleted, it means I haven’t seen them. Please help report such comments. I repeat, my CP stands side by side. This is a warning. Thank you.

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