DLRAS Chapter 86

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Chapter 86: Like a love letter written by the sea to the land.

The bright moon hung high in the sky, and the boat floated quietly on the sea, and they could experience the poetic sentiment of the ancient saying “drifting with the flow, letting things go as they may.”

Chen Wengang cut the cake, a small round one measuring five inches, adorned with fruits, petite and adorable.

Originally, there was no need to start the celebration past midnight, but since it was brought from the shore, even if kept in the refrigerator, it would gradually melt over time. It was better to eat it sooner rather than later. Fortunately, nobody minded such details much. Huo Niansheng lit two candles.

The candlelight illuminated the softly contoured faces.

He asked Chen Wengang what wish he desired.

Chen Wengang pondered for a long time, “I hope time can forever freeze at this moment.”

He said this with a smile.

For some reason, Huo Niansheng even felt this was more sincere than “I love you.”

Under the moonlit beauty, with the lamp casting a soft glow, he held Chen Wengang, stroking his hair, and this moment indeed seemed timeless and profound. The soft strands of hair in his palm were gentle and soothing, and they say that people with such soft hair have equally soft hearts. The waves beneath the boat churned up snowy white foam, and he felt as fragile as the foam itself. Huo Niansheng lowered his head to look at the person in his arms, and amidst the secrets Chen Wengang refused to tell him, Huo Niansheng at least understood the biggest one and saw the source of his vulnerability.

It stemmed from being someone who didn’t know how to be loved.


By the next evening of the next day, having seen enough of the scenery and admired the Mid-Autumn Festival moon, they headed back to the yacht club’s pier.

As they entered the range covered by the base station, still far from the shore, their phones began to ping with messages, as if they had dropped suddenly from a realm beyond the mundane into the worldly net.

Huo Niansheng was at the helm, while Chen Wengang sat on the sofa on the deck, his phone nearly crashing due to the overload of notifications.

He hadn’t forgotten the trouble he had caused.

In the worst-case scenario, He Jiajun might not let things slide; he might even go to the police, which, of course, would be justified.

As the barrage of messages came flooding in, Chen Wengang even waited for a while, expecting notification from the police.

But it seemed that Huo Niansheng’s threat carried more weight; that wastrel hadn’t dared to take action.

Chen Wengang didn’t intend to shirk responsibility either. The fact that He Jiajun had clearly taken a beating made it unlikely for this matter to be brushed aside lightly—going from having dinner at the restaurant to returning after forty minutes with a swollen face, no one would believe it was just a fall.

His appearance upon returning would surely prompt questions from everyone, especially with He Wanxin around; she wouldn’t miss the chance to embellish the story.

Furthermore, the sudden disappearance of another person without saying goodbye, when combined, wasn’t difficult to link together.

The next day, Zheng Baoqiu simply asked Chen Wengang if he was the one behind it, with a hint of admiration in her tone.

Her thinking was straightforward, of course; both impulsiveness and settling scores were straightforward. But Chen Wengang knew that on that day, Zheng Bingyi must have found a way to clean up the mess for him. Whether it was to maintain relations with the He family or for their own reputation, it was necessary.

Then it was time to settle the score behind closed doors.

Being scooped up by Huo Niansheng was a stroke of luck, but he still had to go back to plead guilty.

As he scrolled through the messages from top to bottom, it was no surprise to see Uncle Lin asking where he was, followed by instructions to go home and meet his adoptive father.

Chen Wengang sighed, leaning against the ship’s railing, gazing at the distant blue sky, white clouds, and the lighthouse’s white sails as he drifted into thought.

In his mind, scenes from both the past and present flashed by. The sea breeze tousled his hair, and he brushed it back, his fingers fair and slender. Huo Niansheng turned around just in time to catch this sight, but for a moment, he said nothing and then turned away again.

However, that momentary glimpse was etched in his mind.

Chen Wengang wore a pale white shirt with a button undone at his neck, the collar fluttering in the wind, sounding like rustling pages.

Like a love letter written by the sea to the land.

As they reached the pier, the staff were waiting, and after docking the boat, the two of them returned to shore, one after the other.

After swaying on the sea for so long, they had become accustomed to the rocking rhythm. On solid ground, it felt like walking on a trampoline.

Chen Wengang lowered his head and gave a slight stomp, prompting Huo Niansheng to naturally reach out and embrace his waist.

Knowing that Chen Wengang had been staring at his phone for a while, Huo Niansheng teased, “Any earth-shattering news?”

“None,” Chen Wengang replied, “But if we count it as good news, at least I don’t have to go to the police station.”

Huo Niansheng chuckled, and since it was lunchtime, they headed to a restaurant.

Life on the sea was undoubtedly romantic, but here they could finally enjoy a proper meal with a higher level of culinary expertise.

As Chen Wengang looked at the menu, contemplating what to say to Zheng Bingyi, Huo Niansheng glanced at his screen and saw Uncle Lin’s message.

“You’re just too obedient. Have you ever heard the saying, ‘The crying child gets the milk’? Sometimes being a bit rebellious isn’t a bad thing,” he goaded Chen Wengang. “The better you behave, the higher others’ expectations of you become, and the more you’ll disappoint them. Sometimes, it’s okay to be a little willful.”

“But what about my status?” Chen Wengang propped his chin on his hand, looking at him. “Others aren’t obligated to give me milk in the first place, are they?”

“That must be because you don’t know how to cry,” Huo Niansheng said. “There’s always a chance to learn and practice.”

“What kind of logic is that?” Chen Wengang chuckled.

“Don’t believe me?” Huo Niansheng acted like a hooligan, reaching under the table to touch his leg. “Just like yesterday, you were crying like a broken-hearted maiden. You didn’t see yourself, but at that moment, if you had asked me to fetch the moon from the sea, I wouldn’t have hesitated.”

Chen Wengang’s cheeks flushed, and he kicked him under the table, but Huo Niansheng caught his leg.

The waiter placed two glasses of lemon water in front of them, and Huo Niansheng let him go.

He said, “At least in front of me, you can cry if you need to. Whether others care or not, I’ll definitely go along with it.”

Chen Wengang chuckled at the teasing. “There was that one time, not long after we met.” 

He recalled, referring to the incident at the school exhibition.

Huo Niansheng said, “Yeah, that’s why I was happy back then—you were always smiling when you saw others, but it was only when you were with me that you cried. You only showed me your vulnerable side, so of course, it made me feel special, like I must have a special place in your heart.”

Chen Wengang was stunned and reached his hand across the table, and Huo Niansheng held it.

“When you were crying in my arms, I couldn’t help but wonder, what could possibly make you so sad? What obstacles were you facing?” he said, teasingly. “I wanted to know what was causing you pain and what was making you sad. I’m here to share any burden with you, unless you feel it’s not the right time.”

After the meal, the driver took them back to the city.

Chen Wengang’s mind kept replaying the words Huo Niansheng had just said. Huo Niansheng had a way with words that made you want to listen to him until the end, and you’d almost want to rush into his arms immediately afterward, shedding tears and confessing all your secrets, hoping to receive his care and affection in return.

But how could he say it? How could he tell someone that he had been wondering if they had ever loved him, even until his death?

Chen Wengang couldn’t bring himself to say those words.

He fastened his seatbelt; his hands were restless, and he subconsciously picked up his phone again.

Huo Niansheng went along with him, placing his hand on his knee.

Most of the remaining unread messages were group-sent blessings, including some from former teachers at the international school. They mentioned organizing a mobilization meeting to invite outstanding alumni back to the school to give advice on choosing majors and future careers to the graduating students. Chen Wengang hesitated for a moment, unable to make a decision, and temporarily set it aside.

With no particular aim, he finished reading the messages and then browsed the web. When he searched for He Jiajun’s name, he stumbled upon a news headline.

Only then did he realize that even during their two days off the grid, this farce had taken an unexpected turn.

After all, He Jiajun wasn’t the type to stay quietly at home. The next day, he was spotted at the racecourse, catching the attention of some junior reporters who noticed his swollen lips and bruised cheeks—clear signs of a fight.

Now, this was interesting. Wasn’t it worth being curious about the reason behind it?

Did he get into a fight over jealousy or competitiveness? Or did he run into trouble and get taught a lesson? Was he kidnapped, or did he get cheated at the casino?

Chen Wengang clicked on the link. The article was written by someone identified as an intern reporter from a not-so-well-known media outlet with limited attention.

At least for now, the situation hasn’t escalated. Intern reporters had limited access to information, so Chen Wengang speculated and concocted a list of far-fetched scenarios. However, none of them seemed plausible, far from the actual situation.

When they arrived at the Zheng residence, Chen Wengang got out of the car, with Huo Niansheng following suit. After their short break, which seemed to have added a few more layers of closeness, Chen Wengang kissed him goodbye at the roadside. “I have to go in now.”

Before he could let go, another car pulled up behind them. Huo Niansheng noticed it first and patted Chen Wengang’s back before releasing him. Chen Wengang turned around to see a familiar Lincoln with a familiar license plate.

The Lincoln stopped beside them, driven by Uncle Wang. He rolled down the window, greeting them with a hint of awkwardness.

Chen Wengang hadn’t bent down to look into the car yet, but he had a gut feeling that Zheng Bingyi was inside.

Huo Niansheng smiled and whispered to him, “Do you want me to go in and explain?”

Chen Wengang pushed him away gently. “You should go back. This is something I need to explain myself.”

Indeed, Zheng Bingyi was in the car, and there was no doubt he had seen what happened at the entrance.

After ten minutes, Chen Wengang went to his study to talk.

He took the initiative to apologize, saying, “I’m sorry for disappointing you.”

Zheng Bingyi frowned, first questioning him about the incident of him getting into a fight. “Why did you act so impulsively?”

To his surprise, Chen Wengang had recorded their conversation as well. “Your dad was just a reckless driver. What abilities did he have? If it weren’t for his luck in dying at the right time, would you be sitting here with us on an equal footing today? The biggest stroke of luck in your life is having a dead father…”

After listening to Zheng Bingyi, his expression was quite interesting, but he didn’t say much in the end.

Chen Wengang stood quietly, staring at him with his amber eyes.

Zheng Bingyi sighed and waved his hand. “Getting angry about insults to parents is understandable. The He family hasn’t taught their son well, and He Jiajun isn’t behaving properly either. Of course, that doesn’t mean I approve of your actions. Losing your temper only damages the harmony and dignity of both families. Anyway, both of you are at fault in this matter. I’ll arrange for He Jiajun and his father to meet again, and you’ll go and apologize to them.”

Chen Wengang agreed but asked, “Do I have to go?”

He hardly ever questioned Zheng Bingyi’s requests, and Zheng Bingyi didn’t catch on right away. “What do you mean?”

Chen Wengang’s tone remained calm. “I know you definitely helped me out of the situation, and I’m grateful for that. But you mentioned insulting parents… I’d rather not see that young master from the He family again. With this recording, I’d rather confront him in court.”

Zheng Bingyi looked at him for a while, feeling that he had grown wings: “Do as you wish.”

Then silence fell. The old man was probably still pondering over that intimate kissing scene.

Chen Wengang took the initiative to explain to him: “Huo Niansheng and I are in a serious relationship.”

“He’s serious?” Zheng Bingyi said. “I doubt it. Wengang, you used to be very steady. How did you become like this now? You believe everything he says, and you’ve been led astray by him? Of course, he’s the same. I can’t control other people’s kids; I can only manage you guys. But I warn you: cherishing your reputation is difficult, while sliding downhill is easy. Think about it for yourself: do you want to cherish your reputation?”

Chen Wengang could only say, “I’m sorry.”

As he pushed open the door to leave the study, Zheng Baoqiu was already running out. Caught eavesdropping, she didn’t bother hiding it anymore and asked with concern, “How did it go? Did Dad scold you?”

“No, it doesn’t count as scolding.”

“Then I can rest assured.”

“But I should be moving out soon,” Chen Wengang told her.

“So soon? Why?” She suddenly looked puzzled.

Chen Wengang patted her head, wondering why? 

Being associated with Huo Niansheng was murky at best. Staying would damage the family’s reputation, like a scandalous time bomb waiting to explode. Instead of letting the family worry about when it would detonate, it was better to leave voluntarily, for everyone’s sake, and preserve some dignity.

But Zheng Bingyi wasn’t that petty. After asking him where he planned to stay next, Chen Wengang’s family’s house in the old city’s Jiangchao Street was something Zheng Bingyi wouldn’t approve of. He just casually asked, perhaps remembering a deceased subordinate, and generously offered him a flat.

Chen Wengang suddenly felt something, raising his head to see the figure of Mu Qing walking past the second-floor railing, unaware if he had heard anything.

Zheng Baoqiu shook her head, sighing. “If you move out, it’ll just be bad luck for the family. I might want to move out too.”

Chen Wengang told her not to talk nonsense.

Back in his bedroom, he looked around, wondering where to start packing, when his phone buzzed again.

Unexpectedly, the sender was Qi Tongzhou: “Wengang, can you take a call?”

When Chen Wengang made the call, Qi Tongzhou felt like he was in another world, hearing his voice.

It had been a while since he had been by Chen Wengang’s side, but that didn’t mean he had let go of his lingering feelings.

To be fair, Qi Tongzhou’s family upbringing was commendable. His parents and siblings had taught him to be a gentleman, not to trouble others, and not to persist when rejected, leaving room for both himself and the other party.

He had indeed followed these principles, but he couldn’t control his thoughts and feelings.

Qi Tongzhou composed himself and said, “There’s something I think you should see.”

Chen Wengang saw the link Qi Tongzhou sent, which was from a local forum covering topics like food, real estate, finance, health, etc. Coincidentally, under the same city section, someone reposted the news about He Jiajun being beaten up.

In the comments, someone claiming to be a staff member at the Crown Hotel came forward with insider information about what happened to He. They claimed to have seen the person who attacked him, describing them as a good-looking young man, followed by a string of gossip.

Seeing people discuss him in this way was a strange feeling for Chen Wengang. He wasn’t sure if he should be surprised by how famous he was becoming or by the fact that there were people who knew him on this forum. Either way, it seemed like they were close to uncovering everything about him, which explained how Qi Tongzhou could sense something was wrong.

Chen Wengang thanked Qi Tongzhou and said he would look into it further. Qi Tongzhou then suggested that, if it caused him trouble, he could ask the forum administrators to delete the post.

After their conversation ended, Chen Wengang forwarded the link to Lawyer Zhu, who replied with a simple “OK” gesture as usual.

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