DLRAS Chapter 80

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Chapter 80: When he lowered his head, his eyes were filled with tenderness.

Chen Wengang’s response was to slap both hands onto Huo Niansheng’s face, with a flower still caught between the fingers of his left hand. “What’s gotten into you?” 

As the stem of the rose brushed against his face, Huo Niansheng took his hand down gently. “Careful, you’re going to ruin my face, darling.”

He seemed to be getting more and more energetic, persistently teasing, “Where’s your answer?”

He was obviously teasing. Chen Wengang pursed his lips and looked at him with a smile, “Sure.”

Then he added, “But not right away. Give me some time.”

Unsure whether to take him seriously or not, Huo Niansheng pressed his back. “What about the first part?”

Chen Wengang closed his eyes, resting his chin on Huo Niansheng’s shoulder. The familiar woody scent surrounded him. Shifting his position, he wrapped his arms around Huo Niansheng’s waist, holding him close. “Why do you act like a schoolboy in love… Of course, I like you.”

Huo Niansheng hugged him back, and they stayed silent for a while.

Until Chen Wengang nudged him: “Isn’t it hot?”

The two well-dressed men sat on the steps of the building, enjoying the evening breeze, while people of all kinds passed by below.

With his arm on his knee, Chen Wengang and Huo Niansheng sat side by side, watching the passersby on the street, not feeling bored in each other’s company.

He lowered his head, teasing Huo Niansheng, “Do you know that you’re even more concerned about Zheng Yucheng than I am?”

Huo Niansheng had just used him as a diversion, so he casually asked, “Oh, how’s he been lately?”

Chen Wengang replied very tactfully, “I’m not sure.”

In fact, perhaps because his own life was going smoothly, he often almost forgot that he and Zheng Yucheng still shared the same roof. 

However, when it came to Zheng Yucheng’s situation, he still knew a little bit from past and present experiences. Within the conglomerate, everyone called each other “young master” superficially, but whether it was sincere or a subtle mockery, was a completely different story. Outwardly, they all respectfully addressed him as “Young Master Zheng,” but behind Zheng Bingyi’s intentions, there was a lot of hypocrisy and contradiction. Despite the familial and hierarchical values in family-owned businesses, it was difficult to avoid management chaos, corruption, and various forms of intrigue. All of these factors made it difficult for Zheng Yucheng to move forward.

Chen Wengang recalled the economic case from his previous life that had dragged him in, and he didn’t want to dwell on it any longer.

Huo Niansheng wisely didn’t press for more details.

The two of them briefly lost the topic of conversation. The Mid-Autumn Festival atmosphere was indeed approaching, with posters on the newspaper kiosk depicting Chang’e flying to the moon.

Chen Wengang stared at the jade rabbit on the poster and suddenly found something to say, “What kind of mooncake filling do you like?”

Huo Niansheng replied offhandedly, “Any kind. Date paste, perhaps.”

Chen Wengang said, “I also like date paste.”

Huo Niansheng nodded, “Well, that’s convenient. We won’t have to fight over it during festivals in the future.”

Chen Wengang remarked, “Actually, when we were kids, there weren’t many choices, unlike now with a wide variety of flavors.”

“That’s true. I especially like it when I find out that the people I dislike hate this flavor the most.”

Chen Wengang chuckled as well, without asking who the person he hated was.

Huo Niansheng turned his head and saw Chen Wengang looking up at the sky, his eyes curved like moonlight reflecting in a pool of autumn water, shimmering softly.

The moon, on the other hand, resembled a slightly deflated oval mooncake, not yet in its full state, lazily hanging in the sky.

Just like this, they chatted about trivial matters, but today, it seemed like they were both determined not to leave.

As midnight approached, Huo Niansheng finally stood up, patting his bottom.

He lowered his head with tenderness in his eyes and said, “Alright, let me take you back.”

Chen Wengang extended his hand to him.

Huo Niansheng grasped his hand and pulled him up.


The notion of “moving out of the Zheng family” and “never seeing Zheng Yucheng again” was obviously just nonsense Huo Niansheng made up on the spot. As long as Zheng Yucheng was still alive and living in Jin City, it was highly unlikely that they would never cross paths again. However, moving out was something achievable.

Chen Wengang’s response of “sure” wasn’t just brushing it off; he was seriously considering it.

In fact, he was conflicted. This offhand remark happened to touch upon a question he had been pondering for a long time.

Moving the house itself was an easy task—pack up a few boxes, find a few people and a couple of cars, and it’s done. But what was difficult to let go of was the emotional aspect. Having lived in the Zheng family for so long, it was impossible not to have any attachment.

That’s just how life in a large family was—amidst all the hustle and bustle, you don’t notice much, but when it’s time to leave, you can’t help but feel a sense of loss.

In the future, if he wanted to see people like Uncle Lin again, he would have to visit as a guest, and thinking about it made him feel a pang of sadness.

The first to hear about it, Zheng Baoqiu, was indeed quite downcast. “Aren’t you still planning to pursue your graduate studies? Why not stay a few more years?”

Chen Wengang also felt a twinge of guilt. “You know, even by next year, I’ll have to prepare to move out.”

Zheng Baoqiu blamed the situation on He Wanxin. “I still don’t understand why my brother really got involved with her.”

Chen Wengang found it difficult to explain in a few words. “I’m not running away because of anyone. It’s just that at a certain stage, I need to start a new life. Of course, I’ll miss you guys. Can I still accompany you shopping in the future?”

Zheng Baoqiu wasn’t entirely convinced, feeling resentful as she looked at his gentle expression.

Zheng Yucheng and He Wanxin were gradually progressing in their relationship, and both families even set a date to meet before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The more such occasions arose, the more naturally Zheng Baoqiu understood that Chen Wengang didn’t want to be caught in the middle and feel awkward.

In fact, that was another matter. Chen Wengang said to her, “Look at it from a different perspective. At my age, especially for guys, doesn’t it sound like I’m not independent and reliable if I’m still living with my family even in my twenties after graduating from university?”

Zheng Baoqiu couldn’t argue with him. “Then you’ll have to figure out how to explain it to Dad and Uncle Lin.”

Chen Wengang said, “Yes, I need to help Uncle Lin with more chores.”

During festivals and holidays, there were always more things to worry about than usual.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, which emphasized family reunions, families like the Zhengs had to visit relatives and friends, which required meticulous planning. Many of the social niceties were handled by Uncle Lin, so Chen Wengang helped him by cross-checking guest lists and inspecting gift packaging. He wanted to spend more time with the elderly.

Uncle Lin was understanding. “Sure, go ahead and move out. Living on your own is a form of growth and maturity. If you don’t want to leave for our sake, it’s hard for me to say anything, but if you want to go, I’ll support you. There’s no reason to hold back for the sake of us old folks.”

Chen Wengang said, “I haven’t talked to my yifu about it yet.”

Uncle Lin replied, “Finish this Mid-Autumn Festival first, and I’ll talk to him to prepare him for it.”

The Zheng family’s banquet proceeded as usual, but this year Chen Wengang didn’t have much to do with his uncle’s family. Since submitting his resignation letter, Chen Zengming had secretly criticized him several times, while Chen Wengang avoided him, seemingly annoyed by his uncle’s attitude, which had taken on the airs of an elder.”

In previous years, even if it was just a token gesture, his auntie would still call Chen Wengang home for the holidays. But this year, there was no sign of it at all.

So, Chen Wengang took Chen Xiangling out of her cram school and had a meal alone with her.

Chen Xiangling expressed her attitude: “Actually, I don’t plan to go home for Mid-Autumn Festival either. I rank in the upper middle of my class, but I haven’t stabilized in the top five yet. I’ve noticed two of my roommates studying with flashlights at night while others are on holiday. I also want to take advantage of the holiday to catch up on my studies.”

Instead, Chen Wengang advised her to take it easy: “Just do your best. Don’t risk damaging your eyes for minimal gains.”

Chen Xiangling remained resolute: “But others are ahead of me. It’s like the arrow is already on the string, ready to be released.”

Chen Wengang smiled and served her some food.

While he was having dinner with Chen Xiangling, he had no idea that Huo Niansheng was currently in Lawyer Zhu’s office.

Lawyer Zhu was very polite to his boss and neatly laid out documents on the table. “You mentioned wanting to draft several property agreements.”


“Perfect. There are many aspects in the documents that I’m not entirely clear about over the phone, so I need to confirm them with you in person.”

Huo Niansheng had once told Chen Wengang that he was good at defamation lawsuits, but that was just a casual remark. Lawyer Zhu’s expertise lay in economic law and criminal law.

Of course, it was true that he was responsible for sending legal letters to the media for defamation on behalf of Huo Niansheng, but it was his team of lawyers who actually did the work.

Huo Niansheng sat back in the ergonomic chair, tilting it almost flat as the backrest yielded to the pressure, while Lawyer Zhu calmly watched him treat the chair as a recliner.

Huo Niansheng glanced through the documents, and offered a few opinions, and Lawyer Zhu diligently took notes.

Finally, Huo Niansheng didn’t seem to mind much, placing the documents back on the table. “You draft the rest and show it to me later.”

Lawyer Zhu responded in a businesslike manner.

Looking up again, his boss was still reclining, showing no sign of getting up to leave.

The two had been working together for seven or eight years, knowing each other inside out. Huo Niansheng always spoke straightforwardly to people, and while Lawyer Zhu couldn’t list all the instances where Huo Niansheng lied, he could easily count the people to whom Huo Niansheng spoke the truth. He could count himself among them, for sure.

Putting down his pen, Lawyer Zhu rested his chin on his hand, waiting for Huo Niansheng to speak.

Huo Niansheng asked, “Have you ever heard of cases where people under hypnosis recall past lives?”

Lawyer Zhu replied, “I think I’ve heard of it. It’s like a bizarre phenomenon that happens in foreign countries, right?”

Raising an eyebrow, Huo Niansheng said, “I’m talking about cases, and you’re talking about bizarre phenomena.”

Finally, Lawyer Zhu chuckled, the corners of his eyes creasing. “Mr. Huo, I studied psychology as a double major in school, but that’s not the same as clinical psychology. I know nothing about hypnotherapy. How would I know if such cases exist in the industry?”

Huo Niansheng nodded. “Actually, I tend to think they’re all just scams.”

Lawyer Zhu conservatively said, “I myself am an agnostic.”

Huo Niansheng glanced at him, sat up straight, and finally released the chair. “No wonder you’re in your profession, watertight.”

Lawyer Zhu took it as a compliment, shook hands, and watched him leave. He didn’t delve into where his sudden curiosity came from.

So it was that a week before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chen Wengang unexpectedly received an invitation from Yu Shanding.

To express his gratitude, Yu Shanding invited Lu Chenlong out for dinner during the festival and naturally included Chen Wengang as well. The venue was a five-star hotel owned by Yu’s company.

After a satisfying meal, Yu Shanding mentioned a small-scale jewelry exhibition in the downstairs gallery. It was also a sales event, organized by a seasoned collector and only open to a select circle rather than the general public.

It sounded intriguing—and expensive—but Lu Chenlong, always eager for new experiences, showed interest.

Yu Shanding produced two complimentary tickets, As a host, this was still a perk he could offer. 

The three of them headed downstairs.

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