DLRAS Chapter 77

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Chapter 77: I hope you can help me build this bridge.

Lawyer Zheng sat upright on the other side of Huo Niansheng, his expression formal and serious, making his boss appear like an unrelated bystander.

Everyone else took their seats as they did yesterday, in their usual positions.

Today, Jiang Wanxia added a shawl. She wrapped herself up but insisted on her point—

Jiang Cai should change her surname to Huo and return to the Huo family to live. The inheritance should also include her share.

Huo Zhenfei addressed Jiang Wanxia as “Ms. Jiang”: “As far as I know, you and your daughter have been living in an unstable situation for these years, always in a relatively difficult situation. After relying on each other for so many years, are you willing to separate from her?”

He smiled faintly, “Why don’t you just take her with you? You two can choose a house you like; it will be a gift from us, and the Huo family will also pay the alimony that should have been provided over these years. This way, it’s beneficial for both parties.”

Jiang Wanxia said, “But what about after I die? How old will she be then? No matter how much money you give her, she won’t be able to hold on to it!”

Huo Zhenfei pretended not to understand: “We are in a society ruled by law now, how could she not be able to hold on to it? I believe your concerns are unnecessary.”

Jiang Wanxia coldly threatened, “I will go to the media to complain. I also know many unspeakable things about Huo Fenglai from back then.”

Huo Zhenfei glanced at his father, Third Uncle Huo, who sat upright in the main seat but remained silent.

The son continued with his tactics of coercion and inducement, “Forgive my bluntness, but if the Huo family really wanted to use their influence, you two wouldn’t be sitting here so comfortably, negotiating terms like this. Uncle had his flaws when he was alive; I admit that, but we came here out of goodwill towards you and your daughter. Your actions have become public knowledge, and who do you think society will target? Can you and Jiang Cai handle the consequences alone?”

Jiang Wanxia glared at him, clenching her jaw.

Her lawyer intervened, trying to diffuse the tension: “Let’s not say things in anger. Being stubborn won’t help.”

After more than an hour of discussion, they still couldn’t reach an agreement. However, opinions within the Huo family were not entirely unified either.

Second Uncle Huo seemed to enjoy the spectacle, not considering it a big deal: “After all, Jiang Cai is still our eldest brother’s flesh and blood. Whatever he thought back then is one thing, but now that he’s no longer here, as his younger brothers, we should treat his children a bit better.”

Huo Yingfei retorted, “Dad, the way you put it, I just don’t understand. Since when did illegitimate sons and daughters become a matter of pride?”

He was indirectly pointing fingers, casting a glance at Huo Niansheng.

But Huo Niansheng didn’t even glance in his direction, keeping his head down, engrossed in joking with Chen Wengang.

It was Chen Wengang who restrained his expression, giving Huo Yingfei a cold yet graceful look.

Oddly, Huo Yingfei’s heart stirred. Among other things, Huo Niansheng might lack, but the way he flirted with people was surprisingly sly.

Yesterday, when he saw the two of them intimately together in the hot spring pool, his initial reaction was one of disdain. He found it shameless, but compared to ethical morals, most men couldn’t resist the temptation of such scenes. That tender scene unexpectedly replayed vividly in his mind.

Huo Yingfei squinted, shifted his posture, and coldly crossed his legs.

Huo Niansheng sank into the sofa, surrounded by warmth and fragrance, but propped up his chin, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Third Uncle Huo, with a demeanor of authority rather than anger, suddenly turned to his nephew and asked, “Niansheng, you haven’t said anything. This concerns your father, and it’s also closely related to you and Jingsheng. Both of you brothers, what do you think?”

Before Huo Jingsheng could speak, Huo Niansheng seemed to recall something: “Yesterday, when I came back, I went to see Grandpa.”

Suddenly, everyone’s gaze shifted toward him.

Huo Niansheng chuckled, seemingly indifferent, “Actually, he said, ‘Just acknowledge her.'”

“Did he really say that?” Huo Zhenfei doubted, signaling him with his eyes not to joke around, “He shouldn’t know that Jiang Cai has returned. Did you tell him? We kept it a secret on purpose; there was no need to bother him.”

Huo Niansheng chuckled, “Why would you think he doesn’t know? You don’t all treat him like a clueless old man, do you?”

His words sent a chill through the room, as if some kind of warning, difficult to decipher.

Although Huo Niansheng’s attitude seemed like he was just watching the show and only now decided to drop the bomb, what he said wasn’t nonsense.

Huo Kaishan, perhaps out of respect for DNA or maybe realizing he needed to accumulate virtue before reporting to the King of Hell, indeed nodded.

After a lot of pointless arguing, everyone ended up with nothing.

Huo Zhensheng rubbed his forehead and secretly shot his cousin a glare.

Jiang Cai was called in. The lawyer explained the final outcome of the discussion to her—

“Miss Jiang, you are the daughter of Huo Fenglai and the sister of Mr. Huo Niansheng and Mr. Huo Jingsheng. After a paternity test, there is no doubt about the blood relationship. I will take you to handle the household registration transfer and help you transfer to a better school. But you need to be careful not to disclose this news to any teachers, classmates, or anyone you know… This matter is confidential, understood?”

To this, Jiang Wanxia was still not satisfied, “Her surname should also be changed. Living with a bunch of Huo’s while being surnamed Jiang, isn’t she just asking to be ostracized?”

Under the scrutiny of everyone present, Jiang Cai twisted her face into a mask of defense, looking fiercely determined.

She found it difficult to communicate face-to-face with Jiang Wanxia, so she pointed at her mother and asked the lawyer stiffly, “What about her?”

Huo Zhenfei cleared his throat, “We certainly won’t mistreat your mother. I know of a reputable overseas rehabilitation center in Southeast Asia that specializes in treating kidney diseases and is well-known internationally. I will arrange for her to receive treatment there.”

Jiang Cai looked at him and said, “Then why can’t it be publicized?”

Someone behind her sneered disdainfully; it was Huo Yingfei, “Because there are too many scheming people. Like you, nameless and insignificant… Today they acknowledge one; tomorrow, who knows how many others will come knocking? You should be happy they’re letting you in now.”

The vague reference sounded like “bastard.” Jiang Cai felt deeply insulted, “Who do you think you are? Do you think I care?”

Jiang Wanxia pulled her daughter aside, lowering her voice, “Listen to me! What do you care what they say? A few words from him won’t hurt you. Tell your teachers you need a few days off; go with them to handle the procedures first… Oh, since you’re going to transfer schools anyway, you might as well skip classes for now.”

Jiang Cai shouted in her face, “You’re crazy! Why do you always try to impose your ideas on me?”

Chen Wengang, who had been leaning on Huo Niansheng’s arm, released his hand and sat up a bit straighter, observing the confrontation.

Regardless of any further discussions, it seemed that the matter was settled for now. Third Uncle Huo stood up, blinked slowly, and surveyed the room. Finally, he simply said to Jiang Wanxia, “You talk to her again. Since everything has been settled, we are all family now.”

Emotionally stirred, Jiang Cai turned and ran out, unable to be restrained.

As there were no cars available at this location, and she couldn’t run back to the city on her own, it was Luo Suwei who chased after her to persuade her.

Jiang Wanxia seemed satisfied with the outcome.

She had secured a status for her daughter, and the Huo family would also cover all her future medical expenses. Although she couldn’t fully enjoy the sudden improvement in her life, at least Jiang Cai could. She almost felt like offering incense to the old Mr. Huo, who she had cursed over a decade ago.

At mealtime, Huo Zhenfei patted Huo Niansheng’s arm, “Let’s have a meal together, bring Wengang along.”

Jiang Wanxia was inadvertently excluded.

No one came to call her, so she took a seat and served herself some tea.

When the dishes arrived, it became a family chat occasion. Finally, someone shook their head, “…Too stubborn.”

They were talking about Jiang Cai. As a mother-daughter pair, neither of them had won any goodwill.

Second Uncle Huo had wrinkles on his face as he brought the teacup to his lips, “Look at that girl’s attitude, she won’t amount to anything in the future.”

His son, Huo Yingfei, chuckled coldly, “Honestly, a woman who works as a prostitute, what else can she give birth to besides deformities?”

“Yingfei, she’s still your uncle’s daughter, don’t be so blunt.”

Huo Zhenfei said, “Don’t be like that. Calling someone a prostitute is a bit too harsh. Of course, I also think Jiang Wanxia is not exactly an upright person. Jiang Cai grew up with her, and it’s clear that her temperament and personality are flawed. Now that she’s sixteen, all the bad habits she should have outgrown are deeply ingrained. It’s difficult to control her, and it’s unlikely to change her completely. At least keep a close eye on her and prevent her from causing trouble everywhere.”

Huo Jingsheng interjected, “Isn’t that simple? Just find someone to watch her 24/7.”

Huo Zhenfei disagreed, “Having someone watch her 24/7 is not realistic. Besides, even if you watch her for a while, you can’t watch her forever.”

Huo Yingfei added, “Watch her for now, and we’ll see after some time passes. To be blunt… in a couple of years, whether Jiang Wanxia is still around or not, this younger one will be an adult. Are we really planning to support them for a lifetime?”

Huo Zhenfei glanced at him and said, “This is Grandpa’s decision. What can you do about it?”

Huo Yingfei ignored him and looked to the other side.

Chen Wengang sat quietly next to Huo Niansheng, and the waiter brought a few small dishes. Huo Niansheng picked up a piece of tofu skin and handed it to him.

After a while, Huo Yingfei went to the restroom. When he came out, someone else was washing their hands.

The restaurant’s decor extended elegantly into the restroom, with clear lighting and a faint fragrance in the air.

Chen Wengang glanced at him sideways, his figure blending into the mosaic tiles on the wall.

Huo Yingfei clicked his tongue in his mind.

In the past, he had mostly pursued women. He was infatuated with that kind of hesitant yet welcoming attitude—this might explain why this young master always seemed to stir up scandals of sexual harassment. Later, with the trend of playing with men rising in the entertainment circle, men and women were not so different, and few people cared about harassment or not. Huo Yingfei was curious to try it out, and while it wasn’t impossible, it just wasn’t very interesting.

Suddenly, he found someone who caught his eye, making him doubt if it was the right person he had been trying to find.

He felt a mix of disdain and excitement in his heart, but he maintained a polite demeanor on the surface. “So your surname is Chen, right? I may have been a bit offensive yesterday, and I owe you an apology. I was actually targeting Huo Niansheng; I didn’t have any ill intentions towards you. You and him…”

Chen Wengang glanced at him and said, “Even after getting beaten by him, it’s still not enough to warn you to stay away from me.”

Huo Yingfei’s expression darkened.

But Chen Wengang smiled at him and then turned to leave, closing the door behind him.

He returned to Huo Niansheng’s side, and shortly after, Huo Yingfei returned as well.

Third Uncle Huo turned his attention to Chen Wengang, taking the initiative to engage in conversation, “Your name is Chen Wengang? Are you from the Zheng family?”

Chen Wengang politely smiled, “Do you know me?”

Third Uncle Huo was amiable, “You may not know, but your adoptive father, Zheng Bingyi, and I studied at the same school, though not in the same year. So many things just happen to fall into place. Like this time, you already knew Jiang Cai and her mother.”

Chen Wengang replied, “It’s not like we knew each other beforehand. We just had some interaction due to work.”

Third Uncle Huo continued, “I mean, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. You can see how much resistance Jiang Cai has towards us, but since my father wants to acknowledge this granddaughter, we will fulfill his wish unconditionally. As her uncle, I also don’t want to be her enemy. If she can trust you, I hope you can help bridge the gap for me.”

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