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Chapter 70: Why do you keep pestering Teacher Chen?

Huo Zhenfei scolded him, saying, “Is he so muddled that he would be constantly thinking about you? I really feel like he’s treating it as a serious matter. Of course, it’s just my guess—grandfather is reaching the end, and there’s still something bothering him inside. He doesn’t want to carry it to the grave.”

The words weren’t very clear, but the meaning was understood. They all knew what that issue was.

Without purpose, Huo Niansheng bent down and retrieved an icebox from the freezer under the bar, asking, “Want some?”

Huo Zhenfei pushed a glass over.

With a clink, the ice cube landed in the glass, sinking and then floating.

Watching Huo Niansheng’s expression, Huo Zhenfei carefully chose his words, “It’s just the two of us; I might as well speak frankly. I heard that not long ago, Grandfather told the family lawyer that he still hopes for family harmony and doesn’t want to see unrest among his descendants in the coffin. When I heard this, I remembered why he kept pushing Second Uncle to arrange blind dates for you since you returned to the country. It turns out he had this in mind.”

Huo Niansheng brought the glass to his lips, “A good idea. Second Uncle can find me a wife, and I can reconcile with a smile.”

Huo Zhenfei said, “You shouldn’t say it like that. You’re being a bit too extreme.”

Huo Niansheng laughed, “Then what should I say? Should I get married before Grandfather dies, just to make him happy?”

Huo Zhenfei was momentarily speechless. But since he brought up the topic himself, he had to act as a peacemaker, “Marriage is a big deal; of course, it can’t be rushed. Grandfather hopes you find a home, but more importantly, he doesn’t want you to continue living the way you have been. Where do you spend your nights? Do you have a regular place to eat three meals a day? The meaning of starting a family lies here. Going aimlessly day by day isn’t sustainable.”

Huo Niansheng raised an eyebrow while playing with his phone, “So, are you also advising me to settle down?”

Huo Zhenfei tentatively said, “If you’re still living a different life every day, I wouldn’t say anything.”

It couldn’t be any clearer now. Huo Zhenfei finally stopped beating around the bush, “Honestly, I knew you were up to something last time. Actually, Grandfather knew even earlier; after all, there are no secrets in this family. I can see you’re not intentionally hiding anything, so why not bring them home to meet us?”

Huo Niansheng noncommittally reminded him, “You have a call.”

Huo Zhenfei glanced down and saw the name of his subordinate. Given the timing of the call, it was likely urgent work-related matters, so he picked it up and moved aside to take the call.

Before answering, he added, “Regardless of whether it’s a man or a woman, introduce them to us first. You see, rather than letting Grandfather hear hearsay from others, why not take the initiative to introduce someone to us?”

Huo Niansheng revealed a somewhat mocking smile behind him, then tilted his head back and drained the wine from his glass.

He poured himself another glass, and after a while, his sister-in-law came downstairs and saw only Huo Niansheng drinking alone, “Where’s Huo Zhenfei?”

She was draped in a royal blue silk shawl, wearing a beige silk pajama, her hair casually half-pinned up, forming a fluffy bun, dressed as if she were about to retire for the night. Huo Niansheng gestured toward the glass door outside; she nodded and went out to find her husband, who hadn’t returned to their room yet.

Huo Niansheng got up and paced the living room for a few steps, leisurely winding the antique clock twice before ascending the stairs.


When Huo Jingsheng met privately with Chen Wengang, Chen Wengang added him as a friend.

After that, they never used this contact method, but Huo Jingsheng didn’t specifically think about blocking him.

Apparently, Huo Jingsheng was someone willing to share. He posted various things in his circle of friends, discussing current events if he liked them. Chen Wengang occasionally saw them and would give him a like. Until this Thursday, he unexpectedly received a message from Huo Jingsheng.

The next day, which was almost the weekend, Huo Niansheng agreed to pick up Chen Wengang for dinner.

After finishing some of Zheng’s matters, Chen Wengang felt relaxed for a few days, but there were always other things to fill his schedule. Huo Niansheng received a visitor pass from the special education school, entered through the side gate, and went up to the second floor of the teaching building. From behind the glass door of the classroom, he could see him busy.

Five or six children were gathered around a table, drawing. The teachers and aides here were all dressed in sportswear, plain and unadorned, but their movements were energetic, with one leg on each side of the table to prevent the children from running around, which looked quite funny.

After watching for a while, Huo Niansheng’s eyes involuntarily softened with a gentle smile.

Someone passed by behind him, and he turned around, face to face with a middle-aged woman.

The smile on Huo Niansheng’s face changed subtly, sizing her up, “Ms. Jiang Wanxia?”

Jiang Wanxia held a wicker basket in both hands. Upon hearing her name, she seemed somewhat flustered, “Oh, you, you’re that… Mr. Chen’s… He still has another half hour of class.”

Huo Niansheng nodded with an “Oh” and thanked her.

“Although Mr. Chen is young, he’s actually very good and reliable,” Jiang Wanxia continued, not leaving and starting to chat with him, “Initially, I was struggling to find a job, but he really helped us out. By the way, I have to thank him for bringing my daughter home last time.”

“You have a daughter too?” Huo Niansheng said, “Oh, my memory. I think I met her when I came before.”

“You’ve met her. She’s the one called Cai Cai; she’s in high school. Actually, she’s very smart, just not willing to focus on her studies. Of course, the school isn’t much help either. The high schools in our area don’t have good teachers, and I’m not good at counseling either…”

Huo Niansheng patiently listened to her ramblings, from years of worrying about her daughter to asking Mr. Chen to take care of her more. Finally, he said, “If I misunderstood, I apologize in advance.”

He lowered his gaze to Jiang Wanxia, who looked somewhat pale and swollen, almost a head shorter than him. Huo Niansheng smiled, “I thought you were really interested in me. Why do you keep clinging to Mr. Chen?”

Jiang Wanxia gasped for breath, her eyes widened, her mouth opened, but no words came out, as if she had been startled.

The music for the end of class suddenly sounded, gracefully ending the moment.

She quickly turned her head and walked away.

Huo Niansheng watched her retreating figure lightly, then shifted his gaze back to the classroom.

Chen Wengang came out with his hand on his waist and said, “Recently, some people caught a cold and spread it to each other, knocking down several staff members, and we don’t have enough aides.”

So, he was temporarily filling in. Huo Niansheng smiled and asked, “While others catch a cold, what’s wrong with your waist?”

Chen Wengang went back to the office with him, then lifted his shirt to look at his back, “The corner of the desk was clearly edged; I don’t know how I managed to bump into it.”

Huo Niansheng also lowered his head to look, “It looks like it’s bruised. You should be more careful. Do you want to work overtime tomorrow?”

Chen Wengang grabbed his shirt and jeans to change, “No need. There aren’t many classes tomorrow.”

In the office, there were two other teachers who didn’t find Huo Niansheng’s presence unusual. The working atmosphere here was relatively relaxed. People who had done social work for a long time generally had a serene attitude towards life. Thus, they adapted well to him, even jokingly saying, “Mr. Huo is here again.”

Someone even extended an invitation, “Do you guys want to go eat Japanese food with us?”

Chen Wengang smiled and waved to them, “Maybe next time. We have other plans today.”

By “other plans,” half an hour later, Huo Niansheng sat with him at a street food stall, wearing expensive clothes, enduring the test of smoke and heat. But that’s how street food should be enjoyed, in these rough, low, and drafty places, where the refined elegance of a Michelin three-star restaurant would be out of place.

Lamb skewers and butter skewers sizzled on the grill, dripping with oil infused with the aroma of cumin and chili powder, filling the air.

Chen Wengang poured two glasses of beer, “I don’t know if you’re used to it, but when we were kids, we’d be overjoyed to be taken out for barbecue even once. We’d even end with a bowl of beef noodles, but I checked… That shop has moved away.”

Huo Niansheng drank with him, a smile in his eyes, “Any plans for the weekend?”

Chen Wengang leaned closer, feeding him a bite of stuffed peppers with crispy skin, “Whatever.”

Huo Niansheng chuckled, “Whatever is the hardest to please.”

Chen Wengang thought for a moment, “Speaking of which, do you remember when you gave me a boat?”

Bringing up that occasion, they both laughed. Huo Niansheng teased, “It seems like I did. And then what?”

Chen Wengang said to him, “Then I suddenly remembered, why don’t we go take a look at my boat?”

He elongated the “my” with a soft tone, which touched the heartstrings of the listener. Of course, going to the club wasn’t just about seeing the boat; it was indeed a place for leisure and entertainment. There seemed to be summer activities going on lately. Huo Niansheng had no reason to decline his enthusiasm, so he gladly accompanied him.

The weekend’s date was set.

Since the yacht club was a two-hour drive from the city, they decided to leave directly that evening. It had an air of spontaneity to it. Huo Niansheng drove, and they arrived at their destination around ten o’clock at night. Naturally, they stayed in his usual long-term room, number 707.

The next morning, the staff took them to see the current Alex.

Even though the yacht had been transferred, it was actually the first time Chen Wengang had seen it. Most of the time, he couldn’t even remember owning such an expensive plaything. The boat rested quietly on the sea, rising and falling, as if it were breathing in loneliness.

Huo Niansheng stood on the dock with his hands in his pockets, displaying a casual attitude of being able to give up or indulge, “Can you sail?”

Facing the sea breeze, Chen Wengang looked at him, “What do you think?”

Before waiting for an answer, he skillfully jumped onto the boat, not showing any signs of being unable to operate it.

Huo Niansheng followed slowly, surveying the familiar cabin, “I’m just coming to see it, not planning to sail. Is that okay, Mr. Chen?”

With his breath on his ear, Chen Wengang smiled and turned to him, “You still remember?”

Huo Niansheng looked down at him and said, “You tell me, which of your promises have I not kept?”

Chen Wengang glanced at the staff on the shore; the cabin blocked their view. He pulled Huo Niansheng by the neck and said, “I’ll give you an opportunity. As long as you take me, we can go as far as you like. Shall we sail out to sea?”

Unfortunately, the engine had some issues, and the yacht was still undergoing maintenance. It was clear they wouldn’t be able to sail out to sea today.

The two returned to shore. The staff apologized and anticipated that the gentlemen might enjoy another activity, “There’s a racing track on the other side of the mountain, and there’s a race happening today. Mr. Huo, Mr. Chen, would you be interested? We have a special car to take members there at noon.”

Noticing Chen Wengang’s gaze, Huo Niansheng shrugged, “Let’s go if you want to.”


Chen Wengang wasn’t a Formula 1 fan, but watching a race seemed like a decent idea. They arrived at the location, went through the ticket checkpoint, and found their seats in the grandstand overlooking the starting area. Many cars were warming up, their engines roaring intermittently.

Seats in the grandstand were chosen at random. As they walked closer, through the sparse crowd, groups of friends occupied seats.

In a spot enveloped by the crowd, a man turned his head, paused, then walked over and greeted Huo Niansheng.

Extending his hand, the man introduced himself to Chen Wengang, “I’m Huo Zhenfei. Are you Niansheng’s friend?”

Chen Wengang shook hands with Huo Zhenfei.

As they shook hands, there was a slight tightening around his waist. An arm slowly encircled him, and Huo Niansheng pulled him closer.

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One Comment

  1. “Huo Niansheng smiled, “I thought you were really interested in me. Why do you keep clinging to Mr. Chen?” Jiang Wanxia gasped for breath, her eyes widened, her mouth opened, but no words came out, as if she had been startled.” Who the heck is this b****? Her story is taking too much chapter space for her to be just a random passerby. Is she HNS’s mother or something?

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