DLRAS Chapter 46

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Chapter 46: Master Huo, how old are you?

But this Saturday, it seemed like a lot of arrangements were all happening at once.

On Wednesday, Qi Tongzhou also scheduled a time with Chen Wengang, asking if they wanted to go see an art exhibition—not the solo exhibition by Mu Qing, that’s still a ways off—but rather the group exhibition curated by that avant-garde curator at the art gallery. The opening ceremony was on Saturday.

Through Qi Tongzhou’s introduction, Mu Qing seemed to have found a patron of sorts; three of his works were being exhibited there.

It was like he transformed into a new avant-garde artist all of a sudden.

If a patron happened to take an interest, he could even raise his prices, and his value would shoot up. It was all quite manipulable.

Anyway, Mu Qing first invited Qi Tongzhou, who agreed, then wanted to invite Chen Wengang along, but the timing didn’t work out.

“So, are you all going to hang out together? Where are you going?”

“Not decided yet; I might also have to go with my teacher… Sorry about the art exhibition; maybe next time.”

For Qi Tongzhou, the situation was a bit awkward.

He regretted speaking too soon; he had already promised Mu Qing earnestly.

If Chen Wengang had to work overtime, there was nothing he could do about it. Now, Qi Tongzhou seemed to want to back out, but Mu Qing was really looking forward to the opening ceremony; he made him promise several times to attend. To bail out would seem disloyal, considering Mu Qing was counted as an important friend.

In the end, Qi Tongzhou could only grit his teeth and say, “Okay, next time I’ll make sure to join you guys.”

—He didn’t even know that Huo Niansheng had gotten involved now.

On Saturday, Huo Niansheng changed into a seven-seater business van. He messaged Chen Wengang early in the morning, saying there might be a lot of people today.

He didn’t make the mistake Qi Tongzhou and Zheng Yucheng did, dressing in casual, relaxed attire, keeping his sharp edges hidden, and looking especially approachable. Leaning against the car window outside Zheng’s place, he lazily smiled at Chen Wengang.

Huo Niansheng got out of the car, grabbed a box of donuts from the back seat, and offered, “Have one.”

The donuts were colorful, sprinkled with cute candy needles. Chen Wengang hesitated for a moment, and Huo Niansheng picked up a matcha one, offering it to him, “Still dieting? You’re too thin; there’s no need for that. Getting too thin makes you prickly.”

Chen Wengang lowered his head and took a bite, a bittersweet taste melting in his mouth.

The car was already on the road, and Chen Wengang secretly grabbed a blueberry one.

Huo Niansheng held the steering wheel, eyes fixed ahead, “Is it good?”

Chen Wengang looked at him, turned aside, and offered the untouched part to him.

Huo Niansheng unabashedly took a big bite, nearly biting his finger. Sweetness filled his mouth.

Chen Wengang and another volunteer, Huang-jie, led two girls out of the Love Home. One was called Tongtong, and the other was named Diandian. They exclaimed “wow” and eagerly eyed the donut box but didn’t reach for it.

Both girls looked around five or six years old, possibly younger due to their small stature, and both had congenital heart disease, so consuming high-sugar and high-salt foods would burden their hearts.

At that moment, Chen Wengang performed a magic trick of sorts, pulling out a transparent plastic container from his bag. He unscrewed the lid to reveal a jar full of freeze-dried strawberries. “These are snacks Uncle prepared for everyone else. Each person has their own. Here are yours.”

Tongtong cheered and rushed over to grab a handful.

She was a bit older, more lively, and outgoing; she was not shy at all. As she filled her mouth and chewed loudly, she curiously looked up at Huo Niansheng. She knew the auntie and the brother, but he was a completely new and unfamiliar creature.

Diandian felt shy, holding onto Chen Wengang’s leg and burying her face behind him.

With a delicate chin and timid demeanor, she exuded a fragile and timid aura, greeting softly like the hum of a mosquito.

Chen Wengang grabbed a small handful of freeze-dried strawberries and placed them in her hand, letting her eat on her own.

Huang-jie asked him, “Where did you buy such a big jar? I’ll buy some for my daughter when I go home tonight.”

Chen Wengang told her, “These freeze-dried fruits are a bit more expensive, but they don’t contain any additives. Don’t buy those dried fruits; they’re all fried and very unhealthy.”

Huang-jie flipped her hair and shook hands with Huo Niansheng. “Sorry about this; we’re all hitching a ride in your car today.”

She explained, “It’s a rule; we can’t take the children out alone. There have to be at least two people.”

The management systems of each welfare institution vary, but no institution allows children to go out freely. The children definitely feel restricted and bored; some even have feelings of rejection, but safety is paramount, and this principle must be upheld.

However, volunteer pairs can take them out for a stroll during the holidays.

Next stop, Lu Chenlong and his younger brother, Xiao Bao, got in the car. Xiao Bao, unabashedly, hugged a donut, his face smeared with chocolate sauce. Even before arriving at the destination, his front was already a mess, and Lu Chenlong looked utterly disheartened. Chen Wengang handed him a wet wipe.

The last one was the little boy adopted by Joskin. Joskin also planned to take the child out for a walk on the weekend, so they all coordinated their plans.

Joskin drove his own car, and the group met up at the atrium of the mall.

Huo Niansheng shook hands with Chen Wengang and listened as he introduced his former teacher.

Chen Wengang held the hand of a little girl with a round face, while Huo Niansheng discreetly slid his hand to his waist.

If he wished, he could completely blend in and not appear like an outsider at all. He could even chat casually with Huang-jie and appear quite like a good family man. Only children’s intuition was accurate; as soon as Huo Niansheng turned around, they all hid behind the adults in unison.

Their large group didn’t have many options for activities. Amusement parks, camping, picnics—all were unsuitable ventures. However, there was a newly released popular animated film, so after discussion, they bought tickets and entered the cinema.

The cinema was crowded, and the air conditioning was turned up high. Huang-jie grabbed a scarf and wrapped Diandian up in it.

In the dim light of the big screen, Huo Niansheng noticed Chen Wengang also pulling out a scarf from his bag and draping it like a cape around Tongtong, resembling the Ice Queen.

It made him curious about what else Chen Wengang’s backpack, resembling a treasure chest, held.

Kids watching movies were never quiet; their emotions overflowed, laughter and shouts filling the theater, with intermittent cries from the younger ones who couldn’t understand the plot and were brought along by their parents, pinned to their seats. Huo Niansheng left halfway through.

He initially thought of going to the smoking area but changed his mind and left the pack of cigarettes behind.

Truthfully, he didn’t have a smoking habit anymore. He couldn’t recall when it started, but gradually, he stopped lighting up in front of Chen Wengang.

Otherwise, Chen Wengang would ask him for one.

Having a puff or two didn’t matter, but Huo Niansheng felt it was better to avoid smoking and drinking.

Not long after, Chen Wengang also came out: “Sorry, you must be bored, right?”

Huo Niansheng was indeed bored. He bought a lollipop from the counter. “Not at all. Why don’t you go back and watch?”

The two of them walked a few steps, and Chen Wengang sat with him on a bench outside.

The bench was originally meant for three people, but with two tall men, it looked crowded. Huo Niansheng took up more space, stretching out his long legs, one ankle resting on the knee of the other leg.

Chen Wengang nudged his thigh with the back of his hand, feeling the taut muscles under his pants. Huo Niansheng casually held his hand.

“In fact, they don’t have many places they can go. Going outdoors, they might get heatstroke or catch a cold, and even a slight cold could lead to complications,” Chen Wengang said. “Otherwise, I would suggest going clamming. Being born in Jin City, it’s a shame not to interact with the sea.”

“Do you like clamming?”

“No way, haven’t you been clamming?”

“You’ve deprived me of the opportunity to go out to sea. Forgot?”

“Clamming and going out to sea are different.” Chen Wengang ignored his twisting of words and smiled, “I’ve gones clamming since I was a child, carrying a bucket, and finding oysters, clams, sea intestines, crabs, large shells… After clamming, we’d cook right by the sea…”

“If there’s a chance, you can take me.” Huo Niansheng seemed to yearn for it, but in this regard, he didn’t have any pleasant memories. He changed the subject to hold Chen Wengang accountable, “By the way, the two little ones call you ‘big brother,’ how come you let them call me ‘uncle’?”

Chen Wengang turned his face away, almost laughing out loud.

It all started when he let Diandian and Tongtong call him “uncle” earlier in the day. Later, Lu Chenlong’s brother, Joskin’s son, heard and followed suit. None of the adults thought anything was wrong with it.

“When I was in high school, I was ‘Loving Brother,'” Chen Wengang pushed his face away, “Young Master Huo, you’re already quite old, approaching thirty, and you want a group of kids who haven’t even started elementary school to call you ‘big brother’? Are you comfortable with that?”

Huo Niansheng didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. His intentions were elsewhere, “Then what should you call me?”

Chen Wengang smiled mischievously, “Mr. Huo.”

Huo Niansheng traced circles on the back of his hand and said, “Let’s talk about seniority. Shouldn’t you call me ‘uncle’ too?”

Chen Wengang blushed, listening to him continue, “It’s quite interesting… Remember to give it a try next time?”

At this moment, Huang-jie came out with a tearful little one, relieved to see them.

“What are you doing here?” Her strong hand held the delicate one, “Wengang, Diandian insisted on finding you.”

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Chen Wengang took the child and patted her head.

Diandian hugged his neck, sobbing, tears rolling down like raindrops, as if deeply wronged.

“She doesn’t want to watch the movie; she wants to play with you.” Huang-jie said, “Xiao Lu and Teacher Joskin are inside, so I brought her out to see you… I’ll go back now; don’t run around.”

“We’ll wait here.” Chen Wengang replied, “Come find us when you’re ready to leave.”

Diandian lay on his shoulder, cried for a while, then stopped, her moist eyes staring at Huo Niansheng beside her.

Huo Niansheng also looked at her, and she suddenly closed up like a clam, burying her face in Chen Wengang’s shoulder.

Chen Wengang adjusted to a more comfortable position, took out his phone, placed it in front of him, and opened a video app, “Don’t want to watch the movie? Let’s watch something else. Do you like SpongeBob?”

She nodded.

Huo Niansheng smiled and watched with them.

They waited until the movie ended, regrouped, and, at Joskin’s suggestion, headed to the Lego park on the rooftop.

The four children sat around a small round table, each assembling some peculiar shapes.

After playing for a while, Diandian stopped and came over, hanging on Chen Wengang’s leg.

Compared to cartoons and toys, it was evident that this child relied more on emotional connections with people. Chen Wengang fetched a small stool and sat beside the round table, propping up his legs to let her lean against him. She resumed playing only after touching him to make sure he was there.

Seeing Diandian sticking close to Chen Wengang, Tongtong wanted to do the same. This triggered a domino effect, and the other two boys also crowded around, as if it were a desirable treat that only the quick could grab.

Xiao Bao couldn’t squeeze in, so he suddenly grabbed a handful of loose LEGO pieces and threw them at Diandian’s face.

She looked stunned, and Lu Chenlong grabbed his brother’s hand, scolding him, “What are you doing? Who told you to be so impulsive?”

The atmosphere suddenly tensed up, and Xiao Bao whimpered before bursting into tears.

Diandian was emotionally affected, and her eyes welled up with tears.

Huang-jie hurriedly intervened, while Chen Wengang picked up Diandian. It wasn’t favoritism; she was the most fragile child present—both had congenital heart disease, and while Tongtong had already had surgery, Diandian hadn’t reached the surgical conditions yet, and adults couldn’t afford any mishaps with her.

Tempers flared momentarily.

Joskin mediated, with Lu Chenlong making Xiao Bao apologize, ending the tension.

Diandian, still clinging to Chen Wengang’s neck, shyly forgave him, “It’s okay.”

Chen Wengang supported her back as she gestured with her small hand, leaning it on his face. He didn’t mind; his eyes were soft with indescribable tenderness. When he looked up, his eyes met Huo Niansheng’s.

Huo Niansheng had given up on figuring out how Chen Wengang had developed such a personality.

He placed his hand on Chen Wengang’s shoulder, but suddenly, his thigh felt heavy, and Tongtong reached out eagerly, “I want a hug too…”

Huo Niansheng bent down and lifted her up, giving her a panoramic view that satisfied her, and she extended her hand to hook fingers with her little sister.

The storm rose and fell quickly.

Xiao Bao received his brother’s close “care,” sandwiched tightly between Lu Chenlong’s legs. Finally, the little boy adopted by Joskin’s family, whose reflex arc finally returned from orbit, chuckled at the scene.

But these LEGO blocks could only be played with outside; they couldn’t take them back.

Tongtong and Diandian couldn’t bring toys with small parts back to the welfare home due to safety regulations. Both boys had intellectual disabilities and couldn’t take them home to play by themselves to avoid accidental ingestion when unsupervised.

Turning his head, Chen Wengang bought two fluffy skirted teddy bears for the girls as compensation, “Pick the ones you like.”

He didn’t bother with the boys, as their own brothers and dads were present. After hesitating for a while, Tongtong chose the pale pink one, while Diandian chose the sky blue one. Huang-jie squatted down and said, “Say thank you to your big brother and dad and give it a name, okay?”

Tongtong straightforwardly said, “Let’s call it ‘Little Bear.'”

Diandian softly suggested, “Let’s call it ‘Wenwen.'”

Huo Niansheng smiled, finding the child quite adorable as he joined them on the ground, “Do you like Wenwen?”

After spending the day together, Diandian had already trusted this stranger. She hugged his neck and was lifted up, “Yeah!”

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