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Thank you @Didigeorge for the Kofi~

Chapter 38: Chen Wengang never complained to him.

In the preceding week, Zheng Yucheng had been leaving early and returning late, tirelessly staying in the office for overtime and almost neglecting his home.

Similar to his past life, He Wanxin had only shared the photos with Chen Wengang.

At that time, it seemed that no one else knew about this matter—He Wanxin’s purpose in orchestrating this was solely to destroy the relationship between the two and to use it to coerce Zheng Yucheng. However, if a scandal had erupted with compromising photos, it would have been a devastating blow to her own reputation.

She was not foolish; Chen Wengang understood it all too well, but whether she was insane or not was hard to determine.

After Huo Meijie was discharged and returned home, Zheng Bingyi’s thoughts on company matters diminished, often taking time to accompany his wife for walks.

As people age, they long for family joy more than when they were young. He had shown exceptional anticipation and indulgence toward this child. The nursery and crib had been set up early, and every imaginable baby item, from clothing to a variety of toys, had been sent in.

At that critical juncture, Zheng Yucheng had immersed himself in work, tirelessly working day and night, easily leading others to believe he had emotions regarding this matter.

However, in reality, when it came to Huo Meijie and this child, Zheng Yucheng had no extra thoughts.

His heart had been indifferent—

Not to mention not knowing the gender, even if a younger sibling had arrived with a twenty-year age gap, unlike Zheng Maoxun, this little one had posed almost no threat to Zheng Yucheng’s position. By the time he had grown up, it would have been a long time.

Zheng Bingyi was not a foolish person. He was in his early fifties at this time. By the time this child would have reached adulthood, he would have been approaching eighty.

In the future will, it would have been best to allocate more gold bonds and real estate to him, ensuring he grew up safely to become a wealthy and idle person.

The logic had been there, but for Zheng Yucheng, it was impossible to be completely worry-free.

Huo Meijie had obviously not been someone who would stop meddling, and it was uncertain that in the next ten years or so, when Zheng Bingyi had aged, she wouldn’t persuade and influence him. If the little one had also gotten a share, combined with Zheng Maoxun’s, it would still pose a disadvantageous situation for Zheng Yucheng.

Several uncles who had frequently entered and exited the company as shareholders had often offered advice, openly or covertly advising Zheng Yucheng to plan ahead.

What plans could he have made?

Marriage was not an urgent matter for Zheng Yucheng; he could consider it if there were suitable young ladies.

In traditional families, having a grandson early on was highly valued, and the status wouldn’t be inferior to the youngest son.

Zheng Yucheng disdainfully dismissed such thoughts, but when he slept alone in the office, he found the situation absurd and somewhat pitiful.


During these days of evasion by Zheng Yucheng, the outside world remained unaware of the experiences of the eldest son of the Zheng family. However, some tabloids still managed to get hold of fresh material.

The incident of Chen Wengang “winning” a yacht from Huo Niansheng’s hands eventually leaked through certain channels.

After all, that day had been crowded, with many people and various internet celebrities and models present. It wasn’t easy to determine who had privately leaked the information.

Exaggerating the story, some reported it as winning capital through gambling, while others portrayed Huo Niansheng as flamboyant, throwing money around in a high-profile manner to attract attention.

Chen Wengang saw a few newspaper articles, each displaying headlines of various sizes. Considering that such scandals were not particularly fresh when it came to Huo Niansheng, the degree of explosiveness was not worth writing so much about. The reports referred to him as a certain young master from the Chen family without disclosing his specific name.

Therefore, he brushed it off after reading it and didn’t particularly dwell on it.

Even if the name had been exposed, no one could have really done anything to him. The power of public opinion was formidable, and he knew it and had experienced it. Enduring the peculiar gazes from all directions was undoubtedly a tiresome task, so whether a wealthy person or a poor one, face was essential.

But his face had truly been ruined once, and he had endured it for seventeen years—it seemed like it was just a matter of course.

Engaging in an intimate relationship with Huo Niansheng, however, was a decision Chen Wengang wasn’t certain was a wise one.

Physical intimacy was a form of closeness, and once it happened, something inevitably changed. At that time, he hadn’t appeared as calm as he seemed, but with the arrow on the bowstring, he hadn’t left himself any room for regret.

Yet, when they truly undressed, he performed extremely poorly. Chen Wengang knew that he had messed up.

The voice in his dreams was like a subconscious warning, and whether he wanted to admit it or not, he indeed wasn’t ready.

During the afternoon at work, Chen Wengang encountered Zheng Dongqing’s husband, Xiang Hao.

This brother-in-law was relatively handsome in appearance, except for a slightly receding hairline.

He had come to handle some matters with Zheng Yucheng. Regarding the specific details, Chen Wengang hadn’t inquired, but Xiang Hao, upon seeing him, seemed to have a bit of a fawning attitude: “Wengang, if you have time, go and visit Dongqing.”

Out of politeness, Chen Wengang agreed verbally.

Coincidentally, the next afternoon, he truly ran into Zheng Dongqing at the department store.

Chen Wengang had gone there to have the watch calibrated, and Zheng Dongqing was shopping alone, carrying a few bags, appearing somewhat forlorn.

Upon seeing Chen Wengang, she still had the gentle demeanor she used to have, expressing concern about his studies and life.

Chen Wengang helped her carry the bags and spent a little more time with her.

Zheng Dongqing invited him to the rooftop cafe for an afternoon tea.

As they were ushered in and took their seats, there were two affluent ladies who knew her nearby, surprised to come over and greet her with a somewhat sarcastic tone:

“Dongqing, long time no see. Why don’t you come out and socialize with us when you have time?”

“You’re currently focused on being a housewife, even though you don’t have children yet. It’s not right. Why stay cooped up at home like a housewife?”

“I heard your husband’s business isn’t doing well. Is it a cash flow issue or something else? Do you want me to introduce financing channels for him?”

“Oh, come on, we know about your family situation. You don’t have to foot the bill; let’s all go out and have some fun. It’s just for the sake of enjoyment.”

Chen Wengang stood on the side, finding it difficult to intervene in the banter of these affluent ladies. He even got a few sarcastic remarks directed at him. In the end, he called a waiter, claiming this spot had strong air conditioning and a leaking ceiling, so they moved to a more distant table.

Zheng Dongqing blinked at Chen Wengang, handing him a tissue. “They were so noisy, and you got caught up in it.”

Chen Wengang smiled gently, telling her not to worry about it. The higher the social class, the clearer the hierarchy of disdain.

Those two affluent ladies were the typical high-nosed types, and in the years he had been with the Zheng family, he had encountered similar faces. Especially in the first two years when Zheng Yucheng took him out to socialize with his friends, they had one face when facing Chen Wengang and a different one behind his back.

Everyone wears a mask, and from Zheng Yucheng’s perspective, he couldn’t see this side, making it difficult for them to empathize.

Chen Wengang never complained to him.

Later, Zheng Yucheng considered him aloof, unable to get along with his friends. Still, he no longer forced it.

Zheng Dongqing poured tea from a bone china teapot, looking at him: “Wengang, since I married your brother-in-law, it’s like ‘eating a salty fish to quench one’s thirst.’ I chose it myself, and there are both good and bad aspects. Do you remember not long ago when I had to trouble Dad even to buy an evening gown? When Uncle Lin came to visit, I felt complicated and speechless. But when I returned home that night and your brother-in-law came to soak my feet and massage my shoulders, I knew I still wanted this ordinary married life.”

She pointed in a direction. “Look, like those two just now, they may seem splendid, but I’ll tell you, not one of their husbands is faithful. Not a single one. They know it themselves, but they turn a blind eye. After all, the wife’s status is secure, and the husband fooling around outside is just fooling around. Otherwise, what can they do? There are no benefits to divorce.”

Zheng Dongqing continued, “If I hadn’t married Xiang Hao back then, 99 percent of the time, I would have married someone like them.”

Chen Wengang offered a comforting word, “You and brother-in-law had a love story that turned into a happy ending; it’s different.”

Zheng Dongqing, however, said, “No, as long as you get married, you’ll have the impulse to divorce eight hundred times. No one is an exception.”

Chen Wengang was momentarily stunned, unable to respond. After all, he had never been married, only vaguely associating with Huo Niansheng… but still finding it hard to imagine.

She laughed, “But let it go. Even if Xiang Hao is incapable, at least he won’t cheat. Speaking a bit more heartlessly, as long as my family is here, your brother-in-law wouldn’t dare to cheat. I have the final say both inside and outside the family, from my father-in-law to my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, relatives, and friends; no one dares to upset me. Wengang, I am a confused person; this kind of life is enough.”

They stopped discussing unpleasant matters and chatted about family matters for a while.

Later, Zheng Dongqing said, “But people still need to have something to do. Recently—or not recently, since last year—I’ve been getting involved with some autism charity organizations, regularly helping them with various tasks.”

Contrary to Zheng Dongqing’s expectations, Chen Wengang was not unfamiliar with this topic. As the conversation shifted to the autism intervention and treatment system, he demonstrated a deep understanding, even showing a level of professionalism. He discussed case experiences as if he had been deeply involved in this field for many years.

Zheng Dongqing was surprised by his knowledge and interest in these matters.

Back when she hadn’t married yet and they lived together, she had high hopes for the younger brother of hers. He excelled in his studies, was humble, and with the careful cultivation from Zheng Bingyi, he would undoubtedly become a capable and loyal member of the Zheng family, destined for great success.

However, she had recently heard faint rumors that he might be leaving.

Zheng Dongqing subtly asked about this matter, and in their conversation, she seemed to have found some answers.

Engaging in charity work was actually a favored activity in the so-called “lady’s social circle.” Even the two affluent ladies they had encountered earlier had participated in publicity for certain charity projects as a way to support their husbands’ careers. In reality, one didn’t have to be someone’s wife to engage in such activities; people had different aspirations.

They agreed to exchange thoughts again when there was an opportunity. As evening approached, Zheng Dongqing called her husband to come and pick her up.

In the dim twilight, Chen Wengang bid farewell to her at the entrance of the department store. Standing on the steps, he watched as Xiang Hao got out of the car, took the shopping bags, and hugged his wife, planting a couple of kisses on her cheek. Zheng Dongqing waved at Chen Wengang with a smile.

Declining the slightly enthusiastic offer from his brother-in-law to give him a ride, Chen Wengang was about to hail a cab when he received an unfamiliar call.

The voice on the other end asked him to walk a bit further ahead. Parked along the roadside was a black Bentley.

The car windows were tinted, preventing a view of the interior.

However, the driver stood outside, efficiently opening the car door for him, revealing an empty interior.

The robust driver made a polite gesture. “Mr. Huo invites you to come over.”

Chen Wengang inquired, “Which Mr. Huo?”

The driver responded with a straight face, “You’ll know once you go.”

Playing mysterious. Chen Wengang chuckled. “It’s Mr. Huo Jingsheng, isn’t it?”

The driver’s intentionally imposing expression momentarily froze, confirming that Chen Wengang guessed correctly.

Without confirming or denying, the driver said with a stiff face, “Mr. Huo has no ill intentions. You’ll know once you go. Besides, in broad daylight, there’s no way you’ll be taken to any illegal place.”

Chen Wengang finally gave him a smile. “Let me make a call to inform my family.”

The driver took a step back. “Please go ahead.”

The call was answered by Zheng Baoqiu, “Huo Jingsheng? Why is he looking for you?”

Chen Wengang replied vaguely, “I’ll probably know once I get there.”

“Are you coming back home tonight?”

“Not sure. No need to leave the door for me.”

For Zheng Baoqiu, Huo Niansheng’s brother was also considered her cousin by blood. However, relationships varied, and she was only familiar with the eldest cousin, having less connection with the second cousin. As for a bunch of illegitimate sons scattered outside… there was basically no substantial relationship.

Zheng Maoxun happened to be watching TV nearby and overheard a bit. “Our cousins are all odd lately. Why is each one more mysterious than the other?” Then he had a whimsical thought, “Could it be that Chen Wengang has been kidnapped? Deliberately talking nonsense.”

Zheng Baoqiu rolled her eyes. “You’ve watched too many police dramas.”

Zheng Maoxun sneered, “Isn’t that a possibility? Encountering danger and signaling the family with a code.”

Zheng Baoqiu suddenly revealed a triumphant smile. “Of course, we’ve had a code for a long time. It’s just that you’ve been excluded.”

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