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Chapter 32: Like a weightless feather.

Half an hour ago.

Zheng Baoqiu complained behind Mu Qing’s back, but when Mu Qing brought his friends over, she still put on a deceitful smile.

On the other side, Qi Tongzhou and Chen Wengang came back, and a few people gathered in a circle, whether familiar or not, chatting casually together.

The staff set up a new champagne tower, and the liquid flowed down from the pinnacle like a golden waterfall.

Many people got lively and drunk, cheering around this magnificent scene.

Mu Qing’s friends got excited and suggested playing drinking games.

Chen Wengang didn’t plan to participate; he stepped back a bit, making space for them.

Someone, however, disapproved of his aloof attitude and sarcastically said, “What are you doing? Trying to stay sober while everyone else is getting drunk?”

Chen Wengang smiled and chose to ignore it.

The person became more aggressive, urging him to join, or else he would lose face.

Zheng Baoqiu couldn’t stand it: “Hey, his alcohol metabolism is not good, not suitable for drinking. The doctor even mentioned it in the last check-up.”

The person’s companion teased, “Just one drink, what can’t he metabolize? Just pee a few times when you get home, and it’ll be fine.”

Zheng Baoqiu frowned. Before she could react, Qi Tongzhou intervened, saying, “What are you doing? There are girls here. Watch your language.”

The person turned to Chen Wengang: “Girls don’t need to drink, right? Or are you also a girl? Maybe it’s that time of the month?”

Seeing Zheng Baoqiu about to lose her temper, Chen Wengang stopped her: “Forget it; don’t argue with senseless people.”

The person shouted, “Come on, you’ve got some guts; say another word and see?”

With a bit of alcohol in their system and youthful exuberance, the atmosphere suddenly became tense, with a few exchanged words escalating the tension.

At this moment, Mu Qing stepped forward to mediate and advised his friends to stop talking.

The escalating conflict halted, but since there was no common ground in the conversation, the two groups separated and went their own ways.

Zheng Baoqiu turned away, coldly snorting, “I know those two. One’s family runs a machinery factory, and the other’s runs a modification factory. They’re nouveau riche and can’t be seen on a decent occasion. Look at who they play with, and you know like attracts like.”

Qi Tongzhou chimed in, but he had a good impression of Mu Qing and didn’t realize who Zheng Baoqiu was referring to.

The band on stage continued to rock and roll. Someone in the crowd decided to forcefully shake a champagne bubble, and with a bang, the cork shot out, spraying nearby people.

The sprayed person retaliated immediately, grabbing a bottle of alcohol and launching a counterattack.

As if by signal, everyone soon started a champagne fight, engaging in senseless revelry.

The alcohol seemed to be pouring like it was free; some of it was even poured directly into the swimming pool. This night, who knows how much money went down the drain?

Chen Wengang exchanged a glance with Zheng Baoqiu, both not wanting to be soaked in alcohol. They decided to make an early exit, with Chen Wengang shielding Zheng Baoqiu and finding a safe route to leave.

Qi Tongzhou followed suit. As they reached the edge of the venue, he heard someone shout Chen Wengang’s name.

What happened next was unexpected and happened in the blink of an eye.

Qi Tongzhou only saw champagne splashing in an arc from the bottle, realizing that someone with no regard for others was launching a surprise alcohol attack.

Immediately, his second thought was that the attack was intentionally aimed at Chen Wengang.

Chen Wengang was directly splashed, and up to this point, Qi Tongzhou had already realized that it was a tasteless prank.

Unexpectedly, Chen Wengang’s reaction was extremely intense. He suddenly took a step back. By the time Qi Tongzhou realized the cry of pain came from him, he was already on the ground, covering his face. It wasn’t like being splashed with alcohol; it was more like being attacked with acid. The fear was evident.

Zheng Baoqiu snapped back to reality and cursed, “Who did this?”

She rushed over, worriedly asking if any got into his eyes.

The crowd looked at each other, all wearing innocent expressions, and naturally, no one admitted to it.

Qi Tongzhou did see it; the person who splashed the alcohol was the idiot who had insulted them earlier.

However, at this moment, he couldn’t afford to pursue the matter with the other person. He crouched down beside Chen Wengang, holding up his hands in a bewildered manner.

Chen Wengang curled his body into a defensive posture, a stance that screamed self-protection. He appeared tense, like a taut bow, not allowing anyone to touch him or approach him. This wasn’t a normal reaction.

The rock music had stopped at some point, leaving only the ambient music playing. Band members craned their necks in curiosity, watching the commotion unfold—

“What’s going on?”

“Is someone hurt?”

“This can’t be an act, right? Hey, don’t joke around.”

In the crowd, a cautious voice spoke, “Could it be an epileptic seizure?”

Yu Shanding squeezed through the crowd like Moses was parting the sea, showing his head. He remained calm, scolding the model who spoke, “Epileptic seizure? What are you talking about? Why is everyone crowded here? Can’t you see someone might be lacking oxygen? Disperse; let some fresh air in!”

Many of these models were familiar with him, and with a glance from Yu Shanding, they laughed and took the lead in dispersing.

Zheng Baoqiu pulled up her collar, sniffed the liquid that splashed on her, and even tried licking her hand to make sure it was just champagne. It couldn’t be that something else was mixed into the alcohol, right?

She felt a bit confused and bent down again, “Wengang-ge, how do you feel?”

Chen Wengang gritted his teeth tightly, not answering her.

The alcohol soaked through his clothes, and the chill followed the nerves straight to the brain. However, what Chen Wengang felt was not cold; it was scorching, almost burning, causing every inch of his skin to ache intensely. His consciousness was chaotic, and he was unable to distinguish between reality and memory.

Chen Wengang moved his lips, and Qi Tongzhou felt like he said something, but unfortunately, he couldn’t hear it clearly.

Zheng Baoqiu made a decision: “Should we call an ambulance… I’ll go and call.”

However, she was dressed lightly, and her phone was locked in the locker. Yu Shanding, supporting his knee, also bent down to check the situation. Upon hearing her words, he touched himself—only in his underwear. Zheng Baoqiu hurriedly stood up to fetch her phone, but when she turned around, she was momentarily stunned and exclaimed, “Cousin.”

Qi Tongzhou squatted there, helpless, and subconsciously raised his head. There was now an additional person beside him.

He hadn’t noticed when Huo Niansheng arrived. But to be fair, Huo Niansheng also seemed indifferent to him.

Zheng Baoqiu evidently relied more on her own people. She grabbed Qi Tongzhou’s shoulder and pulled him back, indicating for him to make way. Helplessly, Qi Tongzhou stepped back, watching as Huo Niansheng bent one knee, kneeling on the ground, gently calling Chen Wengang’s name.

Upon hearing his voice, Chen Wengang finally reacted.

Huo Niansheng felt a tight grip on his left hand; Chen Wengang held it tightly. Chen Wengang’s strength was extraordinary, almost crushing his hand bones.

His other hand still tightly covered his face, revealing only half of his face with a pale glow, showing no apparent issues.

Huo Niansheng’s heart settled down. He allowed Chen Wengang to hold him and said to Zheng Baoqiu, “Check his pockets; see if there’s a…”

A small medicine box for splitting pills. If Chen Wengang had it, it would be secured in the right pocket.

Huo Niansheng furrowed his brow and paused: “Forget it, I’ll do it.”

Once again, it seemed like another self had emerged within him. Skillfully, he found the medicine box in its usual place. With one hand occupied, he handed it to Zheng Baoqiu, and inside were two white pills of unknown composition. However, Huo Niansheng knew it was Alprazolam.

Zheng Baoqiu poured out one pill and handed it over with a skeptical look.

Huo Niansheng supported the back of Chen Wengang’s head, lifting it slightly.

The familiar scent made Chen Wengang stop resisting. With Huo Niansheng’s hand, he swallowed the pill, instinctively pressing it against the base of his tongue.

Huo Niansheng adjusted his position, letting Chen Wengang lean against him.

Freeing his right hand, he soothingly patted Chen Wengang’s back. Yu Shanding brought a clean towel, many of which were prepared at the entrance of the swimming pool. Huo Niansheng gave him a glance, and Yu Shanding quickly unfolded it. Huo Niansheng took it, using the towel to wrap Chen Wengang and his own arm.

Chen Wengang finally eased the strength in his hand, just weakly resting it on his face.

He leaned against Huo Niansheng, his face and body still covered in damp alcohol stains. Huo Niansheng lifted the towel, gently wiping his face.

The commotion here once again attracted curious glances, but Yu Shanding and others blocked most of them. Huo Niansheng gave a few instructions to Zheng Baoqiu, ignoring the hesitant Qi Tongzhou, and rewrapped Chen Wengang with the towel, lifting him horizontally.

Perhaps the effects of the alprazolam were starting to work. The sharp screams from Chen Wengang’s nerves subsided.

Curling in Huo Niansheng’s arms, he seemed half-awake, vaguely hearing Yu Shanding asking, “Which room are you going to?”

He heard Huo Niansheng telling him to press the elevator button again and not to dilly-dally.

The jostling caused by walking felt like soaring through clouds, but before him was a safe darkness. Chen Wengang kept his eyes closed and didn’t open them.

After what felt like several minutes or maybe half an hour, he found himself on a bed. 

The softness beneath him felt like a cloud, and he sank into it, as if descending into the depths of the sea.

For Huo Niansheng, Chen Wengang’s weight wasn’t much of a burden. On the contrary, he held him and walked all the way, and for some reason, there was a sour and tender feeling in his heart. It was as if he were holding onto something extremely precious that had been lost and now found.

Arriving at Room 707, it was a suite. Huo Niansheng kicked open the bedroom door with his foot and settled Chen Wengang on the bed.

As soon as Chen Wengang left his embrace, he moved restlessly. Huo Niansheng quickly touched him, saying, “Wengang, don’t be afraid.”

He took off his shoes, didn’t bother changing clothes, and got on the bed with him, pulling him into his arms. “Don’t be afraid, Wengang; I’m here.”

After comforting him for a while, Chen Wengang’s tense body gradually relaxed. He reached out and embraced Huo Niansheng’s neck.

Huo Niansheng kissed his temples and cheeks.

He lowered his head and found that Chen Wengang had already awakened, his eyes slightly squinted, gazing at Huo Niansheng with his deep black pupils.

Huo Niansheng couldn’t help but kiss his eyes, continuing to use the towel to wipe his clothes that were half-damp.

Before long, a doctor arrived, carrying a medical kit. He was from the club’s medical room, and the staff let him in after making an internal call.

Huo Niansheng took him into the bedroom: “Give him a sedative.”

The doctor hesitated a bit. Members of the club were all wealthy and influential. A person lay on the bed, half of his face buried in the pillow, looking somewhat beautiful despite the drained energy. It was challenging not to think in a negative direction, especially when asked to come and administer a sedative. It was better not to let him see. Ignoring professional ethics wasn’t an option, especially being called over specifically; it seemed like aiding and abetting.

The doctor suggested hesitantly, “How about I check the situation first?”

But the person lying on the bed spoke up, “It’s okay now.” Chen Wengang explained: “I have a bit of panic disorder.”

Huo Niansheng sat on the edge of the bed, running his fingers through Chen Wengang’s hair. “Just give him a shot; he’ll be much better after a good sleep.”

Chen Wengang closed his eyes again. “Whatever is fine.”

The doctor bent down and asked him, “How do you feel now? Do you want to take the shot yourself?”

Chen Wengang replied, “It won’t be a big problem. It’ll take about half an hour at most.”

Huo Niansheng said, “Forget it; just give him a check-up.”

In the end, the shot wasn’t administered. The doctor briefly examined Chen Wengang and checked his heart rate, preliminarily ruling out the possibility of a heart attack. Then, he brought a packet of calming herbal medicine granules, dissolved them in warm water, and fed them to Chen Wengang.

“Just take some rest; if anything feels off, call me at any time.”

Huo Niansheng escorted the doctor out and returned to the bedside. He saw Chen Wengang wrapping himself in the blanket.

Lying on his side, arching his back, he seemed somewhat fragile, like a feather without weight. Although he hadn’t taken the sedative, he had probably been through enough. In this short time, as soon as he closed his eyes, his breathing showed a tendency to become longer.

Huo Niansheng initially thought of asking him to get up and change clothes but ultimately remained silent, pressing down the corner of the blanket for him.

Leaning against the bedside, he listened to Chen Wengang’s steady breaths, absentmindedly thinking about something and occasionally patting his back.

If someone were to see Huo Niansheng at this moment, his face would be expressionless, hiding many emotions that were difficult for others to decipher.

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One Comment

  1. 😢😢😢 my heart feels heavy seeing chen wengang suffering. thank you for the update, the writing and story has been amazing

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