DLRAS Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: There is someone in my heart.

In the end, the four people still agreed to play indoor tennis together, and Li Hongqiong gave up the plan to go mountain climbing.

Having just finished dinner, they each took an hour of rest and went back to their rooms to relax.

When Huo Niansheng arrived at the tennis court, Chen Wengang and Zheng Baoqiu had already started playing, with the ball going back and forth.

Zheng Baoqiu won a game against Chen Wengang and proudly wrinkled her nose, saying, “I won! Cousin, it’s your turn.”

Chen Wengang accepted defeat with a good temper and handed the racket to Huo Niansheng.

Li Hongqiong arrived a bit later.

The cousins, Huo Niansheng and Zheng Baoqiu, played against each other across the net, while Chen Wengang sat on the sidelines watching. He took a bottle of mineral water and just opened the cap when a fragrant breeze wafted by. Li Hongqiong, now in tennis attire, arrived a bit late, warming up not far from him.

Chen Wengang smiled friendlyly at her.

Li Hongqiong responded with a bright smile. It was evident that she usually had a strong personality.

Their gazes returned to the court. Li Hongqiong stretched her joints, twisting her wrist but not rushing into the game.

With a bang, Zheng Baoqiu hit a sharply spinning slice, and Huo Niansheng lost deliberately.

“Let’s switch to someone else,” he grinned at Zheng Baoqiu. “Can you handle one against three?”

“Underestimating me?” Zheng Baoqiu couldn’t resist a challenge. “Too easy.”

So Huo Niansheng leisurely walked over, made a gesture, and invited Li Hongqiong to join.

Li Hongqiong raised an eyebrow, and as she passed by, she couldn’t help but speak, “You’re quite protective. I won’t bite, you know.”

Huo Niansheng chuckled and said, “It’s hard to say. You have to understand that even if I introduce you, you should still have some sense of propriety.”

After speaking, he walked straight toward Chen Wengang, dragging a folding chair and sitting down next to him.

Li Hongqiong gave him a disdainful look, shook her head, and served the ball.

Zheng Baoqiu played vigorously, sweating profusely, with her ponytail bouncing up and down. The court was filled with a youthful atmosphere.

Suddenly, Huo Niansheng asked, “Why didn’t you use your left hand just now?”

Chen Wengang was puzzled, “What?”

Huo Niansheng reached out and held his left wrist: “Last time you played pool, I remember you holding the cue with your left hand. Before, when you wore a watch, it was on your right wrist, indicating you were left-handed. How come you switched to holding the racket with your right hand when playing with Baoqiu?”

“You noticed that,” Chen Wengang laughed, reaching out his left hand to examine. “I’m naturally left-handed. The teachers corrected me during school, but later on, I got used to using my right hand. I still write with my right hand.”

“In daily life, though, is your left hand more flexible?”

“I don’t really care which hand I use. But when playing tennis, the serving angle with my left hand is different from my right hand.”

After all, most people are right-handed, and hitting the ball with the left hand produces a spin and direction different from the conventional right-handed grip, catching opponents off guard. Zheng Baoqiu had complained about Chen Wengang’s tricky left-handed serves, which were difficult to handle.

It wasn’t a big deal, and since then, as long as it wasn’t a competition, Chen Wengang has played tennis with a right-handed grip when accompanying others.

Huo Niansheng just smiled after listening.

After watching for a moment, he said, “Let’s play over there and have a match. This time, use your left hand.”

Chen Wengang was surprised, “No need—”

Huo Niansheng pulled him up, saying, “It’s just the right time for me to experience a left-handed shot. I have a strong sense of self-esteem; I don’t allow others to dictate for me.”

The two played evenly for a while. After some time, Zheng Baoqiu and Li Hongqiong on the sidelines took a break.

Their match had brought them closer, and after resting, they discussed new ideas.

With two men and two women in the hall, Zheng Baoqiu suggested a mixed doubles match.

When dividing into teams, without much thought, she instinctively moved toward Chen Wengang.

But Li Hongqiong preempted, “I want to be on the same team as Wengang.”

Huo Niansheng glanced at her.

She smiled, “It’s not interesting to always stick with people you know. We’re not very familiar yet, so let’s take this opportunity to get to know each other. What do you think?”

Zheng Baoqiu had no suspicions, “Then I’ll be on the same team as my cousin… You won’t drag me down, right?”

Chen Wengang maintained a polite expression on his face.

Li Hongqiong took the initiative to approach him, and he couldn’t quite figure out her intentions for now, but it was just a game after all.

As they were about to start, Chen Wengang was about to switch the racket to his right hand when Li Hongqiong asked, “How good are you?”

Chen Wengang gave a modest answer, “Average.”

Li Hongqiong raised an eyebrow and asked, “What does ‘average’ mean? In doubles, besides skills, cooperation is crucial. We are a team!”

Chen Wengang smiled and subtly switched back to his left hand: “Sorry, I misspoke. I’ll give it my all.”

With two strangers forming a team, the beginning was inevitably a bit awkward, with several interceptions and clashes. But gradually, Chen Wengang and Li Hongqiong developed some understanding. Li Hongqiong was more aggressive, while he played defensively. In the end, the Li-Chen team won with a slight advantage.

Even though it wasn’t a life-or-death competition, a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of Chen Wengang’s mouth.

Li Hongqiong gave him a high-five and then glanced toward Huo Niansheng from a distance with a hint of triumph.

Unwilling to accept defeat, Zheng Baoqiu pestered her cousin, insisting that Huo Niansheng practice with her.

The two of them took the court again, and Li Hongqiong strolled over.

Chen Wengang waited for her to speak.

Her attitude remained polite. After a moment of contemplation, Li Hongqiong went straight to the point, “Allow me to ask a question—what is your relationship with Lao Huo now? I mean no offense, and if it’s not convenient, you don’t have to answer.”

Chen Wengang smiled slightly, “If he doesn’t mind, we can consider ourselves friends.”

Li Hongqiong looked meaningful, “Just ordinary friends, or those ambiguous kinds of friends?”

Chen Wengang still wasn’t offended and handed her a sports drink, saying, “Replenish some electrolytes. Don’t drink too fast.”

Seeing him change the subject, Li Hongqiong didn’t inquire further. She took the drink, opened it, and drank two gulps generously.

In the evening, the four of them had some light snacks together before parting ways.

At night, there was an event, and Zheng Baoqiu pulled Chen Wengang to join a pool party.

As night fell, the area around the vast pool was brightly lit with colorful lights. The DJ and band hired by Yu Shanding were in place, and the lights danced chaotically, creating a lively atmosphere. Handsome men and beautiful women gathered in groups, and many people laughed and chatted by the rippling water, building champagne towers.

These young masters and misses were on vacation for fun, accompanied by many models, internet celebrities, and some not-so-famous minor celebrities.

Of course, there were no explicit scenes, but for those interested, there were rooms upstairs for more intimate conversations, which was something beyond anyone’s control.

So, the conservative fathers had reasons to worry about their daughters.

Zheng Baoqiu was currently chatting amiably with a male model who had a good figure and a good sense of humor, which made her happy.

Chen Wengang couldn’t help but glance at the two of them. The guy seemed relatively honest, with a flattering attitude toward wealthy young ladies but lacking the courage to make any physical advances—just incessant flattery.

Naturally, Zheng Baoqiu didn’t take it seriously either. In the midst of beauty, their encounter was fleeting, just aiming for some happiness.

As the main sponsor of the party, Huo Niansheng was nowhere to be found.

Chen Wengang looked around a few times but couldn’t spot him.

On the other hand, Yu Shanding warmly welcomed him. This time, his address changed again, affectionately calling him “Wengang” as they clinked glasses.

Chen Wengang held a cup of non-alcoholic drink, dealing with the sociable Yu Shanding, and sipped it slowly.

Perhaps influenced by the overflowing hormones in the room, his thoughts gradually became elusive.

Huo Niansheng’s long-term private suite was 707.

That number seemed to burn on his chest.

After a while, Zheng Baoqiu came back; her mood was not as high as before. She subtly mouthed, “The annoying person has arrived.”

She was referring to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing appeared with two or three other people.

After all, he had his own friends, so it wasn’t surprising for him to appear with different people based on invitations or partnerships. What was surprising, though, was that Qi Tongzhou was among them.

Chen Wengang seemed to vaguely sense the reason behind the previous attempts to provoke issues between him and Qi Tongzhou.

However, the moment Qi Tongzhou saw him, he immediately wagged his tail and rushed over.

Qi Tongzhou glanced at Zheng Baoqiu, hesitated, then pulled Chen Wengang aside, avoiding others while apologizing repeatedly.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Wengang, did my sister say anything inappropriate?”

“Who’s your sister?” Chen Wengang didn’t catch on.

“Oh, that one, Li Hongqiong, June. I don’t know how she introduced herself to you, whether with her English name or Chinese name,” Qi Tongzhou said. “She should have arrived earlier today and been with Huo-ge. Have you met her?”

“Yes, I met her. We gathered this afternoon to play tennis together.”

“Then let me explain. The thing between her and me is like this: our families have a good relationship. She has considered my parents her godparents since childhood, and she sort of treats me as her younger brother. It’s just that…” Qi Tongzhou wore a troubled expression. “So, she’s just…”

He hesitated, distressed, and dared not continue, afraid that revealing more might lead to a falling out.

Qi Tongzhou knew his god-sister could be formidable, but she also had a carefree side. So when Li Hongqiong messaged him, saying that she was coming to the yacht club to meet his crush, he felt a twinge of anxiety in his heart.

On the way there, he was anxious, even worried that Li Hongqiong might have offered Chen Wengang five million to leave him.

This vulgar imagination gave Qi Tongzhou a shiver. This wasn’t a soap opera. Yet, Li Hongqiong could indeed do some other unpredictable things.

Luckily, Chen Wengang considerately said, “No wonder she mentioned her little brother several times when we were chatting. It turns out she was talking about you.”

Qi Tongzhou observed his expression and breathed a sigh of relief, “Yes, it’s me, but don’t mind her. She has always enjoyed bullying me since we were kids.”

Chen Wengang pretended not to know, “She probably hasn’t gone far. Do you want to go and say hello to her?”

Qi Tongzhou looked around, pretending to scan the surroundings: “I thought about it, but I haven’t seen her since I arrived. Forget it.”

At this moment, his elder sister, Li Hongqiong, and Huo Niansheng were actually on the second-floor terrace, drinking and chatting.

The terrace extended from the stair platform, adorned with three or four white awnings and set up with round tables and backed chairs like a cafe, making it a perfect place to relax. From this position, Chen Wengang didn’t notice the people above.

Huo Niansheng’s gaze, however, was consistently following him as he slowly rotated a glass in his hand.

Li Hongqiong sat across from her old friend: “So, are you really not considering an arranged marriage?”

Huo Niansheng swirled the liquid in his glass, “No matter how meticulous the prenuptial agreement is, it’s still tying a rope around your neck. I’m a conservative and timid person; I don’t like doing high-risk things. Honestly, I can’t understand why others would do it.”

Li Hongqiong scoffed at his nonsense, “Just say it; you haven’t had enough fun yet, right?”

Huo Niansheng squinted his peach blossom eyes, “No, it’s because there’s someone in my heart.”

Li Hongqiong followed his gaze downward. She could easily recognize Chen Wengang at a glance, with his slender figure and refined temperament. As she looked for Chen Wengang in the crowd, it was hard to miss Qi Tongzhou orbiting around him.

After a while, she chuckled and said, “I didn’t expect your taste to be exactly the same as my god-brother’s.”

Huo Niansheng didn’t mind, “Then I hope you can persuade him not to waste his effort anymore.”

Li Hongqiong said, “He’s been acting foolish for more than a day or two. Even his parents can’t control him. How can I manage him? Guess what he said when he went home? He said his name is Tongzhou, and the other person’s name is Wengang. Is this considered a heaven-sent match? It made my godparents wonder who he had set his eyes on. That’s why I came here. Otherwise, why would I suddenly want to get acquainted with him today?”

Huo Niansheng bluntly replied, “It’s already very impolite to pry into other people’s affairs like this. You’re not the kind of person who enjoys entertainment. You’ve met, and there’s nothing else interesting here. I suggest you leave as soon as possible.”

Li Hongqiong insisted on staying: “Are you trying to drive me away?”

Huo Niansheng flashed a lazy smile, “It’s fine if you don’t leave. But being surrounded by revelry here, don’t you find it boring?”

Li Hongqiong sneered, and Huo Niansheng waved his hand, “Stay as long as you like. I’m going to find some fun. Do you mind?”

Leaving the glass on the table, he stood up and headed to the restroom.

However, while washing his hands, Huo Niansheng paused slightly, hearing some commotion from one of the cubicles.

It didn’t sound like uncontrollable passion, more like someone hurriedly finding a place for a quick encounter—someone was panting as if crying, very seductive.

The person inside also noticed the commotion outside. As they stepped out, still with reddened eyes, it turned out to be a young man, his figure as slender as noodles. His face had an abnormal flush, and upon seeing Huo Niansheng, he seemed to find a savior, saying, “Sir… Please help me. I didn’t do this willingly!”

Huo Niansheng raised an eyebrow, scrutinizing him from head to toe: “Where did you come from?”

The boy was feeling hot, and his eyes were blurred with tears. He leaned against him with a heated touch and said, “I… I’m a new recruit signed by a modeling agency. Our boss coerced and deceived me into coming…”

As he spoke, he clung to Huo Niansheng’s arm, as soft as if he might melt into a puddle at any moment, “They clearly said I didn’t need to accompany anyone… I didn’t expect…”

Huo Niansheng sighed, shaking off the droplets of water from his hand.

Huo Niansheng ran his fingers through the wet hair at the back of the boy’s head, gradually closing his moistened hand into a firm grip. The boy’s almond-shaped eyes, dreamy and enchanting, hooked onto him more intensely, but out of the blue, he was pressed under the faucet. The sensor detected the heat source, and water gushed out.

The boy was startled, making whimpering sounds as he struggled to free his head.

When he lifted his head, he even sprayed a burst of water, adding a touch of humor to the situation.

Water streaks flowed down his face in strands: “I… don’t do this… Please save me…”

Huo Niansheng smiled half-heartedly, “How else do you want me to save you? Is your mind not clear? Want to take a dip in the pool outside?”

The boy was stunned for a moment, confirming that this approach was futile. In a flash, he changed his expression, pouted, and said, “Mr. Huo, you are really heartless. I heard it’s difficult to get close to you. I had no choice but to come up with this last resort.”

Huo Niansheng nodded, “You’re a model? It’s useless to accompany me. You won’t gain much from it. It’s better to look for Yu Shanding. He loves eating, drinking, and having fun. He has good connections with many entertainment company executives.”

The little model squinted his eyes, surprisingly provocative, “With you here today, who else can compare? Mr. Huo, love me a little.”

He extended his agile tongue, teasingly licking his lips: “Don’t be so ruthless; give it a try. You have nothing to lose… I’ve never been with anyone else. Very clean.”

Huo Niansheng’s eyes still held a hint of mockery when he heard a faint commotion outside.

It seemed like someone had had too much to drink and was causing a disturbance. Even the young model’s attention was diverted, rolling his eyes and subconsciously looking toward the source of the noise.

Suddenly, Huo Niansheng’s heart trembled for no reason. He inexplicably felt a chill, and he pushed the little model away, quickly walking toward the source of the noise.

The boy took a couple of steps back, feeling aggrieved but curious, and followed from a distance.

Li Hongqiong was leaning on the terrace railing, peering downward.

Seeing Huo Niansheng go and come back, she said, “I don’t know what happened. It was fine just now; it seems like Chen…”

Before she could finish the name, Li Hongqiong suddenly froze—Huo Niansheng leaned on the railing, leaning forward, looking down with a cold and stern expression.

Having known each other for many years, she had never seen such an expression on Huo Niansheng’s usually unserious face.

It was cold and stern, as if he wanted to devour someone.

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