DLRAS Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: But that voice was so familiar.

Qu Tongzhou’s heart was in a state of unease, as if he could already foresee the hardships in his future romantic journey. However, he didn’t intend to deliberately reveal this matter to others.

The specific incident was that Qu Tongzhou couldn’t resist the urge to find out whether Chen Wengang really had political aspirations. Unable to inquire directly, he tried to indirectly gather information from Zheng Maoxun. However, Zheng Maoxun didn’t know more than him: “What do you think he’s going to do?!”

Qu Tongzhou couldn’t hold back his surprise. In the end, he unintentionally leaked Chen Wengang’s secret.

However, since Chen Wengang could let him know, he wasn’t afraid of others finding out. He just didn’t see the need to broadcast it everywhere. 

Such a trivial matter wasn’t considered a closely guarded secret in the Zheng family.

Even Zheng Bingyi summoned Chen Wengang to the study for a discussion.

Although it turned out to be a misunderstanding, seizing this opportunity, Zheng Bingyi advised Chen Wengang to consider a career in government. 

This would indeed be a good choice. Since the incident of making his intention to change majors clear, Zheng Bingyi knew that Chen Wengang’s mind was no longer focused on academics.

Regarding this young man, since Zheng Bingyi considered himself a half-adoptive father and half-supervisor—personally, there was undoubtedly an emotional connection—he also hoped that he would go far in his future endeavors. From a professional standpoint, where politics and business were intertwined, if Chen Wengang harbored ambitions to run for political office in the future, he couldn’t do it without Zheng’s support. It was also impossible for him not to reciprocate support for Zheng’s interests. This could be a win-win situation.

However, after the advice was given, Chen Wengang insisted, “Yifu, I never had that intention.”

Seeing his adopted son’s expression, Zheng Bingyi remained calm, understanding that he lacked the ambition for such power.

Indeed, self-interest could heat up one’s mind. Zheng Bingyi chuckled at himself, realizing that even at this age, he couldn’t escape the common tendency to believe rumors.

Helplessly, he waved his hand, asking Chen Wengang to leave once again.

As Chen Wengang descended the stairs, he saw two servants setting up an indoor ladder in the living room—one assisting the other about to climb up.

One of them was A-Mei and the other one he recognized as the girl who had mistaken him the last time.

Now she seemed much more competent. Both greeted him as he approached, “Young Master Wengang.”

He approached and asked, “Are you fixing the ceiling light? Why not call a maintenance technician?”

A-Mei sighed, “For just changing a light bulb, do we really need to wait for a technician to make a trip?”

Chen Wengang volunteered, “Oh, don’t climb up. Let me do it.”

“Oh, no need; it’s just a small matter. Do you really need to do it?”

“It’s okay. I’m tall, so it’s convenient for me.”

The living room’s power had already been cut off. He stepped onto the ladder, which let out a creaking sound, and A-Mei handed him a spare light bulb.

Chen Wengang used a screwdriver to secure the lampshade, and the other girl quickly went to check by turning on the power. The ceiling light lit up.

One reason why the household staff liked Chen Wengang was his diligence, thoughtfulness, and friendly demeanor. While they were packing up the ladder, they chatted with Chen Wengang. They mentioned that Zhang-Jie from the kitchen had sent dried fruits from her hometown, especially saving a considerable amount for him.

Just as they were happily chatting when someone walked down the corridor, someone walked over from the other end of the corridor. Seeing that it was Mu Qing, the laughter immediately ceased.

A-Mei and the others exchanged glances with Chen Wengang, silently conveying that they would send him the information later, and then they silently moved the ladder away.

The disrupter of the atmosphere showed no self-awareness, still exuding the air of a stranger not to be approached.

Chen Wengang made way for Mu Qing, but Mu Qing didn’t approach him either.

Unexpectedly, he hesitated for a moment, then suddenly apologized to Chen Wengang, “Actually, leaking that thing about you was partly my fault.”

Chen Wengang raised an eyebrow, “What thing?”

Mu Qing paused, “A few days ago, Qiu Tongzhou casually mentioned your future career plans while chatting with me. I didn’t know you had only told him, and I didn’t realize that Uncle and the others were still unaware. So, it’s my fault for being too talkative. I hope you won’t mind.”

This was strange.

Chen Wengang, seeing his vague manner, suddenly understood—

Whether Mu Qing talked too much or not didn’t matter. What he said wasn’t a secret. This was an attempt to sow discord and undermine Chen Wengang’s trust in Qiu Tongzhou.

But this was meaningless. In the foreseeable future, regardless of what Chen Wengang chose to do, he had no intention of taking advantage of Qiu Tongzhou.

Chen Wengang just replied, “It’s okay.” He was just a bit surprised that Qiu Tongzhou and this person had become so open with each other.

Mu Qing looked at him indifferently as they passed by each other.

Out of the corner of his eye, Chen Wengang saw Mu Qing walk to the doorway, where he encountered another servant who greeted him warmly, “Young Master Wengang, where are you headed?”

Mu Qing turned around and walked away.


Zheng Bingyi discussed another matter with Chen Wengang.

The anniversary of Chen Wengang’s father’s death was approaching, and Zheng Bingyi asked him to represent him in offering sacrifices.

This was a private matter, and Chen Wengang had initially planned to go alone.

Unexpectedly, his elder uncle, Chen Zeng, also remembered the date. He called Chen Wengang two days in advance, and they agreed to meet. On the day, they each drove separately and met at the cemetery’s parking lot. Chen Wengang carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, while Chen Zeng, following traditional customs, brought offerings and spirit money. Chen Xiangling, Chen Wengang’s cousin, was also with them, holding a bag of snacks. She smiled gently at Chen Wengang.

Chen Zeng glanced at Chen Wengang’s Lexus and praised, “Nice car, newly bought?”

Chen Wengang didn’t respond but took the food container from him, saying, “Let me carry that for you.”

After burning the paper money, leaving white ash on the ground, offerings and white chrysanthemums were placed in front of the grave.

The cemetery was situated on a mountainside and divided into two sections. In the distance, there was a part reserved for dignitaries and prominent figures.

Zheng Bingyi once considered arranging for the deceased subordinate who died in the line of duty to be buried in the upscale cemetery across from them. However, when Chen Wengang’s father was burying his mother, he had already purchased the plot next to her in advance. Respecting his wishes, the couple rested side by side.

Chen Zeng poured wine on the ground, saying, “Little brother, look at Wengang; he’s grown so big now. Our family’s children are all healthy. You have nothing to worry about. This is Xiangling. If there’s a chance, I’ll bring Guangzong and Yaozu to visit you.”

His eyes were a bit red as he chatted nostalgically about their childhood.

Several generations of the Chen family were born and raised as local fishermen, their skin roughened and darkened by the sea breeze. Chen Zeng wiped his eyes, saying that his younger brother had vowed since childhood to break free from the fisherman’s identity and live a good life.

Chen Xiangling stood respectfully for a while, gazing absentmindedly at the white chrysanthemum petals.

She looked up at Chen Wengang, and a gust of wind lifted the ashes onto them.

As they descended the mountain, Chen Zeng received a call from his boss, informing him to join for a business dinner.

He told his nephew, “Please take Xiangling home. Uncle has some matters to attend to.”

After saying this, he hurried away. The two young people exchanged a glance, seeing a sense of helplessness in each other’s eyes.

“My dad has become carefree now,” Chen Xiangling said. “He always thinks he is going to become a big boss and can’t be persuaded.”

Chen Wengang sighed, “You don’t have to worry about adult matters. But if there are problems, tell me anytime.”

Looking at the sky, it was still morning since they had arrived early.

He asked Chen Xiangling, “Can you accompany me somewhere?”

Chen Xiangling followed him for a twenty-minute walk along a mountain road to another cemetery.

This area was visibly more luxurious, with one marble statue after another.

Chen Wengang guided her through the standing angel and saint statues. Chen Xiangling didn’t know who her cousin wanted to visit here. They aimlessly walked forward, even patrolling all the vacant graves. The solemn gauze clothed the entire cemetery.

Finally, Chen Wengang stood on the edge of the cemetery.

This area would be renovated and expanded in three or four years. The place where Huo Niansheng was buried in his previous life had not been constructed yet, and the distant mountains were desolate.

He smiled. He was a bit suspicious before, but now he was finally at ease after seeing it with his own eyes.

So they retraced their steps. On the way home, Chen Xiangling felt that her cousin’s mood had inexplicably improved.

Chen Wengang even encouraged her, “It seems like the amusement park is quite close to here. Do you want to go there on the way?”

Chen Xiangling was surprised, “Go now? Why did you suddenly think of this?”

Chen Wengang grinned slyly, “Guangzong and Yaozu didn’t come with you. It’s a pity they’ll miss this great opportunity.”

Chen Xiangling caught on and covered her mouth, giggling, “Oh~ let it be our little secret~”

With that settled, Chen Xiangling tilted her head and said, “Ge, do you remember when Uncle took both of us to the park when we were kids?”

“Yeah, back then, the park was simple—just a sandbox and a seesaw, not many amusement facilities.”

Of course, simplicity had its charm. Chen Xiangling remembered that during her childhood, before she had her two younger brothers, Uncle would take her and her cousin out to play. With one child on each arm, they entered the park, and it was already a joyful time.

When they reached the amusement park, they entered this vibrant and colorful world through the mouth of a clown.

Although it was not as crowded as on weekends, there were still groups of children and couples queuing up.

They enjoyed the thrilling river rapids and the carousel, ate cotton candy, shot balloons, and watched puppet shows.

As for the more exciting rides that Chen Xiangling liked, such as the pirate ship, roller coaster, and giant swing… They were saved for later.

Because Chen Wengang didn’t fancy these, pointing to his ears, he said, “I’m getting older; I can’t handle this excitement anymore.”

Chen Xiangling smirked, “Why do you always talk like you’re a middle-aged person?”

Chen Wengang didn’t deny it, chuckling, “Behave yourself; go enjoy it yourself. I’ll be here.”

A group of teenagers ran over, indicating they were about to join the queue. Chen Xiangling immediately rushed toward the end of the line like a rabbit.

Chen Wengang found a bench, sat down, spread his arms on the backrest, and watched the roller coaster whiz by in the sky.

The crowd screamed loudly, and the laughter reached his ears.

The air was filled with the aroma of popcorn and grilled sausages, and the sun was making his eyelids heavy.

Drowsiness gradually crept in.

After a short nap, he had a dream.

The dream was about the time when Huo Niansheng passed away.

Since their reunion, he has gone through a period without being plagued by nightmares.

However, like some people who graduate but still dream about incomplete exam papers, certain shadows always linger.

In fact, Huo Niansheng’s funeral should have been managed by the Huo family, but at that time, Chen Wengang did something shocking and unconventional. Under immense pressure, he forcibly held Huo Niansheng’s body, not allowing anyone to take it away, and personally selected the burial site.

Many people came one by one, and he found everyone suspicious, ultimately hating them all and not believing anyone.

This bizarre spectacle even caused a sensation in the newspapers of Jin City at the time, becoming a ridiculous and absurd farce.

It was a scene that ordinary people could not imagine: a well-equipped hospital turned into a battlefield, bodyguards stood guard outside the morgue, and he, struggling against waves of people, was mentally and physically tortured.

Unable to endure any longer, he sat against the wall on the ground, constantly on guard against intrusive paparazzi, facing a barrage of questions and cameras, waiting to capture every moment of his breakdown. Halley, showing its teeth, followed him. Chen Wengang drifted through two or three days, losing count of which dream he was in. At some point, he woke up to the sound of a dog barking. Opening his eyes, he saw the fierce guard dog pinning a journalist to the ground with its fangs at his throat.

Cameras and lenses were scattered on the ground. He walked over, stopped the dog, and coldly crushed the camera to pieces.

The journalist looked at him as if he were a demon from hell.

Chen Wengang didn’t collapse; he just felt pain. Huo Niansheng hadn’t given him a status, but in the end, he hadn’t given Huo Niansheng a status either. Looking back at the seven years, he wondered what he had done all those years.

But he couldn’t regret it. If he regretted it, he would be completely dragged down. Taking one step back would be like falling into an abyss.

Finally, he endured until the day of cremation, a secretly arranged day with only a few people present to say farewell to the deceased.

When he saw Huo Niansheng’s cold sleeping face, Chen Wengang suddenly woke up from his daze, realizing that he was truly gone.

Once the body entered the cremator, he would never see this person again.

He grabbed the wrist of a staff member, exerting so much force that it left bruises. He had forgotten what the staff member looked like but vaguely recalled a simple and honest face. The worker was understanding, not complaining, but rather joining a few lawyers beside him in trying to persuade him.

In the end, Chen Wengang regained his composure and released his grip on the coffin.

Coming out, it was a handful of ashes collected in a box. From this point on until the funeral, all memories became chaotic and disordered.

Many years later, when Amanda reminisced about these events with Lawyer Zhu, she covered her mouth and smiled. She told the foundation staff not to treat Mr. Chen like a sick cat. Despite his usually gentle demeanor, when he got angry, it was truly extraordinary—a force of nature.

Chen Wengang just smiled mildly upon hearing this.

Time had polished him into a rounded and mature individual, indifferent to such matters, as if the old stories were not significant anymore.

Ordinary people could bid farewell to sorrow and move toward the future, calmly looking back on the past.

They had moved on, and no one noticed that only he was left standing in the same place, unable to take a step.

Chen Wengang suddenly woke up, and his ringing phone in his pocket snapped him back to reality.

Just as he managed to see the name “Huo Niansheng,” the call ended abruptly after a last ring.

Checking the call records, there were two missed calls.

He was dazed for a few seconds before reorienting himself in time and space and recalling where he was.

Chen Wengang found a less crowded spot behind the puppet theater, composed himself, and returned the call to Huo Niansheng.

“Wengang,” he heard Huo Niansheng say his name, “Are you okay now?”

Chen Wengang was puzzled by the strange question. Typically, when someone couldn’t get through on the phone, they would ask, “Did something happen just now?”

In reality, Huo Niansheng was genuinely uneasy.

Having stayed up late the previous night, he took a short nap in the car while the driver was driving. In just that brief moment, he had a nightmare.

In the dream, he lay cold and stiff, voices crying around him, tears falling on him like icy raindrops.

It wasn’t a very auspicious dream, but the voice was so familiar.

After waking up, he didn’t feel anything particular—just a heightened sense of unease. He had a premonition that something was wrong and that Chen Wengang was in trouble.

Feeling anxious, Huo Niansheng made the call, only to find out that he had been overly worried. Chen Wengang was not only fine but also enjoying himself at an amusement park.

Relieved, Huo Niansheng joked with him, “Did you miss me?”

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