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Chapter 26: Do you think you can be in the future tense?

When Chen Wengang returned to Zheng’s house, Zheng Yucheng was waiting for him at the bedroom door.

Before entering, he knocked on the door first, a lesson he had learned and now followed.

Chen Wengang sighed and pushed the door open: “Please come in.”

Zheng Yucheng noticed the box he was holding.

He pursed his lips. “The seven million one?”


“Can I take a look?”

Chen Wengang handed it to him.

Zheng Yucheng opened it, and inside the black velvet lay the antique pocket watch.

No matter how well preserved, it couldn’t be as pristine as new, with subtle traces of time on the casing. Actually, there was nothing particularly special about it.

Zheng Yucheng chuckled softly, “It’s a bit regrettable; in the end, it wasn’t me who secured it.”

Lately, he seemed to have become more silent, and there was a slight change in his demeanor. Though not very noticeable, the change started with every subtle aspect, such as his way of speaking and tone. One might tentatively call it the beginning of a transformation toward maturity and stability.

He handed the box back to Chen Wengang.

Chen Wengang held the significant gift, pondering where to place it.

After a quick survey, he noticed a bit of empty space on the bookshelf, right next to the tourbillon chronometer Zheng Yucheng had gifted him.

Chen Wengang wasn’t someone with a strong sense of ceremony. He looked at items rationally; even though the relationship had ended, there was no obsessive need to get rid of everything. So he decided to keep it there as a decoration, nothing more.

Glancing at Zheng Yucheng, he chose to open the drawer of his desk and place the box inside.

Zheng Yucheng looked at the chronometer, walked over, picked it up, and nostalgically played with it.

During that semester, he happened to be taking a metalworking class, and his interest in crafting grew. He said he wanted to give Chen Wengang something fun, so he spent a long time figuring out how to make a transmission model. Zheng Yucheng raised his hand, and one could still see a small scar on his index finger left by the welding gun.

Zheng Yucheng opened his mouth and said, “I’ve been working on other cases recently. How did that event at your school go?”

“It went smoothly. The foundation arranged a charity convoy, and all the books will be delivered to the recipient organizations next Saturday.”

“Do you need help then? I have time, and I can come and assist.”

“Yes, we need help. They would be happy if you could come.”

“And you?”


“Are you politely saying that you don’t welcome me yourself?”

At these words, Chen Wengang showed a helpless and gentle smile, a self-evident response.

The memories of their past closeness were vivid, causing a sense of helplessness and regret.

Zheng Yucheng lowered his head, and from his appearance, one couldn’t discern how many unsavory thoughts filled his mind.

He wanted to confine Chen Wengang, press him on the bed, and passionately have him, not letting anyone else touch him except himself, preventing him from thinking about anyone else. Stripping away the veneer of gentlemanly education revealed the innate male flaws within.

Zheng Yucheng introspected himself and didn’t deny this.

All male animals are inherently competitive.

It was something engraved in their genes, and he could only blame himself for awakening to it too slowly.

Perhaps fundamentally because he hadn’t experienced the crisis of gain and loss. It took some effort for him to return to square one.

Setting aside all the complex emotions, he finally realized that his agreement to “break up” was based on the premise that Chen Wengang would still stay within his easy reach and wouldn’t truly leave him. So, this breakup was a false proposition from the beginning.

It was like a kindergarten child pretending to generously share his toys but not allowing anyone to take them home for real.

This analogy might not be entirely appropriate, but when it came to boys or men, it was more or less the same.

Zheng Yucheng stood by the bookshelf for a while, found a plastic piccolo, picked it up, and played with it in his hands.

This was used in music class during their childhood; Chen Wengang indeed had a fondness for nostalgia, while Zheng Yucheng’s own had long disappeared. After studying it for a while, he put it to his lips and tried playing the melody of “Little Boy” with some stumbles based on his memory.

This was also taught by the music teacher back then. It was the theme song of an old German film.

Chen Wengang looked at him inexplicably.

Zheng Yucheng smiled, “Do you still remember the Chinese lyrics of this song? ‘Little boy, seldom worried, eyes surrounded by sunlight. I hope it stays this way forever… but one day, storms arise, worries and troubles come.'” Back in primary school, I didn’t really feel much and didn’t understand the meaning… but now, thinking about it suddenly, I realize it’s so true.”

Chen Wengang clearly remembered but said, “Really? I don’t even remember.”

Zheng Yucheng put the piccolo back and said to him, “Goodnight, get some rest soon.”


Chen Wengang received a photo sent by Huo Niansheng after his arrival in Zhang City.

He took a picture of the landmark skyscraper in Zhang City, soaring into the clouds.

Chen Wengang first smiled, but the smile gradually faded.

He thought about how, in his previous life, Huo Niansheng used to send him all sorts of random photos.

This habit developed during a time when Chen Wengang’s depression was getting worse.

Once, the driver and the nanny were bickering downstairs, joking that Mr. Huo had also been forced into becoming a common person, needing to take photos even when having morning tea to report to his family. The nanny was quite serious, saying, “Mr. Chen doesn’t go out, and Mr. Huo wants to show him the outside world.”

“No one is stopping him, and he has a car. Why doesn’t he go out on his own?”

“Oh, he has that depression thing, don’t you know?”

“What depression? It’s just being theatrical.”

“Why is it not an illness? The doctor said to care more about him and pay attention to his emotions.”

“It’s just because someone can manipulate him. Why aren’t other disabled people depressed? Don’t they even go out?”

The driver, who had been driving for Huo Niansheng for several years, was a bit too outspoken, lacking a filter. Unexpectedly, the employer also employed a spy, and the nanny reported back to Huo Niansheng. This person didn’t show up again afterward, and it was unclear whether he lost his job.

Chen Wengang lay on the bed with one arm behind his head and kissed his name through the screen.

At this moment, there was another person contemplating how to message Chen Wengang.

Qie Tongzhou had been both nervous and excited recently. His enrollment procedures for the university were already completed, and he would report to the university after the summer break.

But the reason for his excitement was not solely because he was about to start university.

It was because he was eager to see someone he admired.

According to the information Qie Tongzhou gathered from Zheng Maoxun, Chen Wengang’s daily routine consisted of home, work, and school, a straight line of three points.

He couldn’t visit the Zheng family’s home every day, and he had no reason to casually enter Zheng’s company. Could he be stopped from entering or leaving the school?

Before this, Qie Tongzhou had mustered the courage to chat with Chen Wengang a few times.

The other party’s language was very polite, but he wasn’t warm, obviously not considering him as a potential prospect.

There was nothing he could do; he knew he had missed the best opportunity. After lying on the list for so long, who would think he was sincere?

So, Qie Tongzhou, feeling submissive, didn’t dare to invite him, fearing direct rejection and being handed a “nice person” card.

But chasing someone couldn’t be done by just lying at home and waiting. If the mountain won’t come to him, he can go to the mountain.

For example, an opportunity suddenly presented itself—

Qie Tongzhou’s carefully edited message couldn’t be sent. But he saw something interesting on his friend’s social media.

“Are you coming to help tomorrow?” Chen Wengang asked uncertainly over the phone. “It might be tiring.”

“Don’t underestimate me. Back when I was in school, I participated in all kinds of charity events and fundraisers.”

What intrigued Qie Tongzhou was the book donation activity organized by the student union.

Qie Tongzhou had taken a gap year himself, and most of his classmates were already in university, with some even joining the student union.

One classmate posted a nine-grid photo on social media, and Qie Tongzhou clicked on it. In the group photo, he saw Chen Wengang.

Qie Tongzhou quickly asked about the event.

Then he concocted a reason, expressing his desire to contribute to charity. How noble and glorious it sounded!

With some shameless persuasion, he mentioned helping a friend, and Chen Wengang had no reason to refuse. He let Qie Tongzhou accompany him.

The night before, Qie Tongzhou tossed a bed of clothes, carefully selected and matched to form a stylish yet lively fashionable route.

Before leaving, he felt it wasn’t right and changed into another outfit.

He dawdled in the morning, and by the time he enthusiastically arrived at the Student Activity Center, most people were already busy.

As a result, the student union members were in cultural shirts and jeans, while Qie Tongzhou stood out as the only one in a trendy outfit, looking somewhat conspicuous.

His classmate teased, “Aren’t you showing off? Anyone would think you’re here to cameo in a campus model contest.”

Qie Tongzhou retorted, “What’s wrong with me? Just ordinary, okay? Why don’t you call yourself a straight guy?”

His classmate knew that Qie Tongzhou had ulterior motives but kindly didn’t ask further, treating him as a free labor force.

Nervously scanning the surroundings, Qie Tongzhou noticed another person with a completely different style. He was dressed in a suit and looked like a school teacher at first glance, but upon closer inspection, Qie Tongzhou recognized him and was suddenly doused with a bucket of cold water.

He never expected that Chen Wengang’s ex-boyfriend would also be here.

Definitely an ex-boyfriend. Qie Tongzhou emphasized the “ex” in his mind, making it bold and highlighted.

Finding out about Chen Wengang’s relationship with Zheng Maoxun’s brother wasn’t difficult. Besides, thanks to the discord between these two, he and Chen Wengang became friends as a joke among their friends. Qie Tongzhou hadn’t heard of these two getting back together.

They probably… haven’t reconciled, right?

Sensing the probing gaze, Zheng Yucheng glanced at Qie Tongzhou, expressionless, and then turned and walked away.

Although confused, it was enough to confirm that this guy was annoying.

Qie Tongzhou didn’t care whether he was happy or not; he was looking for his crush.

Chen Wengang was communicating with the convoy driver. Compared to those two, he looked quite simple today—a cultural shirt with casual pants, the same attire as the student union members. But handsome people looked good in anything, and he added a unique charm to the outfit.

Staring at his waistline, Qie Tongzhou’s mind wandered somewhere, and his face turned red for a moment.

A small cart behind him bumped into his backside, followed by a teasing voice from his classmate, “Who are you looking at? Had enough?”

Qie Tongzhou muttered, “I’m going to work,” and made a hasty retreat.

The convoy arrived with over ten Jinbei vans, but the drivers’ primary task was to drive. The main effort was on the volunteers to move the books from the packed classroom to the vans for loading. When Qie Tongzhou arrived at the activity room and saw the physically massive inventory, large one-meter square cardboard boxes stacked together, he finally realized the reason others were wearing cultural shirts – they were convenient, durable, and suitable for the work at hand.

He hesitated, unsure where to start and feeling a bit in the way. He took off his watch and stuffed it into his pocket.

At this moment, a classmate returned, saying, “Alright, I was just teasing you. Go over there and help distribute water to the girls.”

“No, did I come all the way here just to distribute water? I’m really here to help. Tell me where to start.”

“Your outfit doesn’t look like you’re here to work. Do you want to keep your clothes?” his classmate joked.

“If they get ruined, they get ruined,” Qie Tongzhou said. “I’m not that attached to a few pieces of clothing.”

Just as he was about to exert force, someone gently tapped him from behind.

When Qie Tongzhou turned around, he met Chen Wengang’s amber eyes.

Chen Wengang handed him an oversized cultural shirt, saying, “Put this on outside, or go to the restroom and change.”

“Oh… okay!” Qie Tongzhou felt dizzy with gratitude. “Thank you!”

He hugged the shirt like it was a treasure. The student union’s assistant also grabbed a dozen of the same shirts, shouting, “Anyone else without a cultural shirt? Speak up! I have extras here!”

Trying to imitate others, he attempted to give one to Zheng Yucheng, saying, “Senior, how about changing into this…”

Zheng Yucheng snatched the shirt, muttered a thank you through gritted teeth, and walked briskly towards the men’s restroom.

…At least mine was personally given by his male god. Qie Tongzhou thought, feeling like he had won something.

He put on the cultural shirt and joined others in lifting pre-packed boxes onto small carts and then transporting them outside for loading onto the vans.

When Zheng Yucheng returned, he had changed his upper shirt, but he still wore dress pants and leather shoes, creating a somewhat comical mix-and-match look.

Qie Tongzhou chuckled at Zheng Yucheng’s attempt to look stylish, thinking he was just here for show.

However, Zheng Yucheng didn’t spare any effort. Squatting halfway on the ground, his two arms embraced the boxes, lifting and stacking them onto the cart.

His delicate leather shoes couldn’t withstand this treatment, and two conspicuous creases appeared on the shiny shoe surface.

On the contrary, Qie Tongzhou, avoiding getting his hands dirty, was busy observing others’ misfortunes. However, in a moment of carelessness, he got a cut on his hand from the edge of a cardboard box.

As the youngest in the family and accustomed to being pampered, Qie Tongzhou had never really done such tasks before. He couldn’t grasp the meaning behind everyone’s exerting so much effort. It reminded him of the charity events he participated in during school; the main focus was on participation, providing students with an opportunity for exercise. In reality, after working hard for a day, the total turnover might not even cover the cost of buying a limited-edition pair of sneakers.

Wasn’t it easier to save the money for shoes and donate it?

The classroom was hot and crowded with students, and in no time, his cultural shirt was soaked. Sweat flowed into their eyes, stinging and making it difficult to keep them open. Qie Tongzhou stood in the middle of the aisle, head down, examining the cut on his thumb.

Chen Wengang, passing by, noticed him. “What’s wrong? Did you hurt your hand?”

Qie Tongzhou quickly hid his hand. “It’s nothing, just a small injury. If I find it later, it will probably be healed.”

Fortunately, the student union had prepared an alcohol spray for disinfection.

Chen Wengang took him to the side, sprayed the wound with alcohol, and got a band-aid from someone else, wrapping it around Qie Tongzhou’s finger.

At that moment, all Qie Tongzhou could think was “hehe,” with all other thoughts drifting away out of the window.

Such an important group activity!

Qie Tongzhou even hummed a little tune, ignoring the disdainful glances from Zheng Yucheng, who passed by several times.

Unconsciously, the classroom was almost empty, and Qie Tongzhou went to the washroom to freshen up.

Unexpectedly, as he pushed the door open, he bumped into Zheng Yucheng, who was also in the washroom.

Zheng Yucheng had changed back into his clothes and was talking on the phone under the ventilation vent, wearing a serious expression, as if discussing important matters.

Qie Tongzhou only caught the last sentence, “Understood, I’ll come over right away,”—that was enough for him. He thought, this guy is finally leaving.

At that moment, Zheng Yucheng hung up the phone, cast another indifferent glance at Qie Tongzhou, and subtly sneered.

Men couldn’t resist provocation. Qie Tongzhou’s radar for picking up challenges was immediately activated.

He put on a fake smile and said, “Hey, leaving so soon without doing much work? Did you come over just to go through the motions?”

Zheng Yucheng glanced at the cartoon-themed bandage on Qie Tongzhou’s finger and suddenly curled the corners of his mouth.

“With this little effort, you think you can rise above? Admirable thoughts.”

“I can’t compare to your persistence. You’re already in the past tense but still haven’t given up hope.”

“Do you think you can be in the future tense? It’s good; maintain that confidence. You might have the chance to find out what he likes to eat and play, where he likes to go on dates, his reactions when kissing, and what position he prefers in bed…”

Qie Tongzhou couldn’t stand Zheng Yucheng’s provocations anymore. “Hey, don’t go too far! Understand the concept of respecting others?”

“Oh, you’re not thinking about those things? You just want a platonic romance, holding hands, watching movies?”

Qie Tongzhou was tongue-tied, realizing he had fallen into a linguistic trap, and both admitting and denying seemed weak.

“Boring. This has nothing to do with you.” 

“I’ve known Chen Wengang since I was nine; we grew up together.” Zheng Yucheng continued mockingly, “I’m just reminding you that he won’t be interested in a greenhorn who needs to be taken care of. Someone like you doesn’t have to waste your efforts.”

“Your provocations are really low-level,” Qie Tongzhou found Zheng Yucheng unreasonable. “Where did you see that I need someone to take care of me?”

“Really? Okay, let me tell you, you only see his tenderness and thoughtfulness, but he actually lacks a sense of security and is somewhat admiring of strength. What he truly needs is someone who can protect him,” Zheng Yucheng said. “I may not have done well in this aspect, but you,” he assessed Qie Tongzhou’s weight with a glance, “definitely have no chance.”

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  1. Qie Tongzhou seems sweet and well intentioned so far. I hope he finds a partner, since we all know it won’t be Chen Wengang.

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