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Chapter 25: Who has such an honor?

It was because of this sentence that more tears were stirred later.

In the world of adults, being wronged doesn’t necessarily mean one has to cry; tears often burst forth at the moment when a little care is received.

but Huo Niansheng couldn’t perceive the subtle differences in it.

He just understood that children have their own grievances—Chen Wengang was seven years younger than him. A generation gap was of three years, and they have a gap of more than two generations. When Huo Niansheng went abroad for college, Chen Wengang might still have been in elementary school. Every time he thought about it this way, it was not a problem to see him as a child. Chen Wengang leaned on his shoulder, his shoulders trembling. Huo Niansheng thought, what could make him sad?

Was it a forced breakup, a self-inflicted background, or being treated harshly somewhere?

Or, for some other reason, he was not happy.

There was a patch of wetness on the chest of the shirt. It was warm at first, then turned cold. Huo Niansheng patted him on the back.

This sudden sadness was so aggrieved that Huo Niansheng couldn’t bear it.

In Huo Niansheng’s mind, there appeared the figure of Chen Wengang leaving the hospital with medicine and walking alone on the desolate street.

Under the gentle and calm mask, there was always a hidden tension, concealing secrets and concerns that were not easy to reveal.

Students passing by showed curious looks, and Huo Niansheng led him out of the exhibition hall.

They found a stone bench behind the building and sat down.

The sunshine warmly bathed them, warm and friendly.

In the mild breeze, Chen Wengang restrained his emotions.

Huo Niansheng handed him a handkerchief to wipe away his tears. At this moment, his mind calmed down, holding the handkerchief in his hand as if contemplating how to handle it remorsefully. Last time on that rainy day, he dirtied Huo Niansheng’s coat and even vomited in front of him when getting off the car.

Chen Wengang self-mockingly thought that if Huo Niansheng had a cleanliness obsession, their fate might be completely cut off in this lifetime.

It seemed that unexpected things always happened when meeting this person.

Or more often, it was his own one-sided loss of composure, something Chen Wengang had become accustomed to.

He tried to present a perfect image in front of everyone, but fate didn’t seem to arrange it that way, probably thinking he was tired.

But Huo Niansheng was different after all. Deep down, Chen Wengang understood that this person wouldn’t be disgusted; he was accepting, gentle, and safe—someone who could embrace him.

At least Huo Niansheng indeed did not show any signs of cleanliness obsession. He took the handkerchief from him, saying, “Give it to me.”

Chen Wengang obediently sat beside him quietly, shoulders drooping, hands resting on the bench, looking somewhat forlorn.

The overall demeanor gave a sense of delicate tranquility, like fireflies floating in the night, gathering and dispersing intermittently, faint and elusive.

Huo Niansheng had no choice; he was falling for it.

He took out a cigarette case from his pocket, paused, and asked, “Is it okay?”

Chen Wengang nodded.

“Do you smoke?”

Chen Wengang shook his head.

Huo Niansheng chuckled and remembered, “You, being such a good student, of course, don’t have the habit of smoking.”

“I do.” Unexpectedly, Chen Wengang curled the corner of his mouth and said, “But I was forced to quit for a while by someone, and I haven’t felt like it since.”

“So obedient.” Huo Niansheng lit a cigarette. “Who has such an honor?”

But Chen Wengang refused to answer.

He played the guessing game, and for a moment, Huo Niansheng really couldn’t figure it out.

Students who want to smoke are something even ten headteachers combined can’t control. As for those who could play the emotional card with him?

The first one that came to Huo Niansheng’s mind was Zheng Yucheng.

But Zheng Yucheng himself smoked. Everyone went through this in their youth; they knew what it was about.

Huo Niansheng could even imagine that maybe he taught Chen Wengang how to blow smoke rings. Behind the school, in a villa loft, or some other place, the two teenagers might have secretly even shared the same spark.

Chen Wengang cast his gaze into the distance, where birds were flying across the sky.

Huo Niansheng looked at him sideways.

His eyes were illuminated by the sunlight, resembling light-colored amber, holding a world of his own inside.

Huo Niansheng stood on the edge of that world. Although he couldn’t enter it, he wasn’t frustrated or anxious.

Casually, Huo Niansheng slowly blew out a smoke ring. He felt the person beside him relax a bit. Chen Wengang’s gaze shifted to the hand holding the cigarette. Huo Niansheng glanced at him and suddenly smiled.

He brought that hand over, silently asking.

Almost involuntarily, Chen Wengang took a drag while holding onto his hand.

Their relationship didn’t seem to have reached this point, but it didn’t feel awkward either.

It felt as natural as a young couple sharing a bowl of green bean soup in a dessert shop.

Huo Niansheng retracted his arm, took another drag, and remarked, “Looks like I’m corrupting you again.”

Chen Wengang spoke softly with a negotiating tone, “Once in a while, it’s okay, isn’t it?”

It was unclear whether he was negotiating with Huo Niansheng or himself.

As a spark ascended, Huo Niansheng skillfully flicked away the ash, ensuring none landed on his expensive trousers.

So far, there has always been a subtle game between them. Huo Niansheng sometimes felt like Chen Wengang was a small animal hiding under a car. He placed the bait in his palm, and the other would cautiously approach bit by bit. While he was extremely careful and vigilant, there was an unfounded sense of trust toward him. This contradiction went beyond reason, but it didn’t feel bad.

Not to mention that aura that seemed to be familiar.

Huo Niansheng chuckled inwardly; perhaps they did have a connection from a past life.

Regarding Chen Wengang, Huo Niansheng felt that he liked him.

Not just the teasing kind; he was willing to do something to make him a little happier.

Yet he wasn’t a virtuous man. His so-called liking was merely for amusement, never considering any future.

During the month when he didn’t show up on his own, there were extremely few times when Huo Niansheng thought about just letting him go. Chen Wengang seemed like the type to get stuck and take things too seriously. This wasn’t a good thing. Yu Shanding also warned him, saying that relying on that medicine could lead to dependency and that dealing with someone with emotional issues might be challenging. What if things got worse and turned into a life-or-death situation?

It was somewhat unethical to deliberately provoke such a person.

Just passing by today, Huo Niansheng impulsively thought, maybe he should let it go. He could give him things, make him happy, and call it a day.

He met Chen Wengang innocuously, chatted, wandered around the campus, and asked for the book back as a keepsake. That’s it.

However, when Chen Wengang’s tears cooled on his chest, Huo Niansheng, covering him, couldn’t easily let go.

Rather, as soon as he heard the word “Niansheng” on the phone, he found himself changing his mind.

“It seems like people in the art world are keen on these lovey-dovey things,” Huo Niansheng commented on the artwork they just saw.

“Hmm?” Chen Wengang asked, “What’s wrong with people in the art world?”

“I find that kid interesting. Carving a head, soaking it in blood, portraying both love and happiness. Is this what they call avant-garde?”

“It could also be that he’s too young,” Chen Wengang said, “Only the bold can say, ‘One must die for love to elevate.'”

“He’s even a year older than you.” Huo Niansheng teased him, “Aren’t you still young?”

“If I could choose, I’d want to be the one who goes first.” Chen Wengang answered nonchalantly, talking to himself. He even subconsciously placed a hand on his neck, as if measuring the weight of the head, “Otherwise… the living would bear it for a lifetime.”

His tone was light, and there was an indescribable expression on his face, neither overly sentimental nor whining.

He even envied the young man for casually talking about death.

Why could he say such things so casually—did he experience it himself?

Did he know how much pain the living had to endure?

Did he really know the weight of holding a lover’s head?

He didn’t know, that’s why he dared.

Truly a case of beginner’s luck.

Chen Wengang had all these scattered thoughts in his mind without any reason. His expression stirred an emotion in Huo Niansheng’s heart.

Huo Niansheng suddenly used his non-smoking hand to cover Chen Wengang’s eyes.

It was as if another person inside him was speaking with the same frivolous tone, “Don’t overthink it. Artworks are just artworks, done for fun. All love is illusory. No matter who is gone, you have to live well for yourself.”

Huo Niansheng didn’t know where this statement came from; he never spoke like this before.

The school’s exhibition hall was indeed a strange place.

Taking off his hand, Chen Wengang laughed instead: “Did you really believe that? Don’t take it seriously. I was just talking nonsense.”

Huo Niansheng stood up, looked around, and found a black trash bin in the distance. He extinguished the cigarette directly, walked over to throw away the butt, then calmly walked back, extending a hand toward Chen Wengang.

Chen Wengang understood and shook his hand, allowing himself to be pulled up from the chair.

Huo Niansheng didn’t have much free time. Checking his watch, he felt regretful: “I have to go back today; it’s all I can manage.”

He had a somewhat playboyish attitude, but in reality, he wasn’t entirely a leisurely gentleman. Amidst his busy schedule, today’s impromptu trip was truly a whim and couldn’t be prolonged here. Chen Wengang understood: “I’ll accompany you to the parking lot.”

There was a fondness in his eyes.

Huo Niansheng paused for a moment, patting his back like comforting a child, “You’re making yourself too busy; that’s why you’re under so much mental pressure. Balance work and leisure.” He said, unusually warmly, “I’ll take you out again when I come back. We can also invite some friends.”

“Where are you going?”

“Zhang City. The new CEO just took office; I need to go check things out.”

Suddenly, Chen Wengang opened his arms and gave him a hug, “Have a safe journey.”

Through the fabric, he silently yearned for Huo Niansheng’s embrace.

Huo Niansheng didn’t push him away.

After a while, he smiled and said, “Can’t bear to part with me? You managed to control yourself so well, not contacting me for a whole month.”

Chen Wengang sniffed the scent on him—a mix of faint tobacco and perfume—and felt a sense of tranquility in his heart.

They walked from behind the exhibition hall to the main entrance. After just a few steps, they unexpectedly ran into a familiar face.

Mu Qing was talking to a few classmates under a tree. When he looked up, he saw the two of them.

Ignoring them would be unnatural, so he said something to his classmates and walked over, nodding at Chen Wengang.

Mu Qing, however, seemed more cautious toward Huo Niansheng. He obediently called out, “Huo-ge.”

Huo Niansheng didn’t feel any connection with this acquaintance, who resembled Chen Wengang to some extent—the person’s childish attempts at imitation seemed rather conspicuous to him. When kids try to play tricks on adults, it’s amusing for the adults.

Huo Niansheng sized him up with a mocking and indifferent expression, a habitual sarcasm creeping up to the corner of his mouth.

Mu Qing’s gaze moved back and forth between him and Chen Wengang, asking, “What are you guys doing here?”

It was a sticky and probing look, carrying an unfriendly hint of curiosity.

He thought he concealed it well. Still, Huo Niansheng didn’t give him that honor.

Suddenly, a hand enlarged and snapped in front of his eyes.

Mu Qing was caught off guard and startled. His neck retracted backward, creating a somewhat comical expression on his face.

At the same time, he heard Huo Niansheng’s mocking laughter, “Seen enough? Need a picture?”

Mu Qing couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. His face alternated between red and white. Finally, he lowered his eyes and innocently furrowed his brows, “I didn’t…”

“The graduation exhibition is not bad; we just went in for a visit.” Huo Niansheng pointed to the entrance and said, “You’d probably also like it, why not go in and take a look?”

He said with a meaningful tone, “There are also photography works.”

In a different league, Mu Qing’s effort to maintain that aloof demeanor collapsed when facing Huo Niansheng.

Mu Qing looked at them as they walked away, lowered his head to fiddle with his phone, and quietly deleted the secretly taken photos.

After they walked a distance, Chen Wengang said, “No need to stoop to his level.”

Huo Niansheng laughed, “Darling if you want to be a gentleman, you should allow others to be petty. Shouldn’t you be happy that someone is helping you vent?”

Chen Wengang looked straight ahead, calm and serene. After a while, he said to Huo Niansheng, “Thank you.”

Huo Niansheng hugged him and said, “If you need anything, find Lawyer Zhu, okay?”

Chen Wengang wasn’t surprised at how Huo Niansheng guessed it and answered without asking, “Okay.”


The term “venting” seemed to be nonexistent in Chen Wengang’s vocabulary.

Just now, when Huo Niansheng and Mu Qing faced each other, he had a momentary fear that Huo Niansheng might do something excessive again.

It’s said “again” because it wasn’t a groundless fear. In a previous life, Chen Wengang witnessed Huo Niansheng bullying Mu Qing—

It’s still laughable to this day. Mu Qing was soaking in the shallow end of the swimming pool. Although it was a shallow pool, bodyguards surrounded it. Each of them held water guns and pitchforks. Wherever Mu Qing swam, the bodyguards would playfully drive him back into the water.

Huo Niansheng stood by the pool, watching the spectacle. After watching enough, he asked a bodyguard, “Is he willing to apologize yet?”

Mu Qing’s skin wrinkled from being in the water too long, and he suddenly screamed, “I won’t apologize! Why should I apologize?”

Huo Niansheng squatted by the pool, “Still haven’t figured it out? It’s okay; take your time. Stay in the water a bit longer to sober up.”

Mu Qing, in a fit of hysteria, splashed the water and yelled, “I don’t understand! We have the same background. Where is Chen Wengang better than me? Why does everyone like him? Feel sorry for him! I don’t accept it! I hate him! I hate him!”

This farce ended when Huo Niansheng discovered Chen Wengang nearby.

He pushed Chen Wengang back into the room and asked how he got there.

Chen Wengang asked, “Are you helping me vent?”

Huo Niansheng pressed him against the wall, shamelessly taking credit, “What? Not happy?”

Chen Wengang didn’t know what to say. Huo Niansheng persistently continued, “Have you never thought of retaliating against people you dislike?”

Before Chen Wengang could answer, Huo Niansheng touched his face, feeling the scars left by the strong acid on one side. Chen Wengang looked up at him, but Huo Niansheng, with a playful smile on his lips, had an inscrutable darkness in his eyes.

Contrarily, his thumb moved very gently.

Then Huo Niansheng laughed at himself, “I know, you’re only suited for ‘do good deeds and don’t ask for rewards.’ Let others deal with petty things. Like me, unscrupulous and small-minded.”

Chen Wengang looked at him steadily.

Huo Niansheng hugged Chen Wengang, saying, “That’s why we’re a perfect match.”

After parting ways with Huo Niansheng, Chen Wengang had nothing urgent to attend to at school. After a while, he drove back to the Zheng family.

Perhaps with the boss’s authorization, in the evening, Lawyer Zhu suddenly called Chen Wengang and informed him, “Mr. Chen, have you checked the forums lately? Many of the posts defaming you have disappeared.”

“I’m not aware of the situation. What happened?”

“Don’t worry; even though they were deleted, there are backups on the server. Fortunately, we had notarized the evidence earlier. As for the reason, your school forum suddenly underwent an overhaul. Most of those comments violated the forum rules, so it’s normal for them to be deleted.”

“Sudden overhaul?” Chen Wengang was confused. “Was it voluntary or forced?”

“You didn’t know about it? I thought you had sought help from others.”

“I didn’t. As I mentioned before, I’m aiming for more secure evidence to permanently resolve this issue. Besides, if I were doing something extra, I wouldn’t forget to inform you beforehand.”

Following Lawyer Zhu’s instructions, Chen Wengang checked the forum and found a new notice about updated rules. The red font was quite eye-catching.

Clicking on it, the school’s Network Technology and Security Division reiterated that platform comments must comply with laws and regulations, not disclose others’ privacy without reason, not damage others’ reputations without cause, and not engage in online violence or doxxing. Violators would have their posts deleted or their accounts suspended.

After a patrol by administrators, the posts floating on the forum’s homepage seemed calm and peaceful.

There was no new activity from the accounts that frequently threw mud at him.

Earlier, when Chen Wengang went to see Lawyer Zhu, likely due to being introduced by Huo Niansheng, the lawyer with excellent skills hadn’t shown any neglect. Moreover, using some connections, Lawyer Zhu obtained the real names behind those accounts—

Although not legal evidence, it was enough to figure out that Mu Qing had purchased several accounts.

Whenever driven by jealousy or other dark emotions, this became a channel for venting, turning Chen Wengang, who was more popular than him, into an imaginary enemy. Doing so behind the scenes seemed to remove him from the pedestal, making it easier for him to live.

Even Lawyer Zhu couldn’t help but sigh at this pathological mindset, which was worth pondering from a psychological perspective.

However, regardless of how one analyzes it from a psychological standpoint, Lawyer Zhu understood from Chen Wengang’s situation that trying to make the other party pay directly through legal means was challenging. It wasn’t because it was legally difficult; it was challenging due to the difficulties with his adoptive father, Zheng.

The relationship between the principal party and the Zheng family made it challenging to bring this lawsuit to the forefront.

However, most disputes don’t necessarily have to be resolved through legal action.

Chen Wengang needed evidence, which, in other words, meant bargaining chips. Whether he wanted to use it for blackmail or negotiations, Lawyer Zhu didn’t ask too much.

“At present, it seems that your university’s network department is just carrying out regular management and rectification. After all, the forum originally had rules, but they were not strictly enforced in the past,” the lawyer said. “So, there’s nothing abnormal besides that. I’ll have my assistant continue to keep an eye on it.”

Chen Wengang thanked the lawyer, and after a brief exchange, they ended the call.

Regular users of the forum also noticed this rectification, including Mu Qing.

The administrators cleaned up many posts and comments that were suspected of violating the rules, including those that slandered Chen Wengang, and Mu Qing found that a couple of his frequently used accounts were also banned.

Feeling frustrated, he logged in one by one, and when he switched to another account, a private message notification suddenly popped up.

The private messages displayed three or four messages.

Opening the message interface, the first line that caught his eye was, “Who are you?”

Mu Qing was momentarily shocked and puzzled. He clicked on the other user’s account to check their profile and found that it hadn’t been used much, with very few posting records. The gender was female, and there were no other traces to follow.

His fingers hesitated for a moment, but ultimately, he didn’t dare act rashly. He returned to the original interface and continued to read the remaining private messages.

The messages carried a clear tone of reproach, but Mu Qing couldn’t figure out who it could be if not Chen Wengang himself impersonating someone else.

“I’m curious; why are you always digging into other people’s privacy?”

“Do you have grievances? Aren’t you afraid that your actions will be exposed one day?”

“Don’t keep tailing others and spreading malicious rumors. It’s quite boring. How many lies have you told? You know it yourself.”

“Anyway, I’m just idle. Now that the forum is being rectified, I hope the atmosphere improves. This is just a piece of advice. Take care of yourself.”

Mu Qing remained composed on the surface, but inside, he felt a sense of panic. He closed the laptop lid hastily. Looking around, he stood up and quickly pulled the curtains shut.

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  1. This little loser. He can’t even scheme successfully. I hope he’s one of the first to be dealt with before we get to the actual villains.

  2. I have a feeling it was the young lady from the student union. She is a smart cookie and owes our MC a favor.

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