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Chapter 22.2

Zheng Yucheng tightly pursed his straight lips, his jawline rigid as if he were gritting his teeth.

If glares could turn into substance, by the time Huo Niansheng walked away, his back might have already been riddled with holes.

In the garden, only two people remained, facing each other from a distance, and the air solidified in silence.

Zheng Yucheng was somewhat impatient. The ups and downs of the day weighed on his mind, and he rubbed his face tiredly.

Chen Wengang was the first to loop the bowtie around his neck, adjusting it along the collar. He pulled the ends together and re-tied a bowtie. Without a mirror, he had to fumble through it, not as neat as before.

But it didn’t matter; they were about to leave anyway.

Seeming like nothing had happened, he asked Zheng Yucheng, “Heading down?”

Zheng Yucheng took out a cigarette box from his pocket and said, “I’ll have a smoke.”

Chen Wengang nodded, speaking gently, “Then I’ll head down first.”

As he moved to leave, Zheng Yucheng suddenly grabbed his wrist with force and asked, “Can you listen to advice just once?”

“I heard what Baoqiu said—don’t get me wrong, I just asked her what happened tonight, and she let it slip.” Zheng Yucheng frowned. “That guy surnamed Huo has been flirting with you, right? He is constantly sending you gifts. He’s good at acting, pretending to be a romantic, but don’t you know there are plenty of guys like him among our former classmates? You used to dislike this type, right?”

“When he will be pursuing you, he’ll send flowers and diamonds, sweet-talking you until you surrender. But once he catches you, he’ll pull up his pants and say goodbye. Do you think Huo Niansheng won’t pull a similar move?” Zheng Yucheng felt like a basket of stones was lodged in his chest. “Do you know what everyone in the circle has been laughing about recently? Others try to flatter him with PR, but he looks down on them. Why? Because he’s just not interested anymore. He wants to find some clean ones to play with!”

“I don’t know,” Chen Wengang said. “After all, that’s your circle.”

“What do you mean by ‘your’ circle? If you’re angry, just say it outright.” Zheng Yucheng said, “I really had no choice but to let He Wanxin in today. I know I didn’t handle it well, and you’re not happy, but…”

“I said the wrong thing. Finish your smoke and come down early.”


Chen Wengang didn’t respond to him; his steps disappeared behind the rose wall.

Zheng Yucheng stayed in place, looked at the cigarette in his hand, and impatiently lit it.

On one side, He Wanxin was relentlessly pursuing, while on the other side, Chen Wengang couldn’t tolerate any grains of sand in his eyes. Zheng Yucheng, caught in the middle, felt torn.

He also found it ironic, realizing that his own weakness was not even worth comparing in the first place.

Zheng Yucheng could accept Chen Wengang staying where he could see him, both stepping back to be friends again.

In his private thoughts, he harbored hope of reclaiming the relationship when the time was right.

But Chen Wengang seemed to have given up, preferring to throw himself into the arms of some playboy—

What was he thinking?

The cigarette tip glowed as Zheng Yucheng took a drag, bitterness filling his lungs and offering little solace.

After just a couple of puffs, he threw the cigarette to the ground, extinguishing it with his foot. After a while, he bent down to pick it up and tossed it into the trash.

Zheng Yucheng stood by the pool for quite some time. When he returned to the banquet hall, the auction had already ended for a while.

The celebration was reaching its conclusion, with guests gradually leaving one after another.

Mr. Zheng and Mrs. Zheng, along with Zheng Baoqiu and Chen Wengang, were not present.

Zheng Yucheng only saw Zheng Maoxun and Mu Qing, two people he wasn’t eager to interact with. With a disinterested glance, he changed direction.

For a moment, Zheng Yucheng found everything uninteresting—people and things alike.

Leaning against the wall, he watched the hotel staff busy around the banquet hall.

What he didn’t expect was that Chen Wengang was currently being intercepted by Qi Tongzhou.

Qi Tongzhou had come to mind his own business today. Unexpectedly, he got entangled in unexpected romantic affairs. His friends had long gone, and he made up an excuse to stay behind. Fortunately, his lingering paid off, with him finally encountering his male god once again.

This time, he gathered the courage to step forward and ask, “Wengang, can we hang out together in the future?”

Chen Wengang’s attitude was friendly, and one couldn’t find any fault with it. Qi Tongzhou felt a flush on his face before he spoke. “I mean, the kind of friends. I studied abroad in Europe for a year last year, so I started university a year later than Zheng Maoxun and the others. Oh, also Jin Da; he’ll be joining in the next semester.”

“So, we’ll be alumni then,” Chen Wengang smiled. “If you ever need help in the future, just let me know.”

“Sure,” Qi Tongzhou happily replied. “You, uh, you guys, just don’t find me troublesome; that’s enough.”

As they continued talking and the topic shifted Zheng Maoxun, Zheng Maoxun came—

Zheng Maoxun came over to urge Chen Wengang, “Aren’t you leaving yet?”

Seeing Qi Tongzhou, he looked surprised, “You haven’t gone back either?”

“Right away, very soon,” Qi Tongzhou cleared his throat, “I’ll go to the front desk first and have them call a cab for me.”

Since Zheng Maoxun was the one who invited him, he said, “Why bother? I’ll give you a ride. It’s just a little detour for the driver.”

As the lively event concluded, luxury cars lined up and exited the hotel garage one by one.

Finally, the Zheng family prepared to return home.

On this day, two waves of people and cars arrived at the house. Naturally, Zheng Bingyi took his usual car.

Others got in as well, except for Zheng Maoxun, who conscientiously walked with Qi Tongzhou toward another car.

Since they were taking a longer route, it seemed like this car was exclusively for them. Just as Qi Tongzhou closed the door, unexpectedly, Chen Wengang opened the other side, poking his head in and saying, “Sorry, it’s full on that side. Mind if I squeeze in with you guys?”

In reality, the Lincoln that Zheng Bingyi’s group was in was an extended version; claiming it was too small was just an excuse—he was avoiding Zheng Yucheng.

Zheng Maoxun didn’t mind, of course.

As for Qi Tongzhou, who was still in high spirits, he quickly adjusted his seat to make room.

On the way, Qi Tongzhou couldn’t resist the curiosity itching in his heart. He couldn’t help but inquire about what happened at the auction that created such a mysterious atmosphere.

The bidding for that fiercely contested item was worth seven million, and anyone would be curious. 

It was related to Chen Wengang’s private matters; Zheng Maoxun managed to keep quiet, but he was curious himself.

So, both pairs of eyes turned to look at Chen Wengang.

Chen Wengang smiled and said, “At least there’s a good result. Wealthy people should fulfill their social responsibilities.”

Qi Tongzhou, sensing he might not be at liberty to say more, chuckled, “Exactly. With their actions, they’ve stirred up emotions. Didn’t you see? Several items were auctioned at high prices. I heard that this charity fund will be donated to marine conservation organizations?”

Chen Wengang replied, “About half of it will go for that purpose.”

Qi Tongzhou showed interest and asked for more details. The other half of the charity funds would be proportionally distributed to specific projects, such as supporting nursing homes and welfare institutions through long-term partnerships with foundations. The Zhengshi Group also established certain scholarship funds.

Zheng Maoxun, yawning, commented, “How do you remember all these details?”

Chen Wengang teasingly retorted, “It’s your family’s company; how could you not know?”

“It’s not a project I’m in charge of. Why would I bother memorizing every detail?” Zheng Maoxun replied, then shifted his gaze, “Now, I’ll ask you specifically, which welfare institutions have you donated to? Don’t look at your phone. If you’re not in charge, can you recall the list?”

Their driver, surnamed Wang, was a talkative man. Having overheard their conversation, he interjected with a smile, “That won’t stump Wengang. How could he not know? He even volunteers every one or two weeks.”

“What… really?” Zheng Maoxun’s perception was overturned.

“Why would I lie to you? Even your dad knows. If you don’t believe it, ask him.”

“But I’ve never seen it.”

Uncle Wang laughed heartily, “Well, maybe you just didn’t pay attention! Does he have to report to you every time he goes out?”

Uncle Wang brought up Zheng Bingyi’s endorsement, indicating that it wasn’t just a casual remark.

Chen Wengang smiled and didn’t respond, displaying a modest and humble demeanor.

However, Zheng Maoxun felt a sense of discomfort deep down—was it because he didn’t understand what Chen Wengang had been doing for the past few years?

Or was it because Chen Wengang had once again gained favor in front of his old man?

It was still uncertain whether Zheng Yucheng had brushed up his image alongside them and if everyone had kept it a secret from Zheng Maoxun. 

Perhaps when you have someone around who is perfect in every aspect, it’s indeed challenging not to feel envy.

Qi Tongzhou didn’t delve into such complexities, but his filter was undoubtedly thick, adding layer upon layer of blur.

People like him and Zheng Maoxun, born with a silver spoon in their mouths, faced comparisons even among classmates. For example, boasting about how much money their families donated to charity each year became a symbol of wealth and proof of background. Taught by their elders from a young age, the idea was that a family that did good would surely have blessings. Whether for reputation or accumulating virtue, making donations was considered a normal and customary practice.

However, if you asked Qi Tongzhou about specific charitable projects his family supported or the details of these projects, he would be equally unable to provide an answer.

Among people he knew, those willing to actively engage in charity work were rare. From elementary to high school, the schools might have volunteer hour requirements and organize practical activities, but for a group of adolescents, that was the least cool thing to do. Avoiding those activities was an achievement in itself.

But if you were to ask Qi Tongzhou what charitable projects his family supported or what the charter of those projects was, he wouldn’t be able to provide an answer.

As for people he knew who were willing to be hands-on—from elementary school to high school, the schools did have volunteer hour requirements and organized practical activities. However, for a group of adolescents, it was the least cool thing imaginable—trying not to find ways to skip was already considered good enough.

Yet, at this moment, Qi Tongzhou selectively chose to forget: “Could you take me there if there’s a chance? Actually, I’m quite interested.”

Chen Wengang replied, “Sure, you’re welcome.”

Zheng Maoxun almost rolled his eyes with a snort.

In Qi Tongzhou’s heart, everything was shining brightly as he pretended not to hear.


Early the next morning, only Mr. Zheng and Chen Wengang were awake at their usual time.

At the dining table, only the old man and the young man were sitting, having breakfast.

Mrs. Zheng rarely woke up early; most of the time, she enjoyed her breakfast in bed with a small table brought in by the maid. The younger generation didn’t have the luxury of sleeping in, but today everyone was indulging in a lazy morning after the events of the previous day.

The housekeeper, Mr. Lin, brought in the newspaper, and the news about the Zheng family had been published.

After reading for a while, Mr. Zheng suddenly turned his attention to Chen Wengang.

“You’ll be graduating in another year. Do you have any plans?”

Chen Wengang replied, “I plan to pursue a master’s degree.”

Mr. Zheng, aware of his aspirations for further education, remarked, “Having a higher level of education is a good thing.”

After a moment of thought, Chen Wengang decided to inform him in advance, “Yifu, the research direction I want to apply for is sociology.”

Upon hearing this, Mr. Zheng took off his reading glasses, set aside the newspaper, and lifted his eyelids that resembled dried orange peels to scrutinize him seriously.

Upon hearing this, Zheng Biyi took off his reading glasses, set the newspaper aside, and lifted his eyelids, which resembled dried orange peels, to scrutinize him seriously.

Undoubtedly, in society, there were various topics worthy of research – the current situation of migrant labor, the aging population, juvenile crime issues, and more. However, researching these topics seemed unrelated to holding a position in a large shipping conglomerate.

Unless he had already decided not to pursue further advancement on his current path.

Zheng Bingyi asked, “Why not continue studying business management or something related to commerce? Wouldn’t that be beneficial for your future career development?”

Chen Wengang set down his chopsticks, saying, “I know this decision is a bit sudden, and changing fields comes with its challenges, especially when it involves future career directions. But after careful consideration, I realize my true interest lies in academic pursuits. I hope you can understand.”

The housekeeper, Mr. Lin, had left the room at some point, leaving only the two of them in the dining room for a conversation that no one else knew about.

“Have you made up your mind?” Zheng Bingyi also set down his cup, teasing half-seriously, “I was originally planning to have you handle the family affairs after you graduate, or keep the position of assistant general manager for you. It wasn’t finalized yet, and I thought I’d let you make your choice. But here you are, firing me in advance.”

The family office managed the entire family’s capital operations, guarding the wealth of the family. Being a young assistant general manager after gaining experience for a few years usually meant moving up to higher executive positions, and even becoming the general manager of a branch was not entirely out of the question.

“It’s nothing like that,” Chen Wengang hurriedly replied. “I know your arrangements are made with my best interests in mind.”

“Alright, let’s go with your decision. Switching to this major all of a sudden, don’t you have to start from scratch again?”

“I’ve already contacted the professor. Sociology itself is a typical interdisciplinary field closely related to economics, political science, management, and psychology. With a well-defined research direction, my current academic background isn’t entirely useless.”

Zheng Bingyi didn’t completely oppose the idea, just suggesting that he should think it over and mentioning that he could help introduce him to some members of the board if there was an opportunity.

Chen Wengang expressed his gratitude respectfully.

The weather outside the window was exceptionally good.

The sunshine was bright and dazzling.

Although the temperature had risen a bit, the greenhouse maintained a constant temperature and humidity, making it still very pleasant to bask in the sun inside. Chen Wengang was inspired and brought his notebook to the greenhouse. He used the library retrieval system to gather literature, preparing in advance for his graduation thesis in the upcoming semester.

With the subtle fragrance of flowers surrounding him, he leaned back in the wicker chair, thinking about the brief exchange he had with Zheng Bingyi. Even though nothing was confirmed, he still felt relaxed.

This good mood continued until he received a message filled with resentment—

“To all group members: I understand everyone is busy, but regardless, please remember that we are still in the same group. If you can spare some time, kindly submit the assignment at the South District Coffee House today. Your group leader would be extremely grateful.”

“Also, if you don’t care about your grades, you don’t have to come. No need to bother replying. Best wishes.”

Chen Wengang was stunned for a moment, feeling an unusual sense of guilt.

…Is this for real?

The sender was named You Ying, a fellow student from the same department, a girl if he remembered correctly. Chen Wengang retrieved his notes and realized that at the beginning of the semester, the professor for “Introduction to Economic Law” had indeed assigned a case study assignment and formed groups. This female classmate was the leader of their group.

Group assignments were something that college students universally disliked. The leader always worked alone, while the slackers perpetually tried to avoid contributing.

Chen Wengang hadn’t considered that he would one day be the slacker, but he genuinely had forgotten.

In fact, it wasn’t intentional. When he was reborn and came back to this semester, it was already halfway through. The professor never mentioned it in class, and none of the other group members reminded him. It was a series of coincidences, and he had completely forgotten about the assignment from his previous life.

Since that was the case, it was understandable that the other party was angry.

He apologized and replied, saying he would be there in half an hour. He quickly packed up his computer and went upstairs to find his car keys.

So, for the time being, You Ying suppressed the frustration boiling within her, waiting for him to arrive to address the issue face-to-face.

In reality, she had sent that message specifically to Chen Wengang as a first warning, and the second warning would name him directly.

However, looking at the other two group members who were engrossed in their own conversation at the opposite table, she felt a headache coming on. None of them were trouble-free.

When she initially found out that her group consisted of one girl and three boys, You Ying couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. 

It wasn’t about discrimination, but the likelihood of facing difficulties while working with boys was generally higher.

In order to secure a good grade, she took the initiative to become the group leader, despite knowing it would require the most effort. She made it clear from the beginning: everyone had to participate in the group assignment, and she would not tolerate anyone slacking off and dragging down the group with a mediocre result.

With a stern expression, she issued a clear warning. At that time, the two male students in the group had confidently promised something…

Yeah, we all think the same way. We hate people who slack off the most. Our group will definitely not be like that. We will work diligently.

The result?

Wasn’t it the same rush to finish right before the deadline?

It was good enough if they could appear as promised; there were even those who didn’t show up at all.

However, You Ying was most disappointed in Chen Wengang. He didn’t make any promises. Although You Ying wasn’t familiar with him, she knew his grades were among the best. So much so that she had entertained a fleeting hope that, since he was also a top student, he should have some sense of responsibility, right?

Now she gave up the last bit of fantasy and accepted her fate.

The three people individually clicked and typed on their computers.

You Ying had already finished her part, and the other two group members were gearing up at the last moment. The three of them discussed the presentation outline, but Chen Wengang still hadn’t arrived. Suddenly, one of the male students started to complain, “We’re unlucky to be in the same group as this kind of person.”

In her mind, You Ying thought he should take a look at himself first. Verbally, she asked, “What do you mean?”

The other one leaned over and said, “Don’t you know? He has a lot of scandals in our department, no, in the whole school.”

“I don’t know much about this.” You Ying said, “I only know he often receives scholarships.”

“Who knows how much… shady business is going on? Don’t talk about good grades; who knows if it’s true or not?”

“Yeah, who knows how many scandals there are? While others rely on their fathers, he can rely on his ‘adoptive father.’ When the dean sees his ‘adoptive father,’ he nods and bows. He casually has tea and plays golf with the board of directors. If they don’t give him a scholarship, who will?”

“How do you guys know so much?” You Ying asked, “Even knowing who his ‘adoptive father’ is?”

One of the group members searched through posts on his phone and said, “Seriously? You never browsed the campus forum?”

“I don’t. I’m busy; no time for that.”

“Then check out this compilation post directly.”

You Ying took the phone and skimmed through several links.

The second group member said, “What do you think? Feeling enlightened?”

“Don’t rush me; let me sort it out. This  ‘Young Master Z’ is… Zheng Yucheng?”

“Yes. Do you remember when we enrolled? It was quite sensational; everyone said the young master of Zhengshi’s group was in our college.”

You Ying asked, “So the ‘adoptive father’ you mentioned for Chen Wengang is the father of Zheng Yucheng, the chairman of Zhengshi’s Group?”

“That’s right. He was adopted by their family. But the most incredible part is that their relationship is not ordinary.”

“What kind of relationship?”

“They attended the same university, same major, in the same department, same class. They were practically inseparable. It’s said they’ve been in a relationship for several years—no, it’s not just said; it’s practically confirmed. Look at the last link.”

“I’ve seen it; let’s leave that aside. I don’t believe the rest. Why would the biological son be overshadowed by the adopted one? I’ve received several scholarships myself, and I remember every time they were announced, both I and Chen Wengang were there. Nominations for Zheng Yucheng weren’t that frequent. According to what you guys are saying if there’s any shady business, why not just give it to Zheng Yucheng directly?”

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One Comment

  1. It’s about time I put a stop to it, it’s hateful to see how people get carried away by their noses as if they can’t use their brains 😤

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