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Chapter 22.1: Why do you fall in love with such a stupid kid? Does he know how to care for others?

A female companion who came with He Wanxin gently moved her hand and leaned over to whisper a few words of advice.

At the same time, Chen Wengang also restrained Zheng Maoxun’s restless hand.

Zheng Maoxun followed his gaze and gesture, locking eyes with his father who was glaring at him. Under Zheng Bingyi’s disapproving and even reproachful look, he pursed his lips, reluctantly putting the sign on the table.

However, He Wanxin gritted her teeth and called out, “One million and five thousand.”

“Miss He, that’s more like it.” Huo Niansheng praised, “Two million.”

He Wanxin wasn’t backing down. She braced herself and said, “Two million and five thousand…”

“Four million.”

He Wanxin’s face turned unpleasant.

The whispers behind her grew louder.

She suspected that within those whispers, people might be discussing whether she could afford this amount of money.

For a private, illegitimate daughter of a prominent family, throwing around a few hundred thousand and managing pocket money was not difficult. However, four million reached a critical point that wasn’t so easy to handle. Other family members had overseas trusts, investment funds, real estate, and stocks…

They enjoyed endless wealth and resources.

Meanwhile, she could only play the role of the beggar.

Her female companion couldn’t help but pull her again, “Why not just give up… You know, spending a few million on a sports car and buying bags and jewelry are all understandable. But quarreling with someone and slapping down such a worthless watch, how will you explain it to Uncle when you get home?”

He Wanxin’s long and slender nails dug into her flesh, causing a sharp pain in her palm.

A cold and arrogant expression appeared on her face. Yes, she couldn’t be compared to the other young masters and misses. The wastrel she called “brother,” He Jiajun, could indulge in revelry, high-stakes gambling on the open sea, and spend millions in a single night on alcohol, and the elders wouldn’t utter a word.

If it weren’t for Zheng Bingyi wanting face and suppressing his son and daughter, she would have had no chance against Zheng Maoxun and Zheng Baoqiu.

Who could she compete with? If she didn’t stand up for herself, who would speak up for her? Did she deserve to be treated like this?

“I know Miss He is determined to win,” Huo Niansheng said, “Unfortunately, this item is also close to my heart, and I can’t give up so easily. If you still have intentions, let’s settle this quickly and not waste too much of others time.”

This remark elicited a small burst of laughter. Someone raised their voice, telling him not to compete with a girl over something.

Others in the crowd started teasing and mentioned Zheng Yucheng’s name, asking him which side he was on.

He Wanxin remained silent, her expression revealing an undeniable embarrassment.

The auctioneer regained his composure and asked, “Currently at four million, does anyone else want to participate in the bidding? If not, four million once—”

“Four million and five thousand,” He Wanxin said.

“Seven million,” Huo Niansheng said, raising his paddle.

Amidst the commotion, He Wanxin stood up, muttered, “I need some fresh air,” and walked straight out.

Behind her, the auctioneer hammered down, “Sold!”

The sound echoed in the vintage Romanesque hall.

He Wanxin, walking away from the hall, had an expression of shrewd indifference on her face, devoid of any trace of affection.


Qi Tongzhou was completely at a loss throughout, but he was too nervous to say a word.

Normally, he wouldn’t mind such an extravagant scene, but things were different now, and he feared his male god would be angry.

Throughout the entire time, Qi Tongzhou kept stealing glances at Chen Wengang’s expression. On that face, as finely carved as jade, it seemed like even a slight blink could affect his emotions. However, Chen Wengang remained calm and composed, sitting in his seat without any visible reaction; Qi Tongzhou couldn’t figure anything out.

The recent commotion was like a small pebble creating ripples in a pond, but it had nothing to do with him.

Afterward, the auction continued, and two more items were sold, though the transaction amounts were not particularly high.

Once everyone’s attention shifted away, Chen Wengang quietly stood up and walked along the wall toward the exit.

Qi Tongzhou wanted to follow but was afraid of drawing attention. He hesitated for about five minutes before stealthily trailing behind.

Once outside the banquet hall, Qi Tongzhou felt lost. The bustling crowd consisted mostly of staff members, and he wasn’t sure which direction to go.

Qi Tongzhou wandered around the hotel like a lost chick that had strayed from its nest. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. On a small balcony to the right, there was a figure in a black suit leaning on the railing, gazing at the night view. Wasn’t that him?

He cleared his throat, adjusted his bow tie, and approached, calling out, “Wengang.”

To his surprise, when the guy turned around, Qi Tongzhou felt embarrassed and said, “Sorry, my mistake. I got the wrong person.”

The young man gave him a faint smile and said, “It’s okay.”

Qi Tongzhou forced a smile, taking the opportunity to sneak another look, “It’s mainly because you look a bit like a friend of mine.”

The young man nodded, admitting that, at first glance, he did resemble Chen Wengang a bit—especially in terms of body proportions. It was entirely reasonable to mistake them when seen from behind. However, upon closer inspection, he was slightly shorter. His features were not bad, but they carried a different vibe.

Making a mistake about someone’s identity was a common occurrence in life, so Qi Tongzhou wasn’t particularly embarrassed. In fact, he felt relieved.

Just because he mistook someone for another person doesn’t mean he’s easily swayed by appearances, right?

With this thought in mind, Qi Tongzhou decided to get acquainted, “I’m Qi Tongzhou. What should I call you?”

The young man politely glanced at Qi Tongzhou’s wrist, revealing a bit of the watch face, “Mu Qing.”

As they chatted, Qi Tongzhou was pleasantly surprised to find out that Mu Qing was also from the Zheng family.

Should he approach the “male god” by starting with his social circle?

The boundary between Qi Tongzhou and his newfound friend gradually became clearer during their conversation.

In his mind, he began to differentiate between the two: when Chen Wengang spoke, his gaze was gentle and comforting, making people feel at ease; the guy in front of him exuded a slightly aloof pride, maintaining a certain distance, reminiscent of a rare and exquisite Persian cat.

When it was time to leave, Qi Tongzhou came up with an excuse to add Mu Qing as a friend. Once he was far enough away, he opened Mu Qing’s social media profile to take a look.

It turned out that Mu Qing studied art, which explained his elevated self-esteem. It was quite normal for someone in the artistic field to have a certain level of confidence.

Unfortunately, all of Mu Qing’s updates were about himself, and Qi Tongzhou couldn’t find the person he was looking for.

Afterward, he aimlessly wandered around the hotel, even getting lost in the underground parking garage, and still didn’t find anyone.

Meanwhile, Chen Wengang was enjoying the breeze in the rooftop garden, completely unaware of Qi Tongzhou’s predicament.

Being relatively unfamiliar with the layout, Qi Tongzhou forgot that the Crown Hotel had a renowned observation deck.

Two glass-covered corridors spanned between the three buildings like rainbows in the sky. The lowest level of the middle building was transformed into an exotic garden with lively fountains, pristine sculptures, rose-covered walls, and black swing chairs—a dreamlike scene.

The rooftop garden lived up to its reputation, offering picturesque views in every direction, making it a popular spot for social media-worthy photos.

At this moment, the popular location was deserted. Chen Wengang leaned against a swing chair, the crescent moon overhead forming a gentle arc.

As he looked up, the stars and moon in the sky, along with the faint light from the hotel windows above, reflected in his eyes.

When they were younger, every time they attended events at this hotel, they would find time to come up here and play, as if it were a cherished tradition.

Time kept moving forward; each cycle of the moon remained the same, but children would inevitably grow up.

The swing chair had two seats, and Chen Wengang occupied the middle position, swaying gently back and forth.

After a while, someone approached from behind.

When they neared, the person deliberately made a bit of noise with their footsteps as a signal.

Turning around, Chen Wengang saw Huo Niansheng approaching, bathed in the fountain’s light, and moving steadily toward him.

Huo Niansheng pressed his elbow against the backrest, causing the chained chair to cease its swaying.

He lightly chuckled, “Why swing alone here?”

Chen Wengang also smirked, “Tired. Just taking a lazy break in secret.”

Huo Niansheng understood, “You’ve all worked hard today.”

However, he raised a thin piece of paper in his hand.

Chen Wengang’s gaze followed his hand, and he saw the auction confirmation document imprinted with a raised seal.

Huo Niansheng folded the paper in half, pinching it between his index and middle fingers, and slipped it into the gap in his chest pocket. The confirmation document, obtained for seven million, and the neatly folded handkerchief were snugly pressed together. “It’s yours.”

Chen Wengang didn’t take it out; he just touched the position on his chest. “This gift is too valuable.”

“Is it?” Huo Niansheng tilted his head, smiling as he looked at him. “Is there enough space for a change of seating?”

Chen Wengang chuckled and shifted to the left, making room for one person. Huo Niansheng circled around, sitting beside him, and his arm naturally draped over the back of the chair. His posture seemed as if he had half-embraced Chen Wengang, exuding an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Chen Wengang used his foot to push against the ground, causing the swing chair to sway slightly.

“Do you really intend to pay this amount?” Chen Wengang confirmed with him, “If you regret it, there’s still time. I can help you negotiate a withdrawal.”

“Once the hammer falls, there’s no turning back. How can we play the trick of backing out in private?” Huo Niansheng was carefree, “Even if it reaches ten million tonight, it’s a donation that should be made. Consider it my gratitude to Miss He for giving me an opportunity to contribute to society.”

“Miss He should also thank you. Her goal for today was achieved; she gained the spotlight of seven million without spending a penny. Tomorrow she can be in the news for free, claiming she passionately pursued love, making a splash in the headlines.”

“Do you know her so well?”

“Not really. It’s just that anyone with keen eyes can see she’s ambitious. She has her own style, and I won’t judge.”

Huo Niansheng looked at him for a moment and chuckled: “I thought you were feeling melancholic here alone. I came to cheer you up.”

Chen Wengang said, “Having someone stand up for me, of course, makes me happy. Without you, I don’t know how today would have ended.”

“That’s because you live too cautiously,” Huo Niansheng said, changing the subject suddenly: “Just this, is there nothing else you like?”


“You should have told me earlier what you wanted.”

Chen Wengang just smiled, “Now, from head to toe, everything I wear is from you.”

Huo Niansheng’s expression seemed to show a bit of pride. Suddenly, he took Chen Wengang’s right hand and pulled up his sleeve, revealing a black wristwatch underneath. He pointed at the Jaeger-LeCoultre watch with his finger and said, “There is still something missing here.”

The taste and financial status of a mature man are reflected in important areas, and one such area is the wrist. Among the few accessories that men could wear, one was a watch. However, at twenty years old, Chen Wengang hadn’t reached the point where he needed to emphasize his social status. A watch worth tens of thousands was already enough for him: “Is there something wrong with this watch? I’ve been wearing it for several years, and it goes well with my outfits.”

“There’s nothing wrong; it’s just a matter of suitability.” Huo Niansheng said, “I have something more suitable for you in my collection.”

“Your kindness is appreciated,” Chen Wengang said, “Mr. Huo is generous, and I still haven’t repaid your favor.”

“Then don’t repay it.” Huo Niansheng lightly laughed, “A smile from a beautiful person is worth a thousand gold. I always find it worthwhile.”

He gazed at Chen Wengang intently, and the meaning behind that look was no longer hidden.

A cool breeze brushed against them, and Huo Niansheng gently lifted Chen Wengang’s chin, his thumb tracing down his cheek, all the way down.

Pressing onto the soft lips, a slightly affectionate and playful touch.

Huo Niansheng’s movements were skilled and natural, making him appear like an experienced player in the art of charmingly and proficiently bombarding with sugar-coated bullets.

Allowing people to taste a brief sweetness, leaving behind a beautiful and illusory memory, and then withdrawing when the dew dissipates.

Chen Wengang’s breath caught.

Huo Niansheng sensed every bit of his unease and tremor.

But he only continued to softly seduce, “You don’t have to live so nobly. Look at others; being a bit unrestrained is nothing wrong. With your capital and just this face of yours, many people would willingly do anything for you. Including me—I’m one of them. Whatever you desire, I’m willing to fulfill it for you, Wengang. I’ve said this many times, and I’m not joking.”

Chen Wengang raised his eyes and asked him, “What if I lose this face?”

Huo Niansheng was stunned.

The time must have gotten late; the water flow from the fountain and the lights suddenly stopped simultaneously, and the pearls scattered on the water surface abruptly halted.

In the darkness, the rose wall in the distance turned into a dark shadow, flowers drooped their heads, and the pool fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Wengang’s expression returned to normal, showing neither self-satisfaction nor sarcasm. He remained as calm as ever.

Although he phrased it as a question, he wasn’t waiting for an answer.

Or maybe he didn’t know if he could wait for an answer; without expectations, there would be no disappointments.

Meanwhile, Huo Niansheng remained silent for a moment, his gaze unconsciously slipping below Chen Wengang’s chin.

The Adam’s apple undulated like a small peak, the black bowtie neatly constrained around the slender and pristine white neck through the collar.

At this distance, with a slight movement of his fingers, he could undo that bowtie.

Suddenly, Chen Wengang leaped off the swing, shattering this daydream.

A faint smile played on the corner of Huo Niansheng’s lips, but it seemed not to reach his eyes.

He followed suit, his arms suddenly wrapping around Chen Wengang from behind.

The weight of a man pressed against him. Huo Niansheng touched his Adam’s apple, whispering in his ear, “I’m afraid you might not believe me if I say… in any appearance, you are beautiful in my eyes.”

The most touching words are always the irresponsible and carefree sweet nothings of a playboy.

Chen Wengang’s steps faltered, leaning against the solid chest behind him.

A hint of mist quietly pervaded as he closed his eyes, filled with poignant emotion.

No one knew, and Huo Niansheng wouldn’t know; there was a permanent void in his heart that could never be healed.

At this moment, myriad flavors suddenly surged, but it was unclear whether it was joy or sorrow.

However, Huo Niansheng said, “It seems I really came back too late; it seems someone is coming to catch you.”

With a slight movement, he provocatively untied the black bowtie.

Zheng Yucheng appeared from the side of the rose wall, his expression indifferent, “Huo Niansheng,that’s enough.”

Chen Wengang stood between the two. Zheng Yucheng’s gaze fell on the empty collar of his shirt. He made a turn and shot a chilly look at Huo Niansheng behind him. The one being questioned appeared calm and polite, “Don’t be angry. First, let us explain what’s going on; why the anger?”

Zheng Yucheng gritted his teeth.

Why was he getting angry?

He came to find Chen Wengang, and the moment he arrived, he saw Huo Niansheng clinging to him like a piece of candy, being handsy. Shouldn’t he be angry?

Zheng Yucheng coldly stated, “First of all, I’d appreciate it if you let go. In a situation where someone is unwilling, what you’re doing amounts to sexual harassment.”

Chen Wengang frowned, reprimanding him, “That’s enough.”

Huo Niansheng, being accommodating, released his grip, saying, “I’ll try to be more careful next time.”

Zheng Yucheng continued, “Secondly, during the auction today, regardless of your motives for pulling some tricks…”

Huo Niansheng placed the loosened bowtie in Chen Wengang’s hand, his hand slipping into his pocket, and he chuckled, “Your Zheng family’s auctions, talking about me playing tricks, do you not understand if there are any shady dealings inside? Everyone bids, and the highest bidder wins. What’s the problem?”

Zheng Yucheng took a deep breath, a nameless anger burning within but controlled from erupting. He composed himself and said, “Listen to me first. I know you and He Jiajun have always had conflicts. If you were trying to embarrass his sister today, I understand, especially since you’ve already gained enough attention.”

Huo Niansheng gestured for him to continue.

Zheng Yucheng said, “But the watch itself isn’t anything special. If possible, I hope you can sell it to me.”

After a brief thought, Huo Niansheng said, “That’s fine, but I don’t engage in losing deals. Fixed price, eight million.”


“Why the hesitation?” Huo Niansheng smirked, “So you want to please your sweetheart but don’t want to spend the money?”

“You’re just stirring up trouble; it’s not the same thing at all,” Zheng Yucheng frowned, “Yes, for you, some things might not be worth mentioning, just a tool for competing, but have you thought that it might have significant meaning to someone else?”

Chen Wengang, on the side, suddenly tugged at the corner of his mouth and said, “Forget it, there’s no need to cause so much trouble just for me.”

He took the confirmation paper from his suit pocket and handed it back to Huo Niansheng.

Zheng Yucheng’s expression briefly revealed astonishment.

Huo Niansheng didn’t take it back but instead chuckled softly, speaking gently, “It’s yours if I give it to you. I was just joking with Yucheng.”

Despite his words, he still took the paper from Chen Wengang, “Oh, I forgot to ask one thing. Does the buyer have to personally collect the item? To be on the safe side, should I go pick it up? Wengang, can I give it to you next time we meet?”

Before Chen Wengang could reply, Huo Niansheng leaned in by his cheek and spoke in a voice only the two of them could hear.

—”Also, why did you fall in love with such a stupid and impulsive kid? Does he understand how to cherish someone?”

Chen Wengang glanced at him quickly.

Huo Niansheng pocketed the confirmation paper, patted Chen Wengang on the shoulder, and bid his farewell, leaving the scene.

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  1. “For a private, illegitimate daughter of a prominent family…” She’s illegitimate? That’s why she has such an inferiority complex? And she wants to marry the legitimate eldest son and heir apparent? (I can’t believe the Zhen patriarch accepted such an inferior spouse for his son; he probably hates that guy.) Damn, this dummy is ambitious alright.

  2. Rolling my eyes so hard at He Wanxin’s tale of woe. Girl, you’re the one who decided to jump into the auction in the first place to pick a fight and now you’re making yourself the victim? Please.

    People like these are SO annoying. Nothing is their fault ever 🙄yeah sorry you can throw away millions on a random auction but you what? Oh yeah ‘you can only play the role of a beggar’.

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