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Chapter 21.3: His eyes were treating it like a joke

The day of Zhengshi Group’s celebration arrived as scheduled.

On that day, the entrance of the Crown Hotel was bustling with activity, with carriages and horses lined up, creating a lively atmosphere.

Cars and people were coming and going, and the bellboys and valets in red uniforms were busy as bees.

Apart from the Zheng family members and top executives of the Zhengshi Group, there were representatives from various branch offices, relatives, partners, and media reporters, and the crowd was packed with people. Many prominent figures, including celebrities, politicians, and business leaders, attended the event, making the security arrangements both inside and outside the hotel quite demanding.

Chen Wengang stood in line with Zheng Yucheng, Zheng Maoxun, and Mu Qing, welcoming the guests behind Zheng Bingyi.

Zheng Baoqiu, elegant and graceful, walked alongside Mrs. Zheng with a smile, wearing a tulip-like dress and high heels, presenting a scene of beauty and admiration.

Looking around, each individual seemed more exquisite than the other, creating a family of extraordinary charm.

Zheng Dongqing arrived with her husband, embracing her father and siblings.

She wore an elegant pearl-white evening gown, resembling a pool of refined moonlight.

The family gathered, shining brightly under the flashing lights of the reporters, posing for pictures.

Zheng Bingyi felt a sense of satisfaction in his old age.

In the afternoon, a press conference had already been held, and the banquet and charity auction were scheduled to continue from evening to night.

Guests kept arriving, making the reception a tiring task.

Chen Wengang stood at the entrance, recognizing many familiar faces—relatives from the extended Zheng family, whom he knew almost all by name and lineage. He had also met the children of family friends, especially those whom Zheng Yucheng knew well, including classmates and friends.

Initially, such occasions were daunting for him.

He would be nervous, afraid of making a fool of himself, fearing he wouldn’t remember people, and worried about embarrassing Zheng Bingyi.

At that time, Zheng Yucheng would stick close to him, quietly reminding him in his ear, acting as his savior.

Now, he spoke with grace, handling everything with ease, not showing any nervousness in front of familiar or unfamiliar faces.

As the time approached, most of the important guests had already entered the venue.

With the last few waves of guests arriving, Chen Wengang discreetly checked the list.

Suddenly, there was another commotion at the entrance, and he looked up to see Huo Niansheng.

Huo Niansheng didn’t bring any other female companion; Amanda, with an elegant updo, appropriately held the boss’s arm as they attended the event.

However, he was surrounded by a group of friends, and before Chen Wengang could go forward, they had all entered the venue, chatting and laughing.

The Zheng family members had already gone inside, and no one noticed Chen Wengang.

The banquet hall was divided into three sections, featuring a dance floor, a band, cold dishes below, and singers performing on stage.

Guests gathered, and the atmosphere was festive.

Chen Wengang avoided alcohol, pretending to drink champagne by holding a glass of pear juice. Fortunately, no one paid much attention.

At this point, he found himself with some free time since no one actively approached him for conversation.

In such gatherings, if one were to categorize people with a judgmental eye, he undoubtedly occupied the lowest tier.

At Zheng family gatherings, the most eye-catching were always Zheng Yucheng and Zheng Maoxun. The number of butterflies surrounding Zheng Baoqiu has also increased over the past two years. Mu Qing, although relatively quiet, was at least Zheng Bingyi’s legitimate nephew. Chen Wengang was the least profitable among them.

Similar to Yu Shanding, the son of a driver was an indelible mark on him.

But it wasn’t something to feel inferior about; it was just terribly boring.

Suddenly, Zheng Maoxun came over and nudged Chen Wengang. “Look at your ten o’clock direction.”

Chen Wengang had seen it a long time ago.

His ten o’clock direction was occupied by the fiery red-dressed He Wanxin, who had stuck to Zheng Yucheng as soon as she arrived.

The two of them were surrounded by a circle of stars, making it hard to ignore. Some people were unaware of the situation, while others intentionally chanted “sister-in-law.” Some had a subtle, gloating look, glancing in Chen Wengang’s direction.

He Wanxin’s face turned red.

This was another extremely boring situation.

Chen Wengang patted Zheng Maoxun on the shoulder, picked up his cup, and turned away.

At this moment, Zheng Yucheng felt uneasy.

Given the special occasion, under the scrutiny of everyone, he couldn’t afford to make any disrespectful moves. He Wanxin stuck to him like a piece of toffee, difficult to shake off. He scanned the surroundings, searching for Chen Wengang, but only saw a departing figure.

Layers of fragrance and shadows blocked his view.

After struggling for a while, Zheng Yucheng finally used the excuse of preparing a speech to reluctantly extricate himself.

As Zheng Yucheng left, the friends who were making a fuss dispersed, and with no more excitement, they went in pairs or groups to chat elsewhere.

He Wanxin raised her chin, looked around, and then walked toward the corner behind her.

She gestured with her chin: “Go, get me a drink.”

Chen Wengang looked at her with an unchanged expression and called out, “Miss He.”

He had already taken the initiative to avoid it, but He Wanxin hadn’t forgotten to come and demonstrate. Fortunately, this time, Zheng Baoqiu was nearby. She turned her head and came over to defend her own people: “What’s going on? You want a drink? Then call the waiter; don’t you have a mouth?”

She waved her hand, and the waiter passing by immediately approached with a tray.

He Wanxin took a glass arrogantly and spoke condescendingly, “It turns out I was mistaken. I thought there was someone here slacking off instead of serving drinks.”

Zheng Baoqiu retorted, “Maybe your eyesight isn’t great. Our family has a good doctor; do you want his contact information?”

He Wanxin glared at her and suddenly laughed coldly.

She looked at Chen Wengang and said, “So, not only do you rely on men for protection, but you also like to hide behind women.”

Chen Wengang still maintained his smile, while Zheng Baoqiu’s face had turned icy.

However, there was no need to create a scene here. Chen Wengang slightly bowed, “I’ll go over there first.”

“What’s the hurry?” He Wanxin taunted, “Is the soft-shelled shrimp feeling the pain in its feet after being pricked? Feeling guilty?”

Before Chen Wengang could turn around, a hand confidently took hold of his shoulder.

Huo Niansheng smiled and asked, “What are you guys talking about, so lively?”

Zheng Baoqiu’s complexion improved slightly, and she called out, “Cousin.”

Her gaze fell on the hand on Chen Wengang’s shoulder, and her eyelashes flickered, hesitating to speak.

Huo Niansheng, holding Chen Wengang, seemed like a very close friend. He asked He Wanxin, “What about your brother, He Jiajun? Why didn’t he come? I heard he got into a fight at a restaurant recently. Is he currently being punished at home?”

He Wanxin coldly said, “Believing in such small talk? Mr. Huo, speak only when you’re clear, or you might be laughed at.”

Zheng Baoqiu furrowed her delicate brows. “Will you ever stop?”

“Sorry, I’m not very good at speaking; others are used to it,” Huo Niansheng said. “This is something I particularly appreciate about the Zheng family—good family upbringing. Everyone here comes from similar backgrounds, but not everyone has good manners. Miss He, don’t you agree?”

He Wanxin glared at him. Before she could say anything, the microphone’s sound captured everyone’s attention.

The next segment would be hosted by Zheng Yucheng, followed by a speech from Chairman Zheng Bingyi.

Naturally, He Wanxin wouldn’t miss it. She shot another glare at Huo Niansheng, snorted, and then turned to the front row.

Huo Niansheng continued to smile, but Chen Wengang didn’t have much time to spare. He gave Huo Niansheng a deep look, thanked him in a low voice, apologized with a “sorry for the short company,” and then went to assist Zheng Baoqiu in arranging the seating for the VIPs.

Huo Niansheng watched his slender figure disappear through the crowd, smiled, took a glass of wine, and walked away.

The entire program proceeded smoothly. Zheng Bingyi reviewed the 120 years of Zheng’s ups and downs and his own achievements over half of his lifetime.

Zheng Yucheng, in his prime, made a perfect appearance. The headlines of tomorrow’s newspapers would probably read, “No dogs in the tiger’s den.”

After Zheng Bingyi finished his speech, the entire venue erupted in appropriate applause.

There were no other arrangements until the charity auction.

Chen Wengang didn’t want He Wanxin to see him again, so this time, he hid on the balcony. Unexpectedly, Zheng Maoxun, sniffing around like he had caught a scent, also arrived.

He brought a friend of the same age.

“This is my classmate, Qi Tongzhou,” Zheng Maoxun winked at Chen Wengang, “Remember him? I gave you his contact information.”

“Hello,” Chen Wengang said, feeling a sense of familiarity. Immediately recalling him, he extended his right hand. “Chen Wengang.”

“Ah… hello,” Qi Tongzhou, who was not initially attentive, was pulled over without much thought. Upon meeting face to face, he stared straight into Chen Wengang’s eyes, suddenly forgetting how to speak. “My surname is Qi; I mean, oh, we have a mutual friend.”

When was he introduced? Why didn’t any of those bad boys remind him that it was a big beauty?

“I was too busy; I didn’t have time to chat, sorry,” Chen Wengang still smiled, withdrawing his hand.

Qi Tongzhou just realized he was still holding the other person’s hand and quickly let go. “No, no, it’s my bad.”

“Did you two just become friends without even talking?” Zheng Maoxun teased Chen Wengang, “Are you okay with that?”

“It’s my fault; it’s my fault!” Qi Tongzhou quickly denied it but got stuck, “I just… I mean…”

What did he mean?

Qi Tongzhou’s mind was blinded by the beauty and was momentarily unable to continue his sentence.

He was left with one thought: he should hit himself on the forehead.

It’s really embarrassing, to the point of being unbearable.

Just before coming here, he had sneered at the idea—after ending his previous relationship, his old classmates concluded that he was immersed in the gloom of heartbreak. Somehow, someone suggested that the best way to heal a broken heart was to start a new romance.

Well, the result was that, for a while, Qi Tongzhou was bombarded by his mischievous friends.

Feeling annoyed, he decided to accept anyone who provided a contact method. After adding them, he would immediately block them without caring who they were.

The list ended up with numerous strangers he had never even heard of.

Qi Tongzhou used to not believe in love-at-first-sight nonsense.

Now he did.

Qi Tongzhou almost didn’t know what lousy excuse he had used to slip away.

Hiding in a restroom stall, he grabbed his phone and, after searching for a while, found a contact. He quickly typed out a message:

“Why didn’t you provide a photo when introducing someone to me?”

The other person was confused, but after hearing the story, showed no sympathy and almost burst out laughing.

“Oh, you mean that. Maoxun didn’t give me a photo. Besides, you’ve already added each other as friends; can’t you request it yourself?”

“I’m done for,” Qi Tongzhou muttered to himself, “I just saw him in person.”

“Is he that good?”

“Good my foot. Now, how do I explain this? Can I say my account got hacked?”

“Haha, you didn’t even bother when you hadn’t met, but now you’re eager after seeing him in person. Acting on impulse, huh?”

“I know, I’m really a shallow person,” Qi Tongzhou said without mercy, “but it’s not just about his looks. You don’t understand; he’s really not just good-looking, but it’s mainly a matter of temperament. Elegant and gentle…”

“Why don’t you understand? Someone with an immortal vibe, but you left him hanging for ten days. Just because you saw him in person, you’re eager.”

“… “

“Shall I introduce the next one directly to you?”

“Go away, go away.”

Qi Tongzhou opened the chat interface, pondered for a while, and changed his nickname to his real name, “Qi Tongzhou.”

Then he began editing the conversation.

Chen Wengang’s phone vibrated. He was still holding a glass of wine, pulled out his phone, and glanced down.

Seeing a message from Qi Tongzhou saying, “Uh, hello.”

And immediately retracted it.

Then Qi Tongzhou sent a cartoon rabbit emoji making a handshake.

Then he retracted it.

Then he fell into a prolonged “editing in progress” phase, and there was no further message.

Chen Wengang smiled, not minding at all.

People with exceptional looks rarely fail to recognize their physical advantages. During his school days, love letters were like a rain of bullets, and adoring glances came from all directions. It was something he had long gotten used to. Receiving special treatment so frequently could easily make someone lose themselves, thinking they were extraordinary.

Until you ruin your appearance once and completely lose everything, you will understand what it means to face the cold reality of the world.

Chen Wengang didn’t immediately put away his phone. Instead, he called Zheng Maoxun to the corner behind the floor-to-ceiling window.

“If you really want to repay a favor, can you help me with something?”

“What is it?”

He brought up the electronic version of the charity auction catalog. “I want to ask you to bid on something for me.”

On that page was an antique enamel pocket watch, romantically described as a love watch. The dial was made of gold and adorned with a circle of delicate pearls, depicting the secret meeting scene of Romeo and Juliet. The colors were vibrant, and it was considered delicate, but placed among various items donated by institutions and private collectors, it was not worth much.

Behind it was a watch with a Colombian emerald, much more eye-catching in terms of craftsmanship and gemstone design.

This colorful little trinket was probably not something Zheng Baoqiu would like.

Zheng Maoxun asked suspiciously, “You want me to bid for you? Why don’t you do it yourself?”

Chen Wengang said, “I am afraid that someone might look down on me for being poor, deliberately raising the price when they see I want to buy it.”

Zheng Maoxun paused, and it wasn’t entirely impossible. Bored young masters playing pranks on each other with auction items was a common occurrence.

Chen Wengang chuckled to himself and said, “It’s true. My budget is at most one hundred thousand, and I’ll give up if it exceeds that.”

“Why don’t you ask Zheng Baoqiu for help?”

“She’s a girl. If she bids for this love watch and gives it to me, what if others see it and start gossiping? What if they say we have a special relationship?”

“Don’t I care about my reputation?” Zheng Maoxun exclaimed. “Have you forgotten that you’re gay?”

Chen Wengang covered his mouth, surprising Zheng Maoxun. He discreetly peeked to make sure they hadn’t attracted attention.

“Alright, I won’t tease you. Initially, I asked Baoqiu for help. But when you weren’t around just now, she backed me up and argued with He Wanxin. Now, He Wanxin is likely to raise the bid if Baoqiu holds up the sign. If you’re not comfortable, I won’t force you.”

Intrigued, Zheng Maoxun asked, “Tell me why you want to bid on this thing first.”

Chen Wengang said, “I remember my father giving a similar pocket watch to my mother before. Actually, my impression of my mother is already very vague. I only remember my father putting things in a velvet-lined box, taking them out from time to time, and saying it was a gift he gave to my mother when they got married. He said he would keep it for now and pass it on to me in the future.”

“Since it’s an heirloom, why isn’t it in your hands?” Zheng Maoxun was even more puzzled.

“After my father passed away, many valuable things were taken to be kept by my eldest uncle. Of course, they’re not worth much to you. Just some stamp albums, commemorative coins, and the like. I agreed at the time, and later he told me that they got lost.”

Chen Wengang had rarely talked about his own matters before, and this was the first time Zheng Maoxun had heard about them.

“A while ago, Lawyer Cao helped me with the liquidation. The items on the list were not complete, and he compensated me for a discounted amount. So it’s confirmed that they are really gone. Probably found some collectors in the earlier years and secretly sold them.”

Zheng Maoxun, rarely silent for a moment, said, “Alright, I’ll help you get them back.”

Chen Wengang was more accepting of it than he had imagined. “Give it a try. If it’s not meant to be, I won’t force it. This watch just resembles the one in my memory, and I can’t be sure if it’s the same. Objects are just objects, a keepsake at most.”

Zheng Maoxun, stubborn as ever, insisted, “Enough talking. I said I’d help you, so I’ll help you.”

Chen Wengang, seeing his determination, suddenly worried that the bid might skyrocket. “Don’t exaggerate too much.”

He had experienced this auction once in a previous life when he asked Zheng Yucheng to help with the paddle. However, halfway through, something unexpected happened. Huo Niansheng, for some unknown reason, decided to confront Zheng Yucheng. With others joining in the chaos, they raised an unreasonably high bid, causing Chen Wengang to press down Zheng Yucheng’s paddle and give up.

As a result, that love watch was eventually taken by some unknown rich kid.

Chen Wengang could only accept that he had no fate with it.

He was not really obsessed. Objects were just objects, and the departed were long gone. It was only a memorial left by the living for themselves.

After wandering around for about an hour, the auction began.

The venue was rearranged by hotel staff, with round tables in the hall, and all guests could choose their own seats.

Chen Wengang sat at the same table with Zheng Baoqiu and Zheng Maoxun. Qi Tongzhou, using the guise of being a classmate, awkwardly joined them.

The beginning items were just warm-ups, and the climax was scheduled for later. Therefore, the auction proceeded quietly, with sporadic bidders.

The set of items Chen Wengang wanted belonged to this relaxed atmosphere group—affordable, with a starting bid of only twenty thousand and increments of five thousand.

When the auctioneer announced the start, Zheng Maoxun kept his composure. After waiting for ten seconds without any response, he slowly raised his paddle.

After a few times, the bid went up to over fifty thousand, and there wasn’t much interest from others.

The auctioneer professionally announced, “Fifty-five thousand once—Fifty-five thousand twice—”

He finally asked, “Is there anyone else who wants to bid?”

Zheng Baoqiu leaned toward Chen Wengang and whispered, “I told you not to worry. It’s stable now.”

Unexpectedly, He Wanxin glanced in their direction and suddenly spoke up, “Sixty thousand.”

Zheng Baoqiu frowned, and Chen Wengang reassured her with a glance, indicating that it was okay.

Zheng Maoxun, being vigorously patted under the table by his sister, continued to raise his paddle, “Sixty-five thousand.”

He Wanxin said, “Seventy thousand.”

Chen Wengang sighed.

Zheng Maoxun, unwilling to admit defeat, raised the bid by five thousand each time.

With Chen Wengang’s instructions, Zheng Maoxun restrained himself and tried to keep the price down. However, He Wanxin was determined, clearly intending to drive up the price. The voices of the two young people at this table echoed in the banquet hall.

For onlookers, it was clear that a confrontation had erupted.

When it reached the one hundred thousand mark, Chen Wengang tugged at Zheng Maoxun’s sleeve and secretly shook his head at him.

However, Zheng Maoxun, who had never suffered such humiliation, could not tolerate it. This money was nothing to him. “One hundred and fifty thousand!”

He Wanxin, still calm, said, “One hundred and fifty-five thousand.”

Zheng Maoxun gritted his teeth and glared at her, “Two hundred thousand.”

He Wanxin replied indifferently, “Two hundred and five thousand.”

Qi Tongzhou, who didn’t understand what was happening, cautiously shouted, “Two hundred and ten thousand.”

However, receiving a signal from the male god not to cause trouble, he immediately closed his mouth tightly.

Seeing that the second son of the Zheng family and Miss He were escalating their battle, another unexpected voice interjected, “Two hundred and fifty thousand.”

It was Zheng Yucheng who spoke up.

At the same time, a message was sent out: “This is something my younger brother and sister want. Give me some face and stop the commotion.”

On the big screen, the details of the item were displayed with a 360° view. Even though it was an exquisite antique watch, it was just an ordinary one.

The experienced auctioneer remained calm, patiently waiting for them to continue.

He Wanxin saw the message, looked at Zheng Yucheng with resentment, and insisted on bidding, “Two hundred and fifty-five thousand.”

Now Zheng Maoxun was getting genuinely irritated. He slammed the table, “Three hundred thousand!”

He Wanxin, unyielding, confronted him, “Three hundred and five thousand.”

Though people were unaware of the reasons for these young people’s conflict, watching the drama unfold was quite entertaining.

However, on the president’s podium, Zheng Bingyi’s expression was already somewhat unsightly. Two of them were his sons, and at this moment, they were acting recklessly. Besides, an old friend beside him was quietly asking what had happened.

Just at this moment, another paddle went up in the crowd—

“One million.”

The entire hall buzzed with shock, and all eyes focused on the person holding the paddle.

“How much longer are you kids going to dilly-dally?” Huo Niansheng chuckled, his eyes treating it like a joke: “Either be straightforward or stop imitating adults playing auctions. Little ones, how long do you plan to keep climbing like tiny ants?”

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One Comment

  1. That woman is really a very annoying viperThat woman is really a very annoying viper 🤬

    Thanks for the update

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