DLRAS Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Let’s wait until you get rich later.

Until the truffle hot pot appeared on the menu, Chen Xiangling hadn’t quite grasped the situation. 

This was far from the casual “find a place to eat and chat” scenario she had imagined.

The restaurant operated on a membership basis, requiring them to register their names upon entry. It looked upscale and luxurious—nothing like a typical hot pot joint. 

Chen Xiangling furrowed her brow at the menu prices, but in the end, it was Chen Wengang who took charge, selecting the broth and ingredients.

The mushroom broth bubbled, made with ginseng and infused with freeze-dried black truffles, growing more flavorful as it simmered. On the table lay Japanese scallops, wide-mouthed conch, and plump snow crabs, but Chen Xiangling was only concerned with the bill, and her eyes widened in shock, “We’ve spent almost a thousand just for the two of us!”

They didn’t drink alcohol and hadn’t ordered any “top-grade exclusive” ingredients, so in reality, this extravagant meal wasn’t excessively priced. Chen Wengang reassured her, “It’s okay, once in a while. If you feel bad about the money, just eat more and don’t waste anything.”

Normally, he wouldn’t come to such an expensive restaurant alone; it was Zheng Yucheng who introduced him to such high-end places in the first place. When they went out together, he had to match Zheng Yucheng’s spending standards. Admittedly, in his younger days, it was Zheng Yucheng who exposed him to many so-called high-class establishments.

Today was a special occasion, a luxurious treat without consequences.

Once the food arrived, Chen Xiangling ate calmly, but the hot pot was cleaned out thoroughly.

As the mist rose, Chen Wengang rested his arms on the table, gazing at her with a calm and deep look.

At this moment, he finally got to the point, “Lingling, do you want to go to college?”

Chen Xiangling was taken aback, “Ge, I’m about to graduate from vocational school.”

“But what’s the point of going to a vocational high school?” Chen Wengang said. “I can find you a cram school. Study there for a year and participate in the university preparatory exam as a non-traditional student. If you pass, spend a year in the preparatory program, and then take the university entrance exam. You’re still young; there’s time.”

Chen Xiangling realized he wasn’t joking.

Of course not; Chen Wengang had done his research before coming. “It might be a bit of a hassle, and it will take another two years, but in the end, it’s just two major exams,” he said confidently, as if acing exams was a breeze for him. “Once you pass, choose a university major you like, graduate, and then, if you want to work, go work; if you want to explore the world, continue your studies abroad…”

Chen Xiangling was bewildered, “Where did you come up with all this?”

This was the coming-of-age ceremony? What kind of coming-of-age ceremony was this?

“Lingling.” Chen Wengang looked at her, “I’m not forcing you to choose this path. I’m just telling you, if you’re willing, I can make it happen. If you want to do something else, I’m on your side.”

Chen Xiangling scooped a spoonful of mousse cake, genuinely lost in thought.

Children from large families, especially those with many siblings, could better understand the saying that one bowl of water could not be held level (unequal treatment). It was evident even to the naked eye that her parents favor the younger brothers. It was an undeniable truth, and there was no way to avoid feeling unjust. But what could be done about the injustice? The only option was to make plans for oneself.

However, the advice from her cousin seemed naive and overly optimistic. After all, her academic performance was indeed poor, and she had consistently ranked near the bottom of her class.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Zeng’s parents persuaded her to attend a vocational high school, since she wouldn’t be able to get into a university anyway. With these concerns in mind, Chen Xiangling voiced her hesitations.

Chen Wengang said, “You didn’t have time to focus on studying before. How do you know if a change in environment won’t make a difference?”

Chen Xiangling added another concern, “My parents will definitely not agree.”

Chen Wengang replied, “You’re a grown-up now, old enough to make your own decisions.”

“How do I convince them then?”

“Just keep it a secret for now. If you pass, then talk about it.”

“But what if I don’t pass?”

“If you want to take the exam, take another year. If one year isn’t enough, take two. I can afford to support you for as many years as you need.”

Chen Xiangling initially wanted to start working sooner to enter society and earn money. Making money would signify independence. But now, a precarious and tempting path had suddenly appeared. Moving forward was frightening, yet not moving forward might mean missing out on opportunities.

Chen Wengang didn’t rush her, saying, “The semester hasn’t ended yet. Take your time to think about it and decide during the summer break.”

At this moment, the waiter brought another group of customers upstairs.

The newcomers were noisy, and when Chen Wengang looked over, he furrowed his brows slightly.

It was unusual for her cousin to have such a serious expression. Chen Xiangling was startled and followed his gaze.

The group, not much older than her, also noticed their table.

The two groups locked eyes, and although they seemed to recognize Chen Wengang, their relationship clearly wasn’t good. As they took their seats, they whispered and snickered with a mocking tone. Not content with just pointing, a young man even approached them, exuding a provocative air.

The hot pot at their table had been extinguished, and a layer of oil had formed on the surface of the broth.

Glancing at the leftover dishes on the table, the man sneered, “Without Zheng Yucheng, how can you afford to eat like this?” He laughed, pulled out a chair, and sat down, signaling to the waiter, “Add a few more dishes. Whatever is expensive today, put it on my tab.”

This chubby guy was looking for trouble.

Chen Xiangling looked at him nervously, then at Chen Wengang, her gaze shifting back and forth.

She had no experience dealing with such arrogant, rich kids who thought highly of themselves. The guy was imposing with his large build and seemed oppressive both in terms of wealth and physical stature. Chen Xiangling intuited danger and was even worried that they might be at a disadvantage if things escalated.

“Young Master He, there is no need to be so polite,” Chen Wengang said coldly. “We’ve already finished eating.”

He looked at the other person without revealing any emotions. The newcomer was named He Jiajun, He Wanxin’s older brother.

In the city of Jin, a place known for its one-acre-three-part grounds, there were quite a few notorious playboys. He Jiajun, belonging to the prominent He family, was among those with a particularly bad reputation.

As for He Wanxin, rather than saying the siblings had a deep bond, it was more accurate to describe them as birds of a feather, both inclined toward mischief and wrongdoing.

Perhaps due to He Wanxin’s unsuccessful pursuit of Zheng Yucheng, He Jiajun found an opportunity to complain to Chen Wengang about his sister’s current confinement at home.

“My sister got implicated because of you, and she’s currently grounded and not allowed to go out,” he said, casting a sidelong glance at the flower-like Chen Xiangling. “You’re quite fast, a new lover? Not bad, a delicate and charming girl. Did Zheng Yucheng also agree to your outdoor escapades?”

Chen Wengang told Chen Xiangling, “Pack up; don’t leave anything behind. Let’s go settle the bill.”

Chen Xiangling quickly picked up her book, the bells on her braids jingling as she hurriedly moved around the table. However, He Jiajun suddenly extended his leg, blocking her path.

“Little sister, name your price. Don’t bother with this guy; come with me instead.” He gestured toward Chen Wengang, “Don’t you know his background? Let me tell you, just because someone brings you to a place like this doesn’t make them wealthy. It’s more likely that they’re…”

“Xiangling!” Chen Wengang walked around from the other side, grabbing her and saying sternly, “Did you see that? Not studying, being idle, and being worthless will result in this kind of shameful behavior. Let’s go.”

He Jiajun glared at him, “What did you say, punk?”

Chen Wengang ignored him and pulled Chen Xiangling downstairs.

Encountering He Jiajun today brought them bad luck. He Jiajun was arrogant and narrow-minded. If it were just Chen Wengang alone, that would be one thing, but with Chen Xiangling with them, it was better to leave. Indulging in momentary pride might lead to more trouble, causing more harm than good.

Chen Xiangling clutched onto Chen Wengang’s clothes as they descended the stairs. In her haste, her arm accidentally knocked over a crystal vase on the side table against the wall. The vase shattered into pieces, and the decorative colored glass balls inside spilled all over the floor.

Worried that the unreasonable guy might follow them, she heard a series of clinking and clattering behind her.

Turning around in panic, she saw He Jiajun slipping on a few round glass balls, falling backward.

Losing his balance, he grasped at the air, tilted backward, and then the back of his head collided with a chair. He let out a howl of pain, writhing and grimacing. His friends were stunned by the sudden turn of events and, realizing what happened, rushed to him, forming a protective circle.

“What happened?”

“Lao He, how did you fall?”

“Don’t move; check if he’s bleeding.”

Chen Xiangling was horrified, her fingers clenched tightly, murmuring, “Ge, I…”

Without any room for doubt, Chen Wengang pulled her along, saying firmly, “Ignore it, let’s go. If there’s any issue, let him find me later.”

The previously absent waiter finally came over, attempting to intervene. Chen Wengang glanced at him and asked, “How much for that vase?”

“O-one, one thousand…” The waiter stammered, “But, but you guys…”

After settling the bill at the cashier, Chen Wengang took out a wad of cash from his wallet, counted it, and found it to be approximately a thousand. He tossed the money on the counter, saying it was to cover the cost of the broken vase. Without waiting for the cashier’s reaction, he quickly left the place with Chen Xiangling.

They walked briskly down a street, ensuring that no one was following them, before stopping at the roadside and hailing a taxi.

Chen Xiangling, unsure whether she was more scared or guilty, lowered her head in dejection, gripping onto Chen Wengang’s sleeve without saying a word.

Once the taxi stopped, Chen Wengang opened the door for her, saying, “Don’t worry. He just has some grievances with me; it’s nothing to do with you.”

Chen Xiangling shook her head, wanting to say that it wasn’t about fear but that her body was still shaking from the emotional turmoil.

Not understanding the circle her cousin lived in, her parents had painted a picture of a life that seemed almost otherworldly.

Observing it closely for the first time, she realized that this so-called elite life was just as shallow and disrespectful as any other.

Lost in these thoughts, Chen Wengang put his arm around her shoulder.

The taxi dropped them off at Wanghai Restaurant.

Leading Chen Xiangling inside, the place was bustling with business at this hour. Lu Chenlong, who had just parted ways with them in the morning, was summoned out by a waiter from the kitchen. Chen Wengang pointed at him and said, “He is your ge’s good friend. If anything happens, call me. If I’m not available, go find him.”

Listening to the explanation, Lu Chenlong was amazed but still assured them that the kitchen knife in his hand wasn’t just for show.

Chen Xiangling couldn’t help but chuckle at his antics, finally shaking hands with him, albeit a bit embarrassed.

After a few more instructions to Lu Chenlong, Chen Wengang then escorted Chen Xiangling back home. Once they reached familiar territory, her initial shock had worn off, but she was still uneasy about the possibility of having to pay for medical expenses.

Chen Wengang smoothed her hair, saying, “Don’t think about other things. Right now, focus on going to university.”

“Okay,” Chen Xiangling replied, “I… I’m just a bit unsure.”

“Well, you can imagine what kind of life you want to live.” 

Chen Xiangling nodded and asked her cousin: “What about you? Have you ever thought about it?”

It was already dark, and the streetlights cast a tranquil and blurry silhouette of Chen Wengang.

More than just thinking, he had already experienced the ups and downs in his previous life. He had walked the paths he needed to and fought the battles he had to. He had witnessed the glamour and hypocrisy of the world of fame and fortune and, by chance, had done some meaningful things.

He said to Chen Xiangling, “If a person can build a family and achieve something in their career, that’s already a considerable blessing from heaven.”

Chen Xiangling, sensing a tinge of nostalgia in his words, didn’t press further and chose not to ask.

Before leaving, Chen Wengang transferred some money to her, calling it pocket money. “Whether it’s for buying books or treating yourself to something, feel free. Use it for yourself, and don’t tell your parents or Guangzong and Yaozu.”

Chen Xiangling initially wanted to refuse, but his playful words made her smile. “Okay… I’ll pay you back when I start earning money.”

“We’ll talk about it when you’ve struck it rich.” Chen Wengang tapped her forehead lightly. “Getting rich can solve half of life’s troubles. By then, I’ll count on my successful sister to take care of me in old age. Okay, go back now.”

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