DLRAS Chapter 162 [If Never Missed]

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Chapter 162: Set a deadline.

After the start of the new term, everything went on as usual.

The difference was that Chen Wengang now had an emotional investment project on his hands.

The other day, he agreed to Huo Niansheng’s proposal. He wasn’t sure if it was going with the flow or half-hearted consent. Young Master Huo was willing to serve him personally, and Chen Wengang was half terrified and half confused. However, they didn’t go all the way, and Huo Niansheng returned him intact to the Zheng family.

At the gate, before getting out of the car, Chen Wengang asked, “How long do you think this project will last?”

Huo Niansheng said, “I think you can take your time and observe it in the long term.”

He leaned over and kissed Chen Wengang on the lips.

Chen Wengang thought for a moment and then asked, “Young Master Huo, can you still remember how many investors you’ve entangled with before?”

Huo Niansheng seemed amused, “Does that bother you?”

“I’m not concerned if you’ve had previous partners; after all, you know I have.” Chen Wengang said, “But to be frank, having ‘countless flings’ is another matter. I have a friend like that… Well, he’s not really mine, he’s Zheng Yucheng’s. Every time we have a boys’ gathering, he boasts about how many girlfriends he’s had, claiming he can tell a girl’s measurements at a glance and all sorts of nonsense.”

Huo Niansheng chuckled, “Then you can rest assured, I’ve told you before that I’m not that kind of person. You still lack trust in me.”

“Sorry, it’s mainly a lack of understanding.”

“No problem, you’ll get to know me better over time.”

Chen Wengang kissed him goodbye.

They continued to see each other regularly, meeting two or three times a week.

Another month passed, and Huo Niansheng went on a business trip to Southeast Asia. When he returned, he told Chen Wengang that he had brought him a gift.

Chen Wengang went to Huo Niansheng’s apartment, and they had a candlelit dinner. The steak was cooked by Huo Niansheng himself, with Chen Wengang helping to grind the black pepper. Huo Niansheng uncorked a bottle of red wine he had brought back and poured it into two goblets. That night, they naturally ended up in bed together.

Chen Wengang spent the night at his place. In the middle of the night, he woke up to find Huo Niansheng’s arm around him, his eyes closed, and his breathing deep.

The next day, Huo Niansheng was in a good mood, and his attitude was even better as he took Chen Wengang back to school.

It was Chen Wengang’s second semester of his junior year. Since he had nearly completed his credits, he had much fewer classes. After this semester and one more summer, it would be senior year. Whether it was graduate school, going abroad, or working, far-sighted students had already begun to prepare.

Graduation always meant reaching another decision-making stage, and Zheng Bingyi had also discussed this issue with Chen Wengang.

On Friday, when Huo Niansheng picked up Chen Wengang at the school gate, he noticed that he seemed distracted.

When they arrived at the reserved restaurant, they didn’t get out of the car immediately. The parking lot was empty, with no one around.

Chen Wengang asked, “What do you think?”

Huo Niansheng smiled, “You want my opinion?”

Chen Wengang nodded. Huo Niansheng moved his hand from the handbrake and wrapped it around Chen Wengang’s hand resting on his thigh, giving it a squeeze.

Chen Wengang looked at him seriously, his eyelash shadows covering half of his light-colored pupils.

Huo Niansheng said, “You don’t want to stay at Zheng’s company. Is it because Zheng Yucheng got married and had children?”

Chen Wengang did not deny it, “Anyway, staying with him is not appropriate.”

“Can you bear to leave?”

Chen Wengang said nothing.

Huo Niansheng laughed, “You’re right to think this way. If Zheng Yucheng ends up in power, it’ll be trouble for you; if he doesn’t, it’ll still be trouble. There’s not just one company in the world where you can work. Whatever you want to do, I can help pave the way for you.”

Chen Wengang said, “I could work at the Houren Foundation. Mr. Ma has mentioned it to me several times.”

Huo Niansheng said, “That sounds good.”

Chen Wengang tentatively asked, “What if I continue studying?”

Huo Niansheng still approved, “That’s good too. Do you need help with tuition?”

Chen Wengang declined, “There will be scholarships.”

Huo Niansheng laughed, “Right, you’re a top student. I almost forgot. No problem at all.” It was unclear whether it was more of a compliment or a tease. Then he unbuckled Chen Wengang’s seatbelt and said, “Alright, let’s go eat.”

While eating, Chen Wengang was still thinking about his career plan, and Huo Niansheng kept serving him food.

Zheng Bingyi’s idea was for him to stay at Zheng’s. If it was just to avoid the relationship with Zheng Yucheng, even if not at headquarters, there were many subsidiaries and branches under the group, and even foreign offices. He could be arranged to work anywhere.

Chen Wengang knew his problem well: he had a habit of following arrangements and letting others make decisions for him. During family gatherings on holidays in the past, others teased him, saying what he should do when he grew up—join the company, work in the family business—and he listened to it all. It seemed like he didn’t have a say in his own life decisions. When choosing his major in college, he followed Zheng Yucheng’s choice. In his freshman and sophomore years, when he wanted to further his studies and Zheng Yucheng showed some reluctance, he didn’t consider it further.

Huo Niansheng’s constant agreement with everything seemed to cut the kite string all at once, leaving him with a floating sense of insecurity.

That evening, they returned to the apartment, but before they could do anything, Huo Niansheng received a phone call. There were issues with Huo Corporation’s overseas business that required an urgent video conference. Huo Niansheng hosted the meeting from his study, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Chen Wengang obediently stayed in the living room, but halfway through, Huo Niansheng called him in.

Since Huo Niansheng didn’t mind, he went in, asking, “What’s up?”

Huo Niansheng tossed a tablet to him, saying, “Help me take meeting notes.”

Chen Wengang avoided being caught on camera and placed the tablet on his lap. He typed away, stealing glances at Huo Niansheng.

On the screen were executives in a meeting room. Huo Niansheng’s face remained expressionless as he occasionally interrupted, asking more detailed questions. The answers didn’t satisfy him, adding to the pressure. Eventually, the meeting room fell silent.

Huo Niansheng tapped on the table, prompting a response from the other side: “We’ll prepare another feasibility analysis report, Mr. Huo.”

Chen Wengang watched as Huo Niansheng ended the video call, “As soon as possible.”

After the meeting, two overseas executives connected for a video call to communicate. One spoke Mandarin, the other English. Huo Niansheng smoothly switched between the languages, adeptly employing sarcasm and wit in both. Chen Wengang didn’t dare say anything.

Once the video calls ended, he gently walked over and handed the tablet back to Huo Niansheng.

Huo Niansheng leaned against the counter, flipping through the notes, his expression slightly grim, as if he hadn’t had enough of venting his anger and was ready to lash out again. Chen Wengang naturally didn’t provoke him. Later, he grew bored with waiting and fell asleep on the small couch.

When he woke up, it was already midnight. Huo Niansheng awkwardly squeezed in beside him, lowering his head to kiss his hair.

After kissing for a while, Chen Wengang rested his chin on Huo Niansheng’s shoulder and asked, “Are you done?”

Huo Niansheng pulled him up, letting him sit in his lap, “Bored?”

Chen Wengang leaned against his neck, not feeling bored at all. He just felt that the person in front of him had many sides, and he only knew one of them. Huo Niansheng treated him well, but sometimes Chen Wengang felt like he was being petted like a pet.

If a person always spoke sweet words and never showed anger or frustration, what were they really thinking?

Oddly enough, seeing Huo Niansheng like this today, Chen Wengang felt like he was a bit more real.

They returned to the living room. It was already late, but Huo Niansheng opened the unfinished bottle of red wine and poured two glasses of nightcaps.

Chen Wengang clinked his glass with Huo Niansheng’s. Huo Niansheng turned his gaze to him, his eyes deep, the air quiet.

Chen Wengang waved his hand in front of him, “What are you thinking?”

Huo Niansheng leaned on the counter, “What else can I be thinking? Like everyone else, I’m thinking about when I can retire.”

Chen Wengang touched his face and said, “I haven’t decided what to do in the future. Aren’t you dampening my spirits with that?”

Huo Niansheng chuckled, holding his hand, “You don’t want to work; that’s fine. Just stay at home with me; how about that?”

Chen Wengang tilted his head, “You want me to be a canary, don’t you?”

Huo Niansheng retorted, “Is that bad?”

Chen Wengang smiled and ignored him, slowly finishing the wine in his tall glass.

Huo Niansheng leaned in closer, bringing his neck down, and they touched foreheads and said, “Goodnight.”

As spring turned into summer, Chen Wengang submitted his resignation to Zheng’s company.

Since he wasn’t a full-time employee, the procedures weren’t too complicated. However, when he returned his work ID to the HR department, he felt a pang of melancholy. As he walked out of the building, the streets were bustling with people and traffic, but he didn’t know where to go.

He sent a message to Huo Niansheng, and half an hour later, Huo Niansheng asked where he was, saying he would treat him to dinner to celebrate.

Chen Wengang smiled and asked him via text, “Celebrate what?”

Huo Niansheng replied, “Celebrate your regained freedom.”

They maintained their dating relationship, and Huo Niansheng occasionally took Chen Wengang out for fun. Almost every weekend, Chen Wengang stayed overnight at his apartment. If only considering the time they spent together, those days were indeed enjoyable.

But sometimes, Chen Wengang wondered if they had ever explicitly defined what their relationship was now.

At least he had never met any of Huo Niansheng’s friends, nor had he been introduced as a partner. This semester, he had to prepare his thesis and resume in advance, keeping busy and not particularly peaceful.

Before the final exam week, when Chen Wengang was preparing his course thesis, one day he received a link from Zheng Baoqiu in the library. The tone was serious, saying someone was trying to sabotage him by spreading rumors on the campus forum.

Chen Wengang quickly skimmed through the post. The title was blunt, stating that he had an improper relationship with his stepfather’s son to gain benefits, such as obtaining scholarships through shady dealings and interning at the core department of the family business during college. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned, and he was expelled even from the company, and now he had set his sights on another wealthy benefactor.

The post quickly gained traction, with many photos attached, and after being pinned for an hour, it was deleted by the moderators. However, during that time, many students had already seen, saved, and discussed it, inevitably spreading gossip.

Chen Wengang was summoned by Zheng Bingyi into the study and spent half an hour there.

When he came out, Zheng Baoqiu was anxiously waiting downstairs, hurriedly asking, “How did it go? What did Dad say?”

Chen Wengang just smiled and replied, “What else could it be? I got a good scolding, that’s all. It’s fine.”

Zheng Bingyi and an acquaintance from the board of directors had a quick tea, forcefully suppressing the campus rumors.

Afterwards, Chen Wengang kept a low profile for two days, avoiding the spotlight, and didn’t go to the school library. He stayed home to review for the exams.

One afternoon, while Chen Wengang was writing his thesis in the small study, his computer suddenly crashed. At that moment, Zheng Yucheng pushed the door open and entered.

He seemed to have made up his mind and walked straight to Chen Wengang, “Can I ask you a question?”

Chen Wengang nodded, “Sure, go ahead.”

Zheng Yucheng’s face darkened slightly, “Did you break up with me because you fell in love with someone else?”

Chen Wengang wasn’t surprised, and he looked at Zheng Yucheng without saying a word.

After staring at each other for a long time, Zheng Yucheng suddenly sighed, his expression extremely disappointed, “I should have known from the beginning. You broke up with me out of the blue, which wasn’t normal at all. But to think it was because of someone surnamed Huo, do you even have a heart?”

At first, it sounded outrageous, but upon careful consideration, Chen Wengang couldn’t refute it.

He still didn’t answer him. The root cause of everything was that he had accidentally gotten drunk and had a one-night stand with Huo Niansheng. However, Chen Wengang never thought that this sinful bond would continue to this day.

Yet somehow, there seemed to be a voice in his heart, instinctively defending Huo Niansheng.

The time spent with Huo Niansheng was actually more relaxed than with Zheng Yucheng—he was more mature, stable, knowledgeable, and interesting, creating romance and surprises. Chen Wengang couldn’t even imagine Huo Niansheng looking so imposing.

See, human hearts always tend to be biased, and unknowingly, the balance will slowly sway in an unknown direction.

In the end, Chen Wengang could only answer Zheng Yucheng, “What’s done is done. You shouldn’t be too fixated.”

Zheng Yucheng was resentful, “Do you even know what kind of ending you’ll have with him?”

Chen Wengang remained calm, “Rest assured, I’m more aware than you think.”

This storm of public opinion didn’t escape the notice of the other party involved.

Under the guise of reviewing, Chen Wengang didn’t meet Huo Niansheng during the entire exam week—even though he only had a few courses, he finished in two days. When he returned to school, Chen Wengang still felt some obvious pointing and whispering. Although the school leaders prohibited discussion of that post, the fermentation of rumors behind the scenes was beyond external control.

On the day the exam week ended, Huo Niansheng called him as if he had marked the date on the calendar, “Do you have time to come out?”

Chen Wengang breathed a sigh of relief, “What do you want to do? I’ll accompany you.”

In the end, they went camping outdoors, with the campsite chosen by Huo Niansheng, mainly for relaxation, so they drove there in a camper van without challenging any primitive modes. The car was parked by the lake, with picturesque scenery and clear water.

Chen Wengang lay on a folding chair, feeling like his mind had been cleansed, temporarily putting aside the multitude of worries.

While cooking in the car, Huo Niansheng brought up that post and asked, “Do you have any suspects in mind?”

Chen Wengang was cracking eggs when he paused and turned to look at him, “Why bring this up all of a sudden? Do you know about it?”

Huo Niansheng chuckled, “Isn’t it also implicating me? I didn’t dare ask while you were preparing for exams.”

Chen Wengang lowered his head and mixed the golden egg yolks in the bowl. He found it troublesome to explain and didn’t really want to bring it up again.

After a few seconds of silence, he succinctly said, “It’s nothing serious. The school has already dealt with it.”

“What about the person who posted it?” Huo Niansheng asked, but didn’t get an answer. “How can the information department of a school not track them down?”

“Huo, young master,” Chen Wengang helplessly smiled and shushed him, “Haven’t you heard the saying, ‘Don’t air your dirty laundry in public’?”

Huo Niansheng smiled and didn’t press further.

He watched as Chen Wengang poured the egg mixture into the pan.

They had a simple lunch, and before they knew it, dark clouds had gathered overhead, and it started drizzling after noon.

This proved that it was wise to drive here, and they retreated to the spacious camper to take a nap. Raindrops tapped against the glass, and water stains blurred the windows. The double bed in the camper was not very large, and two men were a bit cramped.

Huo Niansheng hugged Chen Wengang, not falling asleep himself but leisurely playing with his hair. When they were together in bed, sometimes Huo Niansheng seemed to enjoy such moments, cuddling together intimately.

Chen Wengang looked at the blurry scenery outside and felt a bit of inexplicable melancholy.

In these days, friends who still had some relationship with him privately asked about the situation.

Chen Wengang always spoke ambiguously; even though he had clandestine meetings with Huo Niansheng many times, he still didn’t have the position to openly declare their relationship. Now, what exactly did this mean? This kind of matter required reaching a consensus beforehand. Somehow, he subconsciously avoided it.

Perhaps he vaguely realized that even if he really asked Huo Niansheng, he might not get a very optimistic answer.

The result was procrastination, one after another.

In the study, Zheng Bingyi didn’t actually say anything heavy to him. Of course, it wasn’t pleasant either. He just knocked some sense into Chen Wengang, telling him to think for himself what someone like Huo Niansheng ultimately needed and whether he would choose to spend his life with a man.

This was actually superfluous. Even if he didn’t say it, Chen Wengang wasn’t naive.

From any perspective, he and Huo Niansheng didn’t have the foundation to go on for long, and they probably both thought of it as just seizing the moment.

Luckily, the evening sky cleared, and they cooked dinner again. The stars came out, and the night breeze blew gently, dispersing the summer heat. Without the urban heat island effect, the mountains were unusually cool. Huo Niansheng jumped down from the car and threw a thin blanket at Chen Wengang.

They spread out the folding chairs again, each occupying one. The sound of frogs echoed, and Chen Wengang called out to Huo Niansheng.

Huo Niansheng turned his head and asked, “What’s up?”

Thin clouds covered the moon, dimming the surroundings gradually, and crickets started chirping, their voices rising and falling in the grass.

Chen Wengang asked, “Have you ever thought about how long this project of ours is going to last?”

Huo Niansheng paused and smiled, “What, are you thinking of pulling out?”

Chen Wengang also smiled and said, “I enjoy being with you.”

A few seconds passed, and Huo Niansheng didn’t reply.

It wasn’t until the crickets started chirping again that he broke the silence, raising his eyebrows, “So, what do you mean?”

Chen Wengang said, “I’m not sure. I just guess that you may not have the intention of tying yourself to one tree.”

Huo Niansheng leaned back on the chair, hands propped on the armrests, neither confirming nor denying, seemingly pondering, “I should think about it.”

Chen Wengang waited for a few seconds, and the air fell silent again. From Huo Niansheng’s expression, he couldn’t tell how far his thoughts had gone.

Chen Wengang said softly, “So, I think, let’s set a deadline, so we can mentally prepare ourselves and know roughly when it’s time to part ways. I hope that even if we part ways, we won’t have to turn hostile and make things too embarrassing.”

Huo Niansheng replied, “Okay.”

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