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Chapter 161: Don’t you want to evaluate the next person?

The servant pulled open the living room door, and Huo Niansheng strode in. Huo Zhenfei was standing by the bar, just having taken down a bottle of whiskey.

He gestured to Huo Niansheng, “Your favorite, want a drink?”

The two sat down with two thick-bottomed glasses in front of them, each with only a small amount of brown liquid, just enough to cover the bottom.

Huo Zhenfei brought his glass to his lips and asked tentatively, “Who have you been dealing with lately?”

Huo Niansheng just smiled, “Big or small matters at home; do you really need to worry so much?”

Huo Zhenfei squinted at him, “If you could be a bit more mindful, I wouldn’t have to be so fussy.”

Huo Niansheng tilted his head back and finished the small amount of alcohol, then pushed the glass back, “Don’t worry, the person is very decent, a high achiever.”

Without waiting for his cousin to ask more, he stood up, leaving behind a string of footsteps going upstairs. Huo Zhenfei remained where he was, puzzled and pondering, “A university student? Is that your type? I’m telling you, can’t you stop thinking about leading people astray—”

The festive atmosphere grew stronger as the Spring Festival approached, and the Zheng residence became bustling with visitors, including relatives, friends, and business partners.

Even the younger generation couldn’t catch a break, busy with family feasts and entertaining guests, until they finally got some respite on the third day of the Lunar New Year.

After the New Year, it was mainly the younger generation visiting each other. On the fifth day, after breakfast, Chen Wengang had just returned to his room when Zheng Baoqiu knocked on his door, informing him that the butler had received a call: He Jiajun and He Wanxin from the He family were coming for lunch.

Because of Zheng Yucheng, Chen Wengang felt somewhat awkward, so he slipped out early.

The He siblings were not easy to get along with, and Zheng Baoqiu didn’t really want to entertain them either. She made an excuse about meeting a girlfriend and left early to roam the streets.

The family driver took them to the city center. Zheng Baoqiu asked, “Do you want to go shopping with us?”

Chen Wengang smiled, “No, you guys have fun.”

After parting ways with Zheng Baoqiu, he felt a bit lost. He had nothing to buy at the mall, and the library was closed at this time. While standing by the street, watching the bustling crowd, and wondering which cinema still had seats, he unexpectedly received a call.

It was Huo Niansheng, “Where are you? Are you busy now? I have something to give you.”

Chen Wengang hesitated, “What is it?”

The voice on the other end was tinged with a smile: “I heard from Zheng Baoqiu that you wanted a set of English books. I got them for you.”

Chen Wengang fell into thought, watching the joyful expressions of the passersby.

Huo Niansheng pressed, “So, are you busy?”

He slowly replied, “Not really…”

“Otherwise, I can bring it to you.”

Chen Wengang sighed with relief, “No need, that’s too much trouble.”

Huo Niansheng immediately sent an address; it was in the international trade area. Almost instinctively, Chen Wengang raised his hand and hailed a taxi.

This time it wasn’t a hotel, but a high-end apartment. Huo Niansheng handed him a pair of slippers, made of fluffy material and brand new.

Chen Wengang entered the apartment, looking around and feeling a bit restrained. Huo Niansheng patted his shoulder and asked, “What’s wrong?” His heart skipped a beat, suddenly realizing what he had done—coming over so casually to be alone with a playboy.

Before he could think further, Huo Niansheng pointed to a complete set of collector’s edition English novels on the dining table:

“Look, is this what you wanted?”

Chen Wengang gently stroked the gold-embossed spines of the books, a full set of thirteen, weighty and substantial. It was a favorite obscure author of his. Apart from the first two books, which had Chinese translations, the rest hadn’t been introduced and translated into the domestic market; he had only read the electronic versions.

Chen Wengang looked up and said, “How much? I’ll transfer the money to you.”

Huo Niansheng laughed, “I’m giving you something, and you want to pay? That would be forcing a sale, wouldn’t it?”

Chen Wengang lowered his head again, his gaze returning to the books. At that moment, Huo Niansheng reached out and tentatively wrapped his arm around him.

Chen Wengang remained motionless, though internally he was struggling, wondering if he should still refuse—

Huo Niansheng slowly tightened his arm, hugging Chen Wengang, and asked, “Is this okay?”

That day, Huo Niansheng was wearing a black cashmere sweater, his embrace warm and soft. Chen Wengang didn’t say anything, but he felt a strange sensation. He had been intimate with this person and had shared the closest of acts, yet he had no memory of it, making the familiarity feel unfamiliar.

After a few seconds, Huo Niansheng let go. His gaze was gentle, “A friend who helped me with the purchase bought an extra novel. It’s on the bestseller list and quite innovative. I haven’t seen a book like this before. Can you take a look for me?”

Chen Wengang looked at the thick novel in his hand. The gray-brown cover was intentionally aged to appear somewhat worn, like a book casually borrowed from a library. He had heard from classmates that it was actually a puzzle book, which was indeed trending at the moment, and he had been somewhat interested in it.

Chen Wengang hesitated, instinctively looking at the sky.

Only then did he notice the balcony glass was dotted with raindrops—it had started to rain, a rare winter occurrence. For some reason, it always seemed to rain when he met Huo Niansheng. But since the weather was bad, staying seemed justifiable.

Once again, almost instinctively, he nodded in agreement.

Huo Niansheng smiled as if he had succeeded. He didn’t clear space on the dining table but instead went straight to the coffee table, sitting cross-legged on the carpet in front of the sofa. Chen Wengang cautiously followed, choosing a suitable spot beside him.

In fact, the carpet was more convenient than the table, as there were many props that came with the book—a miscellaneous pile of items. Chen Wengang took out the clippings, cards, postcards, and napkins one by one from the book and laid them out on the floor.

The props were very realistic, but Huo Niansheng only had eyes for Chen Wengang’s hair, which was illuminated and fluffy under the light.

Huo Niansheng held the book, opening the first chapter. The book was quite peculiar, besides the printed text, the margins and blank spaces were filled with handwritten notes. Chen Wengang leaned in a bit closer, barely reading two paragraphs, when Huo Niansheng’s phone suddenly rang loudly.

At this distance, Chen Wengang could hear the faint voice from the earpiece, sounding like it was from one of Huo Niansheng’s subordinates.

Huo Niansheng didn’t avoid him, “Hmm… hmm… got it. I’ll handle it.”

He hung up the phone, and Chen Wengang, being considerate, said, “Since you have work to do…”

But Huo Niansheng grabbed him and asked, “Who handles work during the New Year? Everything can wait until after the holidays.”

Their heads were close together until dusk, reading through most of the novel. The handwritten notes in the margins were colorful, initially showing two different handwritings, gradually introducing a mysterious third person, hinting at danger lurking in the shadows.

But there was too much information, and Chen Wengang was completely focused. At this moment, the phone rang again, inconveniently. This time it was Zheng Baoqiu urging him, “Where are you? The driver has arrived. If you’re done, shall we go home together?”

Without realizing it himself, Chen Wengang instinctively looked at Huo Niansheng for his opinion.

Huo Niansheng didn’t interfere but felt a bit guilty:

“…I ran into a friend and went to his house to hang out… um, yeah, so I won’t be going back tonight.”

After hanging up, Chen Wengang intentionally avoided Huo Niansheng’s gaze. Huo Niansheng pretended not to notice, just staring at the book, “So this monkey has special significance…” He stood up, stretched lazily, and said, “Hungry? Let’s see what we can order to eat.”

Most nearby restaurants were still closed for the holiday, so they ended up ordering fast food: two pizzas, fried chicken, and sodas.

Chen Wengang ate elegantly, being very careful not to get grease on the carpet or book pages. Huo Niansheng lounged against the sofa, swallowing the last bite of pizza. He went to wash his hands, then returned to take on the task of flipping through the book.

He suddenly directed Chen Wengang, “Get me another piece of fried chicken,” but didn’t reach out to take it.

Chen Wengang, wearing disposable gloves, picked up a piece and, after a moment’s hesitation, brought it to his mouth.

Huo Niansheng naturally took a bite, the aroma of fried chicken filling the air.

The day passed by in this manner. They even found paper and pen to record clues and timelines. Chen Wengang propped himself on the ground with both hands, while Huo Niansheng, staring at his shoulder blades, drifted off for a moment before refocusing on the story. Zheng Baoqiu had said he liked such brainy games, and it was true. Until the clock struck eleven, Huo Niansheng capped the pen, “Let’s stop here for today. The book is thick, and we can’t finish it all at once. I’ll find you some clothes, and you can wash up.”

Despite saying this, he lazily sprawled out on the carpet.

Chen Wengang agreed, staring at the notes they had written together, feeling a bit regretful.

Huo Niansheng, smiling, looked up at him from below and asked, “By the way, are you free tomorrow?”

Chen Wengang knelt, supporting himself with the floor, the rough texture of the carpet rubbing his palms, “I’m free.”

Huo Niansheng extended an arm to him and said, “Then continue at my place tomorrow.”

Chen Wengang grasped that hand, pulling him up from the floor.

The next morning, when Chen Wengang woke up, he felt disoriented—he had spent the night in Huo Niansheng’s guest room, wearing his pajamas. After pondering for half a minute, he recalled everything. This time it wasn’t about drunken misbehavior, just the oddity of Huo Niansheng idly spending a whole day playing a puzzle game with him. Last night, when Huo Niansheng brought him toiletries, he was very gentlemanly, with no signs of harassment, as if merely letting an ordinary friend stay the night.

Chen Wengang walked to the living room, surprised by an unexpected scene: Huo Niansheng was busy in the semi-open kitchen.

Eggs were frying in the pan, and beside it was a plate with slices of ham. “I’m making sandwiches. Will that do?”

He felt somewhat flattered, “It’s no trouble.”

The books and props were still spread out on the carpet in front of the sofa, left untouched. They continued to pass the time. Today, Chen Wengang felt a bit dazed because he could hardly remember the last time he had spent time like this with Zheng Yucheng. Various board games, cards, and puzzles seemed to have become things for children, put away once they started university, replaced by more important matters filling each day.

Huo Niansheng’s arm was draped over the sofa cushion, not touching Chen Wengang but almost encircling him.

To make up for the simple meals he had served his guest, a sumptuous lunch of three dishes and a soup was delivered at noon.

In the evening, they changed clothes and went out, both for a meal and a walk. They ended up walking three kilometers to a brightly lit small restaurant next to a market, with the words “Congee Hot Pot” written on the glass door.

Huo Niansheng asked, “Shall we try this?”

Chen Wengang smiled and glanced at him, “Do you eat at such ordinary restaurants too?”

He stretched out “ordinary” a bit, which was noticed. Huo Niansheng raised an eyebrow, and before he could say anything, Chen Wengang quickly pushed open the glass door. They sat down, with Huo Niansheng holding the menu, studying it while talking to the waiter.

Chen Wengang rested his chin on his hand, watching them, when suddenly Huo Niansheng asked, “What do you like to eat?”

“I’m fine with anything.”

“‘Anything’ is the hardest to cater to. You decide.”

After they had eaten their fill, Zheng Baoqiu called again, asking if Chen Wengang was coming home that night.

So they walked back to Huo Niansheng’s apartment, but instead of going upstairs, they took the elevator down to the second basement, where Huo Niansheng drove him home.

Watching the changing scenery outside the car window, Chen Wengang remained quiet. If it hadn’t been for the phone call, he hadn’t actually considered whether he would stay another night. Staying out one night was easy to explain, but staying at someone else’s place for two or three consecutive days was more questionable.

However, when they arrived at Zheng’s residence and he got out of the car, Huo Niansheng looked at him through the car window and asked, “Are you coming again tomorrow?”

The winter night was heavy, with a sudden cold wind blowing in through his collar.

They stared at each other for a long time before Chen Wengang made a decision: “Yes.”

For the remaining few days of winter break, Chen Wengang spent almost all his time at Huo Niansheng’s apartment.

Although the Zheng company had resumed operations, most people were still immersed in the festive New Year atmosphere, so work wasn’t very busy. Zheng Bingyi valued New Year traditions and didn’t require Zheng Yucheng and Zheng Maoxun to return to the company early. As a result, Chen Wengang also took it easy, having plenty of free time every day.

Chen Wengang wasn’t sure how Zheng Yucheng spent his holiday, but their cold war continued. Since their breakup, they have lived under the same roof like strangers. As for himself, his interactions with Huo Niansheng felt like enjoying a secret pleasure—knowing it was somewhat inappropriate and not daring to tell anyone, but whenever Huo Niansheng invited him, Chen Wengang always agreed.

They spent several days reading through the cryptic puzzle book, repeatedly going over it. The stories inside and outside the book gradually revealed their mysteries. After that, Huo Niansheng kept finding things that would interest Chen Wengang, with various origins: gifts from friends, items seen on the street, or things found in the storage room…

His pursuit was gradual, with a perfect sense of timing, and his sincerity seemed genuine. In front of Chen Wengang, this young master went to great lengths, shedding all pretense and even being willing to spend an entire evening assembling a LEGO pirate ship with him.

On the last day before school started, Chen Wengang accompanied Huo Niansheng to an art exhibition.

The exhibition provided two souvenirs, and as they walked out of the art museum, they saw an ice cream truck parked by the street. The off-season cold treats were surprisingly popular, with many people lining up. Huo Niansheng bought two, one red and one white, and handed one to Chen Wengang.

Chen Wengang thanked him, but suddenly, Huo Niansheng brought the tip of his ice cream to his lips and asked, “Want to taste mine?”

Unable to explain how many times he had been compelled by an inexplicable force, Chen Wengang took a sip. The ice cream was cool and smooth, the sweetness sliding down his throat.

Returning the favor, he seemed obligated to offer a taste in return. At that moment, a friend of Huo Niansheng, who recognized him, appeared out of nowhere, coming over from a distance to greet them. He cast a probing glance at Chen Wengang, but Huo Niansheng quickly dismissed him with a few words.

Their date wasn’t over yet. After strolling a bit more, they returned to Huo Niansheng’s apartment and watched a movie using the home theater system.

The movie was one that Chen Wengang had randomly selected from the library, thinking it was a suspense thriller. It turned out to be a B-grade film with some of the director’s perverse humor. When the female lead started stripping, the awkward atmosphere in the living room far outweighed any eroticism.

Huo Niansheng could barely hide his teasing smile, while Chen Wengang’s ears turned a shade of red.

He wanted to turn off the TV, but the remote was behind Huo Niansheng. Reaching for it, he ended up falling into his embrace.

Huo Niansheng held him by the back, whispering mischievously in his ear, “So, this is the taste of a top student.”

Chen Wengang had no retort, but his face turned even redder. He tried to push Huo Niansheng away, but this time he didn’t let go.

In a low voice, he said, “Don’t move.”

Chen Wengang held his breath.

Huo Niansheng’s fingers touched his face. His patience had been long enough. In the past few days, their physical contact had been limited to hugging through clothes, grabbing a wrist, or brushing arms while walking. Now, it was obvious he felt it was time to go further. Chen Wengang stiffened slightly, remaining silent.

His lack of resistance was taken as consent. Huo Niansheng took it further, gently holding his lips. Chen Wengang clutched his shirt, his heart pounding. Huo Niansheng kissed him for a long time, moving down his neck and kissing all the way to his Adam’s apple.

When he tried to go further, Chen Wengang finally held his shoulder.

Chen Wengang seemed to want to backtrack, “I think…”

Huo Niansheng asked gently, “Think what?”

Chen Wengang was caught in a dilemma. Huo Niansheng’s hand had already slipped into his shirt, roaming freely. Once again, he pried open Chen Wengang’s mouth, kissing him slowly and deeply. Chen Wengang’s fingers curled and uncurled, finally resting on the back of Huo Niansheng’s neck. When they parted, a string of saliva stretched between their lips. Huo Niansheng said, “By the way, I went to a lecture the day before yesterday and came back with a bellyful of motivational talk.”

Chen Wengang snapped back to reality, smiling to cover his embarrassment, “What kind of lecture talks about motivational stuff?”

Clearing his throat, Huo Niansheng replied, “It was about interpersonal relationships. The speaker said that if a person doesn’t have the ability and courage to trust others, it’s hard for them to have a happy and fulfilling life.”

Chen Wengang raised an eyebrow skeptically, “Did you make that up?”

Huo Niansheng denied it, “The teacher really said that. And they made a good point. If you give your money to someone, you risk losing your investment. If you give your trust to someone, what’s there to fear? Losing emotionally? But emotions are renewable, eco-friendly, and don’t waste resources or pollute. As long as you have a bit of courage, you can always have them again. If an investment project fails, you still have to evaluate the next one, right? Don’t you want to evaluate the next person?”

Chen Wengang looked at him, silent and no longer smiling.

Huo Niansheng asked, “Can’t you try trusting me?”

At this point, whether or not to proceed was not entirely up to Chen Wengang anymore. They had been sitting on the carpet, but Huo Niansheng lifted him and placed him on the sofa. He leaned down, with his knees pressing into the carpet. Chen Wengang’s fingers tightened, gripping Huo Niansheng’s shoulder, making a mess of his shirt. His thoughts were even messier; his mind was buzzing.

Huo Niansheng asked again, “Will you try with me?”

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One Comment

  1. “If you give your money to someone, you risk losing your investment. If you give your trust to someone, what’s there to fear? Losing emotionally? But emotions are renewable, eco-friendly, and don’t waste resources or pollute. As long as you have a bit of courage, you can always have them again. If an investment project fails, you still have to evaluate the next one, right?” Ok, Mr. Businessman! That’s actually a good point, even though I believe the exact opposite.

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