DLRAS Chapter 160 [If Never Missed]

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Chapter 160: Such a person is very easy to let one’s guard down around.

When Huo Niansheng found Chen Wengang at the port, he was standing by the dock, braving the cold wind, smoking with a group of burly men.

The dock saw countless goods flow through every day, with huge containers being loaded and unloaded.

Although Chen Wengang didn’t have to handle the loading himself, he mingled with the workers at the dock every day. It was far less comfortable than sitting in an office. The bigger challenge was dealing with these laborers—if you didn’t smoke, it was hard to even join their conversations. Especially for someone young like Chen Wengang, with the air of a scholar, it was easy to be overlooked. To command respect, he first had to learn to speak harshly.

After half a month here, his gaze had hardened, and his demeanor had changed significantly.

The bouquet of roses Huo Niansheng was holding seemed out of place. He smiled as he approached, “Wengang.”

The workers all turned to look. Chen Wengang called him to a quiet spot at the corner of the street.

Facing each other, Chen Wengang politely said, “Young Master Huo.”

Huo Niansheng said, “No need to be so formal. When do you get off work?”

Chen Wengang tactfully asked, “It’s the end of the year; isn’t your company busy?”

Huo Niansheng smiled, “This is the first time I’ve seen you smoke.”

His alluring eyes looked at him meaningfully. Chen Wengang avoided his gaze, flicking the ash from his cigarette. He had come over holding the cigarette but hadn’t smoked it. The cigarette was already short, so he put it out and threw the butt into the trash can.

For the past two or three months, Huo Niansheng has been constantly inviting him but has been constantly rejected. Anyone would have understood the refusal by now, but he hadn’t given up—whether it was perseverance or simply being stubborn.

Chen Wengang sighed, thinking of a way to get away, when his phone rang. It was his childhood friend, Lu Chenlong.

“Don’t worry… got it… I’ll be right over.”

After hanging up, he instinctively looked to the side of the street, seemingly looking for a taxi. Huo Niansheng understood, “What’s wrong, something urgent?”

Chen Wengang glanced at him, his eyes filled with helplessness and a hint of coldness.

Huo Niansheng smiled, “Come on, where do you need to go? I’ll give you a ride.”

Chen Wengang still refused. After finally sending him away, he called his supervisor to ask for half a day off and then tried to hail a cab.

The dock area was remote, and there weren’t many taxis around. The street was filled with trucks coming and going.

After waiting for a while, with no response to his ride-hailing app request, he looked up to see a black Rolls-Royce parked by the street.

The window rolled down, revealing Huo Niansheng’s face, his arm resting on the steering wheel, “Get in?”

Chen Wengang pursed his lips and gave him an address on Jiangchao Street.

Something had happened at Lu Chenlong’s shop. A few days ago, an apprentice spilled hot oil, burning an old master. Lu Chenlong and his staff had taken the master to the hospital, paid for the medical expenses, and agreed to recognize it as a workplace injury, offering some compensation. However, when the master’s children calculated it, they felt it was too little, so they came to the restaurant to make trouble, demanding several times more.

For the past few days, Lu Chenlong has been overwhelmed. His younger brother had some intellectual disabilities and could only be left with a neighbor.

But today, the neighbor, Grandma Zhou, was also sick, so he called Chen Wengang to help look after his brother.

When they arrived, several middle-aged men in their thirties and forties were gathered outside the restaurant, holding banners and looking aggressive.

As Chen Wengang was about to get out of the car, Huo Niansheng gently held him back and asked, “Need help to solve this?”

Chen Wengang looked out the window. Those people had a loudspeaker set to automatic repeat, making a lot of noise, all demanding money. He knew the situation in the shop. Lu Chenlong had complained to him for two days. They had called the police, but the few children of the master neither vandalized nor robbed. They had not done anything seriously illegal, so the police could only mediate and had no grounds to arrest them.

However, their gathering and noise at the restaurant door scared away customers, making it impossible to do business.

These people were like those who had nothing to lose. Chen Wengang sighed, “No need to trouble you, Young Master Huo.”

Huo Niansheng smiled and unlocked the car, letting Chen Wengang out. Chen Wengang glanced back at him, hesitating to speak, but in the end, he didn’t say anything. He crossed the zebra crossing and gradually walked away under Huo Niansheng’s gaze.

The next day, the troublesome family suddenly stopped causing trouble. They agreed to the original compensation and even used their own insurance to cover the medical expenses.

The farce came to an end, and Lu Chenlong called Chen Wengang to invite the friend who had helped to dinner as a thank you.

Lu Chenlong said that a lawyer named Zhu had stepped in, claiming to be sent by Mr. Huo. He assumed this was Chen Wengang’s friend. Chen Wengang was taken aback and made up an excuse, saying it wasn’t necessary. Lu Chenlong understood, thinking the person probably looked down on their small restaurant.

In reality, Chen Wengang didn’t have such connections and couldn’t explain that their relationship wasn’t official.

But having owed this favor, he had no reason to refuse Huo Niansheng’s next invitation.

Huo Niansheng booked a French restaurant.

The restaurant was very upscale; it was said that all the ingredients were flown in from Europe. He had put some thought into it, even booking the entire place for a candlelit dinner. A violinist played music in a corner of the restaurant, and a blonde, blue-eyed chef in a tall hat personally came to ask about their dining experience.

Chen Wengang and Huo Niansheng sat facing each other. He kept his head down, cutting his steak with impeccable table manners.

Huo Niansheng fiddled with his fork and suddenly said, “Do you really resist having a meal with me this much?”

Chen Wengang looked up, his first reaction like a frightened rabbit. He put down his knife and fork and said, “I’m sorry.”

Huo Niansheng tilted his head and asked, “What are you apologizing for?”

Chen Wengang smiled wryly and said, “Young Master Huo.”

He realized he had misjudged. Taking a ride from Huo Niansheng that day might have been another mistake. Knowing the other party had intentions, he still voluntarily walked into it. What else could it be if not playing hard to get?

Huo Niansheng patiently asked, “Did I make a decision on my own and upset you again?”

Chen Wengang said, “I just feel that it’s not right to let you help for nothing. If there’s something I can do, you can bring it up.”

Huo Niansheng put down his fork and looked at him quietly, “What do you think I need from you?”

Chen Wengang looked down, avoiding eye contact.

Huo Niansheng leaned forward, resting against the table. He reached out and grasped Chen Wengang’s hand on the table, “You don’t want to accept favors for nothing? A reciprocal exchange is fine too. Sleep with me once more, and we’ll be even. Can you accept that?”

Chen Wengang’s eyes widened. At this moment, his expression towards Huo Niansheng became more animated.

Huo Niansheng laughed, “Nonsense.”

He released his right hand and said, “Alright, I just wanted to invite you to a meal. Why make it so complicated? If you don’t want to talk, so be it. It seems we really have no common topics, but the chef puts in a lot of effort. Don’t let it go to waste; at least stay until dessert.”

After that, they really didn’t speak and ate their meal in silence.

Only the violinist continued to play, lost in his performance.

After the meal, they left together. Huo Niansheng gentlemanly pushed open the glass door, letting Chen Wengang go out first. But then he didn’t go to get the car, nor did he offer to give Chen Wengang a ride or say goodbye. Chen Wengang couldn’t figure out his intentions and waited for Huo Niansheng to speak.

Huo Niansheng asked, “Walk with me?”

Chen Wengang nodded randomly.

He walked along the street, with Huo Niansheng leisurely following behind, as if taking a casual after-dinner stroll, until they reached a fountain square.

The square was large, surrounded by steps, but since it was cold, the fountain was still, and the area looked deserted with hardly anyone in sight.

Across the street, however, it was bustling with activity. As the New Year approached, the supermarket entrance was crowded with people carrying large bags of New Year goods.

Chen Wengang leaned on the railing, watching a pair of teenagers, about fifteen or sixteen years old, laughing and playing as they ran by.

Huo Niansheng leaned close to his ear and asked, “Have you already sentenced me to death?”

Chen Wengang stepped aside and said, “I haven’t sentenced you to death.”

Huo Niansheng said, “Is it not possible to start by being friends?”

Chen Wengang felt he was being deliberately obtuse, “Young Master Huo, do you really want to be friends with me?”

Huo Niansheng smiled without speaking.

Chen Wengang laid his cards on the table, “You say you want to be friends, but you won’t be satisfied with just being friends. To be honest, I still don’t know what you mean by ‘pursuit’. If you just want to sleep with me, you’ve already achieved your goal. What more do you want?”

Huo Niansheng looked calmly at the street across, “Then I must want more.”

Chen Wengang suddenly smiled and asked, “What after you get it?”

Huo Niansheng still didn’t respond.

Chen Wengang continued, “Once you get it, you’ll probably turn around and brag to others, like showing off a trophy, proving how charming Young Master Huo is, how you can win anyone over, and making everyone fall at your feet… You might just see this as a fun process—making others head over heels and then laughing at them. Can I surrender in advance? You can go find someone else.”

Chen Wengang had tried to control himself, but in truth, despite everything, he didn’t seem to dislike Huo Niansheng personally.

It was undeniable that Huo Niansheng had his charm, both in appearance and family background. But he was ultimately a playboy who probably never thought his actions were problematic. If Chen Wengang had learned one thing early on, it was not to expect to change another person’s worldview or to expect a playboy to have sincere feelings.

You shouldn’t force impossible things. He was not the right target for Huo Niansheng’s amorous pursuits and didn’t want to risk being treated as a joke.

For rich young masters, some things are just a joke, but for ordinary people, it’s their entire dignity.

With that said, there was nothing more to say. Huo Niansheng probably wouldn’t have a pleasant expression either.

As Chen Wengang turned his face away, he was suddenly grabbed. Huo Niansheng blocked his way, and Chen Wengang instinctively feared him, pulling his hand back forcefully. Huo Niansheng “shushed,” and Chen Wengang quieted down.

He pressed down on Chen Wengang’s shoulders, making him sit on the steps, then sat down himself.

Huo Niansheng smiled, “You say you haven’t sentenced me to death, but in your eyes, what kind of heinous person do you think I am?”

Chen Wengang said, “Sorry, that’s my prejudice, not your problem.”

“How did Zheng Yucheng win your trust?”

“I was not even ten years old when I met him; we were just kids, not thinking much about it.”

“Do you know what I was thinking about when I was ten?” Huo Niansheng smiled at him.

“What?” Chen Wengang genuinely showed a puzzled look.

“Ever since I was a kid, I thought all children’s growing experiences were no different from mine,” Huo Niansheng described, “Surrounded by a group of nannies and servants, driven around by a chauffeur, with clothes and food prepared for you, but barely seeing your father all year and hardly remembering your mother, with no real sibling affection… Don’t laugh at me, but it wasn’t until around ten that I realized normal family structures weren’t like that and that people like me were the exceptions. I understand your need to be cautious in everything you do. I’m the same, always guarded, or else why would I be sent abroad?”

Chen Wengang was absorbed in listening, his body relaxing.

Suddenly, Huo Niansheng said, “Did you record that?”

Chen Wengang was startled and asked, “What?”

Huo Niansheng pressed down on his head, “I’ve told you so much, why don’t you get it? You could brag to others, say that I’m the one head over heels, and say that you got me to pour my heart out. Do you want me to repeat it?”

Chen Wengang finally laughed out loud.

His gaze towards Huo Niansheng softened a bit.

Huo Niansheng leaned in closer, “Little friend, aren’t you discriminating against me too? Can’t you see me as just an ordinary person?”

Chen Wengang hugged his knees, resting his chin on them, and looked at him, “I wouldn’t dare.” But he didn’t clarify whether he meant the former or the latter.

Huo Niansheng slowly grasped his hand, his deep, magnetic voice like an enchantment: “What if I told you that I’m not the kind of person you think I am? After that day, I’ve actually wanted to take responsibility for you all along. Would you believe me?”

Chen Wengang still looked at him with a measuring gaze.

Huo Niansheng sighed with a smile, “You’re really hard to deal with. Let’s go, I’ll take you back.”

Chen Wengang stood up and brushed the dust off his pants, “Young Master Huo, why are you doing this?”

Huo Niansheng wrapped an arm around his back and said, “Alright, alright, it’s me pushing for it. I’m begging you to give me a chance to take responsibility, okay?”

After that candid talk, when Chen Wengang went back, regardless of what he thought, he tacitly allowed Huo Niansheng to appear around him under the latter’s persistent and gentle pursuit.

When the florist delivered flowers again, there was an additional English signature below.

Chen Wengang came to understand the other’s tactics—you know that part of him is acting, but behind that performance, there is a certain sincerity and earnestness. He is well aware of every inch of distance between people, handling closeness and importance with ease.

Such a person is very easy to let one’s guard down around.

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