DLRAS Chapter 159 [If Never Missed]

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Chapter 159: Just pretend nothing happened.

Chen Wengang remained silent for a long time.

Seeing him not speak, Huo Niansheng continued, “Do you have any thoughts?”

Chen Wengang interrupted him. “Young Master Huo,” he carefully chose his words, “our relationship isn’t appropriate.”

Huo Niansheng asked, “You mean by our current relationship?”

Chen Wengang stumbled again, rubbing his forehead, his mind resisting further operation.

These past two days had been a blur for him, unable to understand many things and unable to confide in or seek help from anyone. Zheng Yucheng kept throwing faces, and to maintain surface harmony, Chen Wengang was already exhausted.

Huo Niansheng seemed to smile, only saying, “Talking like this with eyes closed won’t solve anything; let’s talk face-to-face.”

They arranged to meet at a location still in the hotel suite from last time, which was originally rented long-term by Huo Niansheng.

This wasn’t an especially suitable place—Chen Wengang really didn’t want to be alone in a room with this playboy. But what they had to discuss was confidential, not to be heard by others. Whether meeting in a restaurant or outdoors, there was still the risk of being overheard.

Huo Niansheng opened the door, perfectly groomed, not a hair out of place, letting Chen Wengang in.

“Have a seat wherever.”

Chen Wengang entered the room. It was a bit cloudy outside, and even with the curtains open wide, the lighting indoors wasn’t great, dimly lit.

At this moment, he remembered again that a closed room might not really be private. Huo Niansheng lived here; he could have hidden cameras anywhere, recording their conversation, giving him leverage over Chen Wengang.

But then again, if the other party really wanted to threaten him, they would have recorded it long ago if something inappropriate happened that day.

Huo Niansheng turned over a glass, picked up the glass pitcher, and poured water. Two lemon slices floated in the transparent pitcher.

Chen Wengang looked up at his movements, his mind seemingly full of thoughts yet also empty.

Huo Niansheng walked over, placed the glass on the coffee table in front of Chen Wengang, and suddenly reached out his hand.

Chen Wengang instinctively leaned back.

But the hand still landed on his forehead.

Huo Niansheng asked, “Fever?”

Chen Wengang licked his cracked lips.

He was indeed sick. A hangover coupled with a one-night stand, taking a cold shower before bed, going to sleep with wet hair—all combined resulted in a high fever the next day. The family doctor gave him a shot, but he didn’t make a fuss, and no one else at home had noticed yet.

He said, “It’s nothing. Let’s talk about business.”

“I should apologize first,” Huo Niansheng said as he sat down. “For what happened before, I know I offended you. How are you?”

“I’m not really offended; I just drank too much myself,” Chen Wengang said slowly, glancing at Huo Niansheng, “I just feel that if someone is truly unconscious from drinking, it’s hard to hold them accountable for their actions.”

“You’re right,” Huo Niansheng said, “there’s no excuse. I kind of liked you and felt lucky. You were drunk, but I was sober. I should have known that what a drunk person says shouldn’t be taken seriously, but I still treated it as if you agreed.”

Chen Wengang stared at him, seeming a bit stunned, feeling various emotions but unable to distinguish them.

He recalled a past incident.

Back then, Chen Wengang was still in elementary school, and Huo Niansheng was probably seventeen or eighteen. Because of a scandal involving molesting a female classmate, he was sent abroad by his family. Naturally, various media outlets condemned him, labeling him “lewd” and “lascivious.” Although it seemed like last year, there was a new twist to that scandal, with one of Huo Niansheng’s cousins being accused by several women of harassment, causing another sensational incident. The media swarmed, digging up old stories and somehow dragging the past incident into the present, revealing that the suspect was also his cousin. But whether it was true or not, there were still believers and skeptics, and interpretations varied.

Regarding Huo Niansheng, Chen Wengang hadn’t previously harbored the most malicious thoughts about him.

But ultimately, he wasn’t very familiar with this playboy, never really knowing what kind of person he truly was.

Before coming, Chen Wengang had imagined countless attitudes from him, including the worst. Since Huo Niansheng returned to the country, Chen Wengang has only met him a few times. In his impression, he was always dismissive and coldly mocking, as if nobody could meet his standards. It was such a person who now completely lowered his posture and admitted his mistake, which was simply unusual.

It left Chen Wengang at a loss for words, unable to say anything.

But he didn’t want to complicate matters: “If possible, I hope we can just let this matter pass and never mention it again.”

Huo Niansheng smiled slightly and said, “It’s not too late for you to report to the police now. I won’t change my statement.”

Chen Wengang lowered his eyes and said, “There’s no need to report to the police.”

Huo Niansheng seemed to understand his thoughts: “Why? Don’t want to make a scene? Or are you afraid to provoke me?”

Chen Wengang said, “We’re both adults. To anyone, it seems consensual. Bringing such a small matter to the police and then attracting reporters isn’t dignified for anyone.”

After hearing this, Huo Niansheng’s face showed a somewhat ambiguous expression. He seemed to be studying Chen Wengang’s expression very seriously.

Chen Wengang avoided making eye contact with him. Whether it was because he truly didn’t want to argue or because of that phrase, he couldn’t afford to. 

He remained cautious of the person in front of him, even more so now. Chen Wengang hadn’t even taken a sip of the water Huo Niansheng poured, and the more sincere and considerate the other party acted, the more abnormal it seemed. How could someone suddenly behave so differently from their usual demeanor?

Unless it was deliberately staged for some purpose.

Based on Chen Wengang’s experience dealing with these wealthy young masters, he never underestimated their desire for new thrills. If he reported to the police, and Huo Niansheng then turned around and retracted his statement, accusing him of false allegations, who could guarantee that Huo Niansheng wouldn’t do that?

Even if he really did that, what could Chen Wengang do? He could only try his best not to reveal any more weaknesses to the other party.

“Since the truth is out, I’ll leave.”

“Don’t you want to hear my explanation?”

“No need. As long as Mr. Huo agrees, we’ll pretend nothing happened, and the less said, the better.”

“Got it. I’ll walk you out.”

“No need for trouble.”

Chen Wengang stood up, hesitated for a moment, and still asked, “Also, did you take any inappropriate photos that day?”

Huo Niansheng smiled faintly, “Yes.”

Chen Wengang widened his eyes, but before he could react, Huo Niansheng immediately said, “Just kidding.”

He waved his phone in front of Chen Wengang, “Look how scared you are. I don’t have such hobbies, nor would I do such tasteless things. Check it yourself.”

Chen Wengang took the phone, and Huo Niansheng even reached over and unlocked it for him.

But Chen Wengang sighed inwardly, feeling that, whether he looked or not, it was futile. He shook his head and handed the phone back to Huo Niansheng.

Suddenly, a muffled thunder sounded outside the window, followed by torrential rain. In just half a minute, water streaks appeared on the windows.

The weather forecast didn’t mention rain, or perhaps Chen Wengang was mentally absent and didn’t notice. He left empty-handed, without an umbrella. Huo Niansheng walked to the window. The rain came down heavily and suddenly, as if there were a hole in the sky, turning the whole city into a vast white expanse.

He turned to call Chen Wengang, “With such heavy rain, sit for a while longer. I’ll have someone send it to you later.”

Chen Wengang came over to observe but still insisted on leaving, “There are umbrellas at the front desk. I’ll just borrow one.”

Huo Niansheng stopped him, and as Chen Wengang tried to go around, his shoe tip caught on the edge of the carpet. He stumbled forward, but Huo Niansheng caught him.

Huo Niansheng grabbed his arm, knowing full well, “You can’t stand being with me for even a minute.”

Chen Wengang thought to himself; he still couldn’t discern whether this person really wanted to trap him with his words.

But he still sat back on the sofa. The branches below swayed, and with such heavy rain, bringing an umbrella was as good as useless.

Huo Niansheng said Chen Wengang was still running a fever, advising him not to stubbornly go out and torture himself. It wasn’t like acting in a soap opera.

Since they had talked to this point, Chen Wengang had no choice but to obey. Huo Niansheng poured him another glass of water.

He suddenly said, “The day before yesterday, there was an emergency at Zhang City Company, so I went there, which is why I came to see you two days late. But if you think about it carefully, it’s also an excuse to avoid you. At that time, I knew I had done something very inappropriate, but I didn’t have the courage to appear in front of you immediately. I’d rather wait and see if you would call the police and find a lawyer, than face your condemnation, so what I said was true.”

Chen Wengang was stunned, avoiding his gaze. “I’m not worth Mr. Huo’s concern.”

Huo Niansheng looked at him deeply. “I really want to pursue you. Do I have that chance?”

Chen Wengang sighed. “I don’t know what your true intentions are, but it’s better not to get involved if possible.”

Silence fell between them, with only the sound of rain in their ears. Outside the window, the rain poured down without any sign of stopping.

The room seemed to have turned into a huge ark, carrying the two survivors, but there were no living beings left to propagate.

Chen Wengang curled up on the sofa, and finally, as the rain subsided, Huo Niansheng made a phone call. “I’ll call a car to take you back.”

Chen Wengang refused. “It’s not necessary if the rain stops.”

Huo Niansheng said, “It’s not my car, it’s a ride-hailing car. Just go, I’ll send you the license plate number.”

Chen Wengang had a subtle feeling that whatever he was thinking, whatever details he minded, seemed to be accurately captured by the other party first. If this kind of understanding appeared between friends, it would undoubtedly be harmonious. But facing Huo Niansheng, he only felt the complexity of the other party.

Outside the hotel lobby, Huo Niansheng seemed to have called the highest-end type, and a Bentley was waiting for him on the street.

Later, Chen Wengang deliberately ignored this memory. Dew overnight, inherently elusive, evaporated when the sun came out.

But Huo Niansheng seemed not to have given up on him as a pursuit target. He occasionally sent flowers to Chen Wengang but still maintained the last bit of restraint without making a big fuss or leaving a signature, joked by Chen Wengang’s classmates as “anonymous.”

Sometimes Chen Wengang received messages from Huo Niansheng, inviting him to go out, and he always replied that he had something else to do, never making an appointment.

Time passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was nearing winter vacation. According to tradition, Chen Wengang and the others were supposed to rotate to a new department for an internship.

Originally, he was supposed to rotate with Zheng Yucheng, going in and out together. However, due to some disagreements between them, Zheng Bingyi seemed to have the intention of keeping them apart and asked Chen Wengang which department he wanted to go to.

Chen Wengang chose the dock.

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