DLRAS Chapter 148

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Chapter 148: This is the only family that is completely his.

Huo Niansheng said, “Otherwise, let’s buy a farm.”

Chen Wengang asked, “What farm? Why buy a farm?”

Huo Niansheng leaned against the backrest, using his knee to touch his (CWG) knee, and said earnestly, “Didn’t you say it’s hard to take care of the child as they grow up? Let’s buy a farm with a grassland, and get a hundred sheep as companions for the child. They can grow up freely and happily.”

Chen Wengang laughed heartily, leaning on his shoulder. Halley was still squatting obediently at the kitchen door.

Once, they were walking the dog and came across a vast stretch of reed fields by the river. Someone in one of the houses had a small lamb grazing leisurely. Halley curiously approached and sniffed it, then got completely engrossed, as if some innate shepherd instinct had been triggered, and followed it straight out for half a mile.

Huo Niansheng carried it back, and it didn’t struggle, but its round eyes lingered affectionately on the sheep, looking pitiful.

Chen Wengang turned over and lay back on the bed.

Huo Niansheng got up, changed into casual clothes, and snuggled up to him comfortably.

They each looked at their phones. Chen Wengang lay on Huo Niansheng’s body, and his phone vibrated, receiving a message from the general secretary.

Last time, a few employees from Huo’s subsidiary were gossiping at work, and she said she had already issued a reminder, but she felt that Huo Niansheng still sensed something—at least could guess something. Although this boss acted nonchalant, he was actually meticulous. Usually, attempts to deceive him about big or small matters would fail. She wanted to ask if Mr. Huo had said anything at home.

Chen Wengang glanced at Huo Niansheng and replied to her that he hadn’t, telling her not to worry and just go off work when it’s time.

There was a fluffy rabbit on the headboard, and suddenly it fell head down, hitting Huo Niansheng’s face.

Huo Niansheng tried to move it away, but suddenly Chen Wengang held it down. The rabbit’s four short legs clung to his face, blocking Huo Niansheng’s view. The boss, who was full of tricks, showed no sign of irritation, “What’s wrong?”

Chen Wengang chuckled.

With his eyes closed, Huo Niansheng asked, “What’s going on?”

The scent from the window became stronger, and Chen Wengang kissed his lips and got up to check on the soup in the kitchen.

Halley was still at the kitchen door, but it had been trained not to go inside. It never crossed that line.

After a while, Huo Niansheng followed. He skillfully heated the oil and stir-fried some greens, then prepared a plate of lotus root slices.

Before taking it to the living room, he picked up a slice and fed it to Chen Wengang. The lotus root was sour and crisp, a result that Chen Wengang couldn’t achieve—choosing the right lotus root, washing off the starch, cutting evenly, blanching in hot water, soaking in cold water, and soaking in white vinegar for a while. Sometimes Chen Wengang couldn’t figure out how Huo Niansheng, who wasn’t a professional chef like Lu Chenlong, had acquired so much knowledge.

That said, Huo Niansheng had a good appetite, as witnessed by Chen Wengang. Sometimes, when they went to famous restaurants to dine, after Huo Niansheng tasted the dishes, he could list out the ingredients. Fortunately, his advantage was that he wasn’t picky at all. Whether it was a street stall or back home with Chen Wengang’s inconsistent cooking skills, he ate without complaint and without air.

The two of them sat at the dining table, and suddenly Huo Niansheng asked, “Do you want to go to the yacht club next weekend?”

“Are you invited?”

“Li Hongqiong is hosting, inviting a few foreign clients.”

Without hesitation, Chen Wengang agreed, picking up another slice of lotus root.

Huo Niansheng drank his soup and suddenly said, “Actually, I think that place is nice. How about we have our wedding there?”

Chen Wengang took a bite and looked at him with a smile: “Really? Did that paparazzo finally bribe you?”

Huo Niansheng replied, “Can’t give him credit for that. I came to my own realization. After all, who minds getting married more than once?”

Chen Wengang held his bowl, slowly sipping the soup with each mouthful, his expression hidden by the bowl, but he gazed at Huo Niansheng with a playful look in his eyes.

After finishing their meal, Huo Niansheng cleared the dishes and placed them in the dishwasher.

Chen Wengang wiped the table in the living room, and suddenly, the ground in the yard became wet with scattered raindrops, and within half a minute, the sky started to pour.

The pitter-patter of rain filled the air, and Huo Niansheng and Halley, who were outside digging in the flowerbed, ran back inside under the rain curtain.

Leaning against the door frame, Huo Niansheng urged Chen Wengang, “Well, what do you say?”

Chen Wengang squatted down to wipe Halley’s feet, smiling: “Is Mr. Huo so eager to marry me?”

Huo Niansheng crouched beside him, reaching out to shake hands with Halley: “Because you’re good-looking?”

Chen Wengang let go of Halley’s paw, raised an eyebrow at him, and looked into Huo Niansheng’s eyes without speaking, but his facial expression was lively, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Halley lowered his head and eagerly licked Chen Wengang’s fingers.

Huo Niansheng lazily joked, “What, didn’t lie to you, huh? Even with a scar, you’re still quite handsome.”

Chen Wengang lowered his eyes, grabbed another pet wipe, and replied, “Then you must be blind.”

Huo Niansheng teased, “Then let me rephrase, is a good physique acceptable?”

He poked Chen Wengang’s waist, and Chen Wengang shook his head, ignoring him, and hugged Halley to the sofa to watch TV. He clicked the remote control twice, and the evening news suddenly switched to an animated program, eliciting a happy bark from Halley.

Huo Niansheng understood and left it on that channel for him to watch, casually picking up a professional book from the coffee table.

His profile, as he read it, was always tranquil, with a sense of beauty that couldn’t be disturbed. When Huo Niansheng said that a scar on his face was attractive, he meant it sincerely. Sometimes, when Chen Wengang was in the study reading, Huo Niansheng stood outside, unsure whether to enter.

Huo Niansheng quietly leaned against the door frame, watching the falling rain.

The rain grew heavier, showing no signs of stopping, so it seemed they wouldn’t be walking the dog tonight. He redirected his gaze to the opposite side, where an old-fashioned dresser stood, adorned with ceramic figurines. Next to it were Halley’s fish oil and calcium liquid.

Perhaps any property under Huo Niansheng’s name was more luxurious than the Chen family’s old mansion, and there were plenty of people willing to walk his dog anywhere. Yet he was particularly fond of marrying into the Chen family, living in their house without servants, and doing things himself, hands-on.

However, Huo Niansheng didn’t find it burdensome. He was, in fact, a lucky and self-aware person. He had enjoyed good resources since childhood and accordingly never actively desired to have it all—both loving parents with warmth and the treatment of a wealthy young master.

He had the capital to play the game of life, enjoying the life of lavish spending, but it was just that.

So, of course, he was eager to marry Chen Wengang. This was the only family that truly belonged to him.

He found it himself, and once he grasped it, he wouldn’t let go.

Chen Wengang looked up at him and said, “Why are you standing there?”

Huo Niansheng smiled and said, “Contemplating life.”

Chen Wengang also smiled and said, “I’ll give you ten yuan. Is that enough for you to tell me?”

Huo Niansheng chuckled, “Too profound; ten yuan won’t cut it.”

Chen Wengang chuckled and handed him the remote control, “Then, when you’re done contemplating, the TV is yours to watch.”

Halley immediately turned his head, his gaze eager. Huo Niansheng joked, “Alright, I’ll think a bit longer.”

The Li Group invited foreign brands to visit for investment promotion, and some executives brought their families along. Miss Li asked her friends to accompany them and booked the entire yacht club venue. The following weekend, Chen Wengang and Huo Niansheng went together.

The vast beach, blue sky, and white clouds made Halley excited as he howled and frolicked along the seashore.

Halley seemed to have a universal appeal, as several foreign gentlemen eagerly played with him by throwing sticks on the beach.

Everyone had a great time and returned happily. Li Hongqiong smiled as she walked over, introducing both sides.

Chen Wengang dressed decently and smiled as he extended his hand.

Huo Niansheng put his arm around him, joking with his friends.

In the evening, Li Hongqiong organized a bonfire party on the beach, setting up four or five wire racks and preparing several platters of ingredients for BBQ.

Everyone pitched in, with Chen Wengang standing aside, brushing sauce and honey onto chicken wings, and preparing the ingredients.

Someone bumped into him playfully, causing him to accidentally stain his clothes with oil.

The person glanced at him sideways, didn’t say a word, and continued chatting with friends.

Li Hongqiong happened to see this: “Zhang Mingxian, what are you doing? Are you asking for trouble?”

The person named Zhang Mingxian didn’t sincerely apologize, and Chen Wengang didn’t say anything. In Huo Niansheng’s social circle, he participated wherever he could, be it in public appearances, attending parties, banquets, or socializing. He was familiar with these occasions and knew how to behave properly. However, their status difference led some people to think he was climbing too high, an unavoidable mindset. Taking it to an extreme, some even thought they were in a patronage relationship, not requiring special respect towards him.

After a while, Huo Niansheng returned from the beach with the dog, rinsed his hands at the faucet, and Li Hongqiong nudged him with her elbow, saying a few words, probably defending Chen Wengang. Huo Niansheng raised an eyebrow as the skewers on the wire racks were almost done. As they started eating one by one, there was suddenly a pop sound, and it turned out he had shaken open a bottle of champagne.

Zhang Mingxian was splashed with champagne, and Huo Niansheng chuckled, “Oops, my bad.”

Master Zhang forced a smile a couple of times and didn’t dare to make a scene, running back wet to change clothes.

Chen Wengang couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you two childish?”

Huo Niansheng sat back next to him and said, “Well, let’s just be childish.”

Li Hongqiong giggled, “Oh, don’t worry, everyone can handle it.”

The bonfire party didn’t end until midnight, and everyone went back to their rooms. The square gradually fell silent. Li Hongqiong leaned against the railing, holding a slender lady cigarette between her fingers, exhaling smoke rings. Chen Wengang passed by and was suddenly stopped by her.

A smile crept onto her face, “Your German Shepherd is quite nice.”

Chen Wengang smiled, “Yes, sometimes more mature than Niansheng.”

Li Hongqiong burst into laughter. After she finished laughing, she took a puff of her cigarette, scrutinizing Chen Wengang, “Do you remember I once advised you that it’s not easy to integrate into the Huo family’s circle? Over the years, it seems my words haven’t been entirely accurate. Since you two are genuinely good, in situations like this, don’t let others’ remarks bother you.”

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