DLRAS Chapter 144

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Chapter 144: Zheng Yucheng was silent and picked up the cup.

The scene was filled with the fragrance of clothing and the shadows of hair, with a dazzling display of jewels and treasures. Zheng Yucheng mingled among them, appearing equally splendid.

Surrounded by friends, he laughed and chatted, yet deep down, he knew that some still gossiped about his failed engagement, thinking it was a juicy topic. But was it true that his ex-fiancée was now behind bars?

These past two years, Zheng Yucheng has immersed himself in work, buried among piles of documents day in and day out.

But if overtime determined credibility, it would be a dream come true.

The real joke was that he was just an ordinary person, lacking the charisma of his father, Zheng Bingyi, or the cunning of those old-timers nurtured by him. Zheng Bingyi was a dictator, and his loyalists were obedient in his presence, but behind the scenes, alliances shifted constantly, making it difficult for Zheng Yucheng to rise.

The internal factions within the conglomerate made his head spin.

Today, a clan uncle showed goodwill, seemingly on his side, but secretly colluding for personal gain; tomorrow, a director opposed him, hindering project progress while setting up their own schemes…

Sometimes working late into the night, surrounded by mountains of files, Zheng Yucheng sighed. He knew the company had deep-seated issues, highlighted by recent audits that even implicated some relatives with the surname Zheng. While he escaped scrutiny, he also felt powerless to initiate change.

Zheng Yucheng was tired of Zheng Maoxun, but at least he had a mother who supported him.

A mother was always a son’s support; Zheng Maoxun would never understand his isolation.

As for Huo Meijie, she had given birth to another son two years ago, and Zheng Bingyi doted on his youngest. Zheng Yucheng felt little for his much younger brother, but sometimes he could still hold him.

Yet, returning home to the scene of familial bliss in the living room often made him wonder:

Who would stand by his side without hesitation?

Would Chen Wengang still love him unconditionally and support him if they hadn’t broken up?

Would having someone by his side give him the courage and motivation to face each day instead of battling with depression and anxiety?

At times overwhelmed, Zheng Yucheng couldn’t help but wonder:

Would Chen Wengang come up with solutions for him?

Would Chen Wengang do better than him?

Facing things together is always better than facing them alone.

In the days of youthful exuberance, one often feels like the pride of heaven, believing that all paths ahead are smooth.

But admitting failure and acknowledging one’s mediocrity is something most people are unwilling to face.

Zheng Yucheng sat leisurely at a café with outdoor seating, listening to two ladies behind him chatting, both seeming to be teachers from nearby schools:

“My experience tells me that you must never communicate with parents like this. It’s not just about natural talent, but parents always want their children to be exceptional. Who would admit that their child isn’t outstanding? That would be like admitting their genes are inferior!”

“That’s true. Having taught children for so many years, the differences between them are indeed significant. Some children are naturally bright and intuitive, understanding everything effortlessly, while others just don’t seem to get it. Of course, hard work can compensate for shortcomings, but there are some aspects that can’t be compensated for…”

“I understand what you mean. Talent does exist to some extent. Although it doesn’t determine everything, an important lesson in life is learning to accept one’s limitations…”

He finished his coffee in silence and got up to leave.

On the way, Zheng Yucheng suddenly remembered some past events—when they attended math tutoring classes, Chen Wengang always grasped things faster than him. Once, when the private tutor left, Zheng Yucheng hadn’t understood something, and Chen Wengang had patiently explained it to him: “You’re so dumb!”

That time, Zheng Yucheng was a bit upset. After the lesson, he didn’t speak to Chen Wengang, ignoring him from dinner until bedtime.

But the next day, when he woke up, Zheng Yucheng’s anger had dissipated. He forgot about the previous day’s squabble and still went to school with Chen Wengang. They often had disagreements before, but after that incident, Chen Wengang seemed to have realized something and never made such jokes again.

Thinking about it, Chen Wengang’s sensitivity, thoughtfulness, and consideration for others were things Zheng Yucheng lacked.

Whether he was more talented, more intuitive, or just worked harder than Zheng Yucheng, those things no longer mattered—did they?

Zheng Yucheng had taken many things for granted since birth, making it difficult for him to realize what truly needed to be cherished.

It’s only when one looks back on the past that they realize how infinitely beautiful it was, especially the things that have been lost.

Zheng Yucheng finally found Chen Wengang. Chen Wengang couldn’t avoid him and politely asked if he had been busy with work lately.

Zheng Yucheng furrowed his brow for a while before replying, “Not too busy.”

Chen Wengang still politely said, “I’m doing well with Huo Niansheng.”

Zheng Yucheng retreated dejectedly, stepping back before the barrage of questions could reach him, while Chen Wengang continued walking without stopping.

“Starry Night” invited many media outlets, with reporters scattered in every corner, and the flashlights never ceased.

Celebrities, big and small, fluttered around like butterflies. In the middle of the banquet, there was even a small auction where people eagerly raised their paddles. A painting by the contemporary master Wu Tiangang sold for the highest price of 14 million, raising a generous sum for charity.

Zheng Baoqiu teased Zheng Yucheng, “You could buy two of your love watches with that.”

He chuckled, “That kind of limelight only comes once in a lifetime.”

Zheng Baoqiu rolled her eyes, “Now that I think about it, you and my cousin were sneaking around back then. Quite impressive, keeping it so well hidden.”

Chen Wengang joked, “There’s no such thing. He was just trying to make me happy.”

Zheng Baoqiu laughed, and the two bantered with each other. She went to ask the movie star for an autograph, and afterward, they both stayed away from the front row, mingling in the corner of the banquet hall, chatting casually.

A popular female singer took the stage to perform.

Zheng Baoqiu suddenly lowered her voice and said seriously, “Actually, you didn’t know, but in the spring, Mu Qing came home for a visit.”

Chen Wengang remembered the scar on his face: “He came back to the country? Is he okay?”

Zheng Baoqiu said, “It depends on what you mean. Academically, he’s been on leave for two years. If he doesn’t come back soon, the school might cancel his enrollment. But I don’t know what he’s thinking. He insisted on extending his leave for another year. If it weren’t for my dad knowing the board members, the student affairs office might not have agreed… But physically, he’s fine. In our normal thinking, finishing the last year and getting his degree shouldn’t be a problem, and then he can do whatever he wants. But he probably can’t get over it psychologically. It seems like he always feels like he’ll be ridiculed if he stays in the country, especially at school. I felt like he’d changed a lot since we met. His tone of speech is different. Of course, he used to speak with an edge, but back then, it was because he looked down on everyone. Now, he’s become eccentric and cynical. He feels like everyone looks down on him for anything they say.”

Someone passed by holding a highball glass and almost bumped into someone. Chen Wengang blocked them, saying, “Watch out.”

The person turned around to apologize, and they exchanged a nod, revealing that it was Pan Zhengyang who had also arrived.

Chen Wengang extended his hand to him and said, “Mr. Pan.”

Pan Zhengyang reacted a bit slower, his gaze first shifting to Zheng Baoqiu before hesitating for two seconds before returning his gaze.

He extended his hand to Chen Wengang, but Chen Wengang had already retracted his hand, so they awkwardly touched fingertips.

Pan Zhengyang smiled, continuing to quietly assess Chen Wengang.

People rely on clothes, and horses rely on saddles. With his attire today, it’s definitely not comparable to what he usually buys at the night market. Good-looking people look good in anything, but adding a layer of gold leaf like this gives off an air of nobility, proving that his identity is not that of a poor student but rather that of a wealthy young gentleman.

As Pan Zhengyang watched for a while, Chen Wengang’s gaze shifted to him, giving him a few more glances.

Today, Pan Zhengyang’s attire was even more refined. From his hair to the tips of his shoes, there wasn’t a single spot that wasn’t shining. Every fold in his clothes was full and crisp. If one were to exert too much force, it wouldn’t be him wearing the clothes, but rather the clothes wearing him, this model.

Chen Wengang introduced him to Zheng Baoqiu.

Pan Zhengyang smiled and said, “I know, Miss Zheng Baoqiu, I met your brother at the last corporate summit.”

Zheng Baoqiu, who had seen many people, wasn’t particularly interested in the type of man who approached her. She casually complimented him on being an outstanding entrepreneur, and so on.

Pan Zhengyang continued to smile.

But the title of entrepreneur seemed to set a tone for him—in a sense, his attitude towards Zheng Baoqiu and Zheng Baoqiu’s attitude towards him seemed like that of a nouveau riche who, despite having money, still felt inferior in high society circles.

Among Chen Wengang’s friends, Yu Shanding had once made a joke, self-deprecatingly saying that the commonality between himself and the old money was that they both dared to wear old clothes out. But Boss Yu had a kind of uninhibited ease, while Pan Zhengyang was clearly dressed meticulously. His hairstyle and attire were probably guided by a professional image consultant, but unfortunately, they weren’t appreciated. Zheng Baoqiu made a couple of perfunctory remarks before walking away.

However, Chen Wengang smiled at him.

Pan Zhengyang smiled somewhat helplessly, “Didn’t expect you to be truly hidden.”

Chen Wengang said, “I don’t really have much to hide. You can find out with a casual inquiry. My father was a driver for the Zheng family; unfortunately, he died on duty, and without suitable relatives to take care of me, my adoptive father took me in, providing me with a better environment to grow up in. That’s it, there’s nothing else. Everyone knows, it’s not a secret.”

Pan Zhengyang said, “This is already…”

Chen Wengang’s ears were already callused to this kind of talk, “This is already an opportunity that others would beg for. I’m just lucky. I’ve been lucky since I was a child.”

Pan Zhengyang noticed and hurriedly explained, “I didn’t mean any harm.”

He said, “Look at me, my father was a self-made small business owner. I saw with my own eyes how busy he was from a young age; working on construction sites, running restaurants, drinking with government officials, being humble and lowly, and not being at home for ten days or half a month at a time was normal. He worked hard to establish this business, which for ordinary people is quite commendable, but in places like this, he was still called a nouveau riche and looked down upon. When we had money at home, they transferred me to what they called a noble school. But in reality, when my parents bought me a new phone, limited edition sneakers, and NBA-signed basketballs, in the eyes of my classmates, they were all things that nouveau riche liked…”

Chen Wengang placed the cup back into the waiter’s tray without looking at Pan Zhengyang. He reached for a handkerchief from his chest, accidentally dropping it on the ground.

Pan Zhengyang naturally paused and bent down to pick it up. But once the item was retrieved, it was difficult to resume the previous conversation.

Chen Wengang folded the handkerchief and said, “Mr. Pan’s success story is quite fascinating.” He smiled at him and said, “But I think I’ll head home for now. Time is running short today. You go about your business, and maybe we’ll have another chance to talk next time.”

While the banquet was still ongoing, Chen Wengang had already left the hotel.

On the street, someone was selling flowers from a basket. Chen Wengang took a couple of steps past, then was drawn back by the scent of roses. He bought a large bouquet of roses, carried it to his car, and set the navigation to another hotel.

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