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Chapter 14: He did something that hurt me.

The restaurant Lu Chenlong mentioned was called “Wanghai Restaurant,” passed down from his great-grandfather, and was a century-old renowned establishment in Jin City.

On Saturday afternoon, when Chen Wengang arrived, his good friend was already bustling in the kitchen.

Wearing a chef’s hat, Lu Chenlong processed and marinated various ingredients, preparing to make some culinary magic while the customer flow was low.

With a robust physique, his muscular chest filled the apron, giving him an advantage as a chef, displaying strength as he wielded the ladle.

“I wonder why you’re still so thin? Can’t even enjoy a meal in wealthy households?” Chef Lu chuckled, giving orders, “Hurry up, wash your hands, and help me—pass me that dark soy sauce.”

Facing him, Chen Wengang responded casually, “Why like this? Didn’t we agree that I’d only bring my mouth?” 

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and willingly assisted.

Lu Chenlong stirred the meat in the bowl, “Tsk, unaware of one’s fortune. Our old Lu family passes down the secret recipes from ‘Wanghai Cookbook.’ I’ll generously teach you now. Don’t forget to express gratitude; many outsiders are waiting to learn from us.”

“Amazing! Became a boss and started talking tough. Where’s your little brother Xiao Bao?”

“Neighbor Grandma Zhou is looking after him; we’ll call them over during dinner.”

Wanghai Restaurant was located on Jiangchao Street in the old city, surrounded by tightly packed old buildings, inhabited by longtime neighbors. Chen Wengang took the nostalgic journey on an old-style tram, still preserved for sightseeing in this part of the old city.

Upon getting off the tram, it felt both familiar and unfamiliar. Walking through, all memories came alive.

The alley still had the old cobblestone road, with staggered steps, and houses of varying heights, exuding the lively atmosphere of the market.

His former home was in this area; in his childhood, he and Lu Chenlong used to roam the streets and alleys aimlessly.

The time in the old city seemed to have stopped flowing, as if nothing would change, regardless of how much time passed.

Wanghai Restaurant had a sizable storefront but wasn’t overly spacious. Nestled at the end of an alley, it featured a small courtyard with a two-story building inside.

Chen Wengang wore a simple yet neat outfit – a white long-sleeved pullover and light blue jeans. His look was simple, but clean and refreshing.

Squinting, Lu Chenlong appraised him teasingly, “Come a few more times, and all the waitresses in the restaurant will follow you home.”

Chen Wengang held up the celery, playfully confronting him, “Stop talking nonsense; don’t tarnish my innocence.”

“How is it nonsense? Those few girls all asked for your phone number. I told them you’re already taken.” Lu Chenlong flexed his muscular biceps, admiring them, “I think I don’t look bad either; why don’t they fancy me?”

Chen Wengang slapped the celery in front of him, “You’re the one who’s taken, the one with a significant other.”

Lu Chenlong’s home was in the adjacent alley, where he lived with his younger brother.

The neighbors knew about his family, and making it to this point was truly no easy feat.

When Lu Chenlong was young, the restaurant was in his grandfather’s hands and had a reputation. However, his father was unreliable, indulging in gambling and alcohol, a disreputable character. Disheartened, his grandfather focused on teaching his grandson culinary skills, hoping to pass on the family legacy.

Around the age of sixteen, a significant change occurred in his family. His father, driven mad by gambling losses, secretly mortgaged the restaurant, infuriating his grandfather to death. Misfortune struck further when Mother Lu was diagnosed with breast cancer, leaving the family impoverished and unable to afford medical treatment.

With the only breadwinner in the family gone, Lu Chenlong became the sole pillar of the family. Unable to continue his education, he worked as an apprentice, even resorting to borrowing money from various sources.

Back then, every time Chen Wengang visited, he would secretly stash a stack of cash and quietly leave.

Initially, Lu Chenlong was furious, pushing the money back into his hands. However, unable to watch his mother’s deteriorating condition, he later called him with red eyes. Apart from Chen Wengang, they had borrowed from every relative they could. As a young man, Lu Chenlong spent his nights writing, drawing, and calculating loans under the lamplight.

Unfortunately, after two years of battling cancer, his aunt succumbed to the spreading of cancer cells.

As for becoming an apprentice, Lu Chenlong had a solid foundation in basic skills. Initially, he did well, but when the master heard about his family situation, he became unwilling to mentor him. The master feared that teaching an apprentice might lead to his own starvation and worried that Lu Chenlong, with his straightforward appearance, might attract his wife. Finding a pretext, the master dismissed him.

“To be honest, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be the owner now.” Lu Chenlong cut open a lobster, its meat pristine and glistening, personally chosen by him at the market early in the morning. “Two years ago, I couldn’t continue as an apprentice, got kicked out, roamed the streets, and just happened to come across this shop being put up for sale. It’s a family heritage, but I couldn’t come up with a single coin…”

Chen Wengang listened quietly to his story.

Lu Chenlong, with frustration, exclaimed, “Money is indeed a damn good thing. With money, even ghosts can be put to work; without it, heroes can be brought to their knees. Even if you’re not a hero, who doesn’t need food and drink? Who can escape aging and illness?”

It was indeed a blunt truth.

Dinner was served at Lu Chenlong’s home, and the waitstaff assisted in bringing the prepared dishes from the restaurant.

Dishes like Drunken Goose Hot Pot, Stuffed Tofu, Baked Lobster in Broth, Steamed Grouper, and Eight Treasure Winter Melon Pot, were all beautifully arranged on the table, offering a feast for the senses.

Lu Chenlong didn’t rush to call his brother for dinner. Instead, he pulled Chen Wengang into his room and took out a thick notebook with numerous pages. The front part documented the debts his family owed in the past, all crossed out, while the back pages were used for keeping accounts.

He showed the ledger to Chen Wengang, saying, “This restaurant was acquired with your investment, and now you’re half the owner. I checked the first-quarter revenue a few days ago, and it looks promising. I’ll give you a share of the profit later. Go ahead and check if there is any problem up front.”

Chen Wengang wasn’t concerned, “I’m not in a hurry; your family has more expenses, and I don’t have much spending.”

“If it’s owed, it should be paid. Buddies need to be clear about accounts; don’t ruin friendships.”

After leaving, Chen Wengang didn’t go to check the accounts. Instead, he went to Grandma Zhou’s next door to ask her for dinner.

Neighbor Grandma Zhou was an elderly lady running a dessert shop in the area for the past twenty years. They used to have her sweet soup when they were kids; when short on money, they would split a portion. Chen Wengang often shared with Lu Chenlong.

She closed the shop early, holding several servings of the refreshing desserts they sold, with Lu Chenlong’s younger brother Xiao Bao in tow.

Xiao Bao was five years old this year. He recognized Chen Wengang and happily rushed into his arms, exclaiming, “Gege, gege.”

The old lady’s children were not around, and she was warmly invited to the table. Three adults and a child formed a lively group.

There was no doubt about the culinary skills of Lu Chenlong; he inherited some genuine techniques from his grandfather. He even obtained a junior chef certification last year.

Praising him, the old lady said, “A-Long is a good kid, always helping me out. He has good character and skills. Now that he’s getting on his feet, we just need to find him a good girl, and life will be better in the future.”

Although Lu Chenlong complained during the day that no girls liked him, he shook his head now, “How can I think about that? You all know the situation at my home; it’s not something to be proud of. Better not to burden a girl.”

Lu Chenlong complained to Chen Wengang during the day that no girls liked him, and now he shook his head again, saying, “How dare I think about it? You both know the situation at my home. It’s better not to burden any girls with that.”

Xiao Bao, with a bib around his mouth, dripping with saliva, didn’t eat the food offered by Lu Chenlong. Instead, he smiled directly at Chen Wengang, saying, “Gege, Wengang, Chen Wengang.”

Lu Chenlong stopped him, saying, “Don’t directly call adults by their names!”

Xiao Bao quieted down for half a minute, then chuckled again, saying, “Old lady, hehe, silly old lady!”

Lu Chenlong, annoyed, slapped his hand, saying, “Who taught you that? I told you not to shout randomly! Who taught you to curse people!”

Xiao Bao couldn’t understand, and with the crowd around, he became excited, spilling soup all over himself. He got scolded, and with a pout, he started crying.

Mild intellectual disability.

The peaceful meal table turned chaotic in an instant. Chen Wengang tried to calm the situation, but Grandma Zhuo sighed, saying, “He doesn’t understand, why hit him? How many times have I told you not to hit the child? I’ll finish eating; I’ll take him to clean up. You guys talk about your matters.”

Chen Wengang watched the old lady and the little one leave through the door.

Lu Chenlong worriedly said, “It’s still the same, good one moment, troublesome the next. Sometimes he seems more sensible, and then a few days later, he regresses.”

Chen Wengang recalled, “Didn’t you intervene at a rehabilitation center before? Wasn’t the effect good?” 

“The previous rehabilitation center I attended closed down,” Lu Chenlong explained. “I inquired about a few new institutions, but the fees are unusually high. It’s nearly a hundred thousand for one treatment cycle, and I feel there isn’t a suitable option.”

“Expensive or not, it’s still necessary to get treatment. If you need money…”

“Stop, I’m not asking you for money, really. It’s just that money issues can be tightened, but earning more is possible. Besides, there are other considerations. On the one hand, it’s costly, on the other hand, it’s far away. They also require a parent to be present around the clock. I have to work, and take care of him alone, how can I manage? Right now, he’s temporarily not attending classes; I’ll look for other options.”

Chen Wengang didn’t press the money matter further and clinked glasses with him.

His friend had done his best; there was no way to blame him for not being attentive to his younger brother.

How challenging it was to care for a special child, and if others might not understand, he certainly does.

Among the projects sponsored by the Niansheng Foundation were initiatives for promoting special education. Chen Wengang had also encountered numerous families facing similar situations. Every child with issues, their needs resemble a black hole, demanding continuous efforts, yet the hope within was uncertain. Many biological parents might not endure the struggles.

Then comes the discord between spouses, shattered marriages, mutual recriminations, and abandoning wives and children…

He’d seen too much.

The last time he casually mentioned to Zheng Maoxun what he planned to do after leaving the Zheng family, Zheng Maoxun treated it as a joke.

However, in reality, Chen Wengang was definitely planning to leave, and he had long thought about where to go in the future.

Chen Wengang poured the last bit of rice wine to the other party, saying, “I’ll also keep an eye out for suitable institutions for you.”

“Let’s not talk about those unpleasant things.” Lu Chenlong glanced outside and asked, “Are you going back to your original home?”

“Maybe tomorrow,” Chen Wengang replied with his head lowered, seemingly indifferent. “It’s been rented out for a long time; it doesn’t feel like my own home anymore.”

Lu Chenlong nodded, “Oh, your eldest uncle rented it, right? He’s that kind of person—” He hesitated to gossip about elders, changing the topic, “Just a rented apartment. Like my mom used to nag about, always saying, ‘Wherever you are, that’s home.’ In the future, you can live independently with Young Master Zheng. Buy a new house, anyway, it’s not worth buying around here; this area is getting old.”

Chen Wengang replied, “Considering starting a family is an option, but not with him. He’s already a thing in the past.”

Lu Chenlong looked at him in surprise, unable to find any signs of heartbreak on his friend’s face.

Chen Wengang, leaning on his chin, wore a subtle, almost elusive smile, leaving others guessing.

“Really broke up?”

“Really. He did something that hurt me.”

“What did he do—oh.” Lu Chenlong cursed, “Did he really get involved with another woman?”

“He hasn’t yet.” Chen Wengang said, “But he has done more than just this one thing to hurt me.”

Seeing that he didn’t want to elaborate, Lu Chenlong stopped asking but changed the subject happily. “Breaking up is good. I didn’t dare to say much when you two were together. After all, he’s not such a reliable person. What’s the big deal about having a few bucks? Does the young master think he’s someone important?”

Chen Wengang laughed and clinked glasses with him.

Between Lu Chenlong and Zheng Yucheng, there had always been an inexplicable tension. Chen Wengang was well aware of this.

Between Lu Chenlong and Zheng Yucheng, there had always been an inexplicable tension. Chen Wengang was well aware of this.

Lu Chenlong accepted Zheng Yucheng, perhaps to save face, but Zheng Yucheng didn’t even have a good opinion of Lu Chenlong’s existence.

When Chen Wengang helped the Lu family in the past, Zheng Yucheng advised him, “Wengang, I know you value friendship, but mixing money and emotions is not wise. The bond between you two is just childhood friendship; people change as they grow. Are you sure you still understand him? Are you sure he’s not deliberately trying to please you?”

Chen Wengang didn’t want to argue with him, and since then, he never brought up his friend in front of Zheng Yucheng.

In his previous life, Lu Chenlong faced a financial crisis when his younger brother needed urgent medical attention in the ICU. Unbeknownst to Chen Wengang, Zheng Yucheng secretly gave Lu Chenlong one million yuan, with the condition that he should not approach Chen Wengang again.

Chen Wengang remained unaware of this until he was in prison. Later, while staying at Huo Niansheng’s place, he received a one-million yuan check out of the blue.

It was only then that he learned Lu Chenlong’s younger brother didn’t make it. Lu Chenlong sold his old house, sent the money back, and immigrated abroad to work as a chef. They never met again after that, living their lives in different corners of the world.

Xiao Bao, having cleaned his hands and face with the help of Grandma Zhou, opened the door and ran back inside to continue playing.

He settled down a bit, and the two adults in the room didn’t pay much attention to him, allowing him to play with toys on the sofa.

Chen Wengang placed the copper teapot on the table when suddenly he heard Lu Chenlong shout, “You little rascal, what mischief are you up to again?”

Before he could react, Lu Chenlong swiftly approached, snatching Chen Wengang’s phone from his hand.

Chen Wengang’s phone had a pattern lock screen, and it seemed the child had accidentally unlocked it while playing around.

Lu Chenlong handed the phone to him, saying, “Quick, check if anything important was accessed.”

Chen Wengang glanced at the screen, and nothing crucial seemed to be touched. However, it displayed the chat interface with Huo Niansheng, and Xiao Bao had just persistently sent dozens of messages to Huo Niansheng.

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One Comment

  1. Did readers like Zheng Yucheng too much so the author had to make up something super terrible for him to do? lol.

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