DLRAS Chapter 129 [Past]

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Chapter 129: Chen Wengang turned his head away, feeling guilty.

Inside the house, there were no other people left, just one patient and one healthy person.

Chen Wengang leaned on the pillow, his head slightly tilted, his right eye covered with gauze, and his body—every inch of it—a gift from his parents. Where his eyeball should have been, there was now only filling material. His breathing was barely noticeable; there was hardly any movement under the blanket.

Huo Niansheng gently pulled over a chair and sat by the bedside.

He said softly, “You should rest for a while.”

The effects of the anesthesia were still present, and Chen Wengang didn’t know if he heard or not; he didn’t say a word. His consciousness seemed to float outside his body, and his face was as pale as paper. After a while, Chen Wengang voluntarily closed his eyes.

His breathing became even weaker.

Huo Niansheng leaned forward, watching for a while, and couldn’t help but reach out to feel his breath.

After some time passed, Huo Niansheng stood up, his hands in his pockets, pacing around the room as if lost in thought. He went outside to change into slippers; the sound of his footsteps was completely absorbed by the carpet. He stopped by the window, gazing down for a while, lost in thought.

Amanda came over, not daring to knock loudly, only lowering her voice, advising the boss to rest for a while, and offering to watch over in his place.

Huo Niansheng glanced at her, indicating it wasn’t necessary.

His face lost all its smile, solemn like someone who had just stepped off the negotiation table.

She tactfully retreated, not wanting to disturb further.

Huo Niansheng paced around the room a few more times. Before the nurse returned, he found something in his pocket, pulled it out; it was a bright red talisman. He held it up, looked at it for a long time, raised his eyebrows, sighed softly, and gently tucked it under Chen Wengang’s pillow.

Until he woke up, Chen Wengang still refused to speak.

Before entering the operating room, Huo Niansheng could still exchange a few jokes with him, deliberately finding some light topics. But after losing his right eye, he seemed to have lost much of his spirit. He expressed resistance through silence, completely refusing to engage with the world.

After the surgery, Chen Wengang had his right eye removed, but the vision in his left eye only partially recovered.

Even Huo Niansheng had no good solution for this. The lead surgeon was already the best doctor in the hospital’s ophthalmology department, top in the industry. He could only cautiously say, “We’ll do our best.” The patient’s recovery largely depended on his own physical and mental state.

Chen Wengang was gloomy, evidently not as optimistic as the doctors had hoped.

Huo Niansheng, on the other hand, was chatty, as if possessed by the spirit of a previous auntie in the house.

Chen Wengang saw the talisman; later, Huo Niansheng hung it on the hook at the head of the bed. He kept finding topics to talk about, mentioning the bustling scene of people grabbing incense at the temple on New Year’s Day, how many people of all ages queued up all night outside, and how popular Ning’an Temple was, especially among the wealthy. After a while, he asked Chen Wengang if he was bored and wanted to play cards.

Chen Wengang responded briefly, allowing him to continue talking uninterrupted.

On Lantern Festival evening, they watched TV together in the ward.

They watched the evening news first, scenes of BMWs, elaborate lanterns, and happy faces in the crowd behind reporters. Then Huo Niansheng changed the channel, catching a rock star’s concert, singing at the top of his lungs.

Suddenly, Chen Wengang said, “Can you help me buy a braille tutorial?”

Huo Niansheng paused, then asked, “What do you need that for?”

Chen Wengang said, “I want to learn.”

Huo Niansheng propped his elbow on the armrest of the sofa; Chen Wengang was lying in his arms as he spoke. His face was facing the direction of the screen, but he couldn’t see much, just listening to the sound. Huo Niansheng put down the remote control and smoothed his hair.

He rarely spoke so calmly, “Don’t always think of the worst. The sky won’t fall, and it’s not a big deal.”

Then he added, “With this eye of yours, if I say it’ll get better, then it will definitely get better. Do you believe me? Want to bet?”

Chen Wengang opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Huo Niansheng pressed his index finger against his lips.

He leaned in and gently pressed his lips against Chen Wengang’s.

Their lips met, more like two fish supporting each other in a drying stream than a kiss.

After they separated, Chen Wengang lay back wearily. This time, he shifted to a different position, curled up on the sofa, his eyelashes drooping low, while Huo Niansheng looked down at him. There seemed to be a hint of a smile at the corner of Chen Wengang’s mouth, but it was just a curve, not a real smile.

Huo Niansheng said, “It will get better.”

Chen Wengang rested his head on his own arm, looking up at Huo Niansheng from bottom to top.

His half face was uneven, with only one eye left that couldn’t see clearly, his gaze unfocused, but deep within his eyes, there was always a childish innocence, traces of suffering, yet no resentment or complaint.

The rock music on TV continued to blare. After a moment, Chen Wengang said, “I won’t.”

Huo Niansheng smiled and didn’t respond to his pessimistic remark.

But no matter what, he couldn’t let go now.

Even if the worst happened, even if Chen Wengang really went blind, they could only bear the misfortune together. Huo Niansheng was prepared to take care of him for the rest of his life. If Chen Wengang wanted to read or watch the news, he could read it to him. If Chen Wengang wanted to go somewhere, Huo Niansheng would take him. He was willing to take on all these troubles. Perhaps they would be bound together for the rest of their lives.

Huo Niansheng couldn’t help but remember the scene when he first met Chen Wengang.

He saw that child, teasing him to speak, swinging together on a swing. At that time, he never thought about where fate would take them. But if he could foresee the future, he would make a wish, hoping that he would grow up well and not suffer any harm.

Chen Wengang fell asleep, one hand hanging down, supported by the edge of the sofa. Huo Niansheng picked him up and carried him to bed.

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario they expected did not happen.

According to the doctor, Chen Wengang’s remaining eye could still be saved.

However, when he was discharged from the hospital, his vision didn’t fully recover as expected. When they returned to Yunding Tower and entered the elevator, Chen Wengang almost stumbled. Huo Niansheng quickly reached out to help him, but Chen Wengang shook off his hand.

He realized this and looked up, watching Huo Niansheng’s expression.

Huo Niansheng seemed oblivious, still looking quite happy, opening the door and exclaiming they were finally home.

The nurse also came back with them. He helped carry a bunch of bags and tidied things up a bit, getting familiar with the apartment environment. But for some reason, Huo Niansheng didn’t let him stay at home.

So during the day, the nurse stayed close to Chen Wengang, and at night, he left when Huo Niansheng returned home. Then Huo Niansheng would take over, personally taking care of the patient. Now, every day, he would come back to Yunding Tower, living a life where he was always around Chen Wengang. Chen Wengang didn’t go blind, but he didn’t fully recover to his previous level of ability either. The world appeared to him as blurry shapes and colors, and there were still many things in life he needed help with. Huo Niansheng helped him wash his hair and bathe, and he poured water for him to take his medicine.

Lunch and dinner were cooked by a housekeeper who came over. As for breakfast, sometimes Huo Niansheng went to the street to buy it, sometimes he figured out how to make something simple himself. There were semi-finished products in the refrigerator, which he processed into steamed buns and dumplings, fried eggs and bacon, or made sandwiches; these weren’t too difficult to learn. He even seemed to enjoy it.

At some point, this place really felt like his home.

Racecourses, nightclubs, wineries, clubs, golf courses—gradually, Huo Niansheng’s figure appeared less and less in these places.

For two consecutive months, he didn’t show his face anywhere, and the tabloids started to miss their old acquaintance, the young master Huo. After analyzing, they came to a shocking conclusion—he seemed to have really settled down and was playing the role of a homebody with his current lover.

A marketing account claimed to have witnessed him coming out of a supermarket, talking on the phone while walking, carrying grocery bags.

Of course, most people were still skeptical and preferred to believe it was just a temporary fancy.

But this was also quite remarkable; whoever had such a big influence must have him in the palm of their hand.

Despite all the speculation outside, Chen Wengang led a secluded life. He didn’t pay much attention to the news, as it didn’t affect him much.

After he was discharged from the hospital, Huo Zhenfei came to visit again, but he didn’t even see anyone this time.

When Huo Zhenfei came, Chen Wengang was sleeping in the room, and Huo Niansheng was idle. He let his cousin in, but he didn’t show any intention of waking Chen Wengang up. He just accompanied him in the living room and had a few drinks.

Huo Zhenfei glanced over there a few times. The door to the second bedroom was tightly closed, like a heavily guarded restricted area.

Of course, this didn’t escape Huo Niansheng’s eyes. He joked with Huo Zhenfei, “Are you so interested in other people’s bedrooms?”

Huo Zhenfei smiled and took a sip of whiskey, tasting the cold malt sweetness and a smoky flavor.

He leaned in, his tone serious despite the casual setting, and asked Huo Niansheng what his plans were for the future.

Huo Niansheng held his glass, studying the patterns on the wall of the cup seriously, “What plans? I don’t know, and I’m not in a hurry. Let’s just take care of him and see. I haven’t thought about it; why are you thinking so much about me?”

“It’s been two years already,” Huo Zhenfei suddenly said, looking at Huo Niansheng with some concern. “I can understand if you bring him home and take care of him for a day, a month, or even two months. But I didn’t expect that it’s been two years, and he’s still here with you.”

Huo Niansheng chuckled at his words, looking at him and asking, “Am I not allowed to be happy?”

Huo Zhenfei started bringing up old grievances: “Last year during Chinese New Year, you disappeared in a puff of smoke on New Year’s Day. And this year, too, when we were supposed to have a happy family reunion, you couldn’t even stay for the whole New Year’s celebration. The moment he shows any signs of trouble, you nervously rush back. That day when we burned incense and worshipped our ancestors, the whole family was there, but you disappeared. Dad even asked if you had any urgent matters, saying you were leaving at the drop of a hat. I had to come up with an excuse for your absence. I didn’t even get the chance to ask, why did you have to come back? Did all your assistants and drivers resign? In such a big city, couldn’t you find someone to help take him to the hospital?”

“You’re comparing the deceased to a living person!” Huo Niansheng shrugged it off. “Which one is more important?”

Huo Zhenfei retorted, “Are you the surgeon? Does it make a difference whether you’re there or not?”

Huo Niansheng gave him a strange look and said, “That’s an interesting question. When your wife gives birth, can you help her? Does it matter if you’re waiting outside the delivery room or not?”

He mocked with a smirk, and Huo Zhenfei backed off, trying to make amends, saying it was just a slip of the tongue. Huo Niansheng finished his drink without further confrontation. They poured another round of drinks and avoided the topic. Although they were close cousins among their peers, there were certain boundaries not to be crossed.

Huo Zhenfei bid farewell and left.

Huo Niansheng pushed open the bedroom door and quietly walked in to check on Chen Wengang.

Chen Wengang was lying on the bed with his back to him, wrapped in a thin blanket, only exposing a pale ankle.

But he wasn’t asleep; he sat up as soon as he heard footsteps. The room had good soundproofing, so he shouldn’t have heard any noise from the living room. Huo Niansheng sat down on the edge of the bed and casually asked, “What would you like for dinner tonight?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Chen Wengang sluggishly replied, “Whatever.”

Huo Niansheng said, “Whatever is the hardest to deal with.”

After pondering for a while without success, Chen Wengang finally chose one of the two options provided by Huo Niansheng.

His notebook was on the bedside table, the one Chen Wengang used to draw, which Huo Niansheng had placed there for him. Huo Niansheng picked it up and flipped through it, seeing that the progress was still stuck on last year’s page, with not a single sketch added. Even after the calendar from last year was used up, Chen Wengang didn’t start a new one.

Huo Niansheng quietly put it back, and suddenly had an idea, “Let’s go to the seaside tomorrow.”

Chen Wengang seemed hesitant, not very willing to go out. But before he could find a reason to refuse, Huo Niansheng took it upon himself to find clothes for them to wear out. The wardrobe now held clothes for Chen Wengang for all four seasons of the year.

Huo Niansheng pulled out an oversized striped shirt and a pair of casual pants.

The next day, they indeed went for a drive by the seaside.

Huo Niansheng parked the car by the roadside, holding Chen Wengang’s hand as they slid down the steep steps.

The beach was dotted with black rocks, and in the distance stood a lonely lighthouse with a blue roof and white walls. The sea breeze blew on their faces, carrying the damp, salty smell of the ocean. This area was all breakwaters, not a tourist attraction, and there were no tourists to be seen. Only a distant figure, like a black dot, was fishing with a fishing rod. Looking further, a small boat floated on the sea, with people fishing on it as well.

Chen Wengang leaned on the railing, Huo Niansheng also rested his right hand on the railing, and his left arm wrapped around Chen Wengang’s shoulder.

In the vast expanse of the world, there were only a few of them, each doing their own thing, without disturbing each other.

The sea surged endlessly.

It was too deep, too vast, too desolate, so much so that in front of it, the desires and pains of the mundane world seemed insignificant. After watching for a long time, Chen Wengang let out a sigh

“It’s too profound, too vast, too desolate, so much so that in front of it, the desires and pains of the mundane world seem insignificant. After watching for a long time, Chen Wengang let out a sigh.

He looked at the blurry horizon, behind which hid many islands, unknown to him.

Huo Niansheng chatted with him as usual, and for once, Chen Wengang responded, speaking a lot too.

They stayed from day to sunset, and when they got tired, they sat down on the rocks, spending the whole day like that.

In the end, Chen Wengang suddenly expressed his desire to leave Huo Niansheng.

Huo Niansheng didn’t say anything at first.

He jokingly asked Chen Wengang what was going on, suddenly bringing it up again.

Unlike previous times, Chen Wengang’s attitude was firm this time. He wasn’t just saying it; he was prepared to act on it. Huo Zhenfei could sense it, and so could he. He had been a burden on Huo Niansheng for two years, and their story had dragged on for too long.

He couldn’t bring himself to end it, but it was out of selfishness. But every drama must have its final act.

Huo Niansheng didn’t agree; the night sky above them was deep, with countless stars twinkling.

He vaguely said, “Let’s talk about it later.”

Before leaving, Huo Niansheng picked up an oddly shaped stone on the beach, saying he would take it back to collect.

They walked back, got in the car, and went home.

Despite Chen Wengang’s attempts to persuade him, Huo Niansheng suddenly showed a strong desire to control. He didn’t agree, and for the first time, they entered a sort of cold war. Huo Niansheng even bluntly stated that he didn’t think Chen Wengang could survive on his own — not because of his appearance, his vision, his current physical condition, or his ability to work. In Huo Niansheng’s eyes, he was like a leaking balloon, drifting aimlessly, unable to even go with the wind, let alone run away on his own.

But Chen Wengang disappeared on an ordinary day.

It was rainy in the summer, and the meteorological station issued an orange rainstorm warning. Heavy to torrential rain was expected in the afternoon to evening, with wind speeds forecasted to reach six levels. Residents were reminded to travel safely and avoid high-altitude falling objects.

On the way home, the driver drove slowly, saying there was a bit of traffic.

The dark clouds loomed overhead, as if a downpour was about to come at any moment. After finally breaking through the traffic, passing traffic lights, and seeing the school’s sign indicating a reduction in speed ahead, they stopped in front of the pedestrian crossing. A line of elementary school students wearing yellow hats queued up and crossed the road hand in hand.

Back at the apartment, Huo Niansheng turned on the lights, and the place was empty and silent.

He called out “Wengang” several times.

No one answered.

The caregiver sounded very anxious when he received the call, and under Huo Niansheng’s questioning, he nervously reported the day’s schedule.

In the morning, the caregiver took Chen Wengang for acupuncture – usually, it was Huo Niansheng who took him, but today he had something else to attend to, so the caregiver took his place. After they returned to Yunding Mansion, Chen Wengang said it was going to rain soon and asked the caregiver to go home early, as Huo Niansheng would be back soon anyway.

His disappearance came without any warning, yet carried a premeditated meaning.

The caregiver’s voice became increasingly uneasyyet it over the phone, asking if they should call the police.

Huo Niansheng fell silent for a moment, instructing him to stay on standby. Then he hung up the phone, opened the map app on his phone, and a blue dot popped up.

He had made some settings on Chen Wengang’s phone so that his location could be directly pushed to Huo Niansheng’s phone. Chen Wengang was aware of this, and he had shown an indifferent attitude at the time. There seemed to be a certain inevitability to it, and now it suddenly came in handy.

The branches swayed in the wind, pedestrians hurried along, and the air already had the scent of cold rain.

Huo Niansheng stared at every person outside the window, his face as cold as ice.

The driver, who called back, kept honking the horn and pressing the accelerator, driving within the city’s speed limits. They moved away from the city center, and the car sped up again. The blue dot representing Chen Wengang was still slowly moving on the map; he must have taken some form of transportation.”

Chen Wengang’s location stopped, and he remained motionless by the seaside for a long time.

When they were close, Huo Niansheng shouted to stop.

The Rolls-Royce had just parked by the roadside when Huo Niansheng got out of the car. He slammed the door shut and jogged all the way.

This was the coastline where he and Chen Wengang had last visited, just in a different spot.

The seawall here was very steep, almost vertical, with the railing directly above the dark sea. It was around four o’clock in the afternoon, the weather was gloomy, already dark like evening, with the waves crashing against the embankment, roaring fiercely.

Chen Wengang sat on the railing, his shoulders thin, the strong wind filling his clothes.

Even if he didn’t let go, he seemed like he could be blown off at any moment.

Huo Niansheng held his breath as he approached step by step from behind. When he was close enough, he gently called out, “Wengang.”

His voice was swept away by the wind as soon as it left his mouth, replaced by the whistling sound of the wind.

But Chen Wengang had already noticed his arrival. He turned his head, locking eyes with Huo Niansheng.

Compared to Huo Niansheng, Chen Wengang felt strangely calm inside.

A few hours ago, he had indeed been unable to bear it, whether it was a momentary impulse or a long-considered decision. After dismissing the caregiver, he locked the door and took the elevator downstairs. He was familiar with the terrain around here, attracting attention from passersby. He got on a bus and made his way to the seaside.

But Chen Wengang stared at his phone. He knew his account was linked to Huo Niansheng’s. He didn’t know when Huo Niansheng would discover he was gone. If he found out early, he might come rushing over in a few hours.

He suddenly wanted to take one last look at Huo Niansheng, as if holding on to the last bit of obsession.

Until the familiar figure truly came into view, Chen Wengang seemed to wake up from a dream. Amidst the chaotic thoughts, rationality suddenly returned — he was simply crazy, he didn’t even know what he was thinking. How could he jump in front of Huo Niansheng?

But fleetingly, another thought surfaced, only to be quickly suppressed — would Huo Niansheng remember him?

As the other approached step by step, Chen Wengang remained motionless. He waited patiently. When he was within reach, Huo Niansheng took a big step forward. Chen Wengang didn’t resist at all, allowing himself to be pulled down easily, like a feather.

Huo Niansheng grabbed him tightly, almost dragging him all the way. They returned to the car, and Huo Niansheng opened the door, stuffing Chen Wengang inside before sitting in himself. Chen Wengang was in an uncomfortable position from being thrown in and didn’t have time to adjust before being held down.

Huo Niansheng raised his hand and slapped him on the buttocks.

He scolded Chen Wengang, “Has no one taught you that it’s dangerous to climb high and sit low?”

Chen Wengang seemed somewhat surprised and glanced at him, then closed his eyes without saying a word. He had caused this scene, and it was only right for Huo Niansheng to be angry. Still furious, Huo Niansheng slapped him twice more, and the driver in the front seat remained silent, as if there was no third person in the car at all.

Chen Wengang’s fingers curled up, and he heard the whistling wind being shut out of the window, making the interior of the car even quieter. Only Huo Niansheng was speaking, questioning Chen Wengang about his safety awareness, knowing not to sit on the railing, but never mentioning his subjective intentions. As if this was just a whim of Chen Wengang’s, recklessly coming out to see the sea in such terrible weather.

Huo Niansheng regained his composure. He instructed the driver to drive, and Lao Li immediately turned the key and started the car.

On the way back, heavy rain poured down.

Just like the day when Chen Wengang first came to Yun Ding Mansion.

Before Lao Li left, Chen Wengang apologized for giving him unnecessary work.

From the parking garage to the elevator, Huo Niansheng held onto his wrist tightly, showing no sign of loosening his grip. They returned home, and Huo Niansheng pushed Chen Wengang’s shoulder, urging him inside. Chen Wengang changed into slippers, seemingly letting out a sigh of relief.

Chen Wengang sat curled up on the sofa, holding his knees, watching Huo Niansheng go in and out of the kitchen.

Huo Niansheng had already reprimanded him, and after returning home, he didn’t mention it again. Although those few slaps and a few reprimands, as a punishment, seemed like child’s play compared to the nature of Chen Wengang’s actions. The rain outside was too heavy, and Huo Niansheng simply made some food himself. He defrosted the minced meat from the refrigerator, cooked a pot of porridge, added a plate of fermented bean curd, and then called Chen Wengang to wash up and eat.

After dinner, the dishes piled up on the table, Chen Wengang stood up and reached out to clean up.

He put the tableware in the dishwasher, washed his hands, and dried them. When he turned around, Huo Niansheng was leaning against the door frame, quietly watching him.

Huo Niansheng hugged him tightly, as if holding onto something extremely fragile.

He kissed Chen Wengang’s forehead and then leaned down to kiss his eyelids.

Chen Wengang’s eyes suddenly welled up with tears.

He hugged Huo Niansheng, sobbing softly, for quite some time. Huo Niansheng had never seen him cry before, not even once during the most difficult times. Chen Wengang buried his face in Huo Niansheng’s chest, tears rolling down one by one, as if his emotions had been delayed for a long time before finally catching up with him. Huo Niansheng held him, patting his back and comforting him in a low voice.

They lay on the bed, warming each other with their body heat, as the rain poured down, washing away everything.

Perhaps Huo Niansheng hoped that the events of that day would be washed away by the rain, as if nothing had ever happened.

Later, Chen Wengang also promised not to “run away from home” again. Huo Niansheng could choose not to investigate further, but some things were tacitly understood, like hidden undercurrents beneath a calm river, unseen yet present.

The caregiver followed Chen Wengang even more cautiously, never letting him out of sight for a moment.

Safety hazards in the house were also eliminated one by one. The knife rack in the kitchen was put away in the cupboard, which was now secured with a password lock. The locks were added to the French windows, making them completely immovable, and the razor in the bathroom was replaced with a non-detachable electric one.

In the entire apartment, finding a pair of scissors, a lighter, or even a metal rod became increasingly difficult.

Huo Niansheng spent more and more time at home, doing his best to accompany Chen Wengang. His demeanor had become remarkably gentle.

But gentleness couldn’t stop Chen Wengang, nor could Huo Niansheng necessarily stop himself.

He committed an extreme act for the second time — Chen Wengang took several tablets of cefuroxime axetil and then managed to open the liquor cabinet.

Taking cephalosporin antibiotics and alcohol at the same time can cause a disulfiram-like reaction, with severe cases leading to shock or even death.

Fortunately, the caregiver discovered it in time, and the ambulance rushed Chen Wengang to the hospital for gastric lavage.

When Chen Wengang woke up, there was already an IV needle in the back of his hand. Someone was talking to the doctor outside. He lay on the hospital bed, feeling nauseous, wanting to vomit, and feeling extremely dizzy. After a while, the door opened, and Huo Niansheng walked in, dragging a chair to sit by the bedside.

Chen Wengang couldn’t forget his expression for a long time afterward.

Huo Niansheng didn’t get angry, didn’t feel helpless, nor was he indifferent. He just stared at Chen Wengang for a long time, his expression calm.

He leaned down and spoke softly to Chen Wengang, without even a hint of emphasis.

Chen Wengang turned his head away, feeling guilty.

When he was able to sit up, someone brought him a thick set of evaluation forms to fill out.

Chen Wengang filled them out twice.

The results of the first round showed mild depression and mild anxiety tendencies. The next day, the person who gave him the forms brought another set, urging him kindly to fill them out truthfully. After he recovered, he was transferred to the psychiatric department for a more comprehensive examination.

They conducted EEG, head CT, ECG, and blood tests, and checked liver and kidney function and thyroid function.

Severe depression and severe anxiety, accompanied by severe somatization symptoms, and impaired cognitive function.

The result was not easy to accept, but it seemed to finally provide some answers, better than stumbling in the dark without a clue.

Since the illness could be treated, the doctor’s recommendation was medication.

However, most psychiatric medications come with serious side effects. Huo Niansheng opened a box of paroxetine hydrochloride, studying the excessively long instructions, which listed: headache, nausea, loss of appetite, loss of libido, and liver and kidney damage…

He asked the doctor, “Can’t you prescribe milder medication? How about imported drugs? Are there any that are less torturous?”

The doctor explained in the corridor, “Mr. Huo, it’s not a matter of money. If the patient doesn’t need it, we certainly won’t prescribe it casually. Most psychiatric medications act on the central nervous system. How could there be one with less harm?”

Chen Wengang sat on the sofa, still curled up with his knees, watching the two people outside discuss.

When Huo Niansheng came in again, he still had a cynical look on his face. With his hands in his pockets, he threw several boxes of medicine onto the table. One box slipped over, falling to the ground. He bent down to pick it up, standing in front of the table, seemingly lost in thought, before finally letting out a long sigh.

When Huo Niansheng turned around, he jokingly said with resignation, “Darling, you really know how to jinx me.”

Chen Wengang put his legs down from the sofa, opened his mouth as if to say something, but was stopped by this remark.

He looked at Huo Niansheng, seeming unable to react, yet also not understanding his attitude. As Huo Niansheng walked over, he spoke in an unprecedentedly gentle tone, caressing and playing with Chen Wengang, twirling a strand of his hair: “Then let’s try taking them? If you feel uncomfortable, we’ll stop.”

Chen Wengang didn’t object, and besides, he didn’t have a choice. This was about being responsible for himself and the people around him.

He nodded.

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