DLRAS Chapter 123 [Past]

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Chapter 123: Just assume that I really like doing good deeds.

There wasn’t much to tidy up in the hospital. Even so, by the time Chen Wengang set off for the hospital, it was already past noon.

Chen Wengang got into the car, and Huo Niansheng opened the car door for him in advance, then walked around to the other side.

He was pleasantly surprised; he hadn’t expected Mr. Huo to personally accompany him to the hospital.

The driver gripped the steering wheel and signaled to his employer.

Huo Niansheng glanced at Chen Wengang and said, “Let’s go.”

Yesterday, the driver went to the dock area to return the rented house and brought Chen Wengang’s things over — actually not much, just a few pieces of clothing and personal documents. He didn’t need the basin or tooth mug. There were only a few clothes and personal documents left, and a 26-inch suitcase was enough to fit them.

The scenery receded along the way, and Chen Wengang inexplicably remembered a winter from his childhood.

He had a high fever for several days, and his father took him to the children’s hospital. Most of the children were held by their mothers, and when the doctor examined him, he instinctively looked behind the man holding the child and asked, “Where’s the child’s mother? She didn’t come? I need to ask about the child’s condition in detail.”

The fever persisted, and the diagnosis was pneumonia. His father was busy with work and couldn’t stay at the hospital every day, so he entrusted the nurses to take care of him more.

In his memory, the nurses were very gentle with him, even though his parents weren’t there, he received thoughtful care.

There was a round-faced nurse with her hair tied up who looked a lot like the girl next door, and she would give him a lollipop every day.

But his impression of being hospitalized was mostly fear. There probably weren’t many children who weren’t afraid of going to the hospital; the glaring white walls, the pervasive smell of disinfectant, the cold iron box brought by the nurse, the chilling alcohol, the needle drawing medicine in and pushing out a string of tears…

Thinking back to that time, he stayed in the hospital alone for a long time, but he didn’t have a concept of how long. After all, he was young, just hoping to go home every day, hoping for his dad to come pick him up, hoping not to get injections or IV drips, yearning so much, feeling like he would wait forever.

Private hospitals didn’t have such a strong smell of disinfectant.

The main decoration was warm-toned, decorated simply and warmly, even a bit like a hotel, just with more complete accessibility facilities.

There was no need to queue for examinations, and after spending an afternoon, one thing was done here, and Amanda had already handled the hospital admission procedures over there.

When Huo Niansheng asked, “Can you manage by yourself?” It reminded Chen Wengang of his father once again.

Two completely different people said the same thing in completely different situations.

Huo Niansheng left him to be hospitalized here and went back himself.

In fact, this time doesn’t count as being alone. When the boss left, Amanda stayed at the hospital. Chen Wengang and her exchanged polite greetings, but there was hardly any communication beyond eating and drinking. She only helped with some procedures, and as for taking care of him, that was the responsibility of the doctors and nurses. Huo Niansheng, the assistant, was considerate but strictly business-like; he wouldn’t say a word more than necessary.

Chen Wengang didn’t need to chat with anyone anyway.

Most of the time, he remained silent, whether the doctors explained his condition or made treatment plans, he just listened, nodded in agreement. At his age, he couldn’t possibly be afraid of injections or IV drips anymore. As for physical pain, he was numb to it.

As the sky dimmed, the nurse brought in a light hospital meal.

The ward was a deluxe suite, with two rooms and a living room. For safety reasons, there were no locks on the doors, and the windows could only be opened slightly.

But there were plenty of things to pass the time in the room, and entertainment facilities were complete. There was a large-screen color TV, a game console with cartridges, a small bookshelf with classic novels and some popular reading materials, and various magazines subscribed regularly.

The dimming sky swallowed up the outlines of these items. In a little while, it would be completely dark, making it impossible to see anything.

The utensils were placed back at the door, and Chen Wengang curled up on the single sofa, lost in thought.

He experienced the gradual descent of his vision into darkness.

After all the examinations were done, the doctor sentenced his lost eyesight again; permanent damage to the right eye, with only a faint sense of light remaining, recovery was impossible. The best-case scenario now was to preserve the existing vision in his left eye.

This was a fact Chen Wengang had long accepted. Yet, after listening, Huo Niansheng bombarded the doctor with many questions.

Leaning against the corridor wall, Chen Wengang touched the handrail, feeling an urge to tell him to stop asking.

He actually didn’t want to see, hear, or feel any signs of hopelessness.

Like a building with its foundation destroyed, tottering on the verge of collapse, everyone could see it couldn’t be restored. In such an obvious situation, what was the point of asking incessantly? Knowing there’s no hope isn’t enough; what’s the use of asking one more question?

When Huo Niansheng left, Chen Wengang stood behind the curtain, watching him leave the hospital building.

The tall figure grew smaller and smaller, gradually becoming a black dot.

Chen Wengang suddenly felt sorrowful, thinking he didn’t know how to appreciate what he had.

When the nurse pushed the cart into the room, she almost tripped, thinking there was no one inside.

She slapped her chest and turned on the light. Chen Wengang took the medicine from her hand and drank it with water. She helped him check the wounds on his face.

He knew there were many people in the world with disabilities, not one more than him, not one less than him. But in life, no one can replace anyone else. Compared to distant inspirational stories, Chen Wengang could only see the scope of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The next week seemed a bit more distant, the next month, the next year… He couldn’t imagine where he would be by then.

There’s an old saying that goes “Rescue the urgent, not the poor.” When he was stuck in the mud, it was Huo Niansheng who unexpectedly lent him a hand.

And then, what next?

Two days later, Huo Niansheng came to the hospital again, pushed open the door, but the ward was empty.

Amanda rushed over when she heard the news. She told her boss, “Mr. Chen went out for a walk at this time.”

Huo Niansheng didn’t take the elevator, slowly walking down the stairs. The ward floor wasn’t high, just four floors.

It was late autumn, the outdoor sky had a cold metallic white tone, divided into irregular shapes by the sprawling branches. The leaves were almost all fallen, leaving only the desolate tree trunks standing by the water. The water level of the lake was not high, creating a sense of desolation between the water and the trees.

Huo Niansheng spotted Chen Wengang by the lake. It was cold, and he was wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown with a white knitted cardigan on top.

There was a nurse talking to him, and Chen Wengang was looking up, responding to something.

As Huo Niansheng walked over, his leather shoes made a clicking sound on the wooden boardwalk.

Both of them looked over at the same time.

The nurse smiled at Mr. Huo, exchanged a few words, and then left. Chen Wengang remained seated on the bench, turning his head to size him up.

Huo Niansheng sat down on his left, leaving a space of one person in between. “Zheng Baoqiu has been asking around about you lately,” he said.

Chen Wengang paused for a long time, as if considering his words carefully, then spoke slowly, “Did you tell her I’m here?”

Huo Niansheng countered, “Do you want me to tell her, or not?”

“If you haven’t told her yet, then forget it,” Chen Wengang turned his head away. “And don’t give her my current number either.”

Huo Niansheng crossed his legs, his arm resting on the back of the chair. “Why not even tell her? I remember your relationship was still good.”

Chen Wengang stared at the ground in front of his feet, offering a strained reason, “Just because it’s good doesn’t mean I want her to worry unnecessarily.”

Seeing his stubbornness, Huo Niansheng couldn’t help but glance over. Chen Wengang hugged his arms and pulled his cardigan closer.

His thin shoulders hunched, with clear blue veins visible on the fair back of his hand, while the back of his other hand bore heavy scars. He resembled the withered trees in front of him, blending silently into the quiet background, devoid of vitality.

Huo Niansheng looked at those old trees, knowing that come next spring, most of them would sprout new leaves, welcoming a lush summer.

But there might be a few that would wither and die, those would be eliminated, dug out, and replaced with new trees.

He shifted his gaze to the right, where Chen Wengang’s half-face was bathed in the watery sunlight.

Huo Niansheng quietly recalled that he had never seen a resentful expression on this face.

Even when he saw him at his worst — Huo Niansheng remembered under the bridge, Chen Wengang hiding in the shadows, his eyes looking at him, that gaze had haunted Huo Niansheng’s dreams lately. He still remembered every bit of confusion, fragility, and loneliness in it.

But there was no hatred, no resentment, no bitterness, those darkest emotions of human nature seemed to have no place with the person in front of him.

As Chen Wengang waited for him to speak, he glanced at Huo Niansheng.

Huo Niansheng uncrossed his legs and suddenly turned his body.

In Chen Wengang’s impression, this young master always wore a look of disdainful mockery, as if he saw through the world’s affairs and looked down on everyone. Thinking so, Chen Wengang suddenly saw him inching closer, as if he was about to start mocking.

But he just sighed, “Still hurting?”

Chen Wengang was momentarily at a loss for words.

The cold wind blew, swirling a few yellow leaves onto the ground by the bench. The autumn wind was already chilly, making the hand covering his face feel unusually warm — and in Huo Niansheng’s gaze, there was also a warmth that couldn’t be ignored.

That hand reached for Chen Wengang’s earlobe, startling him. He shook his head, pushing away Huo Niansheng’s hand.

“Are you asking if it hurts or not?”

Huo Niansheng said, “It seemed to be a bit infected before, but it looks better now.”

“It’s fine now,” Chen Wengang replied, feeling tense and stiff because of his concern. “It only hurts when touched.”

He had retreated to one end of the bench, almost about to fall off. Huo Niansheng reached out to pull him back, but as soon as his hand stretched out, Chen Wengang abruptly stood up. Then he realized his reaction was a bit too intense. Huo Niansheng stood up as well, but didn’t say anything.

Both remained silent as they walked along the lakeside path, one after the other.

When they reached the end, Chen Wengang hesitated for a moment before speaking, “When can I be discharged?”

Huo Niansheng chuckled, “You’re asking me? Shouldn’t you listen to the doctor? What did the doctor say?”

Chen Wengang lowered his gaze and said, “Nothing else was said, just to observe for a few more days.”

Huo Niansheng raised an eyebrow. “Then why the hurry? How about staying here for a while longer?”

A bitter smile tugged at the corner of Chen Wengang’s lips. “It’s not up to me to say such things.”

When he was a child in the children’s hospital, he remembered a ward crowded with three or four children, with every bed occupied. It was only in private hospitals like this, where money talked, that doors were always open, as long as you could foot the bill, doctors and nurses had no objections.

Provided someone was willing to foot the bill for him.

Chen Wengang hung his head.

But Huo Niansheng didn’t seem to mind spending money. “Just to be safe, it’s better to stay a bit longer. Everything is convenient here, at least.”

Chen Wengang suddenly stopped walking and stared at him. “How much does it cost for me to stay in this room for a day?”

Huo Niansheng smiled and said, “So you’re worried that I can’t afford it? That’s unnecessary.”

Chen Wengang whispered, “No, I just want to calculate how much I owe you in the future.”

Huo Niansheng patted his back. “Who said you have to pay me back?”

Despite the cold weather, Chen Wengang’s back was sweating a little, and even the places touched by Huo Niansheng’s hand through his clothes felt warm.

But after Huo Niansheng finished speaking, there was no follow-up. It was as if he deliberately kept silent, leaving things hanging.

Rather than testing, Chen Wengang even had the urge to ask him directly, “And then what? What do you plan to do with me?”

These days, every time he woke up, the first thing he felt was a sense of confusion about his situation.

Alone, like a sandbar in the water, with no way out in any direction, no one to discuss or confide in. His future was in Huo Niansheng’s hands, but his indifferent attitude and ambiguous answers seemed to offer no answers.

The hospital lake was beautiful, and though the sunlight wasn’t bright, the scenery had a unique charm. Huo Niansheng accompanied him for another hour-long walk.

He appeared very gentlemanly, escorting Chen Wengang back to his ward before bidding farewell and leaving.

Chen Wengang lay on the bed, facing away from the door, resting his head on his arms. This time, he didn’t go to the window to see Huo Niansheng, but his mind was still filled with the image of that gradually fading figure. It was difficult for him to guess the purpose of Huo Niansheng’s distant visit to the hospital. Was it just to catch a glimpse of him?

Suddenly, Chen Wengang got up from the bed and walked to the window.

There was only a worker squatting in the empty space in front of the building, clearing away weeds.

Huo Niansheng’s visit frequency to the hospital seemed to be maintained at two to three times a week. As for other times, Chen Wengang didn’t know what he was doing. Directly asking him would undoubtedly be inappropriate, and there was no way to pry any information from the assistant girl’s mouth.

During his hospitalization, Amanda was always with Chen Wengang.

Of course, Chen Wengang never arrogantly ordered her around, and he rarely bothered her even when he needed something. After all, he didn’t have the authority to command her, so her job here was actually quite easy. Most of the time, she just needed to report the situation to Huo Niansheng.

One time, Chen Wengang overheard her making a phone call, holding up her phone to recount the doctor’s words about his eye condition.

He pretended not to hear and turned away, intentionally avoiding her, and went for another walk by the lake.

Truth be told, before this, Chen Wengang had always thought that Huo Niansheng wouldn’t be interested in someone like him, insignificant and unremarkable.

Or perhaps he wouldn’t even remember him.

They had crossed paths before. Chen Wengang remembered meeting Huo Niansheng since primary school, the first encounter being at the Zheng family banquet. But over the years, the other party had changed significantly, and reminiscing about things from so long ago seemed pointless. By the time they reached adulthood, Chen Wengang’s impression of Huo Niansheng was merely that of a notorious playboy in the city, living a life of luxury and debauchery.

That was it.

He had even considered why the other had become like this, but these inconspicuous thoughts, like snowflakes in winter, light and fleeting, might dissipate before they even touched the ground.

There was one thing that was beyond doubt: Huo Niansheng was the complete opposite of him and Zheng Yucheng.

Even though they were both from prominent families, there were differences in upbringing and family ethos. Clearly, the young master of the Huo family had received less discipline and had been indulged by his family to roam freely outside. This was unimaginable in the Zheng family, so Zheng Yucheng had always warned Chen Wengang to keep his distance from Huo Niansheng, to prevent him from getting influenced.

Of course, there was a considerable selfish motive behind Zheng Yucheng’s insistence, as he was Huo Meijie’s nephew and Zheng Maoxun’s cousin. It was only natural for him to dislike the cheap relatives surnamed Huo. Chen Wengang didn’t have this level of identity opposition; he only had the obligation to unconditionally stand by Zheng Yucheng’s side, love what he loved, and detest what he detested. It started as childhood friends, then developed into lovers, no need for further explanation.

Ironically, what was it now?

Zheng Yucheng had betrayed him first.

But Huo Niansheng didn’t hold grudges, and who could have predicted that such a day would come?

Chen Wengang finally realized that his understanding of Huo Niansheng was actually as shallow as paper. To say they were old acquaintances was not even close to understanding.

But to say he didn’t understand was to always listen to every gossip about the other as an after-dinner conversation seasoning.

In comparison, Huo Niansheng’s private life seemed rich and colorful compared to Chen Wengang’s bland social circle. Indulging in nightlife, occasionally seen with various handsome men and beautiful women, it aroused both envy and disdain.

But all of this seemed unrelated to Huo Niansheng. Regardless of the rumors swirling around him, he just did his own thing.

As long as he didn’t break the law, who could control him? Could the law judge him for changing partners like changing clothes?

Chen Wengang couldn’t help but wonder if when Huo Niansheng came to visit the hospital, he had just gotten out of bed with one of his lovers.

This kind of speculation itself carried a sense of irresponsibility and malicious conjecture. After thinking about it, he would probably reflect on it, but when sitting alone bored, he couldn’t help but entertain these idle thoughts, otherwise there was really nothing else to pass the time.

The entertainment equipment in the ward was complete, but Chen Wengang could actually use very little of it. Due to his injured eyes and surgery, he needed to control his screen time as much as possible. He hardly used his phone unless necessary, and at most, he would watch limited TV for a while.

His main way of obtaining external information became traditional newspapers and magazines, as well as chatting with medical staff.

Chen Wengang had recently developed a habit of listening to the radio.

The local radio station seemed to have some entertainment channels. One time, Chen Wengang tuned in from the music station and just switched to this channel when he heard the exaggerated tone of the male and female hosts in the conversation. Although they didn’t mention any names, it still made his heart skip a beat.

After listening for a couple more sentences, he realized they were discussing the recent public appearances of a certain rising actress in the entertainment industry.

The male and female hosts had playful tones, joking and teasing. Although they dared to say anything, they were also clever enough to avoid legal trouble by emphasizing that the content might not be accurate and adopting a “believe it or not” attitude, using phrases like “heard,” “reportedly,” and “informants.”

They mentioned that recently, a certain young master Huo had been accompanying the actress in and out of hotels, leaving traces late at night.

The actress was propelled by capital, now enjoying success and abundant resources, and the audience was left to speculate about the process.

The radio, unlike newspapers, didn’t even have physical photos taken without permission published. The scene was entirely described by two mouths, which only fueled more imagination.

Chen Wengang frowned as he listened to the entire program before switching to the next channel.

When the nurse came in, he had already turned off the radio, leaning against the window, not knowing what he was looking at outside.

Such gossip programs were actually not worth worrying about. Having listened to it, he would forget it, and when Huo Niansheng came next time, everything would be as usual. However, watching him talk to the attending physician still gave Chen Wengang a strange sense of unfamiliarity and disconnection.

You might know someone’s face but not their heart. How much could you really know about a person? Which side of them could you understand?

The attending physician told Huo Niansheng nothing more than what Amanda had already relayed about the course of treatment. Chen Wengang already had a rough idea, but he still had to listen to it again in detail after coming to the hospital personally. If it was just about the facial injury, it was naturally in the process of healing. However, the scars left behind would not disappear on their own, still looking shocking, which was unavoidable.

The doctor suggested considering cosmetic repair work in a few months.

It was clear that it would be a long and expensive process, with no certainty about how many surgeries would be needed.

In his mind, Chen Wengang actually ruled out this option at the first moment.

For some reason, he just felt uninterested. He couldn’t muster any interest in how much his appearance could be restored. Even Huo Niansheng seemed more enthusiastic about it than he was, spending a long time in the dean’s office before returning to the ward.

Chen Wengang curled up on the sofa, pretending to read a magazine, but actually, he repeatedly read a paragraph, still not understanding the literal meaning of the words.

His thoughts were focused on the sound of the door opening, closing, and footsteps getting closer. Chen Wengang raised his gaze slightly, just over two centimeters above the top of the book, but not enough to look directly at the person approaching until a pair of shiny leather shoes barged in, stopping in front of him.

Then there was a slight sink next to him, and Huo Niansheng also took a seat on the sofa. “Working so hard, aren’t you supposed to rest your eyes more?”

Chen Wengang smiled. “It’s okay to look for a while. Otherwise, it’s boring. I can’t just stop using my eyes forever.”

Huo Niansheng shifted to a more comfortable position and leaned back. Then he asked, “Do you want to undergo reconstructive surgery?”

Chen Wengang sighed inwardly, anticipating this question. He shook his head.

Huo Niansheng asked, “Why don’t you want to? Afraid of the pain?”

Chen Wengang looked at him, preparing his response in his mind. But before he could speak, Huo Niansheng said, “Oh, I see. It’s the usual ‘don’t want to spend your money,’ ‘don’t want to be a bother’ routine, right? With this kind of question, you’ll definitely say you don’t want to.”

He leaned forward, his expression becoming more serious. “Please consider it, okay?”

Chen Wengang was momentarily speechless.

During this time together, whether the other party was joking, angry, or speaking coldly, Chen Wengang had become accustomed to it. However, Huo Niansheng suddenly showing such a rare serious expression exerted a kind of pressure that was hard to resist. Chen Wengang felt his mind swell, and he could only go along with him.


Huo Niansheng chuckled and took out a lighter from his pocket. “You’re such a person. Are you susceptible to persuasion, or do you need a harder approach?”

There was no need to refute. Chen Wengang self-deprecatingly said, “I can see things clearly. Right now, I’m eating whose meal.”

Smoking was prohibited in the ward, and Huo Niansheng was just playing with the lighter, opening and closing the metal lid, producing a flickering flame.

He suddenly laughed, glanced at Chen Wengang, and put the lighter back in his pocket. “Well done, making progress. I prefer this kind of pragmatic attitude over pretending to be high and mighty.”

Chen Wengang remained calm, without feeling offended. It was as if a part of his fervor and passion had permanently disappeared, like the setting sun hanging in the sky, no longer possessing dazzling power. But there were still clouds in the sky, burning fiercely with momentum, casting a slanted light into the room, coating every piece of furniture with a layer of tranquil red, serene and silent.

Interestingly, Huo Niansheng, for some reason, hadn’t left yet at this time. Normally, each time he visited, the duration varied, sometimes only staying for half an hour, and other times sitting for up to two hours.

Chen Wengang didn’t want to rush him away, on the contrary, he hoped that he would make an exception and stay a little longer.

Having someone to chat with for a few more moments would be good.

Actually, it was quite strange. Before truly understanding this person, Chen Wengang had unknowingly developed a sense of dependence on him. Or as Chen Wengang himself admitted, he could only rely on Huo Niansheng in every aspect now, just going along with the flow.

But for Huo Niansheng, even if his reputation was notorious, there was still something different about him.

At least Chen Wengang couldn’t imagine himself showing this vulnerable side to anyone else.

Yes, venerable.

This word was like a bubble suddenly rising from the water, bubbling up and slowly becoming clear in his mind.

Chen Wengang hugged his knees, facing his inner self in the blood-red sunset, and for the first time after being injured, he examined his past. Even if, hypothetically, he was facing Zheng Yucheng, who had never betrayed him, he would never want the other party to see his unbearable and hurtful experiences.

From childhood to adulthood, he had always been the outstanding one.

Putting in ten times, a hundred times the effort, just to receive a word of praise from others, he had done it, done it very well. So he became particularly intolerant of his own imperfections. Perhaps this was a kind of vanity, but destroying these things would be equivalent to destroying everything he had achieved in the past.

And what was good about Huo Niansheng was that he didn’t look down on anyone, treating everyone equally.

So every time he was stared at by those eyes, containing mockery and ridicule, Chen Wengang suddenly found it amusing. Perhaps because of this, no matter what happened, he would be seen through by the other party, so subconsciously, he felt that there was no need to pretend anymore.

Moreover, in front of this person, even the most unbearable and embarrassing aspects had been exposed. The other party had seen everything, understood everything, and knew exactly how he had struggled in the quagmire, even if it was uglier, how much uglier could it get?

Perhaps because the atmosphere was right, Chen Wengang directly asked Huo Niansheng for the first time, “Why exactly are you helping me?”

But Huo Niansheng still didn’t give a direct answer. “What do you think? Don’t I seem like a person who likes to do good deeds?”

Chen Wengang gave him a faint smile. “I can’t tell. Do you think I’m pitiful?”

Huo Niansheng smiled and said, “No, I don’t. Just consider it as me genuinely enjoying doing good deeds.”

Chen Wengang didn’t argue with him. “Several times already, you’ve said I’m pretentious. Actually, before, I didn’t quite agree. I thought, with my background of being raised by others since childhood, many people had their eyes on me, waiting to see how much advantage I would take. Many times, it’s not that I wanted to act this way, but what else could I do if I didn’t? But now I realize, maybe you were right.”

Huo Niansheng gestured for him to continue.

Chen Wengang stared at the coaster on the coffee table. “I remember a few years ago, you said some things, something about me needing to figure out what I want as soon as possible, that sort of thing. At the time, I didn’t listen, always thinking you were mocking me. But look at me now, I’m really in a miserable state, as if everything you said would come true sooner or later.”

He brought this up, seemingly unexpected by Huo Niansheng, who remained silent for a moment, not speaking.

After a while, he spoke again, “You misunderstood, I didn’t mean anything bad. I won’t say it again in the future.”

Chen Wengang turned his head to look at him. The sunset had gone down, the dusk was thickening, darkness was gradually deepening, enveloping them little by little.

In the hazy veil of night, Huo Niansheng gradually leaned in, getting closer and closer to Chen Wengang.

The distance between them had become a bit dangerous, with only a fist’s distance between their chests.

They could almost feel each other’s breath.

Suddenly, there were two knocks on the door. Chen Wengang reflexively moved away, and Huo Niansheng said, “Come in.” Amanda pushed open the door, turning on the lights in the room, and reminded the boss that there was a call for him: “It’s Lawyer Zhu, he wants to discuss a few people’s matters with you.”

Author’s Note:

Actually, I think the author doesn’t need to explain the characters separately; otherwise, it would mean the characterization has failed. However, when it comes to the phrase “纵情风月场所” (“indulging in romantic and passionate places”), although the main text implies it’s a smokescreen behavior, considering that some readers might skim through and misinterpret it, it’s better to add a few more words to clarify and rectify it.

As for the character of Huo Niansheng, it’s not that the author forces him to be a “fake playboy,” but rather that it’s necessary for him to be like that for it to be reasonable. Lao Huo suffered a setback in his early years due to being falsely accused by his cousin of being in a relationship, so why would he start having promiscuous relationships after going abroad? If that were the case, firstly, this character would be too stupid and wouldn’t match his scheming personality. Tripping once is fine, but wanting to fall hard again is absurd. Secondly, it would be too low, succumbing so easily to self-abandonment, just encountering a little adversity, and being driven by instinctual desires that one can’t control their lower body. Anyone like this is just finding excuses to slide downhill for themselves. If the character were this low, how could he make the later actions towards Chen Wengang, whom he has deep feelings for? The character would be completely disjointed.

Of course, as for Lao Huo’s deliberate indulgence and disregard for reputation, it’s his passive resistance against the “family’s reputation” that other members of the Huo family try to maintain. He won’t do useless self-justification in the face of adversity because self-justification is difficult and passive. He matured early and saw through this very young, so when falsely accused, if he doesn’t get the trust and respect he deserves, he’d rather choose extreme measures to drag the other party down. No one has a perfect personality. On the one hand, he enjoys taking revenge, but on the other hand, the side effect is that he’ll not only be misunderstood by outsiders but also by those who want to get close to him.

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