DLRAS Chapter 118

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Chapter 118: What’s your impression of me?

The next morning, when he opened his eyes, he saw a red and white socks hanging at the head of the bed. Chen Wengang was momentarily confused but soon came to his senses.
He shouted to Huo Niansheng, “Do you think I’m a child?”
The socks were filled with colorful candies. Chen Wengang unwrapped one and tasted it, squinting from the unexpected sourness, deceived by its appearance.
Huo Niansheng returned from the bathroom after shaving, jumped onto the bed, his eyes filled with a teasing smile: “What else would you be if not a child in my eyes? The first time I saw you at the Zheng family’s home, you were in a blue elementary school uniform, wearing suspenders and calf socks.”
Chen Wengang bit into the candy angrily and then, hugging his neck, asked, “You still remember me?”

“Of course I remember, but you were very young then. You probably don’t remember me.”
“No, I actually do remember.”
“Really? What do you remember about me?”
“Well, I thought you were an unprincipled older brother.”
Knowing where he was ticklish, Huo Niansheng reached into his pajamas and tickled him, making Chen Wengang laugh until he was breathless, and they both laughed and played together.
Chen Wengang touched Huo Niansheng’s cheek. He really did remember the first time he saw that face.
It was at the first family banquet he attended after arriving at the Zheng family’s home. There were too many unfamiliar faces, and the various glances and comments left an elementary school student feeling helpless. He stood awkwardly against the wall, stepping back to make way for others, and bumped into a young man.
Huo Niansheng, wearing a three-piece suit and in the transition from youth to adulthood, looked down at him.
Then Chen Wengang heard Zheng Yucheng come over and say, “That’s Zheng Maoxun’s cousin, don’t pay attention to him.”
As they played around, they grew intimate again—spending two undisturbed days in this secluded paradise, living a life of intense passion, like Adam and Eve in the garden, putting on and taking off their clothes so frequently that sometimes Chen Wengang couldn’t remember his state.
Chen Wengang realized that he was not the only one feeling insecure.
Huo Niansheng just didn’t show it, but whenever he thought about it, he would coax Chen Wengang to repeatedly say “I love you,” anytime and anywhere, as if trying to fill the void of the past. They never mentioned the letter that brought a lifetime of regret, but when emotions ran deep, Huo Niansheng would passionately express his feelings while holding him so tightly as if to merge him into his very being.
Chen Wengang embraced and accepted him with deep tenderness.
It wasn’t until after Christmas that they went down the mountain and returned to the city center.
If it weren’t for many unresolved matters, Chen Wengang believed they could have lingered until the New Year’s holiday.

When he met Huo Zhenfei, the thick winter clothes couldn’t hide the blue and red marks on Chen Wengang’s neck.
Huo Zhenfei coughed and pretended not to notice, then glanced at Huo Niansheng and said, “The police have been managed. The main issue is that Second Uncle and his faction are suspected of illegal business operations and money laundering. You will be going to the police as a witness to answer questions and fulfill your civic duty by providing them with information. This is standard procedure. All the senior executives of the group, including my father and me, have already gone through this.”
He was partly explaining this to Chen Wengang, who threatened to implicate half of the Huo family at the slightest provocation.
Then Huo Zhenfei added, “We also need to cooperate with the investigation into their attempt to bribe the local assistant to kidnap you. That assistant is probably dead now, leaving no direct evidence. However, traces can still be found in his account transactions. Huo Yingfei, who can’t keep his mouth shut, let it slip. It’s said that it was done by a confidant of Second Uncle, but Second Uncle himself was unaware.”
Chen Wengang replied, “In this way, your Second Uncle’s sentence will be reduced. But do you believe he is innocent?”
Huo Zhenfei gave a dry laugh, “The rest is up to the police to investigate.”
Chen Wengang understood his thoughts—the Huo family’s second branch was already involved in money laundering, a major economic crime. Adding internal strife and hiring thugs to kidnap family members would be even more sensational. Such a scandal, if it got out, would lead to at least half a year of gossip.
But he also knew that if he showed leniency now, it might result in the other party sending him and many Huo family members to their graves.
Chen Wengang advised, “Since your uncle is ruthless enough to disregard family ties, I think it would be better to end this quickly rather than prolong the pain.”
Huo Zhenfei turned to look at him. In Chen Wengang’s gentle eyes, there was a cold and determined ruthlessness.
He said, “Of course, we still need to discuss this together and plan carefully.”
Chen Wengang smiled, “It should be discussed, but even if you don’t act, Huo Niansheng will. The knife is already at our throats. There’s no room to retreat. Today it’s him in danger; tomorrow, they might target you, your son, your parents, or your wife.”
Providing evidence was quick. After Huo Niansheng signed, he came out.
Chen Wengang immediately switched to a smile, went up to him, and wrapped a scarf around him.

Huo Zhenfei watched as Chen Wengang clung to Huo Niansheng like a dependent lover. Huo Niansheng lowered his head and kissed his forehead tenderly, their affection evident. He sensed a shift in the dynamic between them, an indescribable feeling, though he could never guess what had transpired.

It could only be explained as the joy of surviving a disaster, making their brief separation feel like a renewed honeymoon.

Huo Zhenfei didn’t dwell on it: “It was hard to come back, and with New Year approaching, let’s have a family meal together.”

Chen Wengang looked up at him.

Huo Zhenfei added, “This is also my father’s idea.”

On the last day of the old year, the dinner was arranged at Century Grand Hotel.

Third Uncle Huo sat at the head of the table, with Huo Zhenfei’s family of three on one side, and Huo Niansheng and Chen Wengang on the other side, joined by Jiang Cai.

However, they did not invite Huo Jingsheng – Second Uncle Huo was struggling and unable to protect himself, and Huo Jingsheng was likely also compromised and could not withstand scrutiny. The benefits previously gained from him now required double repayment, leading him to go into hiding and he wouldn’t come even if invited.

Everyone at the table tacitly agreed not to mention this.

Chen Wengang was about to start eating when Sister-in-law Fang Qin nudged him and reminded, “Let’s toast to Dad.”

This made Chen Wengang and her equal in status – she was Huo Zhenfei’s partner, and he was Huo Niansheng’s partner.

Before Chen Wengang could speak, Third Uncle Huo raised his hand, signaling her to sit back down, his expression indifferent: “No need, just eat.”

Thus, the meal was eaten in a somewhat uneasy atmosphere.

Halfway through, Jiang Cai went to the bathroom and sneaked out for a cigarette, caught red-handed by Chen Wengang. She complained, “I have no appetite. That old man is so stern, with such a serious face, I feel like there’s a stone in my stomach and I can’t even smoke.”

As she was speaking, Huo Niansheng came in. Reflexively, she hid behind Chen Wengang.

Huo Niansheng smirked and waved at her, “What’s this, disappointed to see me?”

Jiang Cai stubbornly responded, “No, it’s fine. Congratulations on your safe return.”

Chen Wengang also smiled and admonished her, “Hand over the cigarette.”

Jiang Cai pouted and remained silent, tossing the cigarette and lighter into his hand. Chen Wengang knew she was afraid of Huo Niansheng; he understood this but didn’t point it out.

The bad habits she picked up from her former rough crowd needed to be completely eradicated. At her adolescent age, it’s hard to manage without someone to fear.

After the reunion dinner, Huo Zhenfei arranged for a driver to take his wife and child home before coming over:

“Don’t worry about it, my dad is just having a hard time moving past it.”

Huo Niansheng, holding Chen Wengang, casually smiled and asked, “They say New Year, new beginnings. What’s causing this new temper?”

Huo Zhenfei raised an eyebrow and pointed at Chen Wengang: “That’s because you didn’t see it. Your partner here banged on the desk in the chairman’s office. The old man hasn’t had someone challenge him directly in years. He acknowledges it, but at his age, he’s very concerned about saving face. Try to understand.”

Chen Wengang humbly responded, “What about you? You’re not holding a grudge, are you?”

Huo Zhenfei smiled, “I’m fine. I’m not that old yet and I’m not in a position to hold grudges.”

The streets were bustling as the New Year approached, and this busy commercial area was filled with young people. After saying goodbye to Huo Zhenfei, Chen Wengang and Huo Niansheng strolled leisurely, holding hands, to the square where the music was so loud they couldn’t hear their own voices.

They didn’t say a word, simply looked up, waiting for the countdown on the building’s light display.

At midnight, as they stepped into the new year, majestic bells rang, fireworks exploded in the sky, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Strangers hugged each other, and when someone tried to hug Chen Wengang, Huo Niansheng pulled him back.

Huo Niansheng bought a balloon filled with shiny confetti from a vendor and handed it to Chen Wengang.

Chen Wengang smiled as he took it, “Why are you giving me a balloon?”

Huo Niansheng pointed at a child running by with a balloon, “Look, all the other kids have one.”

They walked away from the deafening cheers, discussing their New Year plans. Chen Wengang remembered:

“Tomorrow night, or rather, tonight, my school is having a New Year’s dance. Will you come with me?”

“Do you want to go?” Huo Niansheng asked.

Chen Wengang, holding the balloon, tucked his hands under Huo Niansheng’s arm for warmth, “While I’m still in school, I should go to as many as I can.”

They returned home in the early hours.

Before bed, they checked their phones and saw news about the Wang family’s downfall. The investigation committee was taking a strict stance, focusing on gambling and bribery tied to Wang Qiming’s connections, with a recent cruise being a key point.

Besides Huo Yingfei and others, He Jiajun was also involved in gambling on the ship. The news analyzed whether the consequences for He Jiajun would be more severe than before. He Jiajun already had a terrible reputation—indulgence in drinking, whoring, and gambling, some moral issues, some illegal, and some criminal.

His family always managed to downplay these matters, but the He family had long been criticized for this.

Huo Niansheng rested his chin on Chen Wengang’s shoulder, “When things accumulate to a certain extent, even the He family can’t suppress it.”

Chen Wengang realized: “So the He family encountered such trouble, no wonder they wanted to send He Wanxin abroad first to avoid disaster.”

“How did you know?”

“Lawyer Zhu told me.”

Huo Niansheng nodded: “That’s the reason. The He family is having a rough time, it’s better to send a time bomb away than to keep it locally.”

Chen Wengang knew that Lawyer Zhu also followed his instructions: “What’s the progress now? She probably can’t leave temporarily, right?”

Huo Niansheng promised: “No one is making any unnecessary moves. She just needs to provide a certificate of no criminal offense if she wants to leave.”

Chen Wengang patted his hand: “The big lawyer is working hard for you, you should give him a raise.”

Huo Niansheng smiled: “Alright, I will.”

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