DLRAS Chapter 117

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Chapter 117: I’d rather you forget about me.

Whispering continued into the late night.

In the bedroom, with a table lamp on, two pairs of eyes gazed at each other, reluctant to look away for even a second.

After more than a decade of separation, there were too many words to be spoken, fermented excessively in the depths of their hearts.

Huo Niansheng lay on his side, propping his head up with his arm, while Chen Wengang held his hand tightly: “So, when we met, you really didn’t remember me?”

Huo Niansheng said, “I felt a familiar feeling from you. But since we had met before, I didn’t dwell on it.” He spoke sweetly, as if it cost nothing, “But then I suddenly realized, you are like this, beautiful and kind, like my future other half.”

Chen Wengang, with red eyes, stared at him: “And what about what you said later? You didn’t want anything serious, right? Just playing around?”

Huo Niansheng quickly lowered his head to kiss his fingertips: “That was just teasing you, don’t take it seriously. The past doesn’t count, okay?”

“But I really mean it. Even if it’s just a one-night stand, I’m fine with it. Being able to have you again is like a miracle to me. At that time, I didn’t want to think about anything else, one night at a time, it’s all like earning from the heavens.”

“No, I don’t want that. If you’re with me, who else do you want to be with? Someone surnamed Zheng? Someone surnamed Qi? I’m not stupid. I put in so much effort to pursue you, and now that I’m about to have you, how could one night be enough? You saw it too, I’m reluctant to let go.”

“But I didn’t recognize you either.” Chen Wengang buried his face in his hand and said softly, “If only I had known it would be like this…”

Huo Niansheng tightened his grip on his hand and shook his head: “I’m proud. I know my Wengang is a strong person, who won’t easily be destroyed by any adversity. You’ll have a life of your own. Actually, I really wanted to be with you, but unfortunately, I couldn’t do it in the end. Instead of you doing foolish things for me, I’d rather you forget about me, find someone else who can take care of you, and live happily for the rest of your life.

Chen Wengang’s tears welled up again: “I can’t do it. What strength do I have? Without you, my whole life is a mess.”

Huo Niansheng wiped his tears away again: “I know, I know. But aren’t things better now? We’ve finally reunited. From now on, I won’t go anywhere alone, whether it’s heaven or sea, unless you’re with me. And, I wasn’t finished just now—finding someone else who can take care of you, but I’ll only let him have you temporarily. After a hundred years, you’ll still be buried with me.”

Chen Wengang laughed through his tears: “Nonsense. You don’t remember how the newspapers wrote about you. Who would be as blind as you?”

Huo Niansheng argued confidently: “It’s not nonsense. You’re so good, they’re the blind ones, not me. I knew there would still be people who liked you. But I’m not completely at ease. Sometimes, people are not as loyal as dogs. Did Halley stick with you in the end?”

“We were very close. I miss Halley, bring it to me.”

“It hasn’t been born yet, no rush. I’ll bring you to pick it up when the time comes.”

“Huo Niansheng.”


“I love you.”

Huo Niansheng affectionately accepted his confession: “I love you too.”

Chen Wengang called out to him again: “You won’t leave me this time, will you?”

Huo Niansheng bit his fingertip: “It’s my fault. I never wanted to leave you. Stop crying, I won’t leave this time, really.” His heart felt sore. If Chen Wengang cried like this a few more times, he would really shed a layer of skin.

“Tomorrow we’ll go find some handcuffs, find a chain, lock ourselves together, and throw the key down the mountain. Or just weld it together directly, never to be unlocked again, okay?”

Until the sky turned white, Chen Wengang covered Huo Niansheng’s eyes to let him sleep.

Despite experiencing numerous dangers and traveling back home after a long journey, even the most iron-willed person would be exhausted. With their heads leaning against each other, they took a brief nap.

The rhythmic breathing beside him gradually evened out, but Chen Wengang opened his eyes again.

He felt no drowsiness at all, still looking at Huo Niansheng’s face, afraid that if he closed his eyes and opened them again, he would find that it was all just a dream.

When Huo Niansheng woke up, he found that Chen Wengang had already wriggled out of the duvet—half of Chen Wengang’s body curled up on the pillow, his arm around Huo Niansheng’s head, like a small animal sleeping beside him, his eyelids not closing securely, his chest rising and falling.

His face was pale, as if devoid of blood, the room warm and cozy, yet his hands remained cold to the touch.

Huo Niansheng pulled him back into the covers, their feet entwined, and he held Chen Wengang’s hand, tucking it under his own sleepwear for warmth.

Chen Wengang woke up groggily, instinctively seeking warmth, and tiredly nuzzled his face against Huo Niansheng’s chest.

With the bright daylight, several hours of sleep had replenished their energy, and neither of them wanted to get out of bed.

Chen Wengang sat up, leaning over Huo Niansheng’s shoulder, lazily and drowsily kissing his neck, while Huo Niansheng unbuttoned his shirt.

In the warmth of their room, in a safe place, they tenderly embraced each other. Urgent yet gentle, they had to be face to face, had to look into each other’s eyes, not even turning away.

As the stars and moon raced across the sky, the most moving image was the reflection of a lover in the eyes.

Life involves traversing darkness, like a solitary traveler in the wilderness. The twilight in his life had once been darker than midnight, but the lonely days eventually passed. .

In the quiet moments, he felt love and being loved, finding comfort and satisfaction in the warmth of their bodies.

The butler knew Huo Niansheng was here but didn’t know Chen Wengang had come until he came near noon to ask if the master was getting up, only then discovering two people in the bedroom. He seemed momentarily surprised, then went out to fetch the keys and helped bring Chen Wengang’s car inside.

As for the rest, the security guards and gardeners had all gone home for the holidays. Only the butler stayed on duty because his family was abroad, so he stayed behind. Huo Niansheng draped in a robe leaned against the doorway, thought for a moment, and instructed to create a festive atmosphere in the house.

The butler made a call and arranged for some decorations and food to be brought up the hill.

As long as the money was right, everything was manageable.

In less than an hour, someone brought up a small evergreen tree, not very tall, reaching about chest height for an adult, along with colored lights, balloons, colorful ribbons, mistletoe wreaths, and star decorations.

Chen Wengang hadn’t even changed his clothes, draped in Huo Niansheng’s robe, lazily led by him downstairs to see the tree.

Huo Niansheng held a star in each hand, “Which one should we put on top? The gold one or the silver one?”

Chen Wengang raised an eyebrow, “Gold, I think. It looks bigger and more dazzling.”

The Christmas tree was placed in the space between the sofa and the window. The three of them worked together to wrap the colored lights around the tree in concentric circles. Chen Wengang hung various colored balls and little angels on the branches, occasionally turning his head, with Huo Niansheng just a meter away from him.

He acted spoiled, moving closer to hug Huo Niansheng’s waist, his head poking out: “Let me see how you’re hanging them.”

Huo Niansheng remained composed, securely fastening the end of a string of lights before taking the balls from him: “Trying to slack off?”

He instructed the butler: “Could you please handle the ingredients first? We’re having a big dinner tonight, so let’s marinate what needs to be marinated.”

The butler nodded and left.

Chen Wengang chuckled and played the role of a supervisor: “I’m not slacking off, I’m supervising your work.”

His profile was too charming, and Huo Niansheng couldn’t resist leaning down to steal a kiss, considering it as his payment for being bossed around.

After hanging the decorations and plugging in the lights, the whole tree sparkled with colorful brilliance.

They then decorated the living room corners with wreaths, ribbons, and other ornaments.

At this point, Chen Wengang belatedly remembered the situation outside.

He charged his phone and sent a message to Chen Xiangling to assure her of their safety, asking her to join in the festivities at Lu Chenlong’s house with Grandma Zhou.

Huo Niansheng had already contacted Yu Shanding, but with the tight flight schedules during Christmas, Yu Shanding couldn’t make it back in time.

Grandma Zhou wasn’t particularly fond of these Western holidays, so it didn’t matter to her if her grandson wasn’t around.

Due to the small number of people and the cold weather, the main kitchen at the back was closed. The butler was in the small kitchen on the first floor, thawing the steaks.

With the living room neatly arranged, Chen Wengang went upstairs to change into a set of loungewear, then joined Huo Niansheng in the kitchen.

Huo Niansheng’s memory of his culinary skills also returned—he, a young man who had no interest in cooking, had taken care of Chen Wengang for several years in his past life and learned everything, even becoming somewhat proficient.

The dishes for the day included the butler’s apple-stewed pork chops, black pepper steak, mushroom cream soup, as well as Huo Niansheng’s Longjing shrimp and garlic vermicelli scallops, a fusion of Eastern and Western cuisines spread across the table.

Chen Wengang peeled the shrimp—he assisted Huo Niansheng devoutly, painstakingly removing each vein, almost wishing to handle the shrimp meat flawlessly. After peeling five shrimp in half an hour, Huo Niansheng couldn’t bear to watch and confiscated the scissors, letting him take a break.

Chen Wengang had no choice but to sit at the edge of the dining table, tinkering with the pre-made tree root cake, using strawberries and cream to make snowmen on top.

As night fell, the butler understood the look in their eyes and asked for leave, claiming that an old friend had invited him, so he wanted to take a couple of days off.

As the employer, Huo Niansheng readily agreed, saying any car in the garage was at his disposal. The spacious villa became their private world.

Huo Niansheng opened a bottle of red wine and brought it over. Chen Wengang sat at the other end of the table, watching the wine pour into the tall glasses. The color of the wine was a special peachy pink, emitting a fresh fruity aroma. Carved wall lamps cast a subtle light, accentuating the shimmer in his eyes.

Music played from the stereo, broadcasting songs from the radio station. It was officially Christmas Eve.

Their glasses lightly touched, the atmosphere serene, as if something should be said.

Chen Wengang paused and looked at Huo Niansheng.

The position at the table changed from facing each other to one sitting on the other’s lap, the brightly colored liquid passing between their lips.

Chen Wengang almost forcibly pulled away from Huo Niansheng: “Let’s eat properly!”

They did finish their meal properly, not wasting the delicious dishes laboriously prepared, but rather feeding each other, dragging out the meal for an hour. In the end, Huo Niansheng snatched the tree root cake and strawberry snowman from Chen Wengang’s mouth.

The two of them cuddled on the carpet in front of the sofa, Chen Wengang gazing at Huo Niansheng, seeing the Christmas tree lights flickering on his face. He reached out, his slender fingers slowly covering Huo Niansheng’s cheek, the dazzling halo now turning his fair skin into a colorful palette.

He didn’t know that he was also dazzling in Huo Niansheng’s eyes.

Outside, the night was deep, and the radio changed to the host speaking. The glass windows reflected overlapping figures.

Chen Wengang curled up in Huo Niansheng’s arms: “Do you remember once, I smashed the mirror, and then all the mirrors here were taken down? It was actually self-deception. Without mirrors, nothing would change. Besides, you can still see in the water. I was really unreasonable back then. I hope you remember, but I also hope you don’t, it’s so embarrassing to have had a big fight like that.”

Huo Niansheng hugged him: “I don’t think it’s bad at all. I love you just the way you are, I just hope you’re healthy.”

Chen Wengang smiled and asked, “Forget about those reporters, I’ve always been curious. I don’t blame them for making fun of your eccentric taste. You don’t go for young and beautiful, but at least you can like someone healthy, why hang yourself on a tree? What do I have to offer?”

Huo Niansheng intercepted his words: “Those paparazzi make a living by wagging their tongues, they don’t care about right or wrong. And they still want to tell me who I should like and who I shouldn’t. Listen to yourself, don’t you think it’s ridiculous? My only virtue is not listening to others’ advice.”

He smiled: “Besides, I think my taste is excellent, there’s no problem with it. Otherwise, how could you be mine?”

This person’s sweet talk is too deadly, Chen Wengang forgot what he was going to say next.

He hugged Huo Niansheng’s neck and nuzzled against him: “Merry Christmas.”

Huo Niansheng tightly held his waist in his arms: “Merry Christmas.”

Chen Wengang asked in his ear: “Unfortunately, it’s too far for Santa Claus to come today. But what gift do you want?”

Huo Niansheng was already content: “You are my gift. I’m not greedy, having this one is enough.”

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