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Chapter 114: Will definitely get him, this time.

Chen Wengang first went to the subsidiary where Huo Niansheng was seconded, met with the general manager and others, and ensured how to stabilize morale.

He also dealt with Huo Niansheng’s investors, managers, and partners…

Then he returned to Huo Corporation to wait for further instructions.

Then he continued back to Huo Corporation to wait for further instructions.

The headquarters of the group remained relatively stable, but there was a sense of oppression lingering in the office area, with everyone speaking softly.

In fact, Chen Wengang would rather buy a ticket immediately and head to Southeast Asia, but he received a call from an unknown number, warning him to stay put recently and not to leave the city without permission.

Li Hongqiong comforted him over the phone: “I got the same warning. We were all on Wang Qiming’s boat, right? There’s no surveillance footage in the card room, so who can confirm who was involved? They’ll definitely investigate thoroughly.”

She added, “None of us had significant financial transactions with him before or after the incident. It’ll blow over soon, just have to wait it out.”

After hanging up, Chen Wengang just wanted to smoke. He grabbed a pack of cigarettes and went to the outdoor balcony on the nineteenth floor.

Huo Lingchong and a few other young masters were originally smoking and chatting, but when they saw Chen Wengang approaching, they fell silent.

Huo Lingchong may have wanted to make a sarcastic remark, but he was also affected by recent events, so he just turned and left without saying anything.

The ashtray now had five or six more cigarette butts. Suddenly, his phone rang again. Chen Wengang hurriedly pulled out his phone, but it was Director Liu:

“Sorry to bother you again, Wengang. Taotao’s cold turned into pneumonia, and the situation is a bit serious. Are you busy right now?”

“Me?” Chen Wengang couldn’t quite comprehend her words, still lost in thought.

“If you’re busy, it’s okay,” she thought he might be busy, “Your own matters are more important.”

“Oh… It’s okay.” Chen Wengang finally came to his senses, “I don’t have much to do on my end either.”

He grabbed his coat and headed to the underground parking lot to drive. He knew Director Liu was short-handed over there, so she must have had no choice but to keep asking him for help.

Therefore, on the second and third days, Chen Wengang also went to the children’s hospital. The hospitalized boy named Taotao had a bit of ADHD, usually liked to chase and hit other children in the welfare institution, or had some uncontrollable behaviors, always giving the staff headaches. Now, this child lay listlessly in bed, motionless, as if all his vitality had been drained away, which felt strange.

Looking through the glass, Director Liu sensed his unease. “Do you have something on your mind?”

Chen Wengang smiled, but before he could speak, his phone rang.

At the same time, he suddenly felt anxious, as if he had a premonition.

Due to adverse weather conditions, many flights were delayed at the airport. The people traveling with Huo Niansheng discussed and decided to take a boat back home. Only Huo Niansheng didn’t agree. For some reason, he didn’t want to travel by water and insisted on booking a flight, regardless of how long it might be delayed at the airport.

However, before he even reached the airport, the car he was traveling in had an accident halfway through, and both the driver and the passengers were missing.

After hearing Amanda’s words, Chen Wengang’s ears buzzed, and his vision darkened. For a moment, he thought he had lost consciousness.

He opened his mouth, feeling dizzy, recalling how in his past life, she had brought such shocking news suddenly, like a bolt from the blue.

The elderly nurse beside him exclaimed, “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Xiao Qiu, come help him!”

Chen Wengang’s legs were like jelly, and he had to reach out and grab the nearby public seat. A protruding screw scratched him, and a young nurse came over to support him.

He felt suffocated, his chest oppressively tight.

The nurse cleaned his wound and suggested getting a tetanus shot. He looked at his hand, blood slowly oozing from the wound, but he couldn’t feel any pain.

Director Liu hurried over with the medication bill. “Xiao Chen? Are you okay?”

The dim sky outside was reflected in his retina, stacked with dark gray clouds.

Chen Wengang knew where the ominous premonition in his heart was coming from.

Huo Niansheng was missing.

Originally, Amanda was supposed to fly with the boss. But for some reason, they didn’t travel in the same car, but separately, with Huo Niansheng’s car being late.

She said she had already reported to the local police, but due to the subsequent effects of the power outage and the inefficiency of the local police, the situation was dire, and she was clearly not optimistic about their progress.

In other words, there was no progress at all, and there was still no news or whereabouts.

Yu Shanding firmly disagreed: “Then we can think of other ways. Mr. Huo asked me to take care of you. You shouldn’t take this risk.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Wengang’s eyes slowly shifted toward him. “Did he say such things? When did he say that?”

Yu Shanding thought for a moment. “Um… last time when it rained, and I took my grandmother to the hospital, after you had a fever. He said that next time he goes on a long trip, he wants me to look after you a bit more. Anyway, don’t worry too much. No news is good news. It doesn’t necessarily mean something bad happened.”

Chen Wengang felt bitter in his heart. If Huo Niansheng was okay, he wouldn’t have stopped contacting him.

Yu Shanding was indeed loyal. Without hesitation, he brought over the passport and booked a flight, promising to go over there himself.

Feeling slightly relieved, Chen Wengang thanked him. “Do you remember, it was here where you took me to find him before?”

Yu Shanding remembered and teased Chen Wengang, “Hey… at that time…”

Chen Wengang whispered, “Actually, at that time, I didn’t care whether you were tricking me or not. When I saw Huo Niansheng, he was the only one in my eyes. I was actually quite happy, thinking that I would definitely get him. Now thinking back, was I too presumptuous?”

Yu Shanding treaded carefully, not daring to make a sound, afraid of saying the wrong thing in front of him.

He also feared that Chen Wengang would do something foolish, so he kept in touch with Lu Chenlong, along with the nanny, taking turns to watch over Chen Wengang while he was abroad.

Even Chen Xiangling took a leave of absence from her cram school and returned to Jiangchao Street with her schoolbag.

She knew something had happened, but she didn’t know the specifics. Asking Lu Chenlong yielded no coherent answers.

Chen Xiangling was actually scared too. Her cousin was her shield against the outside world. When she entered the house and saw his much thinner figure, her nose tingled, and her eyes almost reddened.

Chen Wengang behaved normally in front of her, gently smiling. “If you don’t study well, who would have called you back?”

Chen Xiangling wiped her eyes. “I was almost on vacation anyway, and I’ve reviewed enough. I brought the homework back to do the same.”

Chen Wengang patted her fuzzy head. “You don’t need to worry. I’ll be fine.”

She said, “I haven’t cooked in a long time. What do you want for dinner tonight? I’m really good at making scallion chicken, and I’m craving it too.”

Dinner was scallion chicken and white porridge. The siblings sat across from each other and ate.

After cleaning up the dishes, Chen Wengang said, “Xiao Ling, come here for a moment.”

Chen Xiangling followed him into the bedroom. “What’s wrong?”

Chen Wengang looked serious. “I’ve made a will. The primary inheritor is Huo Niansheng, and you’re the second successor. This means that if both he and I are involved in an accident, most of my property will be donated, but I’ve left you a portion, which should be enough for you in the future.”

This made Chen Xiangling nervous, and she hugged him tightly. “Don’t talk like this. I won’t listen!”

Chen Wengang reassured her in a gentle tone, “Don’t worry, I’m just letting you know about this matter.” Then he remembered something. “By the way, you haven’t met Huo Niansheng’s sister yet. She’s two years younger than you, but she can be a bit stubborn at times. I was planning to introduce you to each other when we went to the beach last time. It’s good for two girls to have each other’s company as they grow up in society.”

But the gentler he was, the more scared it made Chen Xiangling feel. As a result, she couldn’t sleep soundly that night, and she had to check the master bedroom every two hours to see if he was still there. Chen Wengang stayed in the room the whole time, refusing to go anywhere, until the morning when Lu Chenlong came to take over the shift.

Lu Chenlong bought soy milk, fried dough sticks, and water chestnut cake for breakfast.

For Chen Wengang, he just went through the shifts to take care of a few people, and there was never a time for shouting or crying. He was like a machine, continuing to function according to the original program. After hearing the news about Huo Niansheng’s disappearance for three or four days, Chen Wengang no longer had the urge to urge Huo Zhenfei at the Huo Group.

That day he said to Lu Chenlong, “Why don’t you accompany me to the lawyer’s office?”

The two arrived at Lawyer Zhu’s office, and Lu Chenlong waited outside while Lawyer Zhu received Chen Wengang. “Still no news from Mr. Huo?”

Chen Wengang smiled sadly and shook his head. “I came here to take care of some business.”

He came this time not only to reconfirm the terms of the will but also to hear Lawyer Zhu mention another matter: “Miss He Wanxin, when she was in school, she made friends with many delinquents outside of school—quite normal, as bullies often seek backing from others. Even after reaching adulthood, it seems she still had contact with them. Through these connections, she was involved in orchestrating acts of violence against others, and we have gathered quite a bit of evidence on this matter.”

Chen Wengang’s expression became serious as he listened. “Are you suggesting that her responsibility can be pursued?”

Lawyer Zhu explained, “Involving criminal activities means it’s a public prosecution case, and responsibility must be pursued sooner or later. Actually, I didn’t want to add to your worries at this time, but recently I heard that the He family wants to send her abroad to avoid future troubles. If we wait until she goes abroad, it will be much more troublesome, so…”

Chen Wengang understood: “You don’t need to worry about my situation here. Just focus on your work.”

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