DLRAS Chapter 109

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Chapter 109: Does President Huo treat you well usually?

Chen Wengang nodded, indicating he understood.

Someone covered his eyes from behind, slowly tightening and tying it at the back of his head. His vision was taken away, and he held his breath, hearing a click as the other person kicked the door shut. The edge of his shirt was slowly pulled out, a palm sliding over firm muscles, moving flirtatiously upwards.

The voice behind his ear threatened him, “If you dare tell anyone, I’ll ruin your reputation.”

Chen Wengang’s heart pounded fiercely, but he still didn’t speak. He fumbled to grab the other person’s arm, affectionately nuzzling against it.

Huo Niansheng lifted him up by the waist. The person in his arms didn’t resist at all. When placed on the cold, hard tabletop, he just flinched slightly before actively clinging on, like an oyster opening its shell, exposing its soft interior, allowing it to be harvested.

Huo Niansheng’s heart softened as well, his gaze filled with affection. He leaned over, propping himself on the table, brushed aside his hair, and let his teeth gradually slide to the side of his carotid artery, feeling the pulsating beneath the skin. “Why don’t you resist?”

Chen Wengang chuckled softly in his ear, “Not resisting is important for staying alive.”

Huo Niansheng instead became more relentless, “So any man who comes will do?”

“Not you,” Chen Wengang chided, kicking him lightly, “If you mess around, I’m going to call the police.”

“Go ahead and call,” Huo Niansheng kissed him, unrepentant, “It’s better for the police to catch me after I’ve committed the crime.”

The hurried footsteps in the hallway came and went. The door lock was turned a few times but didn’t budge.

Xiao Gao knocked on the door from outside, “Chen-ge, have you already left? Chen-ge?”

Inside, it instantly became quiet, no one responded, only the sound of two breaths rising and falling. Chen Wengang instinctively tensed up, his head tilted back, separated by Huo Niansheng’s hand and the hard tabletop. Huo Niansheng grasped his wrist and kissed it reassuringly.

A bit of light shone through the crack under the door. Xiao Gao, seeing the light, knocked a few more times.

Huo Niansheng pulled his suit jacket over and covered the person beneath him tightly. Chen Wengang fell into complete darkness, with no sense of light at all, his hearing became more acute, and he heard Huo Niansheng walking to the door.

The door opened a crack, and Xiao Gao was met with an unexpected face.

Huo Niansheng blocked the doorway completely, “What is it?”

“Oh, I…” he became flustered, “President Huo…”

“Just say what you need.” The other party showed an impatient look.

“A charger, I forgot to bring mine… saw my phone was almost dead halfway down the road…”

“Go buy a power cord and a power bank at the convenience store on the street.” Huo Niansheng closed the door, “Come find me tomorrow for reimbursement.”

Xiao Gao was extremely embarrassed, his mind instantly filled with amorous thoughts. Even with his knee, he could guess what was going on inside, his face turning red, “Then I… I’ll leave, you… cough, I’ll leave right now.”

When he closed the door again, Huo Niansheng casually turned off the office lights.

He uncovered the clothes, Chen Wengang curled up underneath, his backbones protruding, blindfolded, obediently motionless.

Huo Niansheng bent down to wrap his arms around his waist, feeling the smooth muscles. With proper diet, nutrition, and exercise, he wasn’t as thin as before, now just right. Chen Wengang exhaled deeply, fumbling to grab his arm, complaining, “Look at you.”

Huo Niansheng lay down beside him, murmuring, “Who told you to stay so late and not go home?”

Chen Wengang turned his head toward him, “Didn’t I tell you, I was working overtime and would be home a bit late.”

Huo Niansheng didn’t answer, just rubbed his spine slowly. Chen Wengang felt his dangerous emotions. He was actually a bit nervous, struggling slightly, but Huo Niansheng was determined not to let him go. 

Chen Wengang’s mind was almost blank. Most of the time in bed, he was compliant. Whatever Huo Niansheng wanted to do, he would cooperate, but that was always behind closed doors in the dark.

Huo Niansheng rarely acted this assertively.

After it ended, Chen Wengang pushed Huo Niansheng, “Aren’t you afraid of being seen?”

Huo Niansheng knew he cared about his reputation, “I turned off the surveillance before I came, from the control room.” He hugged Chen Wengang, comforting him for a long time, “Who does bad things without first turning off the cameras? What if you really take this to the police tomorrow?”

Chen Wengang lay on his shoulder, actually not thinking about anything.

When they returned to the apartment, it wasn’t early, but past midnight, the streets were empty. Huo Niansheng accelerated a bit, taking a couple of spins on the city highway before heading back. Chen Wengang lazily leaned against the driver’s seat, replying to messages, and sighed deeply.

“What’s wrong?”

“Do you remember Cheng Bo? My elementary school classmate.”

“Oh, the small business owner you mentioned.”

“I just found out he created a group chat, saying he wants to keep in touch.”

Huo Niansheng glanced at him, “Keep in touch for what? Is he going to try setting you up with a girl again?”

Chen Wengang laughed and turned off his phone, “No, who would try again after failing once?”

At the last elementary school reunion, Chen Wengang had attended. The once-small kids had all grown up. Compared to them, Cheng Bo was the most well-off among the old classmates. Many had just graduated from college or hadn’t yet, with little savings. Only he had a house, a car, and a family. Probably feeling superior, he eagerly created a group chat afterward, saying they should help each other out.

Huo Niansheng just smiled, not paying much attention to Cheng Bo or Li Bo, but it reminded him of something else.

He suddenly suggested, “Do you want to move back to Jiangchao Street?”

Chen Wengang paused, “Isn’t it more convenient to work here?”

Huo Niansheng turned the steering wheel, his voice faint, “Do you ever feel like there’s too little interaction between people here?”

Chen Wengang didn’t say anything for a moment, even Huo Niansheng hadn’t thought about it before. He never used to ponder over such questions.

Yunding Tower was located in a bustling area, but there was no lively atmosphere of old-fashioned neighborly relationships inside such upscale apartments. It was normal not to know the people upstairs or downstairs. Even if they met in the elevator, most residents here maintained a polite but distant demeanor, belonging to an elite class.

Once, Chen Wengang had seen someone taking a German Shepherd for a walk downstairs, and Huo Niansheng, accompanying him, had noticed him looking at it with interest. He mentioned that the dog seemed to have a skin condition, but the person pulled the large dog closer, saying, “Thanks, but you don’t need to worry.”

It was nothing like his old house area, where he had neighbors who had watched him grow up, and friends he hadn’t contacted in years.

After work, he could go to a neighbor’s house for a meal, and people would occasionally remember to invite him out. Those people weren’t always refined; some were pragmatic, but it was lively and had a sense of community. It wasn’t always just the two of them.

But when Huo Niansheng thought about it this way, he found it amusing.

Chen Wengang only looked at him, and depended on him. Wasn’t that better? It undoubtedly gave him great satisfaction. But sometimes, Huo Niansheng’s heart was filled with an inexplicable emotion, more like reluctance. He couldn’t bear to see Chen Wengang stay indoors all day, couldn’t bear to see him have no friends to socialize with. It would be good if he could get him out to enjoy the sun, if he liked dogs, he could get one to walk.

And speaking of which, he had even planted roses in the yard himself. He didn’t know how they were doing now.

It seemed his mind was quicker than his mouth. He suddenly asked, “Where do you prefer to live?”

Chen Wengang put down his phone and looked at him gently, “Wherever you are, I’ll be there.”

The next day at work, Xiao Gao saw Chen Wengang, looking very awkward. He whispered, “Chen-ge, yesterday President Huo…”

Chen Wengang calmly replied, “It won’t happen again.”

Xiao Gao clicked his tongue inwardly, holding back a lot of words he didn’t dare to say out loud. After all, he was the only one who had witnessed it yesterday. If he leaked it, it would probably be his responsibility. So, he tactfully said to Chen Wengang, “You guys have such a good relationship.”

Chen Wengang lowered his head to work, not picking up on it, unaware of what was going through Xiao Gao’s mind.

Xiao Gao was indeed intimidated by Huo Niansheng. In the past, he mostly heard gossip about the young masters of the Huo family from others’ mouths. Regarding Huo Niansheng, he just thought of him as a playboy, even a bit disdainful. It wasn’t until they met face to face that he felt too scared to even breathe.

He recalled seeing Huo Niansheng’s face yesterday, feeling a bit eerie and terrifying. On the other hand, it was hard to imagine Chen Wengang receiving equal respect and treatment from such a person. So, no matter how superior the lifestyle, it was all just playing with toys.

Thinking this way seemed to balance him a bit. He glanced at the ring on Chen Wengang’s hand, “Does President Huo treat you well usually?”

Chen Wengang smiled, “Very well. Why do you ask?”

Xiao Gao shook his head and didn’t say anything more.

Huo Niansheng turned off the surveillance on the 19th floor. Although nothing was leaked, Huo Zhenfei noticed the surveillance being turned off.

He didn’t say anything, just glanced at Chen Wengang a few times when they met in the elevator a couple of days later.

Chen Wengang greeted him and noticed his gaze, smiling, “What’s up?”

Huo Zhenfei asked, “Is Huo Niansheng coming to pick you up today too?”

Chen Wengang nodded, “He’s downstairs.”

Huo Zhenfei suddenly said, “Then let’s have a meal together later.”

There was no reason to refuse. The two of them walked out of the elevator together, met up with Huo Niansheng, and then found a restaurant. It was Huo Zhenfei’s treat, and he did have actual business to discuss, regarding the yacht party for Prince Wang Qiming.

Hearing this name, Chen Wengang thought of Huo Yingfei but didn’t interrupt, just quietly ate and listened to their discussion.

Wang Qiming was also a second-generation rich kid who liked to party and show off. He hosted such parties every year, inviting a bunch of friends. Since Huo Yingfei confirmed he would attend, Huo Zhenfei’s implication was for Huo Niansheng to also go and take a look.

Huo Niansheng glanced at Chen Wengang, “I’ll bring Wengang with me.”

Huo Zhenfei didn’t seem very approving, “You can go by yourself.”

Huo Niansheng smiled at him, “What’s wrong? You dare not bring your wife and kids?”

Chen Wengang continued eating silently, just refilling Huo Niansheng’s tea.

However, Huo Zhenfei still caught on a bit. When Chen Wengang went to the restroom, he asked Huo Niansheng, “Have you two encountered any problems?”

Huo Niansheng raised an eyebrow, “What kind of problems do you think we could have?”

Huo Zhenfei shook his head, “Like a fish in water, one knows best whether it’s warm or cold. For this ‘marriage’ of yours, as long as you know what it is, that’s enough.”

After Chen Wengang returned, the two of them had already moved on from the topic and started discussing other things.

Because they had been drinking, they each called their drivers after dinner. When they left, Huo Niansheng’s car arrived at the roadside first. The driver got out and opened the door, and Chen Wengang bent down to get in. Huo Niansheng wrapped his slender shoulders, bending down to enter the dark car, as if stepping into a bottomless black box where one would disappear upon entry. Huo Niansheng followed closely behind and got into the car, like a vigilant guardian protecting his flower.

Huo Zhenfei stood on the steps watching them without saying anything.

The tail lights blinked as the car drove away.

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