DLRAS Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Why are you so hard to please?

On the office desk, there was a stack of A4 papers with printed materials, and the most prominent one was the event planning proposal.

The title reads, “Zhengshi Group’s 120th Anniversary Celebration and Charity Auction Event.”

Chen Wengang knew what this was about, and it was the task that Zheng Yucheng was currently handling, or perhaps the source of his confidence in the conversation they just had.

—Two months ago, the relationship between the two individuals was made public when Zheng Bingyi had just appointed Zheng Yucheng to plan the celebration event for the Zhengshi Group.

During the event, representatives from various branches and subsidiaries of Zhengshi Group would attend. After the ceremony, there would also be a charity auction. Zheng Bingyi’s friends and numerous business partners would be present, making it a grand occasion crucial for the corporate image of Zhengshi Group.

Choosing his eldest son as the overall commander was not just about honing his event-planning skills. More importantly, allowing Zheng Yucheng to appear in front of everyone was equivalent to indirectly acknowledging his position as the heir apparent.

As long as he successfully carried out this event and made an appearance as the representative of the group, Zheng Yucheng undoubtedly took a significant step ahead compared to Zheng Maoxun.

In the days immediately following the decision, Mrs. Zheng, Huo Meijie, had a mocking smirk on her face due to irritation.

From Zheng Yucheng’s perspective, he had personally prepared for this appearance for two months. Whether confirming the guest list, printing invitation cards, drafting press releases for the media, or even rehearsing the host’s script, he meticulously handled every detail to ensure there were no mistakes.

Even on the day when he confronted his father over the relationship issues with Chen Wengang, he later realized it wasn’t a wise move.

On the other hand, Huo Meijie seemed to be constantly influencing Zheng Bingyi, advising him to change the chosen candidate to Zheng Maoxun. She argued that it wouldn’t be good for the reputation of the company if rumors circulated that the group representative was homosexual. According to her, the image of the younger son would be more suitable for such a public appearance. Don’t think he was unaware of her intentions.

Zheng Yucheng definitely did not want any variables in this matter. After all the hard work he put into it, he didn’t want it to turn into wedding clothes for someone else.

Chen Wengang lowered his eyes and looked at the planning documents in his hands. To say it was unfamiliar, of course, would be inaccurate.

In his previous life, he and Zheng Yucheng had worked through several sleepless nights to refine this final version with the planning company.

But to say it was familiar, after half a lifetime had passed, how could he remember the specific details?

The only vivid impression was that the planning company had been recommended by Zheng Yucheng’s sister, Zheng Dongqing, and the results were less than ideal.

She recommended a friend’s planning company to Zheng Yucheng in an attempt to curry favor with her husband, Xiang Hao, and cultivate business partnerships. Originally, a contractor of this caliber wouldn’t have had the opportunity to collaborate with the Zheng family. The company lacked sufficient industry reputation, experience, and assurance of execution.

However, owing to Zheng Yucheng’s consideration of his sister’s face, he still gave them a chance.

At that time, Chen Wengang had his heart in his mouth, fearing that the untested new company wouldn’t perform well and would negatively impact Zheng Yucheng. He personally supervised every step of the process.

After sleepless nights, checking and filling in the gaps, it finally came to an end smoothly. Then Zheng Yucheng hugged him, saying, “You truly are my capable right-hand man.”

But in the end, the planning company had significant issues. It was ultimately a small workshop that struggled to handle such a large project from the Zheng family. Their collaboration was poorly coordinated, and the execution was full of mistakes and omissions, making them the kind of second party the client never wants to deal with again.

Chen Wengang set the documents aside. “I don’t have any objections. Just confirm the time and venue yourself.”

However, when he returned to Zheng Maoxun’s office, he immediately faced a suspicious inquiry, “Where did you go?”

“For afternoon tea,” Chen Wengang calmly replied.

“Nonsense! I asked two people, and they didn’t see you at all,” Zheng Maoxun said, “Did you go to find Zheng Yucheng?”

“Can’t I even exchange a few words with him?” Chen Wengang chuckled. “You’ve deliberately annoyed him for days, and now you’re tailing me?”

Zheng Maoxun, in a huff, threatened, “I’ll expose you, saying you’re still entangled, accusing you of having a secret rendezvous!”

Chen Wengang raised his hand, “The most I talk to him about is work-related matters. Why are you so hard to please?”

Zheng Maoxun grunted a couple of times, ceased his threats, and, surprisingly, didn’t boss him around again for the rest of the day.


But sometimes bad things happen just as they are said.

The next day, a young woman from the administrative department rushed over to find Chen Wengang. She discreetly mentioned that something had gone wrong and asked if he could come and take a look.

The administrative department needed to coordinate various matters for the event preparation with Zheng Yucheng, and this young woman, Xiao Lin, was the designated liaison.

Therefore, she only knew that Chen Wengang had previously handled this work. Seeing him was like finding a lifeline: “Wengang, I know these things are not under your purview now, but since you’re familiar with them, could you please help us think of a solution together?”

As Chen Wengang was being pulled over by her, Zheng Yucheng was having a heated discussion in his office, suppressing his voice:

“Is this your first day on the job? Tell me, didn’t we book the ‘Crown Grand Hotel,’ not the ‘Crown Holiday Grand Hotel’? If I hadn’t remembered to check the confirmation, nobody would have noticed until now! Do you realize how serious of a work mistake this is?”

The error was incredibly basic.

The Crown Grand Hotel was the oldest and most prestigious six-star hotel in Jin City, with a history spanning over 150 years. It had hosted various major events, including many celebrity weddings, symbolizing a unique status and position. The Zhengshi Group was a longtime patron of the Crown Grand Hotel, holding its annual corporate meetings and all previous celebrations, team-building events, and press conferences there as a tradition.

However, due to the planning company’s lack of understanding and careless oversight, they mistakenly booked a similarly named knockoff hotel.

Yesterday, Chen Wengang reminded Zheng Yucheng to confirm the time and venue, doing his utmost—because he knew something like this would happen.

In his past life, he was the one trailing behind the planning company, demanding confirmation. However, this time, they discovered the mistake first. They immediately contacted the hotel to rebook the banquet hall. Luckily, it wasn’t peak season, and they managed to secure the venue scheduling.

These two weeks without Chen Wengang’s assistance didn’t go unnoticed by Zheng Yucheng, but it took him a week longer than in his previous life.

In Zheng Yucheng’s office, there were two individuals – one was the apologetic general manager, and the other was the specific project manager. They kept their heads down, continuously apologizing, “We’re truly sorry, Mr. Zheng. It’s our negligence…”

“I don’t need apologies!” Zheng Yucheng was furious. “I’m asking you, who can take responsibility for this?”

Xiao Lin, who had graduated from university just a year ago, trembled with fear. Holding her breath, she discreetly moved behind Chen Wengang.

This mistake wasn’t really her responsibility, as she only liaised with the event company and had some involvement in booking the venue. Seeing the intensity of the situation, she feared the other party might retaliate or that her superior might not consider the nuances and implicate her as well.

“Enough; we can settle the scores later,” Chen Wengang shielded Xiao Lin. “Just quickly contact the hotel and inquire about the situation.”

Zheng Yucheng sank onto the sofa, “If it weren’t for the unavailability, do you think I’d need to vent my frustration here?”

Chen Wengang was momentarily taken aback.

He had hoped that Zheng Yucheng would learn a lesson, so he remained silent. But he hadn’t expected it to come down to this.

Just yesterday, at eight o’clock in the evening, the banquet hall at the Crown Grand Hotel was snatched by another client.

Xiao Lin hung her head beside them, looking more dejected than even Zheng Yucheng.

Chen Wengang could only console, “Don’t worry, let’s think of other remedial solutions.”

The two individuals from the planning company wore troubled expressions. Having encountered a setback, they displayed no ability to handle emergencies. Annoyed by their incompetence, Zheng Yucheng dispatched them to another meeting room to await further instructions. He buried his face in his hands and sighed deeply.

The celebration date for the next month was naturally non-negotiable.

The tradition of holding events at the Crown Grand Hotel couldn’t be casually changed.

The only solution was to negotiate with the guests who booked the banquet hall on that day, hoping that they would be willing to discuss and vacate the space.

However, this was entirely dependent on luck. If the other party also had an important event or was adamant and refused to negotiate, it would be troublesome. Zheng Yucheng felt a bit dizzy at the prospect. This incident was a silent loss for him; he could only keep it under wraps and avoid making it a big issue.

The previous day, he was full of ambition to prove himself, and the next day, he had to admit to his father that he couldn’t handle even this small matter?

Others wouldn’t care who tricked him; the bottom line was that it would be a disgrace for the Zheng family. The competence of Zheng Bingyi’s heir would become a laughingstock.

Zheng Yucheng instructed Xiao Lin to sit down, “We will handle this matter internally. Don’t go out spreading the news, understand?”

Xiao Lin nodded vigorously, listening as he began to dial one number after another.

The hotel was initially unwilling to disclose the guest’s identity for privacy reasons.

In the end, it was only with the leverage of the Zheng family’s influence that Zheng Yucheng managed to extract the name from the familiar head of customer service:

“Okay, is the surname Yu? Yu Shanding, which Shan, and which Ding? Do you have his contact information?”

The head of customer service chuckled on the other end of the phone, “I secretly told you the name. If I say more, I might lose my job.”

Zheng Yucheng didn’t have much hope for directly obtaining more information. He jotted down the name on a piece of paper, feeling a bit familiar but unable to recall who it was.

Chen Wengang noticed but wore a somewhat strange expression.

Without waiting for a response, the door to Zheng Yucheng’s office was pushed open.

The newcomer seemed rather gleeful, neither entering nor leaving, just leaning against the door frame, peering inside: “I was wondering why I hadn’t seen Chen Wengang today. What’s going on, Dage? It turns out you’ve encountered trouble with next month’s event. Need me to lend a hand?”

“No need to trouble yourself.” Zheng Yucheng glanced at him. “Why, do you enjoy playing the role of a spy?”

“There is no need for spying.” Zheng Maoxun pursed his lips. “I just wanted to remind you. Those two idiots you brought in are still sitting in the meeting room. Anyone passing by might think they came to our company to collect debts with those gloomy faces of theirs.”

“I know. It’s none of your business; just go out.”

“Fine, I’m going out.” Zheng Maoxun arrogantly complied.

In a flash, Zheng Yucheng finally recalled who Yu Shanding was—

A local businessman, currying favor with the Huo family for business, always hanging around Huo Niansheng like a lackey.

“Wait a moment, Zheng Maoxun, come back.” Zheng Yucheng’s jaw clenched tightly. “Did the person named Huo do this?”

“What exactly are you talking about?”

“I’m asking you about the banquet hall at the Crown. This Yu Shanding—did Huo Niansheng instruct him to snatch it?”

“How would I know?” Zheng Maoxun said. “And did you get the concept wrong, dage? Come on, it’s not like someone stole your territory; it’s that you didn’t book it properly, right? Yes, I heard my cousin wanted to host a party, and I recommended that place to him. Can I guarantee he won’t listen to me? How would I know which day he’d choose? Don’t be absurd.”

But Zheng Yucheng’s face looked unpleasant. If it were someone else, it would be a coincidence, of course. Given Huo Niansheng’s relationship with Huo Meijie, he found it hard not to suspect. However, a crucial piece was missing—who would know the details of the progress of the event he was in charge of?

There were many low-probability possibilities; it could be a leak from any department, including the administrative or planning team.

Gritting his teeth, he unintentionally cast his gaze toward Chen Wengang.

The two brothers confronted each other like this, and the intensity of the smoke in the room skyrocketed. Small beads of sweat formed on Xiao Lin’s forehead, and she didn’t dare to make a sound.

The office door, blocked by Zheng Maoxun, couldn’t be closed properly. Employees passed by the corridor occasionally, and there were covert glances directed into the room.

“Enough.” Chen Wengang stood up, extending his arm to push Zheng Maoxun out. “Alright, don’t cause more trouble. Come with me.”

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