WTNL Chapter 274

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Chapter 274: You will teach me more, right?

In the vast, pale space, the anchors gradually awoke.

At the top of the large screen, the instance with the highest heat this time, “Changsheng Building,”  unsurprisingly ranked first. This also meant that the anchors who survived this instance not only received a large amount of team instance points as rewards, but also got a portion of the heat distribution.

The corresponding points were automatically deducted from the account, and the system began repairing Su Cheng’s body.

Soon, the weakness brought by being a sacrifice in “Changsheng Building” completely disappeared from his body, and he returned to his healthy state from before entering the instance.

Su Cheng moved his shoulders, raised his head again, and carefully scanned the hall, but still did not see Wen Jianyan’s figure.

He frowned.

This wasn’t the first time it had happened. In many previous instances, Wen Jianyan had always been the last to return to the anchor hall. However, for some reason, Su Cheng felt that… something seemed different this time. This premonition made him uneasy.


At this moment, the system’s settlement sound rang in his ears.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Su Cheng was still shocked by the generous rewards for clearing the team instance.

In addition to a large amount of points, several high-difficulty and rare achievements were unlocked consecutively. Although Su Cheng did not find any hidden items this time, as a reward for clearing the high-difficulty team instance, the system directly gave him a “Random Hidden Item Gift Pack,” which, when opened, would provide a chance to randomly obtain hidden items of different levels.

Below the gift pack, the item drop rates were displayed:

[Legendary Level: 0.01 / Difficult Level: 30 / Normal Level: 70]

Although the chance was very low, there was a possibility of directly obtaining a reusable legendary item by opening the gift box, and that alone was enough to attract many.

Su Cheng snapped out of the system settlement sounds, suddenly feeling something was off…

Wait a minute.

Although Wen Jianyan’s return was occasionally delayed, ranging from five to ten minutes, each time the system would only begin settlement after all the anchors had returned to the hall. In other words, his previous late returns were most likely due to system delays. This time…

The system didn’t delay at all. Even though Wen Jianyan had not yet appeared in the anchor hall, it started broadcasting directly.

Doesn’t it know that not everyone is back yet?

A certain absurd thought suddenly arose in Su Cheng’s mind.

He quickly pulled out his phone from his pocket and opened the guild interface.

Although their temporary team with Dark Fire would automatically disband after leaving the instance and they couldn’t continue to check their teammates’ status, Su Cheng, as the vice president of the “Law-Abiding Good Citizen” guild, still had the authority to see the online status of all members.

There weren’t many guild members, and scrolling down quickly reached the end. Clearly, during the time they were away, some members had also entered instances. Behind their names, the conspicuous words “broadcasting” were displayed, while the members not in instances were marked with “online,” including Su Cheng himself.


Behind Wen Jianyan’s name, not only did it not show “broadcasting,” it also didn’t display the “online” status after leaving the instance. Instead, it was a blank, and his status had turned a strange gray.

Su Cheng’s pupils contracted, revealing an expression of extreme shock.

When a name turned gray, it meant…

The anchor had died in the instance.

How could that be?!

Su Cheng’s mind was in turmoil, and he clenched his phone tightly, his fingertips turning almost white.

Clearly, the Changsheng Building instance had ended, and the ultimate main quest had been completed. All the crises had been eliminated, so how could Wen Jianyan die?!

No, maybe it’s not “death.”

Su Cheng carefully recalled the last instance, especially the strange behavior Wen Jianyan displayed at the end of it. He gradually calmed down, took a deep breath, and looked down at his phone again.

Although Wen Jianyan’s name had turned gray, the system had not automatically reassigned the guild president position.

This might mean…

The system itself wasn’t sure whether Wen Jianyan was still alive.

The moment this thought surfaced, Su Cheng was utterly shocked.

Could it be that Wen Jianyan had found a way to escape or temporarily evade the system’s control?


In a dark corner, a hand hung down, resting on the hem of a wedding robe.

The fingers were long, the knuckles curled, and the hand was slender and distinct.

The overly pale skin formed a stark contrast with the crimson wedding robe beneath it. The index finger’s knuckle was damp, deeply imprinted with a bright red bite mark, and the fingertips occasionally twitched, as if still recovering from an overwhelming impact.


Wen Jianyan pressed his feverish, sweaty forehead against the back of his hand, his eyelashes damp with tears, concealing his slightly dazed eyes.

He was breathing heavily, and his vision was swimming with darkness.

Damn it.

Wu Zhu’s learning ability was indeed very strong.

He had figured that out by now.

Whether it was kissing or any other skill, Wu Zhu could master them all quickly, even extrapolate and return the favor in double… which was particularly lethal.

After all, Wu Zhu wasn’t human.

And humans didn’t have tentacles.

Wen Jianyan was now deeply grateful that, in this deity’s concept and understanding, the relevant information was very scarce, almost entirely reliant on his personal teaching. And what he had taught was very limited and confined to very superficial interactions, or else the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking back to the scene of the last “lesson,” Wen Jianyan couldn’t help but feel a chill down his spine.

Even though Wu Zhu wasn’t human…

But that really shouldn’t be the size that a human should have.

His eyelashes trembled slightly as he raised his head, just in time to meet Wu Zhu’s golden eyes reflected in the glass, and he clearly witnessed the actions that followed.

A cold tongue glided over his moist fingertips, the stark contrast between crimson and pale obvious.

Clearly, it was a face of divine beauty, yet performing such an action felt completely natural.

That primal, almost violent gaze was tainted with a savage hue, with lust, greed, and hunger merging into an extreme, evil sense of oppression.

“Just as delicious as your blood,” Wu Zhu said.


Wen Jianyan’s pupils shook.


Before he could recover from his shock, Wen Jianyan suddenly noticed the abnormality in his surroundings.

The heated dizziness had disappeared, and his chaotic heartbeat and breathing had gradually calmed. He became increasingly aware that…

It was far too quiet around him.

It felt almost as if he were isolated from the world.

Without needing to think too deeply, Wen Jianyan immediately knew the answer to the problem.

The “Changsheng Building” instance had ended.

All the anchors still belonging to the nightmare had been withdrawn from this instance… except for him.

Because of the “mark.”

According to Wu Zhu, it was evident that the nightmare’s control over the anchors, that so-called “soul contract,” was the same as the name of Wu Zhu on his hipbone. It was also a form of mark. Before the “Changsheng Building” instance, although Wu Zhu’s power was gradually increasing with the gathering of fragments, the nightmare still held the upper hand overall. After the “Changsheng Building” instance, Wu Zhu’s power had greatly increased. Thus, when they were on the fifth floor, Wu Zhu had made such statements and drawn those conclusions.

He had announced the end of the transaction in advance.

His mark would gradually “consume” the nightmare’s, and Wen Jianyan’s soul control would transfer from the nightmare into his hands.

—In Wu Zhu’s words, what happened next would no longer concern Wen Jianyan.

He only needed to wait.

Clearly, this meant that Wu Zhu’s power had increased to a point where it could possibly stand against the nightmare, and even regarding the ownership of Wen Jianyan’s soul, it could faintly surpass the nightmare.

Before the “Changsheng Building” instance ended, Wen Jianyan had foreseen the arrival of this moment.

What he didn’t expect was that it would come so quickly.

Wu Zhu leaned down, his long, black hair flowing like a cold spring, cascading over the young man’s body, intertwining with the red wedding dress.

His figure had completely solidified, the boundless darkness spreading out, enveloping the two within:

“…But it’s not enough.”

Wen Jianyan was taken aback, as if he had just been pulled from his thoughts: “…What?”

“I said it’s not enough.”

Wu Zhu gazed at the young man’s figure in the mirror, his long, strong arm wrapping around his waist, holding him tightly in his embrace.

In those golden eyes flickered an insatiable, deep desire, like a beast that knew no satisfaction.

He opened his mouth to bite the tip of Wen Jianyan’s ear, grinding it with his sharp, white teeth.

“How strange; I don’t feel satisfied.”

“I want to do more.”

The cold darkness wrapped around the young man’s jaw, forcing him to turn his head and meet his gaze.

The crimson collar had already naturally opened, revealing the beautifully curved neck and a small portion of the excessively pale chest, which still bore faint red marks left by fleeting shadows. More branches of happiness extended downward, effortlessly parting the already messy front.

The firm, graceful, and powerful lines of his chest and abdomen sank deeply into the darkness beneath the hem of his clothing, rising and falling with the young man’s slightly hurried breaths, taut and relaxed.

He lay there, open and unguarded, in his embrace.

The skin was as pure as a handful of snow, making one want to leave some dirty, chaotic, bloody marks upon it.

Wu Zhu watched him, his beast-like pupils narrowing into a thin slit, glowing like molten gold in the darkness.


A fierce desire, similar to appetite yet not entirely the same, burned and churned, clamoring.

It told him:

Not enough.

Everything done before was not enough.

Wu Zhu lowered his head and viciously bit into Wen Jianyan’s collarbone.


A gasp escaped the young man’s throat, his chest rising and falling rapidly, the white contrasting against the red, like a vibrant and beautiful white fish, radiating warmth and vitality.

Wu Zhu raised his head, licking away the remaining blood at the corners of his lips, his eyes growing darker.

“You will teach me more, right?”

He stared at his prey, his voice hoarse, “We have plenty of time.”

Just as you said…

[After everything ends, we will be together forever.]

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  1. yeah it’s over . Like in what way could jianyan get out of this, wu zhu is literally now all-powerful and nothing wjy offers could possibly tempt him except what he already has: jianyan’s body and soul and… other things 🤭